Disclaimer: I do not own Descendants in any way or the characters... Only additional characters that may be added in and the plot.

Author's Note: A bit of background on this story... Ben's coronation was on 3rd March the same date as I am having Ben's birthday in this story. This chapter starts in the middle of October 6 weeks after the new school year starts. Also, Ben's parents (Beast and Belle) have now accepted Mal as Ben's girlfriend since she saved them at the coronation.

Mal's POV.

I sat next to Evie in our Intermediate Goodness class with Fairy Godmother when I suddenly felt very unwell. "M? You okay?" Evie asked me, I assume because I looked as ill as I felt in that particular moment. I could only shake her head in response before darting from the classroom, casting a quick glance at the next table where Carlos and Jay are sat, and into the nearest girls toilet. Rushing into the first stall and just managing to kneel down before I was violently ill. After a couple of minutes I heard someone come into the toilets which was quickly followed by my best friends voice. "M? You in here?" Evie called out. Flushing the toilet as I now felt a little better I left the stall to come face to face with my blue haired friend with a worried look on her face.

"What are you doing here, E?" I asked the other girl while going to the sink to rinse my mouth out. God I hate being ill. Mostly because of what my mother used to be like back on the isle.

"Fairy Godmother asked me to make sure your okay. Are you?" She asked me. She was visibly worried about me probably because this is the first time I have ever let myself become noticably ill since I was small.

"I guess, it was probably just all that junk food I've been eating the past few weeks. Can you tell her I've gone back to the dorm please. I'm still not a hundred percent." I responded. Suddenly feeling tired and just wanting to go to sleep.

"Yeah sure. Text me if you need anything M." Was the last thing Evie said before giving me a brief hug and going back to class. I left shortly after, once I was sure I wouldn't throw up on the way back. I reached my dorm a few minutes later and immediately laid on my bed.

I turned over to face the wall next to her bed hoping to be more comfortable laid that way when I noticed my calendar didn't have the mark on indicating my period. Sitting up a little too quickly, making myself feel even more sick, I flipped back to last month and noticed that month didn't have the little red star on it either. It was then I realised I would have to go get myself a test. I had been that busy with her school work and spending time with Ben that I hadn't noticed. Putting on a hat to cover her hair and sunglasses to cover my face. Hoping no one would recognise me underneath it all. The last thing I need was for Ben to read an article online about me buying a pregnancy test.

I was back within an hour and was now sat on my bed waiting for the five minutes to be up to look at the test. I became so lost in my thoughts of what I would do if it was positive when my phone chimed to indicate the time was up I jumped slightly. Looking down at my hands holding the test I turned it over so I could see the small window. Pregnant. Damn, how would Ben take this. Thinking it was best just to get it over with I sent a text to Ben saying we needed to talk soon. Two minutes later a knock on her door surprised me. I slid the test into her bedside cabinet so whoever was at the door wouldn't see it I got up and opened the door slightly. "Ben!?" I said, shocked to see him so soon. "What are you doing here?"

"You text em and said we needed to talk so here I am." He replied. I stepped back to let him past and once the door was closed he spoke again. "Mal, what's going on?"

"Ben, I'm..." I began to tell him but I began tearing up half way through so I decided it was just better to show him. I walked over to my bedside cabinet, pulled open the drawer and just handed Ben the test.

"What's this?" He asked me. Turning the test over in his hand, his eyes widening when he saw the word, pregnant. "You're pregnant!?" He exclaimed. Pulling me into a hug as I began to nod. "Mal, this is amazing! I'm so happy right now."

"Really?" I asked. Not completely believing his reaction.

"Yeah." He said, finally releasing me from his hug. "Wait, is there anything you need? Anything to eat?" Urgh why did he have to mention food. Now I feel sick again. I shook my head too worried that if I tried to talk I would throw up again. After a couple of minutes Ben began to worry that Mal hadn't spoken. "Mal, are you okay?"

I began nodding and realised I needed to start talking. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just felt really sick then." Ben gave a brief nod before I continued. "Ben I wanna tell you parents and Evie but I wanna wait to tell everyone else. How do you feel about that?" I asked him not knowing how he wanted to go about things.

"I'm fine with that Mal but I also think we should tell Fairy Godmother. You need someone at school who knows apart from me and Evie." I nodded again seeing his reasoning and completely agreeing. "Do you want the rest of the day off school Mal?"

"Oh, I already have. Fairy Godmother sent Evie to check on me after I ran out of the class this morning and I told Evie to tell her I was taking the day off school as I was unwell." I explained.

"Okay, then I think we should tell my parents. I'll take the day off as well and we can sort some things out, okay?" I just smiled at him. He's taking this much better then I thought. "Come on we'll take my bike." Ben said leading me out of my room.

It took 30 minutes to get to Castle Beast. Now we were there I was starting to get nervous. I mean me and Ben's parents have been getting on better lately but now I'm beginning to wonder if this news will make them go back to not trusting me anymore. Ben must have sensed my unease as when he got off his bike he took my hand and said "Mal, it'll be fine. Come on."

I followed him into the castle where me met Belle and Beast who were obviously coming out to meet us. "Ben, Mal, shouldn't you two be in school?" Belle asked us.

"Yeah, Mom but we wanted to come and talk to you and Dad." Ben replied. I took a deep breath as we followed them into the living room. This would go one of two ways they would accept it or go absolutely ballistic. I sat next to Ben opposite his parents when Ben started talking again. "Okay I have no idea how you are going to take this so I'm just going to come out and say it. Mal's pregnant. We found out today." Ben decided to stay quiet after that and I felt too sick to talk but more worryingly so, Ben's parents had still not said anything. It was at least five minutes before Beast spoke.

"Are you kidding me!? How can you be that irresponsible!? Really Ben." He calmed and took a deep calming breath when Belle placed her hand on his arm. "I'm not mad just..." He took another deep breath "Disappointed." I released a breath I didn't even realise I was holding when Belle spoke. "I'm assuming you haven't made a doctors appointment yet then, Mal?" I just shook my head in response not trusting my voice or gag reflex enough to try and speak. "Okay well you obviously aren't that far along so why don't you two stay here tonight since it's Friday and we can talk more tonight or tomorrow." Both me and Ben nodded until I was hit with the worst wave of nausea I've ever had in my life. I knew straight away that I wouldn't be able to fight this off and ran straight for the nearest toilet/bathroom slamming the door closed behind me and kneeling at the toilet just in time, being violently sick for the second time this morning.

I jumped slightly when I felt someone pull my hair back out of my face and rub soothing circles on my back. "Shh, it's okay Mal, it's only me." Belle said noticing me jump when she moved my hair. After a few minutes I stopped feeling so sick and lent back away from the toilet, flushing it as I went. Belle let go of my hair as I shuffled against the wall. She handed me a cloth and a glass on water from the tap kneeling next to me. "When did the morning sickness start Mal?" She asked me in a soothing voice. Taking a sip of water I replied "This morning." Belle just nodded her understanding and helped me up.

"Can you tell Ben I've gone to get some things from my dorm for tonight please?" I asked the former queen. She began to nod before a worried look came over her face. "What?" I asked not understanding why she would be worried. I've teleported a thousand times over the summer in front of her.

"Are you sure your feeling up to it, Mal?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, Belle. I promise. I'll be back in a few." I said before disappearing in a small amount of purple smoke.

Ben POV.

My Mom came back into the living room after about five minutes or so but without Mal. "Hey Mom, where's Mal?" I asked. Surely she can't still be being sick.

"Oh, she just teleported back to her dorm to get some things for staying here tonight." Mom replied. I just nodded in reply. Mal should be back soon.

Mal POV.

"Oh crap!" I exclaimed. Once I teleported into mine and Evie's room I noticed it was a total mess. All my things are thrown all over the the drawers of my bedside cabinet are on the floor. I can see all my things other then my spell book. I bagen moving everything in the hopes of finding it but I was interrupted when my phone rung. Answering my phone I said "Hello?... Hi Evie... What?... Why are you in the woods?... Okay, I'll come get you now... Don't move from that clearing... Bye"

Well cleaning the room up and finding my spell book would have to wait. I thought as I teleported to the clearing Evie said she would wait for me in.

Arriving in the clearing I couldn't see Evie. Domn it Evie! I told you not to move! "Evie!" I called out in the hope she was still nearby. "Evie!"

It was then I heard a noise behind me. I began to turn around to find the source of the noise hoping it was Evie when everything suddenly went black.

Author's Note: This is my first attempt at writing a FanFic. Please comment/review what you guys think.