No Choice At All

By Mistress Potter

A/N: Sorry for all the waiting…been partying too much outside and going to very important reunions. Well, at least I was able to update. Enjoy. **

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Voldemort strode trough the chambers along with his new servant Sirius Black. Sirius heart pounded blissfully waiting to see his Godchild's face filled with so much ecstasy at the sight of his Godfather. It had been after all six months since he hadn't seen him and he thanked the gods for Voldemort sparing his precious life. But cursing them for what Voldemort might have done to him.

Then they reached their final destination. The entrance to one of Voldemort's private chambers was exquisite unlike the others he had seen which were old and had and horrid murky green color and splattered the walls with dried blood.

Years of imprisonment in Azkaban made Sirius very aware of the scenes that surrounded him. Voldemort eyed Sirius for a moment before he replied softly to him.

"Now, you are aware that you are now my servant…and as I say I won't allow you to have an *intimate * relationship with my most precious servant…the consequences will be severe…but I trust you in not hurting my servant" he paused briefly and Sirius nodded.

"I do…he is MY Godchild after all and never in all my years hurt Harry…I would die if I ever intend to touch him…although I must ask you the same request to you, after all you were the one who strived to harm my Godchild…" The last words remarked Voldemort clearly and his answer was only a cruel smile on his face.

This man had enough courage to speak to him in this matter to his new master. Many of them would of died if they spoke this way to the Dark Lord, but there was something about Sirius that made him different from his other servants, in fact anyone he had known and encountered. Something he couldn't put his finger on…

Voldemort faced the door and murmured very quickly in Parseltongue. The door slowly opened, the creaking sound making the back of Sirius's hair stand up. He closed his eyes for a few moments and opened them slowly when he had a clear view of Voldemort's chamber.

It was beautiful really. Dark colored walls shrouded in green and silver banners. Beautiful furniture gold and silver and candles and torches floating across the room dimly lighted it.

The curtains were green mixed with silver and the bed's sheets were black. The pillows were white and the whole room was decorated with other furniture. And a soft king sized bed…Sirius's eyes widened. In that bed laid his sleeping Godchild.

"Harry…what did you do to him…he's not –" Sirius questioned very offensively.

"No…he's not dead as I made myself clearer before, Sirius…he's only asleep, but no worry, I'll wake him up…" Voldemort strode over to Harry's direction.

The child was gorgeous. Like an angel sleeping cozily in the puffy clouds of heaven. Red lips were parted as the child breathed through his mouth. It must have been difficult for the boy to breath after his and Voldemorts excursion. Voldemort leaned down and cupped Harry's face lightly and gently, wiping away droplets of sweat from his forehead and tears from closed eyes.

"Wake up, my darling. I have something for you" he whispered in Parseltongue. The child responded by opening his eyes slowly. He was now face to face with Voldemort and he made no progress in shifting away from the man who was sharing the same bed as him.

Harry gulped and straightened himself up. What orders was Harry now to follow? Clearly none since every since Voldemort claimed him Harry hadn't done any of his master's dirty work. What was that something he wanted to show him?

Voldemort had suddenly released Harry and gave him one last look at him. He sauntered lazily towards Sirius and murmured softly.

"I'll leave you with Harry for only an hour…by then I'll come back and you'll have to leave. You should go back to the Great Hall in which all my servants will attend for a new meeting, do you understand?" Voldemort inquired flatly.

"Yes, My Lord" Sirius uttered back. His last words were as though he declined to address Voldemort his lord. Voldemort took notice of this but made no sudden movement of infernal attack. He looked back at Harry who seemed to have trouble straightening himself up and face both Voldemort and Sirius.

"Fine…I'll leave you two alone, and remember what I said" His last words and he soon stormed from his chamber, the entrance sealing itself after Voldemort. Sirius stood quiet still, hearing carefully until Voldemort's footsteps vanished for completely.

He smiled softly and faced his Godchild who hadn't distinguished his Godfather's presence for the intricacy he had in sitting in bed. He had not whirled around and faced his Godfather yet. But Sirius walked forward and placed his two hands around Harry's waist and sat him appropriately on his lap. His Godchild was so small and underweight; it looked like he hadn't grown and eaten in years…or months to be specific. His small feet were dangling almost two or three feet away from the floor.

Harry shrieked and flinched from his unknown attacker's touch. He reeled his body, facing the kind man. The man who had provided him love, care and safeguard as no other person could do for Harry. This was Sirius Black, the only person Harry was anxious to meet for over six months.

"Sirius…" Harry whispered, a voice in which it told us that he was about to whimper in cheerfulness.

"Harry…" Sirius placed back Harry onto his lap and Harry gradually embraced his Godfather tightly. "Oh, Sirius…" "Shush, Harry, shush…everything will be all right…he's not here to hurt you anymore"

"Oh Sirius, I've missed you so much…" Grief and joy were on the boy's voice.

"I've missed you too, my Harry…" Sirius leaned forward and kissed Harry's cheeks softly and Harry showed the same affection to his Godfather as well. There was simply no other way to express his joy to see his Godfather once again.

Harry soon was released out of his Godfather's touch, but still kept one of his hands on Harry's back and the other one around his slim waist. "Wait…why are you here…what happened, I though Voldemort was going to get –"

"Rid of me? Maybe, but Voldemort needed me, according to what he said. Plus the fact that he didn't want you to mourn for me if he killed me…"

"Huh?" Red lips parted in question. Voldemort's attachment to Harry seemed to confuse the child even more.

Sirius chuckled softly and resumed speaking. "It seems that Voldemort's has a sudden attachment towards you, Harry…but I'm not sure…only you can tell me what happened while you and Voldemort were alone"

A glowing blush spread across Harry's face and he faced the wall rather than his Godfather. "I-I-I-I don't know what you mean…"

Sirius eyes his godchild suspiciously. "Harry, you wouldn't lie to me…would you?"

He gently tilted Harry's face close to his and looked deep into those innocent emerald eyes. Harry's tears managed to stream out and touch Sirius clammy hands. With his free hand, Sirius brushed the tears softly from Harry's eyes. The same sort of comfort Voldemort showed Harry…except that Harry did trust and loved this man.

"Well…soon after Voldemort claimed me in front of everyone, I remembered him placing a curse on me that made me drowsy and exhausted…then I awoke in a bed…in Voldemort's bed, in h-h-h-his arms…" The blush that tended to take over Harry's cheeks now tended to take over his whole pale face. "He touched me and I begged him not to…but he just continued, until he stopped and made a deal with me."

"A deal? What kind of deal, Harry?"

"He proposed to me if I didn't accept him as my master, that he was to get rid of Ron and my other friends"

"That bastard!! I can't believe he did this to you!! He rapes you and then makes a deal with you that could cost Ron's life!? I swear I'll kill him one of these days…" The tone in Sirius's voice was something Harry had heard before, but not as harsh and deadly as in this moment. Without notice he gripped Harry's waist harshly making Harry wince and place his face on Sirius chest.

"Oh! Oh, god! I'm sorry Harry!! Please forgive me…" Sirius rubbed Harry's waist as in act of contrition. He couldn't believe that his anger could cause harm to a beloved person.

"It's all right…you're here and that's what matters…" Harry faced Sirius and gave him a warm smile, which Sirius took it gratefully. Sirius stroked Harry's hair and smoothed his cheek gently and looked again into those innocent green eyes of his. Six horrible months might have passed, but the innocence and pureness of his Godchild would never vanish not matter how many tried to make him miserable. He leaned forward and kissed Harry's forehead.

"Sirius…you still hadn't told me how you survived…how did Voldemort let you live?"

"Well, Voldemort made a deal with me as well…a deal in which I couldn't refuse. I had to join him in order to see you but also secretly to keep you safe away from him…" Harry's eyes widened. "He spared Remus and other professors as well, although I must say Remus did seem quiet disappointed with me for joining Voldemort but he understood my need for you…however I refuse to do Voldemort's bidding…"

"But why? You did this for me? You didn't have to…you just didn't have to…" Harry lowered his face and a heartbreaking expression overwhelmed him. Sirius tilted his face to Sirius's level and smiled.

"I have to…you're MY Godson and it's my duty to protect you and love you till the day I die…even in death I'll protect you…I promised this to James, and I will not break my promise." Harry smiled and his eyes watered. He leaned forward a pressed a chaste kiss on Sirius's chin. "Thank you…I don't know what I'll do without you…"

"There's no need to thank me…" He embraced his Godson tenderly.

They pulled away and Harry spoke. "Sirius…what will we do know?"

"Don't worry. I'll try to figure out a way to get you out of here, as well as our friends. The Professors and I agreed to join Voldemort's side but only because we wanted to keep you and the students safe…for now, tell me were is Ron?"

Harry gulped and looked at Sirius with mournful eyes. He stuttered as he spoke.

"H-h-he's w-with W-w-w-wormtail" Sirius gasped. He knew Wormtail perfectly well...and his appalling ways of thinking. He was capable of doing anything to Ron…anything.

Harry looked at him and Sirius replied. "Don't worry. I'll try to find a way of finding Ron and I'll inform you if he's all right…"

"But…I'm also worried about Parvati…she's with, with Lucius Malfoy and I'm afraid that he'll do anything to her…I can't lose her just as I lost Hermione…"

Sirius felt Harry's need of comfort and he stroked him and hushed him. However, Harry had a point there. Lucius Malfoy was capable of doing anything to Parvati…Sirius had seen that girl but only a few time. A pretty and kind girl, just like Lily except that Parvati was very feminine. And Lucius was well…there was no other word for it…a sadist.

Sirius had to find a quick way to save these children before they were harmed. But how? He had to discuss this with his comrades. He looked over at the hourglass. They had only one minute left and Sirius was going to make this last minute the best he could.

He looked down at Harry and soothed his back protectively. He kissed his cheeks and forehead softly…oh, how he wished he cold spent more time with Harry. To comfort him forever and lay away his fears of Voldemort. He cradled Harry back and forth until they heard the creaking of a door.

Sirius faced the door, and in it's place stood Voldemort. There was something very irritating about his face. As though Voldemort did not appreciate the scene he had before his eyes. He was clutching his wand fiercely as if to break it.

Harry opened his eyes and looked at Voldemort softly. He prayed for him not to harm his Godfather.

"I believe an hour has passed…"

"Yes. It has" Sirius stated angrily, determined not to let go of the child in his lap.

"Hmmmm…" Voldemort sighed, the irritated expression still on his face.

"If you'll excuse me, I have to leave…" He gave Harry one last look and one last kiss, this time not in his forehead or cheeks. But on his lips.

Harry's eyes widened and Voldemort's expression soon turned to pure hatred. Voldemort cleared his throat and Sirius had released Harry. He mouthed 'I'll be back' while Harry mouthed 'Please…come back soon, don't leave me with this monster'

Sirius smiled at Harry and headed to the door. He had not faced Voldemort, who eyed him angrily as if to kill him for touching his most prized possession.

Then he left them alone…in the chamber. He hoped to see his Godchild very soon.