Wolf Moon

A/N: For this story to make sense, some things are going to be changed about the timeline. So, the story is based on the son of Derek Hale. To stick close to the tv series, I am changing the timeline. Eli Hale, the son, was conceived in February and born October 10th, 1995. His parents are Derek and Paige. Derek has him when he is fifteen. Paige still dies the same way that she does in the T.V. series. The Hale fire does not happen until three years later when Derek is 18. Then Derek, Laura, and Eli move to New York. They do not come back to Beacon Hills for thirteen years. This puts Eli at 16 years old, the same age as the Scott and Stiles. Although I have changed the timeline a bit, the story will still follow the tv series. Also, I will be starting the story when the boys are at school.

I do not own Teen Wolf.

I looked out the passenger side window to see the Beacon Hill's High School. There was a sea of students hanging outside the front door. I assume that they are all catching up with one another. A bundle of nerves began to develop in my stomach. This would be the first time that I transferred schools. I have only ever gone to school in New York. The big city was different from this small town, where everyone knows one another. A hand gently squeeze mine, and the nerves ebb away. "You are going to be alright Eli. Just focus on your mantra, and you will be fine." I nod and squeeze his hand back.

"Thanks, Dad." My father gives me a nod before I gather my things.

As I am about to exit his car, he asks, "do you have everything that you need for your first day Eli?" I nod. He reaches over kisses my cheek. "Love you. Have a good day."

"Love you too Dad. Will you be picking me up after school?" My father nods, and then I exit the car to join the massive hoard that is the students. I give one last glance to see that my father already drove off. I hike up my backpack and steadily make my way to the front door. I try to adjust my ears and nose to the new sounds and smells that come off these teenagers. I don't listen in on anything particular, but it allows me to acquaint myself with the different stimuli.

I make it to the front door, without having to interact with anyone, and no one seems to care who I am. Good. When I enter the building, I look around to see if I can find the main office. Thankfully there are little maps of the school on each stairwell. I follow the instructions and arrive at the front desk. The lady behind it is typing away as she enters data into the computer. I wait to see if she will look up, but she doesn't. I cough a little to get her attention. She does not seem as friendly as one would hope a front desk lady would be. "Hi, my name is Eli Hale. I am new to the school. I just wanted to pick up my schedule." I tell her promptly to keep our interaction to a minimum.

She pushes away to a file cabinet. She shuffles around the files before pulling out mine. She familiarizes herself with the documents. "Okay, everything looks clear. I will print you a schedule and get you your locker information. In the meantime, you can take a seat over there." She says with little to no emotion. I follow her finger to a row of red chairs. I take the one on the far right, the furthest away from the door.

Not too long after I sat, a girl with long black hair arrived in the office. I hear her mention that she is a new student. Great at least all the attention won't be on me. She is told to wait and selects the seat furthest away from me. At least this girl knows how to keep personal space. I can hear the conversation that she is having on the phone. She moves a lot, which should make this transition a breeze for her. She is also in need of a pen. She looks to me with pleading eyes, but I shake my head no. She mouths thanks anyway and focuses back on her conversation.

"Allison Argent." The receptionist calls. I freeze at the name. Oh gosh, this could end terribly. My heart rate starts to increase, and my fear level rises as my nails start to sharpen. I puncture them into my hands and mutter my mantra. "What three things cannot long be hidden? The Sun, the Moon, the Truth." Repeatedly in my head. The mantra is one I got from an old friend of the Hale pack, since the usual mantra of Alpha, Beta, Omega does not work for me. Thankfully the mix of pain and concentration allows me to keep control. The wounds on my palms heal before I grab my schedule and locker number. It takes me a bit to find my locker, but when I do, I open it up and put the things that I won't need until later in it. Once I finish unpacking my bag, I head off to my first class.

The first class that I have today is English. With the help of some of the students, I had the correct directions to the class. On the way to English, I run into the Principle and Allison. "Ah, you must be Eli great." He sticks his hand out, and I shake it. "Firm handshake."

"Thanks, sir," I say with a nod.

"Okay well, let's head in and make sure that you guys are settled in." He opens the door and steps through the threshold. Allison follows him, and I after her. The Principle introduced both of us, and the teacher tells us to take a seat. Allison sits between a boy with a buzz cut and a boy with thick black curls. The curly haired boy turns around and hands her a pen. I find it odd that he knows that she needs one. I decide not to be paranoid and chalk it up to the people in this town just trying to be friendly.

I sit beside a boy with curly brown hair. I give him a shy smile, and he gives me a small one back. At least I interacted with someone; it is more than I can say I did back in New York. I am not a social person; mostly because I didn't, want anyone to know my secret. I pulled out a notebook and pen to take notes. Before I could start writing, the scent of blood reached me. It wasn't strong enough to be an active wound, but there was something off about it. I discretely took another long sniff. It was coming from the boy next to me. I was right that the scent was off, and the reason being that it was not fresh. It was more like it was pooling underneath the skin, which is common in bruising. Usually, I would not look too much into it, people get bruises all the time, but this boy must be covered in bruises to smell like blood so much that I thought it was fresh. Which probably stems from abuse.

If I were back in New York, I probably would have left well alone, but I am tired of sifting through life on the sidelines. Before I can change my mind, I rip a page from my notebook, where there are notes. I write 'Hi my name is Eli, as you already know. What is yours?' I wait until the teacher is facing the board before passing him the note.

He is quite shocked to see the paper land on top of his notes if his face had any say in it. He carefully opens the paper and reads it. He then takes his pencil and writes something quickly before throwing it back to me. I finish the sentence that the teacher was saying before opening the paper. In slightly messy handwriting said, 'Isaac. Where did you move from?' I answer the question and then ask if he has lived here his whole life. We continue to talk to each other with notes. We even have to rip two more papers out to keep our conversation going. I learned that Isaac is 15 and that he is a lacrosse player, albeit not a very good one. He has lived here his whole life and loves reading. Isaac learned that I came from New York although I was born here. He learned about some of my favorite hobbies, which include cooking and reading as well. By the time class, I could call Isaac a friend. I mean our conversations never went into anything too profound, but the essentials for getting to know someone.

As the teacher dismisses us, I put my stuff in my bag. "Hey, Isaac it was nice meeting you." I give him another smile which seems to make him happy.

"Yeah, it was nice to meet you too." He pauses unsure of something before he speaks again. "If you want, I can be your unofficial guide to Beacon Hills High School? I mean you don't have to, but you know." He runs his hand through his hair as if to divert my attention. He says it kind of indifferently, but on the inside, he is hoping I say yes.

"That would be great. Thanks." I stick my hand out to make it official. As Isaac takes my hand, I take the opportunity to take as much of his pain as possible, without giving myself away. Even though I take as much as I could, it is only enough to get him to relax his shoulders a bit. I frown at it because it means he is in more pain than he is showing. As quick as my frown appeared, it was gone. I didn't want Isaac to think that I didn't like him. "Well, shall you take the lead?" I gesture to the door with my arm.

"Sure." From there we went to our classes. It turns out we had the same schedule. I sit by Isaac in all my classes and continue to pass notes. As before we don't delve into anything substantial, just the right things one should know about their friends. Such as favorite color and food.

With Isaac keeping me company the day passes before I even know it and the bell rings to announce that school was over. I tell Isaac that I have to get something before I leave, and since he has lacrosse he decides to accompany me. I open my locker door and shift through the books to find what I need for my homework as Isaac talks about Chemistry. "I don't understand anything that happens in Chemistry." He groans as he leans against the locker next to me.

"It honestly not hard if you think about it. If you want, I can help you study." I leave the offer open.

"I would love to, but my Dad does not really like guests over, when he is not there. Can we do it at yours?" His face is pleading, and it tells me all that I need to know about his abuser.

I shake my head. "My father and I live in a hotel right now. I am sure you heard of the Hale fire." It seems that Isaac seems to have connected the dots.

"Oh Eli, I am sorry." He puts a hand on my shoulder, and I lean in slightly.

"It is fine. I was too young to be affected really. But my father and I are debating on whether we should rebuild our old house, or make peace with the past and get a new house." Isaac nods completely understanding. "We can study in the libraries after school if you like." I counter.

"Okay yeah, that could work. I will have to check all of my schedules, but I will let you know. Um here." He hands me his phone. "Put your number in." I type my number in and then hand him mine. "Cool. Now if you don't mind, I have to get to lacrosse practice." He pauses for a second. "Do you wanna come. I won't be great or anything, but the sport is interesting enough." The thought of him playing lacrosse in his condition is very worrying to me. It seems that he doesn't want anyone to know of his abuse, so he probably will play like he is perfectly healthy, which will leave his body in a worse state than it already is.

Without another second of thought, I make my decision. "Sure, let me just inform my Dad." I finish getting the things I need, and as we walk to the locker room, I text Dad to pick me up after lacrosse practice. He said it was okay because he still had some errands to run. I inform Isaac, just as we pass the threshold of the boy's locker room.

I almost gagged at the smell. It smelled like someone tried to cover a year's worth of stank with some sweet smelling shampoo. Isaac notices how I scrunch my nose and laughs. In retaliation, I push him a little, of course not enough to hurt him. He stops in front of his locker, as I ask him about lacrosse. He answers as he changes, and I won't lie I found the view lovely to look at, but I am determined to focus on developing a healthy friendship with Isaac, before attempting anything with him or anyone else for that matter. I hold onto one of my notebooks and distract myself with whatever is in it. Finally, Isaac finishes, and he joins the rest of the team on the trip to the field. I lag behind, and when we arrive at the grass, I make a b-line to the bleachers. There is not many people there, just a couple of girlfriends and some supportive friends. I do my homework as I watch Isaac. He is right that he is nothing special, but he is not too terrible.

The other intriguing player is the one in goal. He caught a lot of the balls with werewolf-like precision. If he were just that good, I would not investigate further. But from the reactions of the people around him, he has never played like this. I smell the air to confirm, and I was right indeed. I text my father immediately, and he thanks me for the update. I pay close attention to catch his name. I get my answer when I listen in on Allison and a strawberry blond girl. Scott McCall. Interesting. When lacrosse practice is over, I say my goodbyes to Isaac and proceed to the parking lot. I instantly spot the Black Camaro and hop into the passenger seat and throw my bag in the back seat. "Hey, Dad."

"Hello." He says as he pulls out of the parking lot. "How was school?" He asks while not looking at me.

I play with my phone as I answer. "It was nice. The classes are a tad bit behind in the curriculum, so it was pretty easy to follow along. I also made a friend." Dad almost crashed the car as we came to a complete stop. I could understand the reaction.

"So tell me who has captured the attention of my son?" He asks as he puts the car in drive again.

"His name is Isaac Lahey. He is cool but just as shy as me. I originally was interested in him, because he has many bruises." Dad looked over concerned, but he as well as I knew that nothing could be done until Isaac was ready to deal with it. "Anyway as I got to know him more and more, I found that he is a pretty cool guy in a dorky lovable kinda way. He is a great conversationalist, and he honestly cares about everything I tell him. Other people only care if they have known each other for a long time, but with Isaac, it is like we have been friends for years." I continue to explain, with a happy tone in my voice.

"Well, it is nice to know you have made a friend. If possible, I would love to meet him." I nod. "Okay now tell me about this werewolf?" He asks.

"Well, I don't know much about him. His name is Scott McCall. He seems to always hang around this other boy, but I don't know his name."

"Do you know how long he has been a wolf?"

"I would say not long. At practice, Scott seemed shocked by his newfound abilities."

"Okay keep an eye on him. Tell me if anything happens. Try to keep your distance, but don't let him hurt anyone."

"Sounds like a plan." I pause as I think about the next thing to tell him. He seems to have picked up on my wariness because he asks me what the matter is. "Well, I met an Argent."

He speeds the car up and pulls into our hotel. I get the sign that we will talk about it back in the room. As soon as we are alone, he starts patting me. "Are you alright? Was the Argent a hunter? Did they recognize you?"

I stop his insistent patting. "I am fine Dad. This Argent was a teenager. I don't even think she knows about the supernatural. If she did, she would not be crushing as hard as she is on Scott." I sit on the edge of the bed, and Dad sits next to me. She also did not recognize the name, but she might tell her parents, which will reveal our presence."

Dad grabs my head and holds it steadily. "We will deal with that later. It is more important that you are safe."

"I know Dad." He kisses my forehead and then nuzzles into my hair. I nestle into his neck. The process of scenting has always been a massive thing for us. It lets us know that we care and that we are watching over each other. When the scenting was over, we split. Dad did whatever he does, and I worked on the last of my homework.

Sometime between me starting my homework and finishing it, Dad left to do something at the Hale house. When I ended, I made us a small, well small in werewolf size, dinner. We have enough money to splurge on a nice hotel with a kitchen and a stocked fridge. I left Dad's dinner in the microwave for him to eat. With nothing to do, I watched tv and texted Isaac, until I fell asleep.

It was early dawn when I woke up in my bed. Dad must have come back to eat and sleep and saw me on the couch. He left a note on my nightstand to inform me, that I had to walk to school. With that in mind, I rub the sleep out of my eyes and head to the closet. I grab some gym clothes and head to the hotel gym. I work out for an hour. I find that exercise helps wake me up in the morning, especially since caffeine does not affect us. When I am nice and sweaty, I go back to our room and take a shower. I love my shampoo and soap. Because of our noses, werewolves are very picky about the smells we leave on our body. I choose apple scented things. After my shower, I dress and make my way to school. It is about a 40-minute walk to school, but since it is only 7:30 I decide not to use my werewolf speed to make the journey quicker.

I listen to music as I walk, but I am interrupted by the sound of a loud bell. I look over to see Isaac on a bike. "Hey, Isaac. Do you live around here?"

"Yeah about a block back. Why are you walking? I thought your dad drives you."

"He does, but he was gone by the time I woke up, hence me walking."

Isaac opens his mouth but instantly closes it. He thinks for a second before making up his mind. "Well if you like, you could ride on my handlebars." He looks away as he says it.

I laugh a little. "Are we going to do this whole cliché bike riding thing."

Isaac plays along. "Good sir may you accompany me on my steed." He bows slightly. I laugh some more.

"Well good sir, I don't mind if I do. But if I shall fall, a plague on your house and a two cow debt." A moment goes by before we break into hysterics. He steadies the bike, and I sit on the handlebars. He then starts peddling. I use my superior balance to stay on. I share my earbud with him so that the ride is not completely silent. As we arrive in the parking lot, he stops, and I hop off. "Thanks."

"No problem." We push his bike into the rack and lock it. Isaac asks for help on some of the homework, so he shows me to the library. I diligently explain to him how to do his homework and guide him to the right answers. By the time we finish there are only ten minutes until he had morning practice. We pack up and go. This time I wait in the field, as Isaac gets ready. I pull out a book, which I found in the library, and read. I am a full chapter before I am interrupted. "Your Eli Hale right?" I look up to see the strawberry blond from yesterday.

"Yeah. Um, do you need something?"

"Well not really, just a request." She pulls out a card. It says my name and invitation. "This is an invitation to my party today. You can bring a plus one. Oh, and I am Lydia." Before I could even answer, she was already walking away. Dang the full moon is tonight. Hmm. Well if Lydia invited me, maybe she asked Allison. Allison only really knows Scott. If I go, I can probably keep an eye on him. Maybe Isaac would want to come.

The practice was eventful. Scott continued to show off. Idiot, it is people like him that gets us all caught. Isaac came by and told me that he would meet me in class because he must take a shower. I offer to take his bag, and he hands it over. I roam the halls that I remember from my first day and arrive in math. I snag two seats for Isaac and I. When Isaac comes ten minutes after the class started, my job was to catch him up.

The rest of the day consisted of doing scholastic things and eating lunch. When the final bell rang, Isaac told me he was free to study. So we head to the library for the homework together. We finish pretty quickly since it is only the second day. I moved on to teach him the chemistry from yesterday. Mr. Harris was not the most effective teacher because he just shows one way. Once I explained the work in a way that Isaac could understand, he was not too bad with the material. It was around 5 when we ended. We made it to his bike when I remembered about the party. "Oh Isaac, I was wondering if you would like to be my plus one for this party."

Isaac looks at the invitation like it is an alien. "You got an invitation to Lydia's party?"


Isaac pushes me a little. "Dude I have been trying to go to one of those parties since I was seven. You came here yesterday, and you achieve what I could not in 8."

I roll my eyes and act haughty. "It is not my fault that I am more popular." My actions earn me another shove and a laugh.

"Yeah, I will go. Do you want me to pick you up with my bike, say 7." He says as he shimmies the handlebars.

"Sure. Now, let's go I have to cook dinner." He pulls the bike out and waits for me to get onto the bars before pushing off. He dropped me off at the hotel before making his way back to his house. I make my way to our room. Dad is there flipping through the channels on TV.

"Hey, Eli how was school?" He asks as he looks my way. I place my bag on the couch, as I make my way to the kitchen.

"Eh, it was okay. Nothing happened. Scott showed off his skills in his tryout. He managed to play it off, but it is worrying." I say as I take out the ingredients to make spaghetti and meatballs.

"Hopefully he will get some sense and stop before he gets someone killed."

"Yeah well, one other thing happened." My father indicated that he was listening. "I got invited to a party." He opened his mouth to protest. "Before you say no hear me out." He closes his mouth. "It is tonight, which is the full moon. I am sure that Scott will be there. I will be able to watch him, and stop him if anything happens. It would be less suspicious if I were there instead of you. I will call you to let you know though."

"And what if you lose control?"

"I won't. I promise. I haven't lost control because of the full moon in two years." Dad thought about it as I finished cooking and started plating.

"Fine." I set our plates on the coffee table. I hug him. "Great Isaac will be here at 7 to pick me up." He growls a little but stops to eat his food. Dinner is consumed in silence as we watch tv. When we finished eating, Dad gathers the dishes, as I took a shower. I dressed in a nice button down. I left the shower to see my Dad waiting on me. He sucked in a breath. "You look so much like I did when I went on my first date with your mother." I stopped. Dad never talks about Mom.

"Dad you don't need to talk about her if you don't want to."

He shakes his head. "No, a son needs to know about his mother. I know that I do not talk about your mother a lot. After the Hale fire, it became harder to talk about her." He guided us to the couch and put his hands on my knees. "Her name was Paige Krasikeva. I met her at the beginning of my freshman year. She was in the band room practicing her cello. I was playing basketball in the hallway. She came out to tell me to stop. I was hooked the moment I saw her. She hated me for a while and for the longest time she would not tell me her name. I got her to agree to tell my name if I could play one instrument in the room. I grabbed the triangle and hit it." We both laughed at the trickery. "She told me her name, and we quickly fell in love. She was it for me. I knew that no one would ever compare to her. Then we found out that she was pregnant with you. We were both 15, so we were scared. But we agreed that we would love you as best as we could. She came up with your name. Eli. I came up with Paige because I wanted her name to be a part of you since you had my last name."

"I always did wonder why my name was Eli Paige Hale. Not exactly the average joe name." He hit me in the back of my head. I pouted a bit.

"I was going to ask her to marry me two months after you were born, but I let my uncle get into my head. he had me convinced that she would leave if she found out about our kind. An Alpha had previously lost a beta, so I convinced him to bite her. It was only after the fact that I realized my mistake. The bite did not take. She was slowly dying in my arms. I tried to take away as much pain as I could, but it was too much. She asked me to end it. We said our goodbyes, and I made her death as painless as possible. Her death is the reason that my eyes are blue."

At this point in the story, we both had mists of tears in our eyes. I tried to hold them in but a few escaped, and Dad wiped them away. "Anyway since I never got to ask her to marry me, I had her engagement ring turned into a locket. I put a picture of all three of us in it." He pulled the necklace out and showed it to me. It was so amazing to see what my mother looked like finally. I couldn't hold back the tears. I lunged at Dad and hugged him with all my might. He just rubbed soothing circles into my back.

It took a moment for me to compose myself. "I am sorry that happened to you Dad."

"There is nothing you could have done." He whispers in my ear.

I look at the necklace. "Can you put the necklace on me."

"Yeah just turn around." He took the necklace and placed it around my neck.

When he clipped the clasp into place, I turned to face him. "Thanks, Dad. Isaac will be here soon. I will let you know when to pick me."

"Okay. Have fun. But don't let Scott do anything stupid." He says as I grab my coat.

"Sure, thing Dad." I leave and take the elevator to the lobby. When I get outside, the September air hits my face. I don't have to wait too long before Isaac arrives. He looks nice in his buttoned-down shirt. I take a moment to smooth out some of the small wrinkles. I hope on the bike, and we are off. We arrive at Lydia Martin's house ten minutes later. Music was thumping throughout the house. I got off the bike and allowed Isaac to lock it. I then grabbed his hand and pulled him through the house. "Do you want a drink first?"

"Yeah, I will probably get a beer. What do you want?" Isaac asks while popping the cap off his beer.

"Oh, I do not drink. I prefer to stay sober and enjoy the moment. but I will accept a soda." Isaac hands me a ginger ale. We talk as we drink and snack. After his first beer, Isaac switches to water. He said he does not want to get hurt when going home.

Just then a familiar song plays in my ears. "I love this song. Come dance with me." I walk in the direction of the dance floor pulling Isaac along with me. I find us a good spot and start to move with the rhythm. Nothing too fancy just fun. I notice that Isaac is frozen on the spot. "Isaac, you have to relax and just go with the flow." I place my hands on his hips and move them slightly, then shake his hands out. It seems to work, as we are now dancing to the music. We started out separately, but as more people crowded, we moved closer until we were facing to face. The dancing took on a sexual connotation, but it was all in good fun. When we finally finished dancing and freed ourselves from the trap, we almost died of laughter.

"Isaac, I am glad that I met you on my first day of school. You are awesome." I say as we get more soda.

"Yeah me too. You have added a sense of adventure to my life. Plus because of you, I understand school."

"Oh, I see you use me for my brain," I say with a smirk.

"Of course."

"No shame." I give him the gentlest tap I can. Before we continue our conversation, I notice that Scott is having trouble with control. I text my father. "Oh um, my father is coming to pick me up. He said something about an emergency."

"Oh okay. Well, I guess I will wait with you until he comes." I nod, and we wait. The black Camaro arrives just as Scott runs off. Allison asks if she can get a ride. I say yes, and wave goodbye to Isaac, who is on his bike.

We drop Allison off before my Dad drops me off at the room, while he goes to chase after Scott. I take another shower to clean all of the sweat and scents off of me. When I finished, I dressed in bedtime ware. Before I went to sleep, I texted Isaac that I had fun, and would love to hang out more. I can't wait to see what is in store for me tomorrow.