Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Naruto

Walking through the crowded streets of Konoha, The Village Hidden In The Leaves Naruto Uzumaki glared at everyone whispering about him as he passed by. He had been 9 years ago the village was attacked by a terrible and powerful beast,The nine tailed demon fox. Capable of causing earthquakes and tsunami's with just a swing of its tail the fox crippled Konoha's shinobi force and obliterating much of the village itself before the fourth Hokage defeated it by creating a Jinchuriki out of his own son. The villagers only knew that the fourth defeated the monster and it was sealed inside naruto not that he was their Heroes son and neither did he.

"Look at him doesn't he realize nobody wants him around."

"Why does Hokage-sama even put up with him."

Scowling Naruto kept moving. Smile plastered on his face betraying the overwhelming sadness he felt inside. Everytime he walked through the village the villagers would not acknowledge him unless it was to throw insults or sneer but other than that it was like he didn't exist and it hurt. He was only 9 years old what could he have done to make everyone hate him. The old man wouldn't say anything when he asked just that it wasn't his fault the people needed time and eventually they would come around.

What Naruto didn't realize was that when he felt sad the plant life in and around Konoha dimmed,Someone did though. Watching Naruto through his crystal ball Hiruzen Sarutobi,Third Hokage of the Village Hidden in the Leaves puffed on his tobacco to the four pictures hanging next to his desk he smiled at the first.

"So Shodaime-sensei it seems you're will of fire is not the only thing burning bright in young Naruto is it." Turning to look out his window at the village he ruled Sarutobi sighed wishing for the millionth time he was still retired."Yamato what do you think we should do about Naruto's gift"

Rising silently from the floor a brown haired and eyed man in his late twenties wearing the AnBu Uniform Consisting of black cargo pants taped at the ankle,chest armour and black shinobi sandals covered by a full body cloak kneeled before the Hokage.

"As you said you're self Hokage-sama the will of fire burns brightly in him. With the chakra levels of being a jinchuriki and the ability to use Mokuton Kekkai Genkai he could become one of the strongest ninja's in the village." Yamato said

"And would you be willing to teach him how to" Sarutobi asked turning to face yamato face blank not showing any emotion."the teachers at the academy have not been teaching him and I fear that will not change".

"Yes Hokage-sama"

"Hey Ayame" Naruto shouted greeting the brown haired girl working behind the counter as he entered the Ichiraku ramen stand taking a seat at the bar."Miso ramen and keep them coming the old man said he was paying today".

"Ok Naruto" Ayame laughed smiling at the enthusiasm Naruto always showed for his favorite food.""Where is Hokage-sama at if he is going to be paying?" she asked disappearing into the back room to let her father know there best customer was here and hungry.

"I'm right here Ayame and I see naruto has Already ordered" the Hokage answered taking a seat next to Naruto as Ayame came back with Naruto's bowl.

"Would you like anything Hokage-sama"

"No thank you Ayame no ramen for me today"

"What how could you old man this is the food of Gods" Naruto yelled devouring his first bowl. He had never understood why the old man didn't eat more ramen it was the best food ever.

Chuckling at Naruto's happiness from just eating his Favorite food the Hokage ask his question even though he already knew the answers."so Naruto how is the academy going for you?"

"It sucks old man" Naruto said sadly putting down his ramen."the teachers never explain anything and I still can't beat Sasuke in are sparring matches. I can win against everybody else but not Sasuke and I want to wipe that 'I'm too good for you' smirk right of that bastard's face."

"Well Naruto there is still three years left of the academy so you have time"

"Yea well how am I supposed to beat him if nobody teaches me what to do. I can't even do a clone Jutsu right".

Hiruzen didn't answer right away trying to calm the anger bubbling up inside of him at how the Villages greatest hero was being treated. Naruto needed to be taught right especially if what jiraiya said about a new group hunting jinchuriki's was true."Well Naruto I happen to have a Anbu member who would love to teach you"

Watching the plants around them as Naruto's mood brightened the The Hokage smiled yes yamato was definitely the best Sensei to teach Naruto.

"Amazing thing are coming to the leaf and it was all thanks to you Naruto." thought Hiruzen

(1 year later)

Naruto sat cross legged in the middle of his training field waiting for his sensei yamato to arrive. It had been a year since He began his training under the Anbu and Naruto couldn't have been happier with his progress. Everyday he would wake up at dawn and meet his sensei to train for hours until the academy began then after the academy was let out his sensei would meet him here at their training grounds to train till dark.

Thank's to the Kyuubi Yamato didn't need to worry about stunting Naruto's growth with his training so he had Naruto running laps till he collapsed to improve endurance and Weights fitted to his arms and legs hidden under his shirts and pants to strengthen his muscles all day by just moving. Chakra control was the biggest part of his training due to his jinchuriki status turning his chakra pools into ocean's. Leaf exercise, tree walking and water walking were used to heighten his control. It was shocking to discover even though he had massive reserves Naruto's control was better than most fresh chunin. Today they were going to test Naruto's Elemental Affinity.

"Now Naruto channel your chakra into this paper" Yamato instructed handing the slip of paper to Naruto."If you have a Katon the paper will burn, Suiton will cause the paper to soak. Doton affinity and the paper will crumble, Raiton will make the paper crinkle and a Futon Affinity will split the paper in half do you understand."

Nodding Naruto did as he was instructed sending his channeling chakra into the paper watching as it crinkled then one corner grew damp up as the other crumbled into dust.

"Awesome Yamato-sensei I have three affinity's I bet sasuke doesn't have that." Naruto shouted practically bouncing in his spot.

Knowing the paper was going to soak and crumble since both he and the Hokage had already guessed Naruto inherited the Shodaime's Mokuton ability Yamato wasn't shocked but the Raiton affinity threw him."Yes Naruto it seems you do and who knows maybe sasuke does have three affinity's to so don't get arrogant you still need to train for your affinity's to be worth anything". while his words were harsh Naruto needed to know just because he had something others didn't he wasn't invincible too many shinobi had died by being over confident. The Uchiha clan was a prime example one of the strongest clans in the village wiped out in one night. That Itachi was impressive being able to take on multiple opponents at once but killing an entire clan full of high ranked ninjas without alerting anybody was stuff out of nightmares.

"Alright Naruto that's enough for today head home and I will see you tomorrow to start on training on your elements."

"Hai Yamato-sensei" Naruto answered watching his sensei disappear in a leaf beginning to set Naruto Started to head home eager to wake up tomorrow for element training.

Appearing in the Hokage office's Yamato reported to the Third confirming Naruto having the element affinity's to use Mokuton and the Unexpected Raiton affinity.

"Hmm so Naruto has a Raiton affinity, quite a surprise not many have three affinity's" Sarutobi said to himself dismissing Yamato."He will need all the help he can get. with the Akatsuki beginning to move. Then there is the council to worry about I can control them but I need to make sure the next Hokage will also be able to." Hiruzen thought remembering the fit the council threw when Naruto started showing improvement at the academy.


"What is the meaning of this council meeting" The Hokage asked taking his seat at the front of the war room's table.

"Sarutobi-san That boy has been growing stronger and we must stop him" a fat civilian council member shouted slamming his fist into the table trying to intimidate the others.

Watching the reactions of the other council members react to the man was not as humorous as it had been the times before. Clan heads sneering and scowling at the idiots attempt and the civilians cowering to the man. Sighing inwardly as the council began agreeing with the man Sarutobi scowled Naruto was a hero and he had had enough of these idiots trying to stop the boy from being the best he could be.

Drowning the room in his Killer intent sending everyone present into a nervous sweat and halting all voices mid-sentence. (Ha he still had it) "All of you be silent" he announced rising from his seat to stand over the still frozen council. eyebrows knitted together face contorting into a angry scowl."Naruto has improved yes, Because I assigned him one of my anbu as private instructor for on the weekends and before and after academy hours on weekdays."

"What Hiruzen you can't do that it is a blatant show of favoritism" Homura said frowning at his teammates move to help the boy."Koharu don't you agree?" he asked his female teammate seated next to him.

"Homura is right Hiruzen you can't just waste a anbu time by having them teach that boy" Koharu said backing Homura argument.

"Silence!" Sending out another blast of KI to silent anybody else from joining his advisors in their argument against him." I am Hokage" he said making eye contact with everyone in the room before continuing."As Hokage my word is law I do not need your approval you are Advisor's nothing more. Naruto will continue to be trained and none of you will interfere unless you want to be tried for treason. Now onto more important matters since you already wasted enough of my time. Naruto Uzumaki is now Naruto Senju he will move into the Clan compound and all assets will be unfrozen and handed over to him".He Said turning to leave the room stopping at the door to leave one last word of advice to the council."Next time we have a meeting you will all address me as Hokage-sama. I have been lenient with you for too long but no more"

(Flashback end)

While he had not yet let Naruto know he was a Senju or handed over anything to the his surrogate grandson he would the moment Naruto was able to use Mokuton on his own. That would be all the proof he needed that the boy had Senju blood running through his veins.

Leave review with what you think of story. Prologue for Pokemon story will also be posted in a couple of days.

Kingofpirates98 Signing off til next time.