Hey, everyone. So, I'm sure most of you are kinda mad, if not really mad about my slow updates, but let me give a rundown why I have been really slow in updates. I don't have wi-fi, here's the thing. I'm actually dependent on mobile data, so I use my phone's personal hotspot to get internet. Because of this, I use my phone a lot, and a month ago, my phone got busted due to the swelling of my battery all thanks to four years of overcharging and dropping the sad device. So basically, it pushed the screen out of its body and before I knew it, you can basically take the screen out. So as any sane person does, I sent it for repair, and I forgot to mention this but the LCD screen too had problems, so that had to be repaired, and then when it was all done, the motherboard had problems too. MOTHER. And my backup phone too is busted, so I have no choice but to go inactive for the rest of the one month. The one month isn't intentional because parts needed to be imported and bla bla bla. Thus, I received my phone on March 2.

So, over the month of inactivity, I've been writing and this story has become a sudden inspiration to write about. This is definitely a different one, because I have no idea how its going to end, and I have now developed a proper style after re-reading The Maze Runner and some passages about being a writer, I decided to adapt a style where I will write less per chapter, because I imagine reading a history book, where I feel threatened by the long and nearly boring passages (I minor in History and love history by the way, so don't get me wrong.). So, to diminish this problem, I decided to give you a breakdown about the story. I have 20 stories (including The Meadow, Disturbance and Return) in the mind and they're all in the progress of writing, so you can all understand the reason why my ideas sometimes haven't been updated as promised. There are days I feel elated because I got the idea, and days where I don't so I progress to another which sparks the elation in me.

This story is something I didn't expect to write, because as I write, I too have been doing most of the actions on how someone deals with loss usually acts. So if you read the 5th chapter where I mention about holding the cup tighter, it was basically me holding my cup of hot chocolate tighter whenever I look at things with envy or sadness or basically just thinking about things like an emo whacko. I currently study drama sure, but I extend my horizons to psychology, where my love for angst has grown at large. I have been watching movies and seen a lot of psychological ones and I begin to adapt them into the story.

I love stories that have multiple chapters because it makes me so excited to finish it, and the more I read ones with more chapters like James Dashner's books, I realize that they have little words and so I thought, "I'll do it like that,". I did some references and have seen that its better to write shorter so that the reader doesn't feel threatened by the length (that's what he said. Sorry.) of the story. And I don't know about you, but to be relatable, it's hard knowing that people don't go through half the shit we writers have to make it look relatable. Moreover, I want my stories to build connections with the reader, not barriers.

I'm going on too long about my explanation, so I hope this settles everything.

I think with this story being published, I have now adapted a definite style of writing, so I thank you for the continuous reviews and support and hope these first 22 chapters will make it up for the loss time.


"I'm busy," says Stiles through the phone, his patience teetering to the edge of frustration. He pinches the bridge of his nose, trying to salvage the last bit of his composure before having the last straw.

"On break?" whines Lydia in a querulous tone, "Stiles, we get it. You have a Master's, recently may I add, but seriously, take a break. Just help me out with this, will you?"

"I will not sacrifice the next year of my life for this job, Martin," snaps Stiles, "And so what if I have a Master's, I have high targets, alright?"

Lydia snorts in disbelief. Stiles has always been this way, and undeniably so. Burdening him with such a task just puts Stiles into pondering; out of all people Lydia Martin has in mind, she chooses the busiest guy to do the job.

"I'm in Peru now, Lydia," argues Stiles.

"Then come back. Plane tickets at this moment are getting cheaper," retorts Lydia.

"Big talk coming from the girl who has had 98 percent of her life insured. By Jackson, may I add?" Lydia grumbles through the receiver, curmudgeon with the Stiles' stubbornness. Stiles has always been a hamper in people's calls and what can he do? Best chance for him to move on is just move on anyway.

"Fine," sighs Lydia, "I'll just get someone else to do this," before Stiles could get a word to give his apology (which is unlikely) or assurance, he hears the line click and Stiles pulls the phone away from his ear, his lips moved to the side in half annoyance and regret. He rolls his eyes before putting the phone away on the bed. Maybe Lydia had been right about him being such a workaholic. Studying keeps him sane. He had just lost his father to heart complications, a problem Stiles cannot help but wish he could would have grasped the nettle instead of chiding him with basic health tips like reducing meat intake. Losing his father is a deathblow, something he almost gotten over after his mother's but in the course of 26 years? A 10 years gap from each death isn't something he envisioned, even it had been 2 years ago.

Ever since then, he has been more caved in, and pours his grief towards his work and studies. Vacation ing would only make him feel sad than before, because absence of work and preoccupation will only let him ponder on the events of his life, and that includes the time with both him and his dad. He hasn't gotten over the whole thing yet, and he wonders how long will that take him to move on.

The phone rings, and Stiles straightens up at the sound. He picks the phone up and stares at it. 'Unknown Number' it says, and he can already tell who the caller is. Confidentiality purpose, his ass. If it is confidential, they needn't put the contact information on their magazine and commercials. Idiots.

He sighs before sliding the phone to answer. "Hello?" he answers.

"Is this Stiles Stilinski?" says the caller.

"Speaking," he replies tersely.

"Ah yes, well this is Eve from Harvard University, and we would like to apologize," Stiles keeps a stiff lip upon hearing the words, "But we have no choice but to postpone your entrance to PhD course for two years,"

Stiles flusters at the words conveyed. Postponed? "May I ask why?"

"Ah, well," replies the clerk, "We have received words from the professors that it is time you take a break. You see, they are concerned,"

"Concerned?" replies Stiles confusedly.

"They are concerned about your health, sir. You have received your Masters just a few months ago, and you applied for it almost immediately after you've gotten your degree and this time Masters. We fear that taking another quick step to PhD without proper recovery may jeopardize your road to getting PhD," she replies, her professional tone almost wavering as she voices out the words from the professor. Stiles stays silent, his mind obstinately denying the concerns raised from the professors. Since when did health become a priority to them? If it were a priority, which it's hell isn't, they should have guided their students to do a thesis when they stepped in for their degree. No wonder the lack of doctors and specialists is evident. "Sir?" the clerk asks worriedly.

Stiles alerted at the sound, and clears his throat. "Yes, well. Thanks. I suppose I'll take their word for it," He can't defeat a board of professors. Besides, his experience with the professors hasn't really gone sugar and rainbows, especially with the times where he overworked himself to a breakdown.

"That's great to hear, sir. We look forward to see you next time for your PhD," replies Eve with elation to her voice, as if she's sure that he will refusal from the man himself. He hums back, not really feeling the same sentiment as Eve. "We will be in touch to see your progress on your time off, sir. The professors have voiced out that they may take you back should you follow their advice," Great. A bargain. Time off for a few years of classes.

They exchanged their goodbyes, and Stiles lowers the phone towards his lap. He hunches his back, wondering what can he do during this time. He sure as hell can't do nothing. He will be driven insane, and he doesn't want to see a therapist as compensation of his vacation. Staying in Peru wouldn't be ideal for him, as he has already explored majority of the state.

He could go back. He hasn't anyway, but then, that would also be considered as a vacation. He grips the phone a little tighter, his mind cursing at himself for letting people be concerned for such trivial matter. The fools that fiddle while Rome burns. If anything, he's easing the burden.

He walks around his room, wondering what alternatives may he be able to take to make sure his time is well spent. He looks at his phone and mentally runs down the contacts of who could provide him with tasks. Most of his contacts are of acquaintances and if only his dad were alive, maybe a few criminal cases can be assisted. He shakes his head, and plops on the bed miserably.

He groans audibly before retrieving his phone from the bed. He dials the number and the ringing goes on once, then twice and finally the picks up on the third ring. "What, Stiles?"

Stiles sighs, feeling that the upcoming job is something that he's going to regret, "The job, you still got room for me to do it?"