This was just a normal day to our ghostly hero, Danny Fenton, aka Danny Phantom. You may say that fighting ghosts, saving people, and doing daily activities may not be a normal day to you, but to our ghostly hero it was. From fighting ghosts, protecting his town, love ones and friends, going to school, hanging out with friends, running away from fans, hanging out with his family, this was what Danny considered a normal day ever since he had gotten his ghost powers and revealed his secert to the world. The days he considered not being normal are the days that somehow find himself in another time, going into a different dimension, traveling to a whole different world,or something along that line. And soon, our halfa is going to find out that today, was going to be one of those days.

Flashes of green light illuminated the sky, it was as if a heart was beating, In the miss of the flashes, Danny was battling it out with a ghost know as Skulker, the Ghost Zone's greatest hunter, who was once again after the ghost boy's pelt once again. The two of them battle exchanging blows for what felt like hours, until Danny manage to weaken Skulker enough to suck him into the Fenton Thermos. "I will be back ghost child! You can not escape from the Ghost Zone's greatest hunter!" Skulker called oaf as he was being sucked into the thermos.

"That what you said last time," Danny replied as he watch enemy being suck into the thermos, ''And for the last time, I will never become another one of your wall art!" then he slapped down and looked the led on the thermos. He then looked around his surroundings to see if there was another ghost near by, and when he saw nothing, he took a look at his phone and saw that it was five minutes to 10. "Ok, if no more ghosts decide to come and attack me, I may just be able to get home on time before curfew," then he took off.

Dunning the fly homes Danny didn't run into any other ghosts that had decided to come after him or to threaten the town. On his patrol of the night, Danny manage to fight off and captureSkulker, Technus, Desiree, and a few other ghosts, oh and you couldn't forget about capturing the Box Ghost... again. Besides the ghost fighting, it was beautiful night, the sky was dean letting you see the twinkling and shining stars, a nice summer wind was blowing, a perfect night for a fly. If he was able to, Danny would of stayed out a bit longer to enjoy the weather, boy he had to get home if he didn't want to be grounded once again. Even now, with his parents knowing his secert and all, he still had to get home at a certian time if he didn't want be grounded, but at least now he had a reason why he came home late some night, when he didn't really have one before.

Soon his house came into view and he only had a few minutes before he was late. So with a burst of speed, Danny flew to his house, turning intangible, he flew into the building wall and floated in the middle of the living room, he had about one minute left to spare. With a sigh of relief, Danny floated down to the floor, letting the ghostly white rings travel across his body, turning him back to his human half. once he was fully transformed to his human half, he called out,"Mom! Dad! I'm home!"
"We're down in the lab sweety!" his mom, Maddie called out from the basement where the lab was located.
Danny then made his way downstairs where he saw his parents working on a new project, hopefully something the weren't going to try on him later. "So how did tonight's patrol go?" Maddie asked her son her voice laced with curiosity.

"It went well," Danny hepsied as he made his way over to the ghost portal, "I was to stop and capture Stalker, Technus, Desiree, a few other ghosts, oh and the Box Ghost... again," he then contacted the thermos to the ghost portal sending all the ghosts residing inside the thermos back into the ghost zone.

"The Box Ghost again?" Maddie asked him, "How many times has it been this week that the attack? Was it about 15 times?"

"I think it was more like 18," Jake commented in thought.

"More like 20," Danny commented with a laugh, "I'm going to head to bed."

Off to the side of the room the Ghost Gabber went off saying, "I'm giving to head to bed, fear me!"

"Oh come on!" called out as he was about to take a step up the stairs, but ended up turning around to face his parents, "You guys are still working on that? How many times do I have to tell you that there no need to fix it because of me?"

Jake then spoke up sounding a little panic as he replied, "We weren't trying to fix it. We were checking it out to make sure that it was still working properly...Yeah, that's."

"Whatever, I'm going to head to now before another ghost attacks," then made his way up stairs.

Just as Danny was about close the door behind him, the Ghost Gabber activated again saying, "I'm going to head to bed before another ghost attacks, fear me!"

Upstairs Danny could be heard yelling out, "Ohh, came on!" and then he slammed the basement door behind him close, as he resisted destroying the stupid device with one of his ghost ways.

Danny made his way ito his bedroom, still a bit steamed from the Ghost Gabber copying. But there was One thing he didn't get about said device, why did it always says ''Fear me!" at the end of all of his sentences that it copies from him. One day he hoped to get to the bottom of that mystery someday. But he was soon dragged away from his thoughts when he saw his ghost sense go off, "Not again, can't they give me a break for once?" Danny complained as he opened his bedroom door but stopped in his tracks for what he saw. On his bed sat a calm looking pale gray-blue cat with icy blue eyes, and looked as if it was glowing. Danny never saw a ghost like this before, if it was a ghost that is. Without another thought, he asked, "Who are you? And what are you doing in my room?"

The strange cat stared at him, blinked, then answered in a calm female voice, "My name is Blue Star, once leader of ThunderClan. I mean you no harm, I mainly seek your assistance to help save my forests and all the clans that reside in it."

ThunderClan? What could that be? And when could cats talk? Danny asked himself, but before he could ask or say anything, another voice interrupted him, "Bluestar is speaking the truth Daniel."
Danny recognize the voice and saw Clockwork appearing beside Bluestar. "Clockwork what's going on?" Danny asked him clearly confused on what this cat was saying, "What does Bluestar mean by ThunderClan? And why does she need my help?"

"Thunderclan is the name of one of the four groups of cats that lives in a forest a little bit away from here," Clockwork answered, "The other three clans are known as WindClan, RiverClan and ShadowClan. There is another group of cats as well, they are know as StarClan and are the clan's ancestors."
"But that doesn't explain to me as to why they need my help," Danny commented crossing his arms.
This time it was BlueStar who answered, "In the near feature, a great evil will come and cover the forest in darkness. But we need a great warrior to raise and save the clans and the animals living in the forest. For this, we cats of StarClan has chosen you to become that great warriors Danny Phantom."
Danny wasn't sure what to think of this. Sure it would be cool to help some groups of wild cats, the job of saving people was clearly not new to him. But what would happen if he left? How long would he be gone? What would happen to his town if he disappeared on it? What if he put everyone he cared about in danger if want on this mission?

"There no need to worry," Clockwork told him as if reading his mind, "I'm sure your friends and family will be able to take care of the themselves when your gone."

"That what I'm mostly worried about," Danny thought, sure Tucker, Sam and Jazz could take care of things when he's gone, but what about his parents? Sure, they have gotten better over the past mouths, but they still worry him. "But what if people notice that I'm gone and start to wonder where I disappeared to?" he asked them.

"I'll take care of all of that," Clockwork insured him, "All you will be needing to worry about, will be the mission at hand."

With a sigh, Danny replied with, ''Fine I'll go. As long as you make sure nothing terrible happens here. I want to have a place to come home to after this is done."

"That's fare enough," BlueStar replied, "But for this, you must become one of us, because back in the forest, we don't trust two-legs that well."

"Two-legs?" Danny asked in confusion, "And I have to become a cat?"

BlueStar nodded, "A two-leg is what we call you humans. And yes, but you will still have your ghost powers, and still he able to change between your two forms."

He will have to become a cat, but still be able to use his ghost powers, and save a forest filled with cats, this was going to a awsome and crazy adventure, or was going to be down right terrible. "When do I have to leave?" Danny decided to ask after a bit.

"Right now," BlueStar answered, Clockwork then created a portal underneath Danny causing him to slowly sink into it. As Danny was slowly sinking into the portal, BlueStar spoke again, "Once you arrive at the forest, seek the group of cats called ThunderClan. Don't tell them the truth as to why you are there right away, and don't tell them about your powers. Let them find out for themselves, but you can leave hints as to who you are and why you are there. We already sent word to the ThunderClan's medicine cat of a cat coming to save the clans. All that will be left for you to do is to follow the prophecy and do your job. Once you're there you will learn our ways as well and hopefully follow them. Good luck young one."

With that being said, Danny was completely inside the portal and once the portal was close, all Danny could see was darkness. BlueStar looked at the place that Danny disappeared at and said, "I'm sure that he would make a fine warrior."

''He already is one, in more ways then one," Clockwork commented with a smile.

Somewhere else

It was complete darkness, but the forest could be seen. But soon the forest started to be covered in a layer of darkness. At the base of the trees sat a cat that was far enough away that you could only see it coloring, it was a white and black cat with icy blue eyes. But soon, light enveloped the creature and a black and white cat with unearthly glowing green eyes. As these events were taken place, a familiar voice could be heard in the background, "When the forest is covered in darkness, the cat that defies death will rise to save the clans."

Just then a pair of clear blue snaped opened.

I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter of The Phantom Warrior. This is not really going to follow the Warrior Series timeline because I don't really remember the timeline that well and I haven't really read all the books of it yet, the last one I remember reading was A Dangerous Path. So once I head somemore of the books, I may add same stuff from them into it as well, and sorry in advance if I mess up on how some of the charaters act.

Oh and when I was typing up the Ghost Gabber part I was laughing my head off. I hope that you guys also found that part in funny someway.

Until the next time, Flare, over and out!

Warriors and Danny Phantom does not belong to me