Groaning seems to be a tradition people do these days whenever people wake up from a good sleep. Stiles' is no traitor to that concept, as he gives a muffled groan when he feels his eye opening by its own volition. His hands wrap around Derek's midsection and as he opens his eyes more clearly and wider, he only sees a white tee shirt in front of him. The idea slowly comes into his mind, however, as Stiles realizes that it's Derek who's wearing that white tee shirt.

Crap, says Stiles mentally. Derek Hale is on his bed, and his arms are draped over his waist. Tentatively, he moves his hand across his defined chest, and slowly drags his fingertips across the clothed torso. He's not surprised that Derek would almost be built like a stone wall, but the idea of touching it is far different from actually imagining it. He spreads his palm across his stomach, feeling the soft crevices of his torso and Stiles' breath hitches when he the small but haptic bumps. Derek shifts slightly and groans when he feels the Stiles' touch and Stiles tenses, his movements not going any further.

"I'm not complaining, if that's what you're wondering," moans Derek. Stiles' cheeks pinked at the declaration and feels his torso for a few seconds longer before pulling his arms away from the torso with reluctance. Derek chuckles when Stiles moves his hand away, and Stiles knows better than he's not laughing at the fact that he has just withdrawn his hand. Stiles couldn't help but blush slightly when he hears Derek's soft chuckle and he mentally chastises himself for being that impulsive to do some feeling up on his colleague. A colleague who's decided to spend the night with him.

Derek turns around, and turns his stare at Stiles, whose eyes seem transfixed to the ceiling. He can feel his face turning a little pinker at the stare, and somehow, Stiles' throat feels dry for no reason. He wonders what it would feel like to feel his face, with all the scruff covering his cheeks and chin, and wonders whether all that facial hair is just an illusion to the definition that is described onto the jaw of his. He wonders too on the color of his eyes, on whether or not it stays green or gray.

"Penny for your thoughts?" asks Derek in a teasing tone. Stiles' nearly jumps at the voice, not realizing that he's zoned out to the extent that he's on the bed with his co-worker right now. Derek stares at Stiles with wondering eyes, curious. Stiles wonders whether having someone around tailing you nearly every day is a sign of love, and usually he wonders whether he's actually taken an interest in him for something.

"Just…," he trails off, not really sure how to convey the thoughts in his head at the moment. He breathes in deeply, hoping that that alone will be enough to compose whatever words that are invisibly spiraling in his head be strung into at least one coherent sentence, "Do you like me?"

Derek looks back at him, holding his gaze into Stiles' eyes. The pause somehow is unbearable, and somehow Stiles doesn't really know why he had asked that question. It's just a niggling feeling, one that he couldn't help but want no, need an answer. The answer is better to be heard directly rather than inferring from the circumstances available to him. A minute has passed but to Stiles' world, it almost feels like an eternity for the answer to come out of Derek's lips. It's nothing bad or anything, but Stiles sort of wants Derek to say yes but at the same time, he wouldn't really mind if he were to say no. Stiles mentally scoffs at the thought because it's true. He's a wrecked case, and everything was wrecked until Derek came, with his intentions being innocent yet persistent. More like a niggling kind of persistence, if he could describe astutely.

Stiles' attention perks when he sees the pupils of Derek's eyes moving to his lips. "I thought we're already past this?" Derek whispers. Derek's head is moving closer fractionally and Stiles didn't bother to move. It's like his body wants or craves for the touch, and it's pretty laughable seeing that just a month ago, Stiles was actually quite taciturn towards the whole opening up thing, and then a few days ago, Derek kissed him before school started, so that has to count for something, right? Derek's lips touch his and Stiles closes his eyes when he feels them being pressed with more pressure.

He feels Derek's hands curving up to his cheek, cupping it as Derek tests the water by swiping his tongue onto Stiles. Stiles parts his lip at the sudden cold touch and their tongues mix in the foray. They kiss slowly, yet passionately and Derek pulls back after what it seems to be hours of kissing.

Yup, there are already past this.