AN: Welcome back guys! Much longer chapter for you this time, but he, we get to meet Philip! Enjoy!

TheTeeBVlogs posted a new video: Hair, Parties and PHILIP HAMILTON IS CAMERA SHY

"Be proud of me guys, I've made a total of four friends!" Theos' voice came from behind the camera as it panned around the room showing two men and a woman, "Meet Georges Lafayette, Angie Hamilton and Phil Church." The camera focused on each of them in turn, all of them dressed in a similar semi-formal style, "Now, I know I said four – and trust me there is a fourth person, but I've made a startling discovery," the camera turned back to Theodosia, who was grinning slyly (as the camera turned, a mass of curly dark hair could just be seen jumping out of shot), "Philip Hamilton is camera shy."


The first time Philip Hamilton met Theo Burr, he was 12 and a half, she was 10, and it was at her mothers funeral. The Hamilton family, at that point consisted of himself, Angie, Alex Jr., Jamie and John, and all together they took up a whole pew in the old church the funeral was being held at. At the time, Philip had marvelled at how Theo had remained vigilantly by her fathers side throughout the whole affair, never letting a single tear fall. Philip didn't think he could stay that quiet if anyone he knew died.

It was that moment when he was 12 and she was 10 and her mother had just died, that Philip realized how much he respected Theodosia Burr.

They didn't meet again after that for many years. Its not that he was avoiding her, or vice versa, they just ran in different circles, went to different schools, shared different interests. He still managed to keep up with big events in her life through second-hand knowledge from his parents – and there was no way he could have not heard about it when her YouTube channel went big. He never really watched any of her videos, despite hearing almost everyone he knew (including his younger sister) sing their praises for them – Philip had never really gotten into YouTube, watching other peoples lives through the screen of his computer never seemed that attractive to him.

That didn't mean to say Philip didn't know the internet.

His internet footprint started at age 14, when his friends introduced him to tumblr and the constant debates about politics/general social rights issues. It started out with additional comments calling people out on their bullshit, and by the time he was 17, he was regularly posting essay-length opinion pieces about politics, and occasionally defending his fathers latest stunt. It was not long after this that he started his own official blog, which functioned similarly to his tumblr (with everything posted on both forums), if only a bit more official and better regarded over a tumblr he started when he was 14.

This was, however, the extent of his internet usage. His twitter and facebook accounts were mainly to keep up with whatever shit his dad didn't bring up at the dinner table, and even then, he didn't really use them. Angie was constantly teasing him that he was more senile on the social media front than some of their most senile politicians, but after a while, Philip stopped listening to her taunts.

At least he knew how to search something without having to first search google.

He wasn't that ignorant.


It was Angie that noticed her first. The four of them – Philip, Angie, Georges and Phil – had been laughing at something Georges had said when Angie had nudged Philip, nodding towards behind him, "Don't look now, but you've got an admirer." He flicked his head around in the direction she'd pointed, before feeling her nails dig into his arm, "I said don't look!" She hissed, "Idiot."

"Well if you don't want me to look, don't tell me about something I'm obviously going to want to look at!" He hissed back, twisting his neck to try and get a glimpse of his so-called 'admirer'. "And what do you mean by admirer?"

Angie tilted her neck, "She was looking at you. Well us, but she focused on you more than the rest of us." She furrowed her brow, "I feel like I've seen her somewhere before."

Philip scoffed, "Probably at the many work functions dad drags us too. It's the same people everytime."

She shook her head, "No, its not that. I just… I've definitely seen her before, but -" Angie broke off suddenly, eyebrows jumping up her forehead, mouth forming a small 'o', "That's Theodosia Burr! That's how I know her!" She grabbed Philips arm excitedly, "Philip that's Theo Burr, as in TheTeeB from YouTube ohmygod I love her videos, you have to go introduce yourself."

"Why me?" Philip asked pulling his arm out of his sisters grasp, "You've seen her videos, why don't you talk to her?"

"Because I wasn't the one she was making eyes at." Angie gave him a teasing grin.

Philip rolled his eyes, "Yes but you're a female. Its scientifically proven that girls respond better to other girls approaching them compared to men. You want to talk to her, you talk to her."

Angie frowned at him for a moment, before straightening her shoulders, "She looks lonely, I'm gonna see if she wants to join us." She announced to the rest of the group, "Seeing as someone," she glared at Philip, "won't be a gentlemen and ask her himself."

She flounced off towards the girl in the corner, Philip glaring after her. He watched as she sat down next to her and started talking, before he turned back to the others, joining back in to the conversation they'd been having before Angie had interrupted.

It wasn't long before Angie was back, this time followed by a girl with long, curly dark hair with bleached tips, a cream clutch held under one arm, a small digital camera hanging around her wrist.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet Theo Burr." Angie cut in, "Theo, meet Georges, my cousin Phil and my brother Philip." Theo waved, acting much shyer than Philip would have expected a big time YouTuber to be, "Apparently her dad's off trying to stop our dad from starting another civil war with Jefferson, so I figured inviting her over was the least we could do, seeing as our dad's the one keeping her dad busy."

Georges laughed, "Angie it sounds like you were being forced to go over there, when ten minutes ago we all heard you telling Philip how much you love her videos."

The whole group burst out laughing at - all bar Angie, who was glaring at Georges, her face bright red, "You're a dick Georgie, d'you know that?" The Frenchman just laughed. Angie turned towards Theo, "I really hope this doesn't make things awkward, I swear I didn't invite you over because I'm a fan, I just thought you looked a bit lonely and wouldn't mind having someone to talk to and if I overstepped my boundaries please tell me I -"

"Woah!" Theo raised her hands, cutting off Angies' rant, "Calm down. Trust me, its not a problem, in fact, it makes my life so much easier, cause then I don't have to try and explain to people exactly what it is I do. In fact," Theo held up the camera that was hanging from her wrist, "would anyone mind if I filmed a bit? I need some more footage of the party for todays vlog, otherwise the videos going to consist of a total of, like, three clips."

The grin on Angies' face looked like it was about to split her face in two as she nodded excitedly. Philip took a small step to the side, "If you don't mind, I might sit this one out." He said, much to Angies' shock and the rest of the groups amusement.

Theo smirked, "Are you telling me, that the Great Philip Hamilton, son of social media king, Alexander Hamilton, is camera shy?"

He shrugged, "I have my reasons, you have yours, just please don't put me in the video."

Shaking her head in disbelief, Theo lifted the camera, "Alright, here's the deal. I'm gonna film, and I'm not going to actively try to get you in the footage, but if you're in the background of shots or in the shot by accident, that's on you. I only say this cause I film a lot, and therefore its not my fault if you accidentally get caught in the background or on the side of a shot cause you weren't paying attention."

Philip smirked, taking another step to the side, "I think you'll be surprised how good my evasion skills are. I'll stay out of shot, don't worry."

"Bet you $20 you won't." She challenged, offering her hand for him to shake.

"Deal." They shook hands, neither of them noticing how their hands lingered in each others' for a moment too long. Motioning for him to step out of the way, Theo raised the camera to eye level, pressing record,

"Be proud of me guys, I've made a total of four friends!"


TheTeeB: New vlog up! Hair, Parties and PHILIP HAMILTON IS CAMERA SHY! /KSU18lwg6

TheTeeB: (and damn you you won)

: TheTeeB told you I could do it

AngieHamBam: TheTeeB does it count if you saw his hair in that first shot?

: AngieHamBam shut up angie

TheTeeB: AngieHamBam actually, we never set rules, so it does count I WIN!

: TheTeeB AngieHamBam it was the very ends of my hair lets call it a draw and settle this next round.

TheTeeB: fine. But I will get you next time. MARK MY WORDS

AN: So what did you think? Did I do Philip justice? I really struggled trying to find the right way to write in his reluctance to be on camera - which will be explained later - but I think I managed ok! What videos' do you want to see Theo do next?