Assassination Classroom/Killua Zoldyck

Chapter 14

"Killua Zoldyck, nice of you to join our party!"

"Ughh….." Killua groaned, "not so nice welcome you got there." Standing up straight, he started to stretch out the soreness from the hit. "Seriously though, I feel bad for the people who visit you." With his stretching done, Killua turns to face his attacker. From what he could see the attacker had orange/red hair that stuck out in every direction. His outfit was even less discreet. He was wearing a white long sleeved shirt with a neon yellow sleeveless sweater vest. His pants were also white with the occasional yellow strip… luckily the dudes shoes were black.

"Well… you should feel honored because you are the only one that's gotten this lovely welcome." The guy says, ignoring the part where Killua said it wasn't pleasant. "Now I should introduce myself, I am the newly appointed head of my family… (Dramatic pose) Yado Fleur!"

"Hahahahaha! Your name means FLOWER… Hahahahaha! Did your parents hate you flower boy?" Cheshire Killua asked Fleur while cracking up. When Killua looked up from his laughing he could see the tick mark forming on the young head's forehead. Good.

"You listen Killua Zoldyck! I will need you to hand over your dear little sister. I wanted to do this as one head to one future one. Just give me what I want and this can be over." Yado said, pointing his finger at Killua.

"And what if I say no, what will you do then?" Killua asked, already knowing the answer. They would fight and would be dead in the end. Since they both knew the answer and neither felt the need to voice it… they sprang at each other. Killua had his claws out, while Yado had a katana. The fight was evenly matched, with both sides calculating each other's moves.

Meanwhile on the outside of the hotel, "Did anyone hear anything?"

"No and focus everyone this is going to be a tough mission!"

"Ritsu, can you open the back door?" The layout of the building was like a maze and would be very hard to get through.

"Sure give me one minute." Ritsu replied before proceeding. The class hard the security on the door unlock with a tiny ding. One by one they went into the hotel, Karasuma taking the opportunity to verify the amount of security in the lobby. "Why the hell do they have so many damn security guards?" Considering all the variables, the best plan would be to remain as a group. They had no idea what their enemy was like and need to move forward with a lot of caution.

"That's a lot of security for all of us to sneak past." Remarked Nagisa.

Irina Jelavić wasn't having any of this, "Come on, what are we waiting for? An invitation? Let's just do this." Shock and gasps ran through the class after saying that.

"Do you even comprehend the situation we are in?"

"There is to many of us t-" Not listening to them she began walking into the lobby, "Are you out of your mind."

With a wave of her hand she says, "Watch and learn sweethearts."

Gulp, gulp could be heard from the dear little perverted ball in the bag… Koro sensei. Irina made herself sway as she walked into the lobby to give the impression of being intoxicated to the guards around them. Walking into one of them she says looking up, "Oh sorry! Blame the mini bar in my room."

"Think nothing of it mam! No harm done."

Looking over his shoulder, she sees the piano in the center of the room, "Is that? That's the piano I'm performing on next week. I came early to do the whole tourist thing."

With the scene set, she walked over to the piano. Continuing her act as she starts to play Chopin getting all of the security guards attention. Karasuma waited for the signal. Snapping the student out of their trance they successfully clear the first level of the mission.


I am so sorry for being away for so long! I just graduated high school and I'm taking a gap year so if I start drifting please feel free to bug me hahahaha. Anyways I wrote this quickly to get back into the whole writing thing. Next is writing a new chapter for all my stories!

I have been starting a cooking blog and getting my two instas going, plus a close friend of mine died that I just forgot to write. I just got back into anime too. Also with the end of school and dance class is going on break soon I'm going to have so much time. I'm taking a gap year to travel and have plans to write.

Thank you Shiro, your review reminded my to write cause I was sick and just graduated that it made me go I'm doing this.

Please Review and Follow J