Okay so this is a story I haven't updated in awhile but I felt like I should because I don't like neglecting stories and all. I want to thank Zero Slash One for betareading this chapter and returning it to me in a timely fashion.

Chapter Two: Reaching Out

T.K. paced outside the hospital room even as the others arrived because he was so anxious about the situation as a whole. Something really odd was going on, he could feel it within the depths of his heart. Kari reached out, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"T.K., breathe," Kari assured her male best friend as gently as she could.

T.K. managed a weak smile before looking down at the floor. "Something isn't right. I can feel it. What happened to Cody...isn't a normal illness. I can't feel his heartbeat anymore."

Kari frowned a little, looking at Yolei who seemed puzzled by the thought as well. What could that mean? No matter what kind of injuries had occurred in the past, they had never lost their connection as DNA partners. She looked to the side as Davis and Ken joined them as well, having overheard.

"Should we ask Izzy about it?" Davis said worriedly. "T.K.?"

T.K. stayed silent for a moment, leaning against Matt when his brother came to stand besides him and was glad to have his support. "I...I want to try and reach out to Cody first. I want to see if I can get to him somehow."

Yolei bit her lower lip, unsure of what to say or do right now. "I hope you can, T.K., I just hope Cody will be okay..." She averted her gaze to the floor. If anything happened to Cody, she didn't know if she'd be able to forgive herself considering he was like family to her. Her girlfriend seemed to sense her distress and gave her a gentle hug.

"Yolei," Kari said gently, holding the older girl close to her. "I promise, Cody will be fine. We just have to work together and believe in him. Let's give T.K. a chance to reach out to Cody. I'm sure that will work."

The nurse came out then.

"One of you can go see the patient," The nurse told the group and Matt pulled away from T.K. "Although he hasn't been able to regain consciousness as of yet."

"You should go," he said to his brother.

T.K. nodded, although had to admit for once in his life he was scared, mainly due to the ride here. The fact that he couldn't feel Cody's heartbeat, the fact that his friend was so pale gave him them the shivers. However, he was supposed to be the Bearer of Hope, the one who found a ray of light in every little thing, so even though he found the situation strange, he would have to hope they found a way out of this no matter how tough the situation was.

As T.K. entered the room, he exhaled as he took in Cody's unconscious form. Even though by appearance, he seemed peaceful, it was obvious something was very wrong. He pulled a chair, sitting besides his friend and putting a hand on his.

"Cody," T.K. said quietly. "Why didn't you tell me what was going on?"

He knew the other couldn't answer but somehow even talking to him silently helped in some respect. Maybe if he kept talking, somehow Cody would be able to communicate or show some signs of what on earth was going on. If only Patamon were here...maybe he'd have some answers as to what in the Digiworld was going on?

"Cody," T.K. said softly again. "I don't understand most of this. We've had accidents before where we've needed to go to the hospital but this has never happened before. Our hearts beat together, Cody. So why can't I feel your heart beating with mine right now? What's changed? Where are you?" There was no movement from Cody at all and this caused T.K.'s eyes to well up with tears of frustration. "Dammit Cody please...tell me what's going on. Anything!"

It seemed as if his words did have some effect as Cody's hand moved and his fingers clasped around T.K.'s in a firm grip yet loose enough to break free from. Cody's hand seemed to tug at T.K.'s hand before letting it go. This didn't tell the Child of Hope much other than wherever Cody was, he needed their help and was something more he should be able to do though but what?

"Give it up," A dark, sultry voice whispered in his ear. TK tensed, eyes darting from side to side in search of the speaker. Seeing nobody, he stood up and looked up, balling his fist in expectation of the worst. Still, he didn't see anyone.

"Who's there?" T.K. demanded to know.

The voice that had spoken simply let out a laugh and before the Child of Hope could enquire further, he felt a sharp stabbing pain fill his body as if someone had ripped his entire body into two pieces. A shrill scream left his lips as he saw blotches of blood appear on his body and his vision blurred, before he fell to the ground, world going black.

Ken looked up alarmed from where they were all gathered when the scream resounded through the hospital. It didn't sound like a normal scream either. "What was that?" Before any of the others could reply, Davis hurried inside the hospital room not caring about the consequences. Ken quickly followed after his boyfriend, Matt, Yolei and Kari close behind him.

"T.K.!" Davis cried, eyes wide with shock as he saw the blond unconscious and wounded on the floor. Matt paled, freezing up as the younger DigiDestined surrounded his little brother. This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all.

Kari clamped a hand over her mouth. "What...I don't understand what happened, how could someone attack him?"

Ken moved next to Davis, kneeling down besides T.K. and checking his pulse. "He's alive. The wound was carefully made, as to not kill him but get him out of the way." His expression darkened as he looked at his friends. "Whoever attacked him clearly doesn't want him reaching out to Cody."

Matt seemed to snap out of his shock to gape at Ken. "What are you talking about Ken? Who did this to T.K.?" His voice sounded a little harsh and angry but it wasn't directed at Ken.

Ken shifted. "I don't know that...I just know we have a problem." Matt's anger unnerved him a little so he was glad when Davis spoke up.

"Never mind that, we need to get T.K. medical aid," Davis said frowning in concern. "We can figure out who this enemy is later. Yolei."

Yolei nodded, quickly waving off a few nurses although none of them knew how to answer the nurse's questions so they simply said they didn't know which wasn't a completely lie even if it wasn't the whole truth.

Even though it wasn't easy to leave T.K. and Cody like this, unfortunately visiting hours were over so the gang gathered around The Kamiya family's living room, sitting in a circle, wondering what on earth was going on. Izzy had his laptop on the table so everyone could see and was typing furiously while Yolei leaned over his shoulder, deep in thought.

"Izzy, did you find anything or get a hold of Gennai?" Tai asked, breaking the silence considering no one else seemed to know how to right now.

"I'm trying," Izzy admitted. "But from my calculations, it doesn't appear Cody is in the Digital World. There's a possibility he may be in the Dark Ocean but I cannot be sure right now. But whoever attacked T.K. clearly doesn't want him or any of us interfering in his plans."

Matt clenched a fist. "That doesn't help us find out who it is, Izzy." He didn't mean to sound harsh or impatient but he was worried at what was going on. Tai placed a supportive hand on his shoulder whilst Sora took his hand, giving it a firm and reassuring squeeze. This did help calm him down somewhat and he shot an apologetic look at Izzy for snapping.

"Besides," Davis piped in before Matt's comment could be taken too seriously. "Are you saying Cody isn't actually in the Real World anymore? I mean he's here in the hospital and..."

"Physically he is," Izzy explained. "It's somewhat complicated but the reason T.K. could no longer feel Cody's heartbeat was because his heart isn't physically in the real world and only a shell of his body is here."

Davis looked blankly at Izzy. There were a lot of times he didn't understand the computer genius and this was one of those times. What language was he speaking? It sure as hell didn't feel like Japanese. At times like these, he turned to his boyfriend for a translation who chuckled at the look on his face.

"What Izzy means is that even though we can see Cody, he isn't really in the Real World," Ken explained as patiently and in as simple terminology as he could.

Davis finally got it and his eyes widened. "That's kind of freaky. Shouldn't we get a hold of the Digimon or something then?"

Izzy nodded in agreement. "That's exactly what I am doing as we speak. How many of us are able to go to the Digital World right now? I've sent Mimi an e-mail in America and am also coordinating a Digital Portal in America so her and Michael can come along if they wish. I'm not sure who this enemy is but one thing is for certain. They won't hold back so we need to remain cautious." He looked around at the others. The information on the enemy was definitely not enough to go off but they needed to do something before anyone else was hurt.

Tai immediately clenched a fist. "I'm going. Whoever this enemy is will pay for daring to hurt any of us."

Matt nodded as well. "I'm in too. I did have band practice but this is more important. Besides, no one attacks my family and gets away with it." His eyes had a stormy look to them and his face was tense with anger and worry.

Joe shifted, looking a little guilty now. "I'd love to go but I have a practical exam today that I really can't miss so I guess...I'll join you guys tomorrow?" He looked down, expression downcast even when Sora reached out, squeezing his hand in a supportive manner.

"Don't worry about it," Sora assured him gently. "We'll catch you up with everything and you can always join us tomorrow. Gomamon can wait a day or two."

Joe's expression cleared up and he managed a small smile. "Thank you, Sora."

Davis laughed a bit. "Of course I'm going! Ken and I can sic Imperialdramon on the freak, right man?" He looked to his boyfriend who simply rolled his eyes even if he was biting back a smile. Davis, himself was pretty annoyed that two of his friends had been targeted by this creep and he hadn't been able to do a thing to protect his team.

Kari shifted a bit, looking at Izzy as well before giving a small nod. "I'm in too but I'll also join you guys tomorrow. Someone should stay back here with T.K. and Yolei can keep me updated on what's going on in the Digital World." She looked at her girlfriend who gave her a smile before nodding to Izzy as well.

"Kari's right," Yolei immediately agreed. "Besides, her staying back could prove useful in case T.K. wakes up and tells her some information on the enemy that she can pass onto me and we can look into it."

Izzy nodded at both girls. "Well, I can't argue with that logic. Alright then everyone get ready to go. The digital world may not necessarily be the same place you remember."

Everyone nodded in firm agreement, holding up their digivices towards Izzy's laptop as he opened up a portal.