West Virginia part 6

While the others where in the process of getting their coats and wraps. Piper and Dan where on their way back towards the house. Suddenly Dan pulled Piper towards some bushes that where along the side of the path they had been walking at. "Piper" Dan whispered as he placed a hand on her cheek. Piper tried to pull away from him. And even though he was not hurting her. He was holding on tight enough for her not to able to get herself loose. "Please Piper. I just want one little kiss. We are to be married!" Dan said in a soft voice. "Please Dan let go of me. This is not proper behavior!" Piper said in an alarming tone. Dan backed of a little but not far enough for Piper to get away from him. It almost seemed to her that he was waiting for something. She just couldn't put her finger on what it was.

Then it seemed like Dan had turned in to an octopus his hands where all over her. And to her disgust she could feel his mouth on to hers. She almost gagged as Dan forced his tongue into her mouth. This was so much different from the kisses she had received this morning from Leo. She put her hands against his chest to push him away. It seemed like hours before she was able to do just that. And when she looked over his shoulder. A sound that seemed foreign to her yet came from her throat escaped. There to her horror was standing her whole family. But that was not the worst of it. Beside her sister Paige was Leo. With a look of utter disgust on his face.

"Leo!" she whispered. But with out giving her another glance Leo bowed to Paige said something to her and left. Piper pried her self-loose from Dan and tried to go after him. But her father blocked the way. "What is the meaning of this, Count Gordon?" He asked Dan. Piper stopped seeing it was useless now to go after Leo. "I am sorry you had to witness that, sir!" She heard Dan say to her father. "So am I sir." Victor said. "My daughters reputation has been ruined here!" victor added. "Yes sir I can see that" Dan said with a little smirk on his face. "Well what are your intentions towards my daughter count Gordon?" victor asked next. Like he didn't know already thought Piper.

"My intentions are honorable sir, I wish to marry your daughter. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever met and it would be my honor if she would be my wife and countess." He said in a surpy voice that made Piper want to gag. Piper shook her head in denial.

This could not be happening to her. Not after this morning! Not after she met the man of her dreams. The man she wanted to marry. The man who had taken one look at her and had set her on fire. The man who had taken one look at her tonight and had walked away without wanting to find out what had happened. She told her self dejected.

"We shall go to my study and have a talk about this" she heard her father say to Dan. "Paige, you and Phoebe make sure your sister gets in the house." Phoebe and Paige flanked their sister and made their way back to the house. Closely followed by Cole and Hannah. "What have you done!" Cole hissed at Hannah. Hannah feigned innocence and looked at him from under her lashes. "Why what ever do you mean Cole?" She asked him. "You know full well what I am talking about, and if and when I find out you had anything to do with this you will ruin the day you crossed me. Do you understand what I am saying."

"Please Cole do you have to be so dramatic, if Piper had not been the little tramp she is she would never have been caught with Dan, now she must suffer the consequence of her actions."

"What consequence? A person could clearly see Piper was not a willing partner in this!" "I did not see such a thing, all I saw was Piper draped all over Dan like the little hussy she is!" Hannah said with venom dripping from each syllable. "It is a good thing Leo saw her for who she was before it was to late," she added to it. "And that was your main goal wasn't it?" Cole asked her. Looking at her as if seeing her for the first time. "Cole despite of what you might think I care for Leo and I would not want him hurt, and him and Piper together would have hurt him" she told him. "No correction my dear it would have hurt you!" Cole said and let go of her arm and took the few steps placing him next to Phoebe.

When they got in to the house victor took Dan into the study with him. And Paige took a visible shaking and pale Piper to their room. "I will be there shortly!" Phoebe said. After her sisters then turning towards Cole said. "I am sorry you had to be a witness to all this, sir." "Don't worry about it miss Halliwell, I am just worried about your sister" Cole said softly looking into her eyes. Phoebe casts her eyes down. She liked Cole. She liked him a lot. But he was to be married to her Cousin.

"Phoebe, I know this is not the time to ask this, but if I don't I might lose the nerve to do so later?" "Yes" she said softly. "Would you go for a ride with me in the morning? There is something I need to talk to you about?" Phoebe looked up. She knew she was going to be in a lot of trouble. But she couldn't resist. And only put up a little token of a fight. "But you are to marry my Cousin, you cant be seen with another woman" she told him, feigning surprise. "That is one of the things we have to talk about!" he said softly. "Will you meet me" he asked again. Phoebe looked around the hall making sure no one was there to over hear her answer. "Yes I will go for a ride with you" she told him. And then ran for the stairs to be with her sisters. Leaving a very happy Cole standing in the hall entrance.

He heard a door close and turned to find his fiancee standing at the family room door. She gave him a seductive little smile and walked up to him. Cole took his coat and made his way to the front door. Hannah blocked the way. And rubbed herself against him. A few hours ago that would have excited Cole to no end. But right now he could barely contain his distaste for her. "Do you really have to go" she asked him putting her arms around his neck and playing with the hair on the back of his neck. "Yes I have to go Hannah!" he said shortly. "OH come on Cole you can stay for a few more hours, I can make it worth your while" she said smiling her most seductive smile. "NO the cost would be to high Hannah, I have to go find Leo!" he told her and with giving her another look turned and left the house. Leaving Hannah behind fit to be tight.

When she felt a hand on her back, she almost jumped to find count Gordon standing behind her. "Where did you come from?" she asked him her hand on her heart. "Where did you think I came from?" she said with a devilish smile. Hannah turned more fully so she was now facing him. "Did uncle victor agree?" she asked him. "Of course he agreed, what else was he to do his daughter reputation would have been in shambles if he didn't. Great plan by the way!" he added to it. "Belief me it was my pleasure." Hannah said with a little smile. "No it is going to be my pleasure." Dan said as he pulled her body flushed against his. Clearly showing how excited he was. "I saw Cole left" he whispered in her ear. "It seems he did." Hannah said taking his hand and guiding him up the stairs.

Paige got Piper into their room and Piper had thrown herself on the bed. He shoulders shaking, her face pressed into the pillow trying to drown out the noises from her sobs. Paige was rubbing her sisters shoulder's not knowing what else to do. Wiping a tear from her own cheek as well. "What am I going to do now" Piper wailed from her pillow. "He is never going to come back! I might as well kill my self!" "Piper, don't even say that!" Paige admonished her. "Why not, my life is over" she heard Piper say. "Don't be stupid, Piper." Came Phoebe's voice from the door. "Jees Phoebe, thanks for the support" Paige said turning towards her older sister. "Well it is stupid to talk like that, besides I have a feeling that more is going on here then meets the eye."

That got pipers attention and she bolted up from her pillow. "What do you mean, Phoebe?" she asked. Trying to stop her tears by rubbing her eyes vigorously. "I am not sure, but fairly sure that Cole knows what happened here tonight, and seen as I am going for a ride with him tomorrow, I might just find out what that is?" she said with a huge smile on her face. "You What!" both Piper and Paige said at the same time. "You heard me I am going for a ride with Cole tomorrow!" Phoebe said again. "What about Hannah?" Paige asked. "Who cares about Hannah" Piper said, "You have to find out what happened Phoebe, and you have to find Leo and explain it to him!" she almost shouted at her sister. "I have feeling that Cole is taking care of that right now." Phoebe said as she sat down next to Piper and pulled her sisters head on her shoulder. "Oh I hope to god that he is. Please god let it be true." She said softly as fresh tears found a way down her cheeks.

Mean while Hannah sat on the edge of the bed. "Do you have to leave?" she asked Dan pouting her lips. She never had, had as an exited lover as Dan turned out to be and she didn't want him to leave just yet. Pulling on his trousers Dan turned towards her. "Hannah if things want to turn out the way you want them to turn out I cannot get caught sneaking out of your room now can I?" he asked her. Hannah had to admit that he was right but that didn't mean that she had to like it. Dan walked over to her and placed a hard kiss on her lips. "Soon I will be married to that dreary Cousin of yours and when she is carrying my heir we will be together like this every night." "I can hardly wait" Hannah said smiling. "Neither can I" Dan said. "But first we have to make sure everything goes as planned." He then kissed her again and like the snake he was slithered from the room. "Yes, soon you will have nothing my dear Piper" Hannah said and laid back down on the rumpled sheets.
