Howdy all! Sorry for the slight delay, I got kind of stuck on the opening and started working on another fic in the mean time. I've been productive I swear! First yaoi scene ever completed, I am ForeverOrange the Finishist! All yucks aside though, I hope it's decent.

Noot Noot: You're such a sweetie! Thank you!

Self beta-ed, as always. Still looking for a beta reader if anyone is interested!

Disclaimer: No one involved in the creation of Bleach would have to write fanfiction for it. That being said, Bleach and it's entirety belongs to Tite Kubo.

Warnings: Small lime

Now back to your semi-regularly scheduled programming~

Ulquiorra sat behind the boy, watching the orange-headed youth intently. He had been quiet since his loud conversation with the petite woman that often referred to herself as 'momma.' Ulquiorra hadn't understood much of what was said. There were a few words that were familiar to him, but most of it had been rendered to gibberish in the series of loud outbursts.

Ulquiorra looked down at his hands. He flexed his fingers, closing them over his palms and then opening them again, looking like he was trying to grasp the air. This new body was strange. Due to the uproar it caused, it might even be more trouble then it's worth. He hadn't meant to change though; he wasn't even sure how he had. He imagined that he should regret it, seeing the distress that it put the human in. However Ulquiorra found that he felt no such thing.

He leant against Ichigo's shoulder. All he felt was warm. It was... nice. He wasn't sure how else to describe it, but that much he was certain of.

—Ichigo's POV—

Startled out of his trance, Ichigo jumped a little when something nudged his shoulder. Turning his head, he saw the rabbit resting easily against him.

He didn't know whether or not referring to Ulquiorra as a rabbit was correct or not anymore. While he was, at the same time he wasn't. Ulquiorra butted his shoulder with his nose, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. He sure as hell still acted like a rabbit. Sighing, Ichigo figured he could at least chalk it up as weird. He was about to reach up to pat the rabbit's head when something wet grazed his skin.

"Ulquiorra?" He tried to crane his head to see the hybrid. He felt a hand tighten on the sleeve of his shirt. "What's u- Whoa!" Ichigo shrieked as he was abruptly pulled onto his back.

Ichigo winced when his head skimmed the wall. He hissed, squinting at the pain. He glared up at Ulquiorra, "What the hell is your problem!?"

"Hmph." Ulquiorra exhaled. He leant down, nestling into Ichigo's neck. He ran his tongue over the exposed flesh.

He had no idea what he was doing, Ichigo assured himself. In spite of this, he felt his face heat up when Ulquiorra began nipping at his neck.

Ulquiorra's chest vibrated as he hummed softly. He nipped along the expanse of Ichigo's throat and over his jawline.

Ichigo gasped, his whole body rigid. His face was burning. What the fuck?

No really, what the fuck!?

Ulquiorra straddled his waist, painfully reminding him of the hybrid's nudity. Ichigo had to remind himself that this was a rabbit. He brought his hands up and shoved at Ulquiorra's chest, trying to pry Ulquiorra off of him.

He snatched up Ichigo's wrists and pinned them beside his head. Ulquiorra growled when the boy's struggling wouldn't cease. He bit down harshly on the juncture of his shoulder.

Ichigo yelped, jerking as he felt the rabbit's teeth dig into his skin. He felt one of Ulquiorra's hands stray to his lap. This was going way to far. Ichigo decided that this had gone on for long enough and, with some effort, he managed to flip their position.

Red faced, Ichigo glared down at the rabbit underneath him. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" He shouted at Ulquiorra.

The now trapped rabbit stared up at him apathetically. Ulquiorra gave a short grunt and wiggled in Ichigo's grasp. He was completely oblivious as to why the boy was so upset. Ichigo gasped when Ulquiorra brushed against his groin, becoming fully aware of the compromising position that they were, still, in.

Just about leaping off of the rabbit, Ichigo put as much distance in between Ulquiorra and himself as he could. He grabbed a jacket that was draped over the back of his desk chair and tossed it at the hybrid. "Put that on!" Ulquiorra looked at the jacket that had landed in his lap, and made a noise of disapproval. Ichigo rolled his eyes, and pulled the chair out to take a seat. A soft knock at the door interrupted him though.

"Ichigo, are you alright?"

Shit, that was Yuzu. The knob clicked as it started to turn.

Ichigo sprung away from the chair and slammed a hand on the door.

On the other side, Yuzu jumped. "Ichigo?" The door yanked itself out of her hand, and the berry in question poked his head from behind the door.

"Hey!" Ichigo said with a strained smile; praying to god that his face wasn't red anymore. Relax you moron! He thought, trying, and failing, to loosen up. "What's up?"

"Are you okay?" Yuzu asked, "I heard shouting."

"Yeah, no complaints. Sorry, I was watching something online." He said hastily.

"Well... alright then," She gave a half hearted smile, he cursed when her usually chipper tone faltered. "Dinner should be ready in about an hour!"

"Alright, thanks kiddo."

Yuzu cocked her head to the side at the nickname, but nodded anyway. She proceeded back down the hallway. Ichigo waited for her to round the corner before shutting the door with a sigh.

That was too damn close.

He turned back to the bed to see Ulquiorra sort of wearing his jacket. The hood was on his head and the sleeves were draped over his shoulders. "Almost." Ichigo said walking over to him. He took Ulquiorra's arms and pulled them through the sleeves. Once properly in the jacket, Ichigo zipped it up.

Ulquiorra plucked curiously at the fabric now covering his arms. He looked up at Ichigo and chirped at him.

"Can you say anything at all?" Ichigo asked, the rabbit hadn't said a single word so far. Ulquiorra cocked his head to the side. He opened his mouth and let out an odd guttural vocalization. He made a face at the noise he produced and tried again. The result was about the same.

"That's okay, don't force it." Ichigo raised a hand. The grating noises were a mixed confirmation. He could at least tell that Ulquiorra could somewhat understand him. Maybe he could learn, Ichigo thought. He gets the basics of it at least.

Ichigo hummed and grabbed the rabbit a pair of pants, which he had to help him into. After Ulquiorra was dressed he walked over to the door, pausing in his stride when footsteps followed after him. Ulquiorra looked at him expectantly. "No, you wait here." Ichigo pointed at the ground, "I'll be right back, okay?" Ulquiorra chirped in response, sitting on the floor. That wasn't quite what he was going for, but Ichigo didn't complain.

He slipped out of the room and made his way to his dad's office. Peeking his head in, he made sure the old man wasn't inside before entering. Ichigo opened the closet in the back of the room and pulled out a box of his mother's old things. Before she had passed, his mother had taught small children. His dad had kept some of her old teaching stuff to remember her by.

Ichigo carefully rifled through the box, he wanted to hurry but this stuff was important to him as well. He came across what looked like an old language book. Grabbing it, he flipped through the pages. He felt his heart pang at the little notes along the margins that his mother had written, they weren't of any use but it was a piece of her. He shoved the nostalgia aside, now wasn't the time for that.

The book was mostly used for writing but he figured he could modify it for speech. It was written simply enough. Ichigo shut the book. There was no guarantee that this would work, but he wasn't loosing anything by trying. He turned to leave and ran smack dab into a solid figure.

"Shit!" He jumped, bring the book down to whack the intruder.

His wrists were grabbed before the blow could land, "I shouldn't have to tell you not to be rough with that son." His dad said sternly.

"Sorry." Ichigo grumbled out. His dad let go of his hands. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I was wondering what you were looking for." His dad stared at the book, "Missing her again?"

"That's not it dad," Ichigo sighed, "it's a long story."

"You should share it sometime!" The old man smiled.

"Yeah..." If he could figure out how to explain that he was now keeping a rabbit man as a pet, he'd gladly clue everyone in. "See, you at dinner." He said walking past the old man.

He needed to figure out what the hell he was going to do.

AAH. All of the things, this was originally a tiny one shot I wrote years ago. Whatever happened to that? Oh yeah, I ripped it apart.

Please don't be shy about leaving any feedback, I want to improve!