Hello guys!

For those of you who don't know me yet, I'm Nina, and today I'm bringing you guy my very first Code Geass story. I've been wanting to write lots of stories about Code Geass because, let's be honest here, the ending fucking sucked, and it left me wishing for so much more. So, if they don't give me to me, fanfiction will.

I hope you guys enjoy the story. I wanted my first story to be about one of my favorite characters, so I choose Gino, because I love him and he deserved way more screen time that he actually got.

This is going to be a sweet and fluffy trilogy + a bonus chapter, based on one of my favorite couples. I hope you guys enjoy it. Here's the first chapter. I hope to see you all on the next chapter. Thanks for reading~


Chapter 1: Notes

Kallen took a look at the clock next to her bed. It was only two in the morning. It had only been four minutes since last time she took a look at it, yet for her, those four minutes felt like hours. Anyone who knows Kallen, could figure out that she was worried. But worried wasn't the right word. She was terrified. She was so worried about Gino, like she had never worried before. Just a month ago, he had to leave with some other guys from the Knight the Rounds to do some kind of job that Gino didn't tell her much about. More than once she tried to convince him to tell her everything, but she never succeeded. All Gino told her was not to worry about it, that it wasn't anything dangerous. Kallen knew Gino wouldn't lie to her, but she still worry about him. He was supposed have come back about a week ago and he still isn't back. He hasn't call her or had any type of contact with her for the last week and a half. It was killing her not knowing if he was alright or not, not that she would ever admit that out loud.

After the whole war ended and everything was somewhat back in order, Kallen started to become more friendly towards Gino. She found out that he wasn't the self-centered, egotistical brat she thought he was. He was actually the contrary. He was friendly, sweet, caring and humble guy that more than anything, he wanted to make people happy. Their relationship kept growing and growing until she decided to give him an opportunity and became his girlfriend. To her surprise, Gino was the best boyfriend she could have ever asked for. He would always do whatever he had to do to make her happy, no matter what it was. He was always there for whenever she needed him. If he had to go to the end of the world for her, he would. But the thing that Kallen loved the most was the fact that he cared for her. He cared for her more than anyone else had before. She never remembered her family caring for her as much as Gino cared for her, and she loved him for that. Sometimes she would think about the old her and laugh at herself. The same girl who swore never to fall in love was today engage to no other than Gino Weinberg, laying on their bed at their new house and she wouldn't have it any other way.

They had gotten engaged around eight months ago and moved in together a month after, after Gino finally managed convince her. Ever since Gino became a Knight of the Round, he had been living on his own, and most of the time he would get awfully lonely. Once Kallen had agree to marry him, he had asked her to move in with him. Kallen couldn't say she didn't need the help. After all, she used to live in a very crappy apartment paying more than it was fair. He was always saying the house was way too big for just him. The house wasn't a mansion like the ones they grew up in, but it was perfect for them. Two stories, four bedrooms, three bathrooms, living room, kitchen, and everything else included. It was perfect. What Kallen loved the most about the house was the beautiful garden. Ever since she moved in, she made sure the gardens were always full of flowers and other plants. She always told Gino flowers used to remind her of the good, old times.

Once again, she took a look at the clock. It had only been five minutes. She was frustrated, to say the least. She was tired and wanted to sleep, yet her own worries wouldn't let her. Suddenly, she felt a very familiar sensation at her stomach. She stood up from the bed quick as lighting and rushed to the bathroom. There, she throw up whatever she had left on her stomach, which couldn't be much since she had been puking all day long. Once her stomach had calmed down a bit, she stood up from the floor, washed her mouth and headed towards the kitchen to get a glass of water. On top of the kitchen counter, she found her phone. She had been looking all over the house for it. She took a look at it. 3 missed calls, but none of them were from Gino. She served herself a glass of water, took her phone and went back to her room, see if now she could at least get five minutes of sleep.

'I really should calm down. Gino is no idiot. He knows what he's doing. He's been a Knight of the Round for a long time. Heck, he was the only one that was a match for me and my Guren. Even though I would never admit it, he almost beat me once. I should give him a bit more credit. Maybe they had to stay a couple days over and he hasn't been able to contact me. I probably have nothing to worry about.'

All she really wanted at this point was to convince herself everything was going to be alright, so she could calm down and get some sleep. After drinking her cup of water, she placed it on the nightstand next to her bed, together with her phone. 'Is it too much to ask for at least an hour of sleep?' She hoped not. After laying back down on bed, she hoped Gino would be back home by the time she wakes up. That was the only thing she wanted right now, along with some rest. She placed her head on her pillow and hugged Gino's pillow. His scent was still fresh on the pillow. It calm her down and she could make herself believe he was there with her. After a couple minutes, she was finally able to fall asleep.

Next morning

It was around ten when Kallen was awakened by the annoying sunlight. She wanted to stay sleeping, but once she was awake, she could never go back to sleep right away. Although she was able to fall asleep last night, she didn't really had a good night sleep. Sure, she was able to rest for a time and she felt somewhat better, but it was not a good night of sleep. Ever since Gino was gone, Kallen hasn't been able to sleep properly. She had so gotten so used to having him sleeping right next to her that she grew dependable on it. More than once, Kallen wanted to kick herself over how pathetic she had become. Slowly, she stood up from bed and started to get all the things she needed to take a long and relaxing shower. After a good half an hour, she was out of the shower. She dressed in a pair of white shorts and a purple tank-top. She really had nothing to do, since it was summer and she didn't had to go to classes, which she was almost done with anyways. She had just cleaned the whole house yesterday, so today she had nothing to do other than being lazy. Once she was done dressing, she headed down to the kitchen with the intention of making herself some breakfast. At the thought of food, Kallen's stomach made a very strange sound which warned Kallen she shouldn't eat anything. Kallen had been feeling this way for the past few weeks, give or take a couple days. Everything made her sick, even the thought of food. She couldn't eat anything without puking it later. She was tired of feeling that way, and the fact the Gino wasn't there to help her made her feel even worse. Since she couldn't eat anything, she decided to have some orange juice as breakfast. She was afraid that everything else would just make her sick again. After serving herself a glass of juice, she sat in the sofa in the living room and turned on the TV. After looking through some of the channels, she finally found an interesting looking movie. The movie was very interesting, and she was trying her best to pay attention to it. But minute by minute, her eyelids grew heavier and heavier. Before she knew it, she had fallen asleep.

There were many things that could make Gino happy. Ridding his Tristian, eating his favorite foods, and many others. But nothing compare to the feeling of finally being home and being able to see his fiance after being away for such a long time. This past month without Kallen had been way too much for him. Hell, even one day without Kallen was too much for him to handle. He loved that girl and the thought of having to be away from her was enough to kill him. But right now, all he felt was an immense happiness. He was finally home, nothing felt better than that. It was probably around one in the evening and he knew Kallen would be probably be doing chores around the house. He remembers how messy he used to be when he lived by himself. Ever since Kallen moved in with him, the house was always perfectly clean. She called it being organized, he called it 's why when he walked into the house, he was surprised to found it in total silence. The only noise that could be heard was the soft volume of the TV. He walked to the living room and there he found Kallen, sleeping in the sofa like a baby. He couldn't help but smile at the sight in front of him. It was just too adorable. Slowly, he walked towards her and placed a small kiss on her forehead, making sure he didn't wake her up. Being as careful as possible, he lift her up in his arms and carried her back to their room. Once there, he placed her on the bed and went to take a shower. After all, it had been a long day and all he wanted to do was relax.

After a long and relaxing shower, Gino came out of the bathroom, dressed in a pair of gray sweatpants. He notice that Kallen was still sleeping. This wasn't something very common for Kallen. Gino was well aware that his girlfriend loved to sleep, but she normally didn't slept during the day. She must have been very tired in order for her to be taking a nap. He knew that lately she had been pretty stressed out planning the wedding and everything else that came with it. Maybe that's what had her so tired. He couldn't help but smiled everything time the thought of Kallen becoming his wife crossed his mind. In less than a couple months, they would finally be married. There was no denying that he loved this woman beyond belief. Nothing could make him happier than knowing that soon she would be his wife. He still remembers the day that he proposed, and she accepted.


If Kallen's day became any worse than it was now, she was going to hang herself. Today was probably one of the worst days of her life. To start off with, she overslept and and missed her first two classes. After that, the rest of her day went downhill without any improvement. All her professors also seemed to be having a bad day and decided to take it out on the students. She had so much work and so much crap to do that she honestly thought it was going to eventually kill her. Not even when she was part of the Black Knights did she had this amount of work. College was definitely Hell in the shape of a school. To make matters even worse, everyone seemed to be in the mood to bother her, and more than once she had snapped at people. Yes, today was definitely not her day.

When she was finished with her classes, she couldn't feel happier. Now all she wanted to do was head home, take a warm shower and go to sleep. She could work on her school work later on. She lived in a pretty small and crappy apartment, but it was all she could afford with her job. After the war ended, she had cut all connections with her father. They never had a good relationship to start off with, and Kallen wanted nothing to do with that man. She was perfectly happy without him. Her life was a lot harder than it was back then, but she wouldn't have it any other way. Sure, she didn't have all the luxuries she had when she was a Standtfeld, but honestly, she didn't want, nor needed any of that. She had everything she needed and that's what matters to her. Not to mention, she had an amazing boyfriend who was always taking care of her. She couldn't ask for anything else.

When she finally arrived to her apartment building, she was greeted by the sweet landlord. She was an elderly lady with an amazing heart. Kalled loved her. It reminded her of the grandmother who always spoiled her grandchildren.

"Hello there Kallen." Greeted the elderly lady greeted her. "That gorgeous boyfriend you have left a package for you. Here you go." From behind the counter where she was standing, she pulled out a big box, wrapped with bright red wrapping paper and a silver bow. "Any special occasion?"

"Not that I can think of." Reply Kallen. It wasn't her birthday. It wasn't their anniversary. There was nothing that Kallen could come up with to explain why would he get her a present. It was certainly strange, not that she mind. She had gotten used to Gino spoiling her like this. At the beginning, she used to get angry whenever he did something like that. After Gino explaining to her that she was the only person in the world he could spoil, she became less hostile to the idea of hims spoiling her. Eventually, she got used to and to her surprise, she found she loved when he spoiled her. She grabbed the box and thanked the lady. She then headed towards the elevator and soon, she arrived to her apartment.

The apartment was quite small, but since she was the only one living there she didn't mind. She doesn't need much space anyways. The apartment consisted of a room, a small bathroom, a small kitchen and a poor excuse for a living room. The building was old, so most of the apartments weren't in the best conditions. The windows wouldn't open, there were cracks on the ceilings and floors, half of the time the elevator wouldn't work and mainly old people lived in the place. Kallen didn't mind at all. Most of time the place was very quiet, and she liked that. The apartment wasn't anything fancy but it was enough for her, and more importantly, she was able to afford it. As soon as she started college, she had also gotten a job. It wasn't the best paying job, but it was a job. Kallen was very good at making sure she had enough money to pay for everything she needed, and in case she was missing something, Gino always there to help her out, not matter how much she insisted that he shouldn't. He always told her it was the least he could do for his girlfriend. Talking about Gino, she was curious to see what he had gotten her in that box. On top of the box, a note card was waiting to be read. Automatically, Kallen recognized Gino's nice, but at the same time sloppy handwriting.

'Nee nee, Kallen-chan, guess what? We are going on a date today! I'm not telling you where, I want it to be a surprise. But I do have one request for you, could you please wear what's inside this box? I got it just for you. I love you! I'll pick you up at seven, okay? See you then!

Now Kallen was very curious about what he boyfriend was planing. Gino had done something like this more than once, and those were probably the best dates she ever had. Gino always found a way to make the simplest of things something amazing. Carefully, Kallen ripped the wrapping paper off the box and opened it. She was shocked at what she found. Laying on the box, was a beautiful looking dress. Kallen took it out of the box in order to admire it better. It was a light orange dress that matched perfectly with her red hair. Other than the dress, there was also a pair beautiful silver heels. Kallen remembers seeing a dress like this in a magazine she found in her school once. It must have cost Gino quite a bit. More than once, Kallen had tried to convince Gino to stop buying her expensive gifts. He always refused, saying that he had the resources to do it, and it wasn't going to hold back. Kallen sighted remembering her boyfriend's words. He could be very stubborn when he wanted to. Looking at the clock hanging from one of the walls, Kallen still has 4 hours to get ready. She took the dress and shoes to her room and lay them carefully on her bed. She quickly gather all her stuff and went to take a shower. About twenty minutes later, she was out. She then started to do her hair. Normally this wouldn't be a long task, but since she wanted it to be perfect, it took her longer than usual. After the war was over, she had decided that she wanted to let her hair grow a bit. Gino loved her long hair, so she had decided to keep it that way. Now, her hair reached down to her mid back, and she liked it that way. She first dried it with the hairdryer and then decided to curl it. She braided her long bangs and clipped them together at the back of her head. The rest of her hair flowed freely down her back in perfect curls. She was happy with the result. Next, she proceed to get dressed.

The dressed fit her perfectly. It was almost as if it had been made specially for her. How Gino had guessed her size, she didn't know. The dress had a sweetheart neckline cut, emphasizing her chest more than usual. Right below her breast, was a beautiful band of diamonds that went around her dress, and up the sides to also decorate the thick straps of the dress. The skirt of the dress reached to above her knees, showing her perfect smooth legs. That was probably Gino's intention since he saw the dress. The shoes also fit her perfectly, and although they were heels, it was easy enough to walk in them. She took a look in the mirror and she could hardly recognize herself. She decided to go with some light makeup. She really didn't like make up and besides, she didn't really needed it. On her neck was resting a simple, yet beautiful white gold chain with a pendant in the shape of four hearts made out of diamonds that Gino had gotten her as a birthday present. And like that, she was ready. She looked at the time on her phone. She still have 15 minutes before Gino came to pick her up. Perfect timing. At exactly seven, she received a text from Gino saying that he was in front of the building. Kallen made her way there as fast as she could without tripping and busting her ass. Once she exited the building, she found Gino waiting for her. She couldn't help but blush as soon as she saw him. He was absolutely gorgeous, she was one lucky girl. He was dressed in a dark blue, button up shirt that made his blue eyes seem even bluer. He also wore a pair of black dressy pants a black shoes. The first couple buttons of his shirt were undone, giving Kallen a perfect view of his marvelous chest. He was perfect, and not even Kallen could deny that.

"Wow," was all that Gino could say as soon as he saw Kallen. In his eyes, there was no other woman more beautiful than Kallen. He thought he was beautiful whether she was dressed up, or just gotten out of bed. But as he saw her dressed in that beautiful dress, she looked like a goddess. There was simply no words to describe her.

"Thank you, for the dress. It's really beautiful." She thanked him once she was close enough for him to hear her. Gino smiled and kissed her cheek. He was glad she had liked it.

"No more beautiful than you are. Shall we go? Otherwise we are going to be late." Gino suggested as he opened the car door for her. Immediately, Kallen got in. The drive was mainly silent, but not an awkward silence, more like a comforting one. Eventually, curiosity got the best of Kallen and she asked the question she has been wanting to ask for a time now.

"So, where are we going?" She asked. Given the way they were dressed, she knew they must be going somewhere fancy. The fact that Gino wasn't telling her anything reinforced her theory.

"It's a secret." Was Gino's response. Kallen wanted to insist on him telling her where they were going, but she knew it would be useless. Gino wouldn't tell her.

Soon they arrived to one of the most expensive hotels around the area. Before she had a chance to ask any questions, one of the workers of the hotels was opening the car door for her. She got out of the car, and saw Gino giving one of the guys the car's keys. He grabbed her hand and walked with her to the inside of the hotel. Soon, they arrived to their destination: a restaurant. When Kallen saw the name of the restaurant, she was shocked. She had heard people talk about this restaurant before. It was considered one of the best restaurants in the area, to the point of being the favorite one of the royal family. The place had become so popular, that people had to make reservations months in advance, and there was no way they could get a reservation anywhere within the next four months.

"Welcome, do you have a reservation or would you like to make one?" A girl standing in a podium in the entrance of the restaurant asked them.

"No, we have a reservation for two, under the name of Gino Weinberg." He told her. The woman quickly started looking through the book in front of her for their reservation.

"I found your reservation. If you wouldn't mind, could you please wait for a minute while I verify that your table is ready?" Gino nodded at her, and a second afterwards, she was gone.

"Not that I'm complaining or anything, but how in the world did you manage to get a reservation in this place?" Kallen asked Gino once the waitress was gone. Gino just smiled at her.

"Well, let's just say that being a Knight of the Round has its advantages." Well, that certainly explained things. After all, being one of the Knight of the Round was probably the closest thing to royalty without being a royal. After a couple minutes, the waitress had come back.

"Your table is ready, if you could both follow me please." They both followed her to the less crowded area of the restaurant. There, a table was already set up for them. They both took a seat and the waitress left, leaving them with the menus. A little later she returned and took their orders. Soon, their food arrived. The food was to die for. No wonder the restaurant had gotten so famous. The food was truly extraordinary and so was the service. Kallen notice that through most of the dinner, Gino was quiet. This wasn't normal on him. Gino always was talkative and full of energy. It was very rare to see him quiet like he was now. She was starting to get really concerned.

"Gino is everything alright? You seem to be a little bit out of it." She asked, concern written all over her face.

"Yes, everything is alright. Sorry I'm making you worry." Gino lied. Over the time they have been dating, Kallen had discovered that Gino was an awful liar. He couldn't lie even if his life depended on it. Just when she was about to say something about this, Gino continued speaking. "Actually, there's something I want to give you." Gino said as he pulled a small box from one of his pockets and handed it to Kallen.

"Am I forgetting some kind of special occasion?" First the dress, now this. Kallen was really starting to worry that she may be forgetting something.

"No, not at all. I just wanted to get this for you." Gino explained. Perhaps it was Kallen's imagination, but she thought Gino looked nervous, and that was very uncommon on him.

Carefully, Kallen opened the small box. Inside, she found the most gorgeous ring she had ever seen. It was a simple white gold band with a beautiful heart shaped ruby standing in the middle of the band. Next to the ruby, two diamonds were standing, giving the ring a special touch. It was simple, yet extremely beautiful, just like Kallen. That was actually the reason why Gino had chosen this ring, it reminded her of Kallen. Simple but beautiful, fierce but dedicated. After getting over her initial shock, Kallen looked up to Gino, who was no longer at his seat. He was down in one knee right next to her.

"I know this is coming very out of the blue, but I couldn't wait any longer. Will you, Kallen Kozuki, allow me to have the honor of having you as wife?" The second those words left Gino's mouth, Kallen froze. Was this really happening? To her, out of everybody? Gino was right when he said that this was coming very out of the blue. None of them had talked about marriage before. Is not that they didn't want to get married, it was just that they didn't want to rush anything. But now that Gino had dared to ask the question, Kallen was going to follow her heart.

"Yes. Of course yes!" She reply. She had the biggest, brightest smile that Gino had ever seen. Nothing in the world would make her happier than being Gino's wife. Gino smiled and kissed his new fiance. God, how he loved the way that sounded.

"You are honestly the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you." Gino said to Kallen, who by now was crying of happiness.

End of Flashback

That had been almost eight months ago. After that, he had asked Kallen to move in with her. He couldn't stand being away from her. It took him a little bit of convincing, but he finally manage to do it. And like that, she moved in with him. Now, they could send as much time together as possible, and none of them would get lonely. Besides, Gino hated living alone, and now he had someone to keep him company. Gino earned more than enough money for them to have a comfortable life, so the only thing Kallen really had to worry about was school. Their life was simple, but that's just how they liked it. None of them liked luxuries, it brought bad memories for both of them. Kallen insisted that as soon as she graduated from college, she was going to get a good job. They didn't really need it, but she didn't want Gino to be doing all the work without her helping him. Out of the blue, he yawned, and it was then when he realized how tired he really was. After been away in some weird special training that all the Knight of the Round had to go through, Gino hasn't had a proper night of sleep since he left. For him, sleeping without Kallen in his side was a bad night. He figure it wouldn't hurt him to join Kallen for a nap. He wrapped his arms around Kallen waist, making sure he didn't wake her up, and was soon asleep.

A couple hours later, Kallen was waken up by the annoying alarm on her phone. As she reached to grab her phone, she then remember than she had to meet the girls today at four to go dress shopping. She wasn't so excited about it, since she was still feeling kinda sick, but she knew she had no other option. As she tried to get out of bed, she notice a pair of arms wrap around her. 'Wait a second, what?' She quickly turned to her side to see Gino's peaceful sleeping face. She had to resist the urge to hug the living daylights out of him. She had missed him beyond belief, but she figure he was probably very tired and need to rest. Carefully, she moved his arms and kissed him softly on his lips. She had really miss doing that. She had to resist the urge of doing it a thousand times more. Slowly, she got out of bed and changed into something more appropriate for today. Her white shorts were replaced by a pair of gray skinny jeans and her purple tank-top for a nice white shirt. She brushed her hair and tied it into a ponytail. She decided to leave Gino a note so he wouldn't freak out when he woke up. Quickly, she wrote the note and placed it on her pillow, where she knew Gino would see it. She then proceeded to grab an envelope that was placed on the table next to the bed. It was now or never. After kissing Gino one last time, she headed down to the kitchen. She still had some time to spare before she had to meet the girls, so she decided to cook Gino something before she left. Her stomach was somewhat calm, so she decided to take advantage of the situation. After making something quick, she left, hoping for the best.

Gino woke up not very long after Kallen had left. The first thing he noticed was that Kallen was no longer with him in the room. Well, that was odd. He then saw the piece of paper on Kallen's pillow. Quickly, he scanned through the note.

Gino, I'm out with the girls. They are forcing me to go dress shopping. I left you food and something else downstairs. If I'm not back soon, come and rescue me. Love you~ Kallen

Gino smiled at the note, he hoped she had fun with her friends. Kallen wasn't the greatest cooker in the world, but her food wasn't bad either. Most of the time he did the cooking in the house, not that any of them complained about it. He wanted to see what was the "something else" part Kallen had left for him downstairs. He made his way downstairs to the kitchen. There, right next to the stove was a ceramic plate full with his favorite dish, Kallen famous "Japanese style mac and cheese." He didn't know what the heck did she put in it, but it was to die for. He could eat it all day. There was a small note next to the plate saying "Remember to bake it." He quickly turned on the oven and placed the mac and cheese in. He then went to get himself a drink. Before he had a chance to open the fridge, he saw an envelope stuck on the fridge with a magnet. Curiosity got the best of him and he quickly opened it. Inside were the results of some kind of lab work. Kallen's name was written on it. Was there something wrong with her? Had something happened to her while he was away? He had called her a couple times while he was away, and she had told him that she wasn't feeling that great, but she said that it probably was some kind of flu. He started scanning the paper to see if there was something wrong with his Kallen. What he found, made his heart skip a beat.

Pregnancy test: Positive

By the time Kallen had arrived home, the sun had already set, yet it wasn't completely dark. Her dress shopping session had been totally pointless. She couldn't pick a dress since she knew that for the time of her wedding, her stomach would no longer be flat. Of course, she didn't tell her friends that. She wanted to talk to Gino about it first. They never talked about having children, let alone planning it. It had come as a surprise. She was still trying to figure out how it had happened, since she was pretty sure they always used protection. But nevermind that, the problem now was the she was pregnant. She really hoped Gino was happy about it, since she couldn't imagine what she would do if he told her he didn't want the baby.

"Gino, I'm home." She said once she entered the house. She placed her car's keys on the table by the door and walked towards the kitchen, thinking Gino may be there, but the kitchen was empty. Before she had a chance to go anywhere else, Gino appear from behind her and picked her up in his arms. She gave out a squeal of surprise and he carried her to the living room. Once there, he placed her down in one of the sofas. In less than a second, his lips were pressed against hers. Kallen couldn't help but to return the kiss. Honestly, she loved this man more than anything else.

"Is it true Kallen? I'm going to become a father?" Gino asked Kallen. He looked like a kid on Christmas morning. Kallen just nodded at him. She was so happy she didn't even knew what to say. Gino just kissed her again. "When did you found out?"

"A couple days ago. Remember when I told you I wasn't feeling that great and I thought I had a flu?" Gino nodded. "Well, I wasn't getting any better so I decided to go to the hospital and get it checked. They did some lab work on me and I found out I was pregnant. I didn't want to tell you over the phone, that's why I waited to tell you." She explained. Gino smiled and kissed her once again. He was going to be a father. A father! Sure, they haven't planned any of this, and they were still very young, but that didn't matter. He was going to have a child with the woman he loved the most. He couldn't ask for anything better. When the kiss was broken, he saw tears coming out of Kallen's eyes. He quickly got scared.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Did she not wanted this baby?

"I'm scared." She reply. This confession shocked Gino.


"For everything. I have no confidence on being a good mom. I've never spend time with my real mom, and my stepmom was everything but a mother to me. Also I don't want to get you in trouble because of me. After all, I was a Black Knight, and you know that there are still people who believe we are waiting to take over or something like that. I know how hard you've worked to become a Knight of the Round, and I don't want you to lose that because of me. Besides, your family is probably never going to talk to you again." By the time Kallen had finished talking, she was nothing more than a sobbing mess. Gino didn't know if this was due to the pregnancy hormones already kicking in, or she was finally breaking down. Either way, he needed to comfort her. Gently, he cleaned away the tears on her face.

"I want you to listen to me very carefully Kallen. No one ever knows how to be a parent. I have no clue on how to be a father, but that's part of the journey. I'm sure time will make sure we learn. We'll figure it out, together. You won't have to do it alone, I swear I'll be here with you every step of the way. After all, this is my child too, and I could never leave you alone. Regarding the whole Black Knight, Knight of the Round crap, I could care less. To me, you are the most important thing in the world. If I have to give up being a Knight of the Round just to be with you and our child, I'll do it without thinking. I'll give up everything for you. Kallen I ran away from home when I was 16, what makes you think I have a good relationship with my family? I could honestly care less what they think. Now, you and this little munchkin growing inside of you are my family. And I wouldn't give you guys up for anything in the world." At the end of this, tears kept falling off Kallen's eyes. But this time, they were tears of happiness. What had she done to ever become this lucky? This time, she was the one kissing Gino. After those words, she realized that he was right. No matter what, they were going to do this together. As long as she had him by her side, nothing could go wrong. She loved this man more than she ever thought she could love someone. And now with the baby on the way, she felt like her life had finally been completed.