I plan on making this my main story for a while so I'm taking a break from my "Gravity Falls" and ANOTHER break from my "Soul Eater" fic. I do NOT own "Daily Life With Monster Girls". Some of the species I will be using come from "Monster Girl Encyclopedia", which I do NOT own either. Also, I plan on adding more girls than just the first one mentioned but I haven't decided on what species to make them so if you have a suggestion, please leave it in the comments. Thank you!

A Story of Fists and Hearts

Chapter 1

Leon Williams throws three quick punches against the heavy punching bag hanging from the ceiling of the large basement that serves as his workout slash training room. The eighteen year old martial artist backs up from the bag, bouncing on his toes before coming back with a round house kick, making the bag strain against its support chains. He grabs the bag to steady it, wipes his sweaty forehead against his forearm, and goes back to practicing against the bag.

"You should probably just move a bed down here, kid." Leon stops mid-punch as he hears the unmistakable voice of his uncle. Like Leon and his father, his uncle Sebastian has black hair and dark blue eyes, the only difference between the thirty-eight year old man and Leon being that Sebastian has longer hair that he keeps gelled back. Sebastian walks across the concrete ground of the basement, dressed in his expensive black suit, his favorite gold-plated watch circling his left wrist. "You need to get out more, Leon. You're slowly turning into a hermit."

Leon ignores his uncle's newest attempt to get him to be more sociable. Ever since both his parents passed away in a car accident three months ago, Leon went from a happy, normal young man and became an introverted, sulking shadow of himself. Leon had turned to his one outlet for his grief: material arts. Leon has been a martial artist since he was five, boxing, MMA, kick boxing, kendo, and a few others. He's also entered and won many competitions over the years.

"Come on Uncle Bastian, not today," Leon says breathlessly. He's tired of hearing his uncle telling him to get out and be social. He knows he should but he just…can't. He just wants to work on his fighting. Yeah he's won some contests and earned some titles but he's still got so much to work on. He doesn't care how long it takes, he'll get better, make his parents proud. Sebastian shakes his head and sighs heavily.

"I was afraid you'd say that," Sebastian says and Leon stops for a moment, his uncle's tone just now doesn't sound good, foreboding even.

"What did you do?" Leon asks accusingly. Sebastian runs his fingers through his slick-backed hair, giving Leon a close-lipped smile.

"You've heard about the Interspecies Cultural Exchange program, right?" Sebastian asks with an evil gleam in his eye. Leon knits his eyebrows together, of course he knows about the Interspecies Cultural Exchange program, he's known about it ever since the news about Extraspecies persons had been announced three years ago. He's even a fan of the all Extraspecies band, ANM48.

"Yeah, and?" Leon asks and Sebastian laughs.

"Well, since you're not going to get out, have fun, and act like a normal young adult, I am taking it upon myself, as your uncle, to make you. I made some calls and signed you up to be a host."

Leon pins Sebastian with a murderous glare as he fills out the fourteenth form for the Interspecies Cultural Exchange program. He had argued, pleaded, and even threatened his uncle for signing him up for this without his knowledge. Leon had even begged the program officials, saying that his uncle did this behind his back but the paperwork had been signed and filed and that was it. Leon is now a homestay for the program and there's nothing that he can do about it. Truthfully, he doesn't mind the idea of being a homestay. He's always had a small fascination with Extraspecies persons, he's had a fascination with other cultures of all kinds but since the Extraspecies persons are so new to the world they have been on one of his favorite subjects. He just wishes he had chosen to be a part of the program.

"Thank you so much for joining our program, Mr. Williams. I can't tell you how much we appreciate it. There aren't many homestays in the U.S., unfortunately." Ms. Hilary says as she takes the stack of papers. The middle-aged, blonde woman takes the papers and taps them on the coffee table to straighten them, then accidently drops them and they spill over the table top and floor. Ms. Hilary lets out an eep sound as she drops the papers and tries to catch them, only to make the mess worse. Leon, Sebastian and Ms. Hilary gather the papers and she quickly places them in her suit case to avoid another accident.

"Sorry about that," she says embarrassedly, closing her briefcase and clipping it shut. "I assume you have read the guide lines for the program?" Leon nods glumly, wishing he could knock his uncle out cold for this, but there's no point now. The rules are simple for the program: he must take care of his guest's needs, make sure they experience human culture, absolutely no violence between them, unless and only if it's part of contact sports or martial arts, always accompany them when venturing off his property, and absolutely no romantic activity unless given explicit permission from the agency. "Good. Now, I have arranged for your first homestay to arrive next week, I will also be your program coordinator so you and I will be seeing each other frequently before long." Leon cocks his head curiously at Ms. Hilary's choice of words.

"Um, 'first' homestay?" Leon asks.

"Oh, the agency can assign multiple homestays depending on the living conditions of the host. Obviously we're not going to turn your home into a hotel or something but because of the shortage of homestays in the U.S. we try to assign as many as possible. I hope that's okay." Leon looks to his uncle with an evil glare and Sebastian looks away with a sheepish smile.

"No, that's fine." Leon answers through gritted teeth, still glaring at his uncle. Of course it makes sense, Leon's family has always been wealthy. Leon's father and Sebastian had started their own business several years ago and it had steadily grown into a large empire. Leon's house is a large one: two stories, excluding the basement, six bedrooms, each with their own bathroom, a large kitchen, a pool in the back yard, and the house sits one several acres of land. Leon took ownership of his parent's assets after their deaths and his uncle is now his financial adviser, basically he's set for life.

Ms. Hilary nods in approval before standing up from the couch. "I will call you in a few days before she arrives. I think you and her will get along just fine, Mr. Williams. Her name is Sarojini Hǔ, a Jinko or Tigress as they're sometimes called. It was so nice meeting you and I look forward to working with you."