"I'm a house!" Penelope said as she tried for the fifth time to get off the sofa.

"No, you're not", Morgan said, kissing her cheek and extending his hand. "You're…you're just pregnant."

"Nice save, Handsome", Penelope said, trying to kick his shin bone. Unfortunately her legs wouldn't reach.

"Hey!" Morgan said laughing, as he jumped out of the way. "No trying to kill the hubby!"

"Ugh!" she said, getting up and waddling. "I want this kid out!"

"Me too!" Morgan said. Penelope looked at him sideways. "What! I do! I want to make another one", he said kissing her neck. "And this time, on purpose!"

"Stop that", she said giggling.

A knock on the door got his attention.

"I got it, Mama", Morgan said. "Don't think about sitting down!"

Penelope giggled as she stopped mid sit.

"I mean it!" Morgan said, opening the door.

Penelope squealed. "Ziggy!" she said, as the baby in Reid's arms started bouncing.

She reached for instantly and her eagerly went to her.

"He loves his Aunt Penny", Kari said, plopping down on the sofa near by.

"Hey Man", Morgan said, giving Reid a quick hug. Reid plopped down on the sofa next to his wife.

"Ok", Morgan said. "Y'all look exhausted."

"We are", Kari said. "I love my son, God knows I do, but I'd seriously think of selling my soul for a few hours of sleep."

Morgan watched the happy five month old boy bounce in his wife's arms.

"He's so sweet, tho!" Penelope said, kissing his cheek while he cooed.

"Yeah, try thinking that at 3:30 am", Reid said, his head dangerously close to his wife's shoulder.

Morgan went over and took the baby from Penelope's arms. "What do you say, Little Man? Want to hand with me and Penelope today?" He looked up to get approval from Reid and Kari only to find them fast asleep on the sofa, side by side.

"Get the baby bag, Hotstuff", Penelope said, picking up her purse, and grabbing Ziggy back from him. "He's coming with us today."

"Won't they miss him?" Morgan said, as they walked out the door, grabbing the stroller.

"Please", Penelope said. "I'll bet you ten bucks this is exactly what they planned. I can't resist this bundle of happiness!" She kissed his cheek again. "Besides, it'll be good practice", she said as they strolled to a nearby park.

"We don't need practice", Morgan said. "I had sisters and you have Henry and Jack. We're pro's!" Just then Ziggy started to cry.

"What? What's wrong with him?" Morgan said, looking down at the baby.

"Let's see", Penelope said. She picked him quickly out of the stroller and sniffed. "Ooh! Stinky diaper!"

"I believe that's your department", Morgan said, putting his hands up. "I'm the provider, bather, and reader of bedtime stories."

"Oh that's so going to change", Penelope said, as they stopped at a park bench. She laid out a blanket, and bent over and changed Ziggy quickly.

"There you go", she said, handing Morgan the diaper. "All done."

"I'd rather take the baby", Morgan said, chuckling.

They walked a little ways until Penelope saw Rose's.

"Mamma's hungry" she said, pushing the stroller towards the open door.

"Mamma's always hungry", Morgan said, chuckling.

They walked in and the waiter sat them immediately. Pulling the stroller up to the table, Ziggy got 'oohs and ahhs' from everybody that walked by.

Morgan left the table to use the restroom when a man walked by and bumped the table hard.

"Oh sorry", he said, irritated.

"No problem", Penelope said checking on the baby.

"So I see he turned you into a baby machine", the man said.

"Excuse me…" Penelope said. She looked up. "Kevin?"

"How old is that one? What, a few months? And you look like you're going to pop!" Kevin said with disgust. "I mean you can do more than have sex, right?"

Penelope sat there for the sake of the baby sleeping in the stroller and her unborn child and tried to calm down. She could feel her blood pressure rising and her face was getting redder by the minute.

"You know", Penelope said, steadying her breathing, "you're only saying these things because, A. you're bitter and B. Derek isn't here. For your information, this is Spencer's son. We're watching him for a while. As if I really need to explain anything to you."

"So Reid's married? Is she black?" Kevin said. looking closely at the baby.

"What does it matter? Yes, she African-American, and then some." Penelope looked up and smiled. "B. is about to remedied."

"What?" Kevin said and turned around. His face lost all color as he looked directly into the eyes of Derek Morgan.

"I sincerely hope, Lynch, that you're here to say hi and wish Penelope well on her recent marriage and soon to be birth. Otherwise, I do believe it'd be unwise for you to be in our company much longer." Derek pulled out his chair but didn't sit down. His jaw squared and he stood as still as a tree.

"Congrats, Penelope. I mean, Mrs. Morgan." He grimaced at the last sentence.

"Kevin", Penelope said as he was walking away. "I do you hope you find peace. Just let go. Please."

"Try being in my shoes", he said, seething. "I gave you everything I had."

"I wasn't the one for you", Penelope said, softly. I never was. Would you rather I have just been with you and been miserable?"

Kevin huffed and stormed away very quickly. Penelope turned around looking sad.

"Baby Girl don't do that to you self", Morgan said taking her hand. "You're not responsible for his happiness. We're can only make our own happiness."

"But you make me happy", Penelope said in a soft voice.

"Yes, and you make me happy too. But we were happy with ourselves first. Kevin still needs to find that for himself." He leaned down and kissed her softly. "Plus, if I ever see him around us again, he'll be happy on the pain killers he'll need from his ass…."

"Hey!" Penelope said, with a small grin. "Not in front of the baby!" She watched her husband as he sat down across the table from her.

"Thanks, Handsome."

"For what?"

"For reminding me of who I am, and why I'm here." Penelope looked over at a stirring Ziggy and sniffed.

"Diaper change again", she said smiling.

"I got it", Morgan said. "Besides, I need the practice, right?"

*More soon!*