Chapter 4: Accusation of Proof

"I don't know what to do!" Kagome sobbed out, openly crying over the phone.

"Kagome-san, please remain calm, think of the baby…."

Ignoring him she continued on, "How am I going to raise a baby like this? Sesshomaru has no idea yet and…."

"Wait...It's Sesshomaru-sama's?"

Stopping her hysterics, the demoness caught her breath and confirmed what she had just revealed. "Yes, I'm less than a week along…."

"Less than a week?" a rustling of papers was heard on the other end. "Oh, yes I see here, they placed you at about four days. That's actually pretty rare that they could catch it so early. Wait….You're having stomach pains?"

"Yea, it's why I went. I started getting sick after….I saw Sesshomaru again and…." she trailed off, not knowing how to mention the fact that she had honestly had sex with him the first night she saw him in five years.

Understanding the owl demon merely grunted in acknowledgment, "I see,"

"I don't….I"

"Kagome I don't want don't want to get too much into your personal business, but I do have a question…..Sesshomaru when you saw him, did he have certain shall we say, behaviors that lean more towards baser instincts?"

Confused she shook her head only to sigh when she realized he couldn't physically see her denial. "No," she answered at last, "He didn't do anything out of the ordinary...except…."

"Patient-Physician confidentiality," Teruo said lightly, reminding her of his oath to keep his mouth shut.

"Sesshomaru….when he...finishes…" she blushed as she recalled the incidents they had been having sexually. "He...swells up when he finishes….and he can't pull it out…"

Hearing her description, Teruo searched his brain for a term that fit, "You mean he tied?"

A squeak and then a response, "Uh huh…"

Leaning back in his chair, the owl demon pinched the bridge of his nose when a realization hit him. This wasn't good. "Oh, my…."

"Nubis! Can I play with your phone?"


"Awwww" sulking at his older brother, Inuyasha dropped his ears for effect at having his desires denied by the man who was busy scrolling through something fun looking on his cell. "Please?"

"Inuyasha quit bothering me,"

"But you said we could play together!"

"I said no such thing pup." placing his phone in his lap, Sesshomaru looked at the boy who had changed his attitude in a matter of seconds, now glaring at him with his little arms crossed. "You insisted on sleeping in here tonight and I said it was fine. It's way past your bedtime, shouldn't you be asleep."

"I'm not tired." he stubbornly declared.

"Inuyasha," he called lightly.


"Go to bed."

Stomping the floor with a sock covered foot, Inuyasha shook his head hard at the man. "No."

Giving the boy his best death glare, Sesshomaru growled low and bared his teeth a little, "Now."

"Kagome-san, since you just found out it's quite acceptable now, but you need to tell Sesshomaru-sama as soon as possible. He might not realize he did it on purpose."

"How could he not know he did it on purpose! You said it yourself! If he knotted that meant he was trying to get me pregnant! He can control the potency of his sperm?"

"He is still learning about his instincts, as are you, and you haven't been learning together. Kagome-san if you just explain to him what I did to you then…."

*Click* Hanging up the phone on Teruo, Kagome turned the device completely off and nearly collapsed on her bed where she grabbed a pillow and hugged it close. Her mind still reeling from what the owl demon had told her, she buried her face in the silky material and began to cry for what felt like the thousandth time that day.

Sesshomaru had gotten her pregnant on purpose. There was no way around it. His primal instincts were stronger in more ways than one it seemed. He hadn't started doing it until right before she had wanted to be free of him. The fact that he hadn't knotted every time they slept together was proof he had been waiting for her to become fertile to try to do so. 'How could he?' He had never seemed like the type to be so controlling. Seduction was his approach, not deception. Did he honestly expect her to stay with him for the sake of a child?

And though her rational being told her it was a ridiculous notion by any stretch of the imagination, her beast purred at the feeling of their child inside of her. 'Our pup will be loved,' it told her, content on having a part of her alpha safe and growing inside of her body.

Could she honestly do this? Releasing the pillow and flipping over onto her back, Kagome absently continued to rub at her stomach which showed no signs of having any form of life behind its natural small pouch of skin. Ever since she had left the doctor's she hadn't felt sick at all. He had given her a shot of some type of herb supplement meant to fight against her nausea and stomach pains for now. It seemed to be working.

She had to return to him tomorrow for an ultrasound. The equipment for the gathering was state of the art, but a sonogram machine hadn't been a part of the original medical order so they had to get one from a nearby hospital. This time tomorrow she would have the first pictures of the life inside of her body and with that the final nail in her coffin for her future. Her job, her home in Seychelles, everything she had gained was at risk right now because of her foolish choice to be with the man she loved so carelessly. And though Jun-Long and the great gathering should have been at the forefront of her focus, she had lost herself in her feelings and behaved as though a few nights with the man would cure five years worth of despair and insanity caused by her.

A bigger question was on her mind now, though. Did Sesshomaru know before she did about this baby? And though all evidence pointed to him purposely planting his seed inside her, was it possible he had no idea what he was doing?

"For your sake you better hope so," she muttered out. Turning over to her side, Kagome fell surprisingly easily into a dreamless sleep, not bothering to even wrap the covers around her body.

A/N: Hmmm….Is it possible he did it on purpose?