Fiona and Coop entered a contest where they'd answer questions correctly to get points, and if they were smart enough, they'd win the prize at the end. They won, but later, Coop found an answer key and realized that Fiona had memorized it and cheated to win. He told her he wouldn't tell anyone and still liked her. They won the prize, which was the materials and cash for a celebratory party, and Fiona was shocked to find out the party wasn't for her, but to celebrate that it had been the 10th anniversary of Coop and Dennis' friendship together. She said she had to go home and do chores at Mrs. Munson's house, and eventually, Coop figured out that she must have been made upset, and followed her to the woods.

He saw Fiona crying while sitting down with her back against a tree, and was even more surprised when Phoebe came up to her. " Hi, " she said nervously, causing Fiona to notice she was there. Phoebe revealed she was hiding a wrapped present behind her back, and opened the present. She pulled out a soccer ball autographed by Paul Lee, a famous soccer player that Coop looked up to, and gave it to her.

" I was planning on giving it to Coop so maybe he'd forgive me for my past behavior, but... what would be the point? He wouldn't appreciate a gift from me anyways! He'd probably say I was coming on too strong by giving him a gift, and I wouldn't be allowed to hang out with him anymore. So, I decided that you deserved this. " Fiona smiled and said, " Thanks, Phoebe! " Phoebe said, still pitying her for crying, " Think of it as a birthday present. " Fiona gasped and said happily, " You remembered my birthday! "

Phoebe looked confused when Fiona complained, " I only got one birthday present today, from Jessica, because everyone else forgot!... Not even my own father remembered! He was too busy shooting deer with his stupid ' Guns for Everyone ' group! Then I thought Coop was gonna throw me a surprise party and it turns out it was for Dennis, and not even he remembered! " She smiled and said, " But you did!... Thank you so much! "

She gave her a hug, and Phoebe returned it and said, " Well, you're welcome, " with a nervous smile, while Coop stared at the scene in surprise. Not only was he upset that Phoebe wouldn't give him a gift he would've liked because she thought he'd hate getting a gift from her, but he was devastated that barely anyone celebrated Fiona's birthday.

He ran back to the party at his house and told Dennis the whole story, and he understood and went along with his plan. When Fiona and Phoebe came to his house, they were surprised when Coop had turned the party into a surprise birthday party for Fiona, making her think he was planning it all along. Phoebe said to Dennis, " Wow, that was nice of him... " as Fiona went to the kitchen to get some cake that was re-frosted to say, " Happy birthday. " She was still jealous, but was better at hiding it now. " Phoebe, is it true that you were gonna give Coop an autographed soccer ball from Paul Lee? "

Phoebe looked unhappy, and said, " Yeah... But if I did that, Coop would say I was coming on too strong and flirting with him again. He'd never appreciate a gift from me! I was hoping if I gave him the gift, he'd forgive me for freaking him out so much in the past!... But... then I saw Fiona crying, and... well, you know I'm not exactly best buddies with her, but, I still felt sorry for her. " Dennis said,

" You've really changed for the better, Phoebe. I'm proud of you! " Phoebe finally said with sincerity, " Thank you... Thanks for everything, Dennis; for convincing Coop to let me help him, for saving the world all the time, and for being nice enough to be my friend. I'm really glad things worked out the way they did. " Dennis smiled and said, " You're welcome. "

After a silence, Phoebe chuckled and said, " So, where's the hairless freak? I haven't seen him all day! " Dennis said nonchalantly, " Oh, he made a bunch of Fishy Frisky Bits grow to huge size in the woods, and he's been there all day. I think a bunch of cats are fighting him for them or something. Anyway, it doesn't matter. We sure don't want Kat to use the invention against Coop! But we've got plenty of time, so we'll fight Kat later. " " Who's talking about LATER? " She pounded her fists together and said, " I'll be right back, " clearly wanting to hurt Kat as a method of stress relief. She left the party.

Author's Notes: And that's the final chapter! As you could probably tell, I wasn't as motivated with this story as I was with other ones like The Rescue Mission. I fully give permission right here and now to expand on these chapters to make fully-fledged stories and to use this story's universe. I'm retiring for a while. As for my future plans? As I mentioned at the end of The Redemption, I plan to establish a review site/opinions blog where I'll talk about games. I've figured out what website maker I'm gonna use to publish it, so now I'm just waiting until I've written every Sonic review I have planned and made their websites. I was expected to be in my website creator course until June, but I finished it in about a month. I was surprised by how easy it was for me. So I can make a website, I just can't get it seen yet. If I publish my first review right away, they'll expect another one really soon when I'm not ready yet, so I'm waiting a while. I want to have pictures in my reviews, but here's the problem. I can't record games. Well, I MIGHT be able to record off my Wii right now, I don't know, I have a video for that bookmarked at least, but I don't know if I have all the equipment yet. I wanna be able to record games so that I can get my own pictures instead of taking pictures of Sonic games from other people's playthroughs and having people complain at me that I've done " copyright infringement " out of necessity, so I wanna know how to record the games I wanna play to get my own pictures for them. And since I'll be recording them, I figure I might as well reuse the footage for post-commentary and a video review, the former of which won't require much for the Wii other than Audacity (which I just got) and a 35 dollar USB headset. Here's my BIG PROBLEM, though. How do I record games that I don't have on my Wii? How do I record games like Sonic Advance 1 and 2, Sonic Rush, Sonic Generations and Sonic Generations 3DS? How do I get to play Sonic Pocket Adventure without the Neo Geo Pocket Color and cartridge, without getting a virus or getting caught? I don't know the safe way to get the technology required to record them without catching a virus or getting in trouble, you know what I mean? Maybe I could ask someone on Steam, but who, and how could I do that without breaking the rules of a forum? Why does it have to be so complicated to record stuff? So basically, I may have plans to become a Sonic game reviewer and commentator at some point, using my own username CrystalMaiden 77, but I need help getting the equipment necessary for it. If you or anyone you know can tell me how to get this stuff safely, then please tell me. Also, I've added more music to my Sonic playlist, which I plan to have fantastic music from every Sonic game I can find with such gems in it. So there's music from games like Sonic Rivals, Sonic CD, and Sonic Riders on it, for example. That's all I have to say. CrystalMaiden77, signing out!