*Hi! Yes I decided to start a new story! I hope you all enjoy it.*

*I have no beta so all mistakes are my own. If anyone is up for grabs than cool, until then I will try my best. If there are to many mistakes, please be gentle. I will fix them.*

*Disclaimer – Supernatural is not mine, nor are any of the characters. ):

*Please R&R*

*I just LOVE "After School Special." Seeing how cute young Sam was I couldn't help but write the boys in that age group. Not to mention Dean was about eighteen and really coming into his own.*

Sam just finished up with another day of school. He was sitting in the impala waiting for Dean to get out of his class. He had to stay extra to make up a test or something stupid. This school wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be, and it helped that Dean was there, even if he was a know it all senior and Sam was a short freshman. Sam knew he was still the brains of the operation. He was great with a gun, but at fourteen still a little small to hunt anything more than a ghost. Which was fine, he didn't mind being left alone to study and do homework without being pestered. Dean always told him his big geeky brain was going to get him into trouble one day. Boy if he knew how true that was he would have failed a few tests.

Sam figured it would be a good idea to read while waiting for Dean. Nothing supernatural ever came to his school, so he figured it was an ok idea to bury his nose in a book. He didn't notice the car pull up behind him, watching and waiting.

Dean finally finished the test and walked out the school. He hated school and hated tests. He was in the right mind to just drop out and hunt full time while Sam took care of the whole school scene. He was more than relieved to see Sam in the passenger seat of the impala, his nose deep in a book. Since their dad gave Dean the impala for his sixteenth birthday, he insisted on driving Sam to and from school, no questions asked. Even if Sam was old enough to take care of himself. Creatures and monsters didn't care how old you were. It didn't help that Sam was small for his age. At fourteen Dean was tall and his muscles were becoming more defined, and he excelled in everything hunting. Sam was a different story.

Dean made his way to the driver's side and knocked on the door, in turn scaring the shit out of Sam. He unlocked the doors.

"Dam it Dean you're going to give me a heart attack."

Dean got in the car and ruffled his brother's hair, making Sam swat at his hand and Dean grinned.

"Who did you think I was?"

"Some jerk banging on the car window!"


The nicknames put smiles on both their faces as Dean started the car and pulled away from the school.

At home John was going through the files on their newest hunt. It was seeming simple enough, werewolf hunt, but if it's one thing he hated above everything else was research. He was thanking the stars that his youngest was ridiculously smart and was thrilled to do the research. Not so much the actual hunt itself, but the research. Which was fine, at least until Sam grew some more muscle. Most of the hunts John and Dean could take of on their own anyway.

John was so busy he almost didn't hear his phone ringing. He picked it up.

"John here."

"Hey John it's me Troy."

If John was the eye rolling type, he would have done it. He hated this guy.

"Hey Troy what can I do for you?"

"Well you see, there's this hunt I'm doing and I'm stuck on what it could possibly be. I need extra help."

"Troy listen, the last time we went on a hunt together you almost got me killed. I don't think…."

"I just need help on the research. I got a new partner, but were stuck on what the hell kind of monster this could be."

"Alright listen, go ahead and give me the details and I'll tell you what I think."

"Ummm actually John we were hoping that you could put Sam on the phone."

John perked his head up at the mention of his youngest name. He didn't trust other hunters around his boys, especially Sammy, and he didn't like the fact that this guy was asking for him.

"What the hell do you want with Sam?!"

"The last time we worked together Sam did all the research and he was great at it. I've never seen a twelve year old do the work he did. He figured out what the monster was, the pattern, and where it lived, all in a quarter of the time it would have taken any adult hunter. Kids a genius if I didn't know any better. You think we could come over and have him look at the files we have? I mean with a kid like Sam by my side everything will go by a lot quicker. Than when I'm done with him Ill return him to you until my next hunt."

"No absolutely not."

"Come on Johnny, people are dying and we would only need the kid for two days tops."

"Listen here. Sam isn't helping you or your crack pot partner so just let it go."

There was a sigh on the other end of the phone.

"I was really hoping it wasn't going to come to this, but I know where Sam goes to school. You can't be around him all the time. This hunt is very important and we need someone to figure this out fast. I looked at the kids records and he's a straight A student. With his help do you know how many hunts we can get done in a short amount of time? I know no hunter as smart as your boy. Now let us borrow him or else."

John was fuming. If this asshole thought he was going to get anywhere near Sammy he had another thing coming, even if it was just for research. One research job could lead to another and when Sam starts packing on the muscle they may want him to hunt with them. Plus he still didn't trust the guy. He was careless and only thought of himself. Sam could get hurt or worse.

"You come anywhere near my son and you'll have hell to pay you hear me? Sam isn't just some tool I use to help on hunts."

"If that's how you want it John then fine. Keep an eye out for an e-mail."

And with that the call ended.

John ran a hand over his face in frustration. There was no way in hell he was going to "loan" Sam to this guy who might get him killed. This guy was talking about Sam as if he was an object instead of a human being.

Just a few seconds later he got an e-mail. He opened the attachment and was more pissed than anything. It was pictures of Sam at school getting in and out of the impala, Sam outside at lunch, and Sam taking a break after doing his mile run he does every morning before Dean wakes up. They were stalking him. Now John knew that if he didn't "loan "Sam to Troy to help with the research, they were going to try and make a move and grab him themselves. Sam was an excellent fighter at fourteen, but he was still small for his age. He wouldn't have a chance going up against two grown fully trained hunters. Them calling John was just a curtesy call. Now they were going to try and make their move. John would high tail it and run, but he had a hunt of his own to complete. The second his boys came home he had to talk to Dean and make sure he was more on his game than before.

The boys walked through the door in high spirits, laughing and pushing each other around playfully.

"Hey boys. Listen Sammy, do me a favor and go to your room? I have to talk to Dean alone."

Dean shrugged and Sam went up to his room without argument for once. Dean grabbed a bear and sat down next to his dad.

"Hey what's up?"

"Listen Dean I just got a call from an old hunting buddy. He needs a lot of help on research and he wants Sam to help him."

Dean's smile faded. He didn't know a lot of his dad's hunting contacts, but he knew if they wanted help he personally wouldn't mind helping. As long as Sam stayed away from them. Some of the hunters had questionable pasts and until Sam became older, he was to stay away. Both John and Dean came to that mutual agreement.

"He wants help? I'll go and help him with research." Dean said.

John shook his head.

"He specifically asked for Sam's help since he was so good at it the last time. Now listen, they've been following him, stalking him. Hell he sent me pictures of Sam when he was alone. I think they're going to try and make a move and grab him so I need you to stay on your guard for anyone giving him and special attention on any weird cars you've never seen before, do I make myself clear?"

Dean didn't need to be told. He would always look out for Sam. Now with other hunters trying to make a move on him his big brother went into overdrive.

"Done sir. Should I go and tell Sammy about this?"

"Yes son maybe you should, just so he's on his guard to."

Dean nodded, grabbed his beer, and made his way upstairs. He was used to talking to Sam more than his dad.

He made it to Sam's room. This particular house they were renting actually had three bedrooms, which meant each Winchester got their own room, now Dean thinks that may not be such a great idea. He likes having his own room, but he also likes having his brother in view at all time, especially when something or someone was specifically after him.

He opened the door and of course Sam was elbow deep in homework. He didn't stop until Dean walked in and he looked up at him.

"Hey Dean, what was that about? You get in trouble or something?"

Dean sat on the edge of Sam's bed.

"No nothing like that. Sammy listen, dad got a phone call from an old hunting pal of his that he doesn't trust, and not to scare you but they were asking about you."

That made Sam stop what he was doing and really look at Dean.

"What do you mean 'asking about me?"

"I mean he wants your help on a dangerous hunt and when dad said no he didn't seem to care."

Sam sat up straight.

"Dean why don't I just help him on this one hunt? What could it hurt?"

"Dad says this guy is bad news. Not to mention one hunt could lead to two could lead to ten."

Dean could tell his brother was looking nervous. Someone was out to use him and they were willing to take him against his will, and that scared Sam.

"Don't worry little bro. No one is going to get to you. You know they have to get through dad and me first right?"

Sam still a little nervous just nodded his head yes. Dean took Sam's chin and made him look him in the eye.

"Sammy. No one is going to get to you as long as I'm around. From now on we train together, I still drive you to and from school, and you don't go anywhere without either me or dad around ok?"

Sam knew his family would protect him from any threat monster or human. He smiled a little and Dean ruffled Sam's hair making Sam laugh and swat at his hand.

"I know Dean. Ill also carry an extra weapon."

Dean returned Sam's smile.

"Good. Now another thing. I can salt and lock that window until the sun comes up, but Im not sure if I can sleep knowing you're sleeping alone. Would you throw a hissy fit if I slept in here with you? On the floor of course."

Sam's smile dropped a little.

"Dean is it that serious?"

"I just want to cover all the bases. You're a heavy sleeper and I wake up at the drop of a pin."

Sam sighed. He knew if he said no that Dean would sleep in his room anyway. His brother was stubborn like that.

"Yeah Dean that will be fine."

Dean smiled. Knowing his brother was alone would have set his nerves on end.

"Great. Ill grab my sleeping bag we'll tell bad horror stories, it'll be like a camp out."

Sam smiled. Dean always knew how to make him feel better about a bad situation.

Dean left the room and grabbed a couple things from his own bedroom, and also made sure to lock up his window nice and tight, as well as set a make shift trap on his door, just in case someone tried to brake in threw his own window while he wasn't around. This way he could hear them from Sam's room. He set his stuff up on the ground in-between Sam and his window. It wasn't a huge window, but a man could get through if he wanted to, and Dean was making sure that wasn't going to happen. He opened up his own homework and with the help of Sam, completed it in record time.

'I knew the dam kid's brain was going to get himself in trouble someday.' Dean thought to himself.