(Hey to the few of you who stuck around [dunno why you did XD]. I'm back, and I've acquired a particular set of skills. They include not screwing up every second line in the book, and writing a scene that one does not cringe when reading with a critical eye. And lets just say I'm back and not afraid to break some hearts. Lets begin)

"You have to end your relationship with Fuli" she said, her gaze unreadable. I stared at her, almost laughing in confusion.

"Heh.. what?" I demanded, timid as a mouse in a viper den.

"This path you lead ends in nothing but misery… and heartbreak. Trust me my child, it is for the best. For the both of you." She said, drawing near to comfort me, but I pulled away defiantly.

"And… why is that?" I asked hesitantly, worried for an unfavourable response.

"I can't tell you that. You just have to trust me." She said. I filled with irritation faster than I thought possible.

"What? No! That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard! How dare you invade my head and say this? You expect me to just trust you? And you don't even give me a reason? Maybe being a spirit has gone to your head. Or maybe there's just nothing in it." I chided her, internally glossing over the fact that some otherworldly presence HAD invaded my dream.

I turned tail and stomped away, Somewhat fuming. Who is she to tell me what I can and can't do with my life? A DEAD thing telling me how to LIVE? The nerve…

"W-wait!" I heard her call from behind. I spun around aggressively, fur spiking,

"What!" I snapped. "What do you want?" I demanded, not bothering to shield my agitation this time.

"Please.. please don't put her through this." She whispered, her face downcast, a stark contrast to her cryptic, cold demeanour just a moment ago.

"So you want me- no no, let me get this straight. You want me to hurt her… to avoid hurting her? You make no sense and even you have to admit that." Ireasoned, reigning in my temper as best I could.

"The absolute most I can tell you is that you will go down in flames if you stay with her. Her life will be destroyed, and yours won't be much better." She said, staring at me intensely, the desperation in her voice almost sickening. So weak. Begging me to break up with the love of my life for none but an empty threat. A meaningless Oman.

But of course, she's also a spirit, so she has knowledge that I obviously don't possess. The gravity of what she said was weighing down a little now.

I frowned.

"You've put me in a bit of a predicament. You know that?" I grunted, glaring at her.

"Please. You must listen to me-" she repeated but I stepped forward, cutting her off,

"Yes, you keep saying that as if it'll carry more weight than the time before. It doesn't." I growled. And turned and began walking away. "You've given me a lot to think about. Now let me think in peace. Go away" I said dismissively, my royal genes built to command running wild a little, and I flicked my tail and curled up, closing my eyes.

When I opened them again, she was gone, and so was the hollow we wondered off to. I was back in Pride Rock. I lifted my head and looked around and immediately recognised the yellow and black lump of fur as Fuli laying against me. Her gentle purrs of sleep, so comforting just a day ago, now made me uneasy. This was so stupid. Why would I break up with her just because some lion thing in my dream said so. And didn't even give a reason!

Just then I felt Fuli shift and I realised I was growling and shaking angrily.

"Hey weirdo, are you okay? What's wrong?" She asked humorously, lifting her head heavily and blinking at me. I quickly calmed myself down and pressed my nose to her neck.

"Nothing. it's fine. Go back to sleep" I whispered. she snorted laughter and layed her head back down,

"Was planning on it" she mumbled. I laughed at that and lay back down, but sleep was not an option tonight. There was way too much to think about.

The next morning couldn't have come soon enough. The entire night was restless, spent wrestling with the last thoughts I ever thought I'd have to. I needed a distraction, but when I lifted my head, Fuli wasn't beside me. I looked around frantically for a second, before spotting her hitting at the cave entrance, the morning sun shaking into the cave, but I could barely see her features through the silhouette. My heart was racing.

Seeing her sitting there, the radiant morning glowing behind her had me entranced, and I questioned why I'd ever even considered — even entertained — the thought of leaving her. Something that felt this right couldn't possibly be wrong, could it? No, I refused to doubt myself now.

I hauled myself up, stretched, and padded over, sitting down next to her.

"Hey Fuli. You're up early." I initiated.

"Yeah, I just woke up today feeling ready to take on the day I guess, and when I looked outside, I couldn't resist watching this beautiful sunrise. I just can't stop thinking how lucky I am to have you with me. Out of everyone, you chose me. What are the chances" said disbelief in her voice. I brushed up against her.

"Well, considering you're the only one I have feelings for in this whole wide world, I'd say pretty high." I laughed warmly. She didn't reply immediately, just lay her head on my shoulder.

"Thats so… cheesy" she whispered after a second, giggling. I grinned

"Well yours wasn't much better." I laughed, and she laughed a little more and nodded.

"Yeah maybe" she said. we resigned to watching the sunset together, not worrying about our troubles. The peace and quiet of the sleepy savannah was addictive. Or maybe it was her next to me that had me high. But it didn't matter. Nothing mattered. This was where we were. The past was unchangeable, and the future can wait its bloody turn. I will enjoy the present while it lasts. And I imagine the beautiful love beside be felt the same.

(So yeah, as you can tell, this is me giving it a happy ending. Not a conclusion, but a happy resting point for now. I decided to continue this and I will. I pledge to the 8 pages of comments that I never realised existed until now XD (seriously 8 pages of you guys commenting from a 5 chapter book. that's absolutely mental, and I love it and appreciate it so much. The support has been astounding.) but for now, I have finals, and I need to focus right now. So this was a tide-over and to assure you that I'm still here and… I can actually write properly now XD like a full sentence without Fkng up the grammar or spelling. So come December, there should be more story, but until then, thank you for sticking with me, even when I left you four years ago. You have more loyalty than me and I am so lucky to have a base that that cares so much. Good tidings for now, good luck to all those in exam time and ill see you all later.