(Hey guys,before you read this chapter,I have to inform you that this chapter is in the first person view of Judy, so tell me if you would prefer me to write in Third person or continue with first person other than that,there's nothing else I would like to say,so just enjoy:)

Oh and incase you don know,Pawchat equals snapchat:)

And before I knew it,the hour long train ride began. Although I was confined to small area for the duration of the one hour ride,there was never a moment when I felt board and this is thanks to the breathtaking view that Zootopia had to offer. I had been in Zootopia for a few months, and I had never seen it in such beauty before.

And that was basically how I spend the whole of the one hour trip because before I knew it, we were reaching Saraha Square. Before arriving at the station the train would travel past the city area of Saraha Square and this gave me a quick idea of what to expect from this place and I must say it's very different from what I was used too.

My ears twitched when I heard what I would call a pretty disturbing sound that disrupted the peaceful atmosphere of the train. I turned my head back and I saw Nick,fast asleep and snoring as loud as a pig and if that's not bad,there was even saliva dripping out of his half open mouth.

I couldn't help but giggle at how silly he looks,so it's only natural for me to whip out my phone to Pawchat this. After I was done,I decided to wake him up. But I wanted to do it in fun way instead of just telling him to wake up.

I cleared my throat and with best voice impersonation of Bogo,our chief at the police station,I shouted,"Wake Up!Now!"

My impersonation wasn't really that good but it was good enough to trick Nick and the fact that he was asleep so that means his mind isn't fully awake and aware may have also helped but either case all that matters is that it worked,the con artist got a taste of his own medicine!

He shot straight up from his seat and shouted frantically, "Sorry sir it wouldn't happen again!" But soon,after his mind became fully awake and aware he realized that he had been pranked by me and that everyone else in the train cabin was staring at his with very judgmental faces.

Nick sat down quickly to avoid any more Stares from the other passengers on the train. I couldn't help but to laugh hysterically at him. "You should have seen your face!" I teased him,while my laughter continued on.

He kept a petty straight face and said sarcastically,"Haha Very Funny Carrots,very funny."

After that episode was over,we alighted the train and the first thing that the both of us noticed was that it way more hotter here compared what we were we used to.

"Alright we are finally here,"I announced. "So,where are we going now?"I questioned,as I turned to face Nick.

"Don't worry Carrots,"He said,while he place a paw on my shoulder. "I've got everything planned out,"He declared.

"Really?when did you had time to plan?"I asked,smirking at him. "I thought you were fast asleep on the whole train journey."

"No I wasn't,"He declared in his own defense. "And beside that's the point,the pint is that I've got our whole trip planned out."

"Alright,so where Are we going now?"I asked with my arms folded.

"First we will pick up our rental car from the car park and then we will go and find my frined who will bring us around the area,"he explained his plans to me,I didn't know who this frined of he is,but it doesn't matter,as long as we get around the area without getting lost.

We left the station and headed for the car park to pick up our rental car. The car park was huge and opened air,which mean that we had to search for our car under the heat of the scorching hot sun.

Both Nick and I were warring out normal clothings which was ideal for the temperature in the main part of Zootopia which is usually around 26 degree but here in Sahara Square,it is easily twice as hot. I could literally had melted under the sun.

It was a huge relief for the both of us when we finally located out car. We got into the car and the feeling of the cold air from the Air Con was such a magetic feeling for the both of us.

"Phew!I thought I would had died trying to find this car,"Nick joked as he dig through his bag,trying to find something.

"Alright Carrots,you are driving,"he declared.

"Sure,"I agreed. "Just make sure you don't fall asleep like the way you did back on the train."

"Hilarious,"He said sarcastically with a straight face as he passed me a GPS.

"Alright what's the name of the place we are going?"I asked,as I navigated through the UI of the GPs.

"Cyan's cafe is in a pyramid,"Nick replied casually. I thought he wasn't paying attention as I just asked the question again.

"I said,what's the name not where it is,"I stated.

"I told you,Cyan's cafe is In a pyramid." He repeated the same answer as before. I was starting to lose my cool as the all to farmiler smirk appeared on his face.

"Just tell me the name!"I shoted,with both my ear standing up with anger.

"Alright calm down,Carrots,"He said. "The name of the place is 'Cyan's cafe is in a pyramid'."

"What?"I asked with an eyebrow raised,I type in the name and sure it enough we I appeared on my GPS.

"What kind of name is that?"I questioned as I shift the gears and drove out of the parking spot.

"It's called being creative and different,"He replied. I just sighed and rolled my eyes and concentrated on driving.

About ten mintues later,we were reaching the place. It was almost impossible to miss it considering it had a giant sign right outside the store.

I drove into the car park before I asked,"So are we here for lunch?"

"No,we are to meet my frined,she will be taking us around,"he replied.

We soon found a peaking spot and got out of the vehicle and we walked towards the store and just incase you're wondering,the store is literally inside a pyramid.

The moment we entered the store,we were greeted enthusiastically by a young female bird who I presume is Nick's frined.

She walked over to Nick and the two of them exchanged handshakes. "Nice to meet you Nick,"She greeted.

"Nice to meet you too,Cyan,"Nick greeted back,which made me realized that she was actually the boss of this place.

I walke foward and introduced myself,"Hello my name is Jody Hopps."

"Hello to you,my name is Michelle Cyanus Grande or you just call me Cyan,"She introduced,we both exchanged frinedly hand shakes with each other.

But that was something I just needed to ask her badly and I couldn't keep it in any longer. "I have a question,what's with the weird name?"I asked,hoping she doesn't get offended.

Luckily she was cool with me asking that question and she just replied,"I chose this name to mess around with people."

"You two ladies done with your chit chat?"Nick interrupted.

"Why?are we in a rush?"I asked.

"Actually we are,we have a pretty tight schedule,so if we can get gong now,it would be the best,"Nick explained.

"Alright get ready guys,because I have some insane things planned out for the two of you!"Cyan shouted excitedly,perhaps she seemed to excited and it's making me nervous.

But nevertheless,we were about to officially start our exploration of Saraha Square and I couldn't be more excited for it.