
Chapter 1

"Bucky Barnes."

Man twitched upon hearing an unfamiliar voice calling his name. He turned to a young female, or at least younger than him, well his biological age. As it is known, if it wasn't for the freakshow he would be a grandpa by now. He looked closely at her, observed her features hoping he won't recognize her as someone whose family he killed. She was a complete stranger to him, but then again he could never be too sure. His memories weren't most credible.

"Who are you?"

This female who cornered him in just one of many dark streets in New York, didn't look to him as someone who should be alone on the streets at this dead hour of the night. She was pretty, skinny, not fit as many female agents that were sent after him. Her brown hair was in a tight bun and she was dressed as a whore. None of this alarmed him, none but those blue shiny eyes. Bucky Barnes could swear they glowed when she looked at him.

"According to S.H.I.E.L.D., a threat to humankind."

"You mean H.Y.D.R.A.?"

"Same thing, really. Both say you're serial killer."

"What do they say about you then?" She giggled in an obnoxious way, it was unbecoming.

"They say I'm someone not worth saving." A car in striking red drove into the lane, stopped mere meter away from the woman. "Could be worse. I could have monster from outer space after me... Join me now."She gestured to the car.

"Why would I go anywhere with you? Who are you? Did I kill your parents?"

"They are long dead."

"A boyfriend maybe?"



"Never had a pet." Woman spoke again before he could ask another silly question. "If we don't leave now we will be surrendered by people who have more than just mechanical arm."

"You mean Ironman?"

"Maybe. Though that scum of man shouldn't worry you yet. Come now, I mean no harm."

Bucky felt compelled to obey her. She looked harmless and spoke so gently. If he wasn't trying to save his head, he would be taking her to somewhere safe, out of this darkness. They got in the car, the woman sat in backseat with him and quickly said destination to the man sitting behind the wheel. She simply said back to the base and Bucky would be lying if he said he didn't think of S.H.I.E.L.D. base. The driver wasn't taking them deeper into the city, but out of it.

Two hours later, they finally arrived to the destination. Bucky found himself in the middle of woods before manor. It was dawn now. The woman, whose name he still didn't hear, let him inside. He was shown around and offered fresh juicy or his favourite brand of beer in the kitchen. To Bucky, it was still unclear why he was brought here, but he easily figured that these people who want him here watched him for some time. There was even a room waiting for him up on the floor.

"Why am I here?"

Bucky asked that question day after day for a whole week. The woman never answered to him. He was feed his favourite food and had access to all rooms in the house. He wasn't particularly surprised to find weapon shed with all kinds of Stark weapons, what surprised him was that in these conditions he finally managed to do one thing he hadn't in a while; and that was sleeping in a comfortable bed. There were no limitations for him in this house and one could easily get accustomed to it.

During his second week, he caught the woman talking on a phone about him. There wasn't much to tell since the woman rarely saw him. She would make food and leave it in his room before he woke up. She would often bring newspapers and sometimes sleeping pills, not that those helped with his feverish dreams. The mystery of this situation bugged him greatly, but he was told that even though the manor is surrounded by fifty guards, he is free to leave anytime.

"What will we do with your hair?" The woman asked him one day.

"I don't think one of the guards is a hairdresser."

"We have everything we need here. Tell me when you decide."

Bucky decided to leave his hair as it was and due to it was given pack of hair ties with the newspapers one morning. His life easily fell in routine after a month in the manor, but it all changed during one cold winter morning when the first snow fell. It was still dark outside when he was woken up by loud knocking on his bedroom doors. Two guards waited for him in the hall and he could hear a car parking in a driveway. He was escorted to the one of offices and was told only one thing:

"Mistress Isabella arrived."


This is only the first chapter and I have no idea when the rest will come... Will follow bit of the Civil War. How, exactly, I yet don't know.
Pairing: Bella and Loki?