M*A*S*H Prime the Epilogue

Jasper PD was your standard small town police station, equipped with not quite the latest high tech police gear, but it was good enough to get the job done.

Jack, John, and Agent Fowler walked into the building with their story set, Jack was away visiting a friend in an emergence, involving his friend's death, and his friend's family (Colonel Henry Blake) who was killed in action a few months ago (look at it from Jack POV, and it's true)

John guided Jack to the captain's office, and Jack, well let's just he was scared, even with the support of the two authorial figures as his back up, well you get the idea.

John knocked on the door to the office, upon the motion of 'come on in" did they enter.

Now Captain Lance was gentle but firm captain, and a human lie detector if there ever was one, but he just wanted talk to Jack a little bet because, well KO Burger was bound to blow at any time, so the cap' just wanted to ask where he was, and if he was familiar with the incident.

"Captain!" John said.

"Ah, detective! I see you've found Mr. Darby." He turned his attention to the young man in the room.

"Yes sir!" John said.

The captain made a motion for everyone to take a seat.

"So, Mr. Darby, you've the talk of the town for the past 24 hours, and I must admit, I am damn impressed with how you kept that place from blowing up sooner. What was your reason for leaving town all the sudden?" He asked

Here we go! Jack thought as he sat down.

"A friend of mine was killed in action a few weeks ago overseas, and this weekend seemed like a good time to go. Now I had made a promise to myself that I would go and visit them, but I was forced to work overtime that my boss absolutely refused to pay for, threatening "It's my way or the high way" and when he finally said go home (early on Thursday) I called my mom saying I'm going to Vegas to visit a friend and I'll be back Friday after noon sometime."

The captain nodded, he then turned his attention to Agent Fowler.

"Forgive I'm captain Lanceā€¦" He extended a hand to the agent,

"Special Agent William Fowler." The fed said as he shook hands with the captain.

"Agent Fowler nice to meet you."

"Like wise."

"Now how are you connected to Mister Darby? If I may ask?"

"Your inclined to do that, but to answer your question, Jack and I met at the Blake house hold roughly at the same time, while we didn't know each other at first, we became well acquainted while we were visiting his family, now my connection to the family, I had been in service at the time that I met Henry, I had been Injured he helped me out.'

'And how about you Jack, how did you meet him?"

"His family and mine had always been close." Jack said.

"I see. And how long until you heard about KO Burger."

"Late Thursday!" Jack and Fowler said in unison. Inwardly they were cringing, but for the sake of the captain, they kept their poker face on.

Lance chuckled, "So you were both by the radio at the same time huh?"

They nodded.

The captain gave a small Smile, "Then all my question has been answered." He said as he stood, "Mr. Darby, Agent Fowler, you have my condolences. You are all free to go all I ask is that you both take care of yourselves."

"With pleasure." Jack said as he stood.

Every one stood to walk out of the room, of course the captain stayed right where he was due to the fact that: he has nowhere to go, but everyone else in the little pow-wow (Indian term, I'm part Cherokee) has been dismissed.

Six hours later, City Park.

Arcee pulled into the parking lot with her charge and her charge's girlfriend, both equally squirming in excitement.

It was the annual Peirce Family reunion, but that also included the O'Riley and the Thomson families as well.

Jack and Sierra dismounted Arcee, who in return just sat there, (as luck would have it) hiding in plain sight.

Deep down inside Arcee's spark she felt pride for her little brother figure, he was thrown a curve ball in life, and he hit the ball out of the park.

Now Jack was back where he belonged, and that was among family and friends.

An hour later

The 4077th M*A*S*H unit has always been a family, even after the kids and grandkids came along.

Hawkeye, B.J., and Trapper were all present with their wives, the Thomson's were present, just about everyone was together.

Only two people were missing: June's Husband Robert, and Henry, of course Sherman Potter as well but, he's gone (died at the age of 102), but by no means did that stop them from having a good time.

Jack and Sierra were holding each other at the waist, but grinning from ear-to-ear at a joke June had told.

Everything was going the way that it should, there wasn't anything that could stop the joy.

Family doesn't just have to be by blood, and this family, wouldn't have it any other way.

You can't change who your family is, there is nothing that can be done about the past, and while you can learn a lot from it, that doesn't mean you should dwell in it.

Time travel is something everyone of us have ever thought about, but it's more dangers then what many would many would perceive it to be.

Living it the past doesn't necessarily mean just that, but if you don't get out of the past, what are you missing in the future?

You don't have be proud of where you came from, but that doesn't you can't do anything different then what your ancestors did.

I might be related Adolf Hitler, but that doesn't stop me from being a proud American.

So this is a message to all who have relatives that they aren't proud of, change everything that includes your identity, your name, you phone number, anything, that won't stop who you are related to, so make the best of a bad situation, accept your bloodline and say this, "While I'm not proud of where I came from, that is not going to stop me from being different."

That is all it would take for your family to get a different path, and then, you can be proud where you came from, letting it be an example, of what you don't want your family to ever do again.

Now you can start singing "What I've Done" By: Linkin Park, because this story is officially complete.

Now I will say this, to everyone who read this to the end I think you, But I am related to Hitler (Yuk) and I do have Cherokee in me as well, (What an odd mix right?) But like I said, I can't choose who I'm related to.

But anyway, like always, thank you guys so much for reading this chapter and story, if you like it, let me know in the comment section below, and I'll see y'all later.