The Antics of the Avengers

Summary: Let's face it. When you're a man frozen for 70 years with inhuman strength and speed, a genius man that is worth millions and has a knack for engineering, a doctor who got exposed to gamma radiation and now another being inside of him and temper issues, a woman who was a trained assassin who happens to be Russian without an accent, a marksman who has aim like no other, but is quirky as hell or an alien that happens to a legendary Norse god nothing is undoubtedly normal to you anymore. They faced terrorist attacks, alien armies, black holes, enhanced powered humans, and other things that one can imagine. But nothing takes the cake more than the things they do on a daily basis at the Tower.

Disclaimer: I have just enough tears to show how much disappointment I hold because I don't own the Avengers. Or other merchandise, songs and characters that are featured in these chapters.

Notes: I really don't have notes to say for this chapter. Except that I might have been listening to too much Little Mix and Rihanna during the writing of the first chapter. So... yeah... Also, the chapters will range in length. Some short, some long, some in between. This one is kind of long only because of the songs. Without them it's kind of short.

Warnings: unnecessary cuteness, cussing, slight mentioned of yaoi, and randomness (It's my writing. Of course there is.)

Chapter 1 - Feel Like Rihanna

Truth be told, Tony actually wished he had went to bed and stayed there at the moment. This was complete torture. A total waste of his time! He should be in his lab right now tinkering with his gadgets and drinking some good coffee. But no! He couldn't. He was dragged to this place. Drinking some awful coffee some new recruit brewed.

"So it's really important that you find this guy and shut down his whole operation... for good. Who knows just how many more people he has experimented on? How many more people he has stolen lives from? How many- STARK!"

Tony quickly snapped his head up at Fury's outburst, meeting his one-eyed glare. "Huh, Nicky?"

Fury crossed his arms in a badass arm fold. On the right of him, Phil scooted back. You could tell he was feeling the anger coming from the Director.

"First of all, don't call me that. Ever in your life. Second, were you listening at all to what I was saying?"

The brunet shook his head slowly. Both Bruce and Sam winced, but silently praised Tony for being honest. Usually, he would have come up with some lie or joke. Fury sighed, rubbing his nose between his two fingers with his eyes closed. "Why do I even bother?"

"Because you have some hope for some of us?", Vision questioned. Tony looked at the ex-AI, a bit more awake. "What are you sa-"

"Maybe it's time for this meeting to end, huh? We'll read over the notes and such. I promise, Director Fury.", Steve said, quickly getting up from his seat. Fury sighed and nodded. "Alright. I'm getting a headache anyways. Meeting dismissed."

The team quickly dispersed out the room.

Once they were back at the Tower, each member went about doing whatever they normally do. Steve, Bucky and Natasha were settled down in the kitchen reading over the notes given to them by Maria while Sam fixed drinks.

Wanda and Pietro was having a field day in the den playing random games on the infamous Stark game console.

Clint was probably in his room cleaning his beloved bow and arrows or scooping out the scene in the vents.

Vision was probably with the Twins or with Thor, who was probably bothering his brother about something.

Bruce was, obviously, down in the lab alone since Tony had a date with his bed.

It was pretty settling within the Tower for the next hour or so until there was a faint melody coming from one of the rooms. The soldiers and assassin within the kitchen stopped their discussion, listening to the upbeat sounds that were now playing through the vents.

Feel the adrenaline

Movin' right through my skin

It's an addiction

Such an eruption

Sound is my remedy

Feedin' me energy

Music is all I need

Baby, I just wanna dance

They, except Steve and Bucky, immediately recognized the song and groaned. "What the hell is going on?", Sam questioned, hoping he get some answer to this torture. Bucky glanced at him, and was about to answer with a guess until there was a scream and a thud coming from the vent. The group looked up and watched as Clint slid out, clutching his arrows and bow tightly in his hands while glaring about the room.

"I bet Tony has something to do with this!", he growled. Because Tony does everything bad, Clint. Right.

She's a mean-eyed crazy dita

Disco diva

And you wonder

Who's that chick?!

Who's that chick?!

Too cold for you to keep her

Too hot for you to leave her

Who's that chick?!

Who's that chick?!

Steve noticed that Natasha was clenching her hands tightly over her ears, hissing under her breath. "No. No! Make it stop!" The blonde looked away from her and listened to the unfamiliar song. He felt his foot tapping to the upbeat tunes of it. Seconds later, he was humming it.

Sam had heard him, confusion clouding his mind. "Steve… are you actually liking this song?"

"It's an actually cute little song to dance to.", the older man protested with a blush. A few seconds later, he continued his little rhythmic show. Bucky and Natasha exchanged glances, smirks decorating their lips. Bucky arranged his seat next to Steve, leaning dangerously close to the younger man's shoulder. "You're pretty cute yourself, Stevie. Reminds me of all the times you would sway your little hips and sing happy tunes with that beautiful voice of yours."

The blonde immediately stopped moving and humming. His face turned a brighter red than Thor's cape. He turned away from his best friend, coughing into his balled hand. "I didn't sway my hips, Bucky... nor am I cute."

"Yes, you are. Fury would even agree with me. Hell, all of HYDRA would agree."

"What would HYDRA agree with?"

The group turned to see the Twins walk into the kitchen, Tony trailing behind them in cotton grey pajama pants and a black tank. Steve blushed even more when he saw both Natasha and Bucky smirk again. He noticed that the music was still playing, too.

Ultrasexual, the night has got me love sprung

I won't stop until the sun is up

Oh yeah

Heart is a dancer

Beat it like a disco drum

"Steve here seems to enjoy the music of Rihanna. He looks so adorable dancing.", Natasha teased, poking the said soldier's cheek. Clint was actually taken back a bit that she even said 'adorable'. Wanda smiled, going over to Steve's side and wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders. "You like her music, too?! Awesomeness!", she squealed. Pietro was behind her laughing while Tony walked around him, heading to the coffee machine. "I never knew Capsicle would be a Rihanna kind of guy. Well... she did do a song about him.", he voiced as the song finished. Sam looked his way, an eyebrow raised. "There's a song about Cap?", he asked. Tony nodded, watching as the coffee was being made. "Yeah. Well, in a sense. It talks about America and Steve here is practically America's Golden Boy. I think he'll love it." (1)

"Probably. Hey, can he dance to it? He looks so cute swaying his hips.", Bucky taunted. He ducked from Steve swinging a fist at him. "NO I DON'T!", he protested. Bucky scoffed. "You do. I guarantee it."

"I actually miss Steve swaying his hips? I feel like crying now.", the Stark heir moaned in disappointment before taking a sip of his newly made beverage.


Clint had screamed at the sudden outburst and jumped in Pietro's arms, much to the enjoyment of the speedster's. The others saw Thor walk in with Vision, Bruce, and Loki. The thunder god was holding his StarkPad given to him by the creator himself. He fumbled through the blue lit screen, his eyes curiously moving about the contents. "I have discovered the most joyous of songs. But I am at fault with the asking of a baby chicken.", he said.

It suddenly clicked.

"Thor... it was you playing the song through the speakers?", Natasha asked. Thor blinked at her. "Do you speak of the song about a chicken by the woman with red hair?" She nodded. "Yup. Her name is Rihanna."

"It is the happiest of songs I have heard of Midgard yet!"

"Steve agrees. By the way, Thor, the song isn't actually talking about chickens. It's actually talking about girls. 'Chick' is slang word for female.", Sam said as Steve glared his way when he was mentioned. Thor glanced his way, a smile creeping on his face. "Aye! A common interest we both share! Come, Steven! Let us dance and enjoy the music of this Rihanna!" Steve yelped as he was suddenly lifted on his feet and escorted out the room.

Clint had begun to laugh. "Oh boy! Steve's got himself a dance partner!"

"Think Thor's gonna try to tango with him?", Sam teases to his Bird Bro. "Just for the excuse to hold Steve by his hips?"


It was much later when Natasha, Loki and Wanda made a wonderful discovery. Well, what they thought was amazing.

They had came into the den, ready discussing what movie to watch when they heard singing.

Find light in the beautiful sea

I choose to be happy

You and I, you and I

We're like diamonds in the sky

You're a shooting star I see

A vision of ecstasy

When you hold me, I'm alive

We're diamonds in the sky

I knew that we'd become one right away

Oh, right away

At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays

I saw the life inside your eyes

Whoever it was had a very talented voice. It sounded golden, purely, undoubtedly angelic. For a second, Natasha believed it was Clint. He could sing like a pro. But this voice was much softer, while the archer's was a bit stronger.

The trio rounded the corner, their eyes widening when they saw who it was.

By the window was none other than their beloved, blond, muscular Captain Steven Rogers of America. He was doing his usual hobby of art. This time, he was painting. As his paintbrush moved across the canvas, his hips swayed with the music he was listening to from his Stark music player. One device that was easy for him to work with. Steve seem obvious to the audience he had gained. Once in a while he would glance out the window before he continued working on the painting.

Wanda had took the liberty to request Friday to make sure this was all on video. It would be a treasure.

So shine bright

Tonight, you and I

We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Eye to eye, so alive

We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

"Amazing I must say. Who knew that the Captain had such a lovely voice?", Loki teased lightly, taking a seat on the sofa to watch the mini 'concert'. Wanda and Natasha joined him, smiling as Steve continued on without much of a care. A few seconds later, Bucky and Bruce joined them. Bruce had stopped halfway into the room when he noticed the blonde. "Is he singing?"

"Yes. Isn't it adorable?!", Wanda squealed. Bruce had to admit that the leader of their team was pretty adorable. No matter how much he wanted to deny it. "I agree, Wanda. He hasn't noticed you yet?"

"No. He so into the song, I guess.", Natasha answered. Steve had finally turned around, had finishing his painting and the singing of the song. He blushed when he saw the others, each of them giving him a smile. "Uh... how long were you there for?"

"Well, Bucky and Bruce just walked in. Nat, Loki and I have been here for a while. By the way, you have such a lovely voice.", Wanda teased. Steve blushed even more, groaning behind his hands in embarrassment. "I can't believe you saw me."

"I enjoyed it.", Bucky retorted. Steve glared at his best friend, ready to pounce on him. "Shut up, Bucky."

Wanda had leaned over to Loki, a hand covering her mouth. "I'd totally ship it.", she whispered. Loki nodded in agreement.

Steve had picked up his paints and brushes, putting them in a case Tony had brought him for his last birthday. Natasha had gotten him the easel. "This will not be spoke about. And that's an order.", he hissed before walking out with his supplies. When he was out of hearing range, Wanda had spoken up. "He can't know about the video, Friday."

"Of course, Miss Maximoff."

So yeah. Started another Avengers fic, but unrelated to my other ones.

(1) If you know the song just by reading that bit, you should be proud. For those that don't know and need hints I got them for you. One, the song mentioned is about America and by Rihanna (as said). Obvious in the song title, too. It's also mentioned in another of my fics. More specifically, "The Things Nick Banned Us to Do" in chapter 10.

I can totally see that song (when you guess what it is) being Cap's theme. Besides his original theme song, but yeah. Anyways...