Bella pov

stepping out of the airport I took a deep lungful of the afternoon air trying to erase some of the thousands of scents from in the airport. spotting my dad I made my way over to him, grinning I waved and he finally saw me. I saw his eyes widen in surprise which I wasn't shocked over. I had changed a lot over the years even more so recently.

"hey dad, it's great to see you, I've missed you soooo much!" I said when I got to him

smiling he said "I've missed you too kido" grabbing my bags he lifted them and then staggered slightly under their weight "jeez kid what have you got in here"

smirking I said "the kitchen sink" he laughed slightly and ended up wheezing slightly as he helped me load them in to the cruiser, did I mention my dad is chief of police in forks. the ride home was quiet, but not the awkward type of quiet this was a peaceful kind of quiet where neither person felt the need to fill the time with idle chit chat, I probably picked up this trait from when I was growing up as I spend a large portion of my childhood in forks with Charlie.

when we got to the house, I smiled it was exactly as I remembered it peeling paint and all. getting out of the car I fetched my bags from the back Charlie offered to help but I told him I was fine. stepping into the house I smiled as fond memories bombarded me, ascending the stairs with inhuman grace I glided down the hall way until I reached my room. pushing open the door I admired the room that met my gaze, it had light grey walls except one which was a soft lavender colour, I had pale purple sheets on my bed and matching curtains the rest of my furniture including the floor was dark oak, there was even a plush lavender rug on the floor near the bed.

wheeling my bags closer to the wardrobe I laid the cases down and then turned dumping my rucksack on the bed. opening the first case I started unpacking every time I came across something non clothing I placed it on my bed 20 minutes later both cases were empty, flipping the cases closed I kicked them under my bed so they were out of the way. turning to the bed I started sorting my stuff once my books, CD's, jewellery, accessories and my beloved laptop were put away I quickly upended my rucksack onto the bed, fishing out my jacket I hung it up and returned to my bed next I took the water I had purchased on the plane, and the sweets and gum I had bought to help pass the time while on the plane, and put them on the bed side table. removing my sketchpad and pencil from the pile of stuff I placed them on my desk next to my laptop then I freed my iPod and head phones and placed them on top of my laptop then I fished out my current book 'a midnight tale' which was a sci-fy about a shape shifter, next I removed my passport and the flight paperwork and put them in the top draw of my desk and finally I reached my phone, purse and keys, which I placed on the bedside table.

grabbing a sweet on my way out the room I chewed it absentmindedly as I descended the stairs and headed into the kitchen, checking the time I found it was nearly 5 pm smiling decided to make a start on dinner. perusing the contents of the fridge I found there was not a whole lot of anything edible except a covered dish of what appeared to be casserole or stew maybe, digging the dish out of the fridge I lifted the cover and sniffed the food, yep definitely a chicken casserole, smiling I emptied the contents into a pan and put it on the stove. puttering around the kitchen I buttered bread and made a salad, and layer the table.

checking the casserole I found it piping hot, dishing the food up I turned to call Charlie to the table but found him already in the door way smiling sheepishly he said "I could smell the food"

laughing I said "no worries, dig in" and with that we sat down at the table and we both descended into silence as we were busy concentrating on putting food in to our mouths. About 10 minutes later I heard the fait sound of tires on the driveway glancing at the door I waited for whoever it was to make themselves known, I listened to the sound of someone exiting the car followed by some shuffling and scraping noises and then the footsteps resumed in the direction of the front door, but now I could hear wheels as well, a pushchair maybe?

There were several loud hollow sounding thuds, hoping up I said "I'll get it" Charlie just grunted and kept eating, shaking my head I made my way over to the door pausing just before opening the door I sniffed lightly several times the scent that came through the door was pleasant, that of oil, metal, the woods and some kind of musky smell, there was also another scent but not as strong. Opening the door a crack I peered through the gap and blinked in surprise, the man I recognised as billy black an old friend of Charlie's, but the young man standing next to him confused me he looked familiar but I couldn't place him. Then it clicked billy's son Jacob but he looked so much older than he should have done as well as being all ripped and muscly when the last time I saw him he was a scrawny little kid.

Opening the door I smiled and said "hey billy it's been a while right?"

Looking surprised he said "Bella?"

"the one and only"

"well look at you haven't you grown up, you look wonderful" when he said this I shot a quick glance at Jacob who was currently staring at me with this shocked expression… I had to fight not to laugh.

Nodding I said "Jacob has grown up too I see and it would appear he finally got some muscle as well"

Laughing billy was about to reply when he was cut off by a growl from Jacob, an actual honest to god growl, I blinked at him and shifted back a step raising an eyebrow at him I muttered "down boy"

He scowled and said "I'm not a dog"

Rolling my eyes heavenward I said "well then don't behave like one," with that I pushed the door open and walked inside to tell Charlie we had guests.

Being a shape shifter I could easily hear billy reprimanding Jacob for being rude to me, but what he said next had me pausing slightly "Jacob you can do that in public, you have to have more control. what if you had accidentally phased in front of her, or someone else? you need to be more careful or you will be going back to live with sam."

I pondered what billy could mean by 'phasing' as I walked into the kitchen, spotting Charlie slumped at the table a terrified scream escaped me "CHARLIE!" racing over to him I checked his pulse nothing, quickly tossing him on the floor I started chest compressions and when Jacob came into the kitchen looking panicked I shouted "call 911" I quickly stopped paying attention after I got a nod from him returning my gaze to Charlie. It was hard when I was so panicked to not press too hard as with my freaky strength I was more than capable of doing some damage. It seemed like moments later when hands where carefully pushing me out of the way and taking over, a defibrillator was brought over and used, there was a pause and the man who had pushed me out of the way checked his pulse seeming satisfied with what he found and then Charlie was lifted onto a stretcher and being whisked towards an ambulance, jumping to my feet I raced after him. When we got to the ambulance a paramedic tried to stop me getting in after Charlie and I said "please I'm his daughter, I need to know he is going to be okay!" the man looked unsure but after a short pause nodded and let me get in, slamming the door after me. The ride to the hospital was filled with the paramedics calling instructions to each other and making notes on paper and calling the hospital to make sure they were ready for Charlie.

A young woman turned to me a smiled kindly "he's your dad?"

Nodding I asked "will he be okay?"

The woman smiled and said "I'm sure he will make a full recovery we phoned ahead and asked if Dr Cullen would work on him as he is our hospitals best doctor"

I relaxed slightly when she said he would make a full recovery my gaze flicked over to him and I frowned "I hope I didn't hurt his ribs" The woman looked confused so I elaborated "when I was doing CPR"

Understanding dawned and she smiled "I'm sure they are fine, and besides a few bruised ribs are a small price to pay for being alive." I nodded that was true, better to be hurt and alive than dead. When we arrived at the hospital a stunningly gorgeous man was waiting for us he looked no later than mid-twenties and had bright blond hair and gold eyes, just like mine. Blinking I saw surprise in his own gaze when he saw my eyes, but it was quickly replaced with concern when his gaze landed on Charlie.

"Bring him to a spare room on E10 I need to do an examination to find out what happened." Then the blond Dr turned heading back into the hospital the paramedics quickly unloaded Charlie and followed after the Dr, not sure what to do I followed them. A blond nurse stopped me from entering the room and I paced outside as I waited for the verdict, the paramedic team had left soon after dropping Charlie off and I knew there was something off about that doctor he smelt odd, but then that could be the hospital environment.

The door swung open jumping into action I practically pounced on Dr Cullen as he stepped out of the room, "well is he okay? What's wrong? What happened? Is it going to happen again?" question flooded out of my mouth as I tried to resolve every concern I had. The doctor leaned away slightly at my outburst and I winced "sorry"

Shaking his head he replied "think nothing of it, and in answer to some of your questions, yes Charlie should be just fine. It would appear he had a heart attack I would like to do some scans to see what caused it but the main thing is he should be fine."

Relief flooded me and I nearly went limp with the sudden release of tension instead I threw myself at Dr Cullen pulling him into a tight hug. He let out a startled yelp and I was surprised at how cold he was but at that moment I didn't care, he just told me my dad was going to be okay and that was all I cared about, another odd thing about him was his skin didn't compress as I squeezed him and he didn't seem much bothered by the strength I put behind my hug either most people complained they couldn't breathe even when I was being gentle as I was now, cos humans are fragile and they break easily pulling back I asked "can I see him?"

The doctor nodded looking slightly baffled and I slipped inside the room and glided over to the bed where Charlie was laying looking so small and fragile, with a sigh I flopped down onto the chair next to his bed. "ah Charlie you know how to give a girl grey hairs" there was a chuckle from the doorway and I looked up to see Dr Cullen still standing there. Raising an eyebrow he simple shook his head before turning to leave, still seeming to be turning something over in his mind. Returning my focus to Charlie I waited for him to wake up so I could complain to him about him nearly giving me a heart attack.

Carlisle pov

That girl was odd to say the least in fact she reminded me of our own kind in many ways but her hug had ruled it out, because while she didn't flinch from my cold skin her own was so hot it was almost feverish. I would have thought her a werewolf like the Quileute's but her skin was snowy white like that of a vampire and her eyes were the same bright gold colour our own kind sported if they were vegetarian.

I pondered the conundrum she posed as I waked down the hospital hallways when I reached my office I made a quick call home to see if Alice had 'seen' anything about this girl. The phone range once and then was picked up by none other than Alice herself "Alice I was wondering…."

"sorry Carlisle I don't know anything about this new girl, I saw you calling but when I searched for her I couldn't see anything. Not like there wasn't anything to see but more like it was hidden from sight all I saw was blackness. So sorry but no I don't know anything about her"

"oh well we will see if Edward can get a read on her then would you send him over to the hospital for my please Alice?"

"sure Carlisle I ask him right now," there was a pause and then she came back on "he is on his way"

"thank you Alice" then I hung up and waited for my son to get here.

Edward arrived about 5 minutes later "what's wrong Carlisle? Alice said you needed me to tell you what someone was thinking."

"not exactly, I need to know if you can read her mind, it just that she is odd and Alice can't see her" I replied not sure exactly how much to say to him, if I told him she reminded me of our own kind he would probably over react.

"you think she is one of our kind and you left her alone in a hospital?!"

Frowning replied "firstly she has gold eyes so if she is our kind she is a vegetarian and secondly I said she reminded me of our kind not that she was, she was hot…"

"Carlisle now is really not the time to try using modern language to describe people"

"I meant temperature wise, although yes she was physically very beautiful too"

"oh, I suppose I will have to go meet her and see hat conclusions I can draw myself." Turning he left the room before I could tell him what room she was in and why. "thank you Carlisle" sometimes that boy and his powers really annoyed me as I was continually forgetting to guard my thoughts around him, even if I had nothing to hide I liked my privacy.

Shaking my head I stood up and followed after Edward I needed to schedule Charlie's scans and then I need to get him to them so I could find out why he had a heart attack.

Bella pov

I was sitting by Charlie's bed side minding my own business when all of a sudden some guy comes bargaining in here all dramatic like, when I glance up and meet his gaze to tell him to sod of I felt a sudden surge of power and emotion go through me. He had the most stunning butterscotch eyes almost a match for my own, as well as shining coppery, brown hair and a lithe build that was when I noticed the similarities between this young man and Carlisle.

Frowning I said "are you related to Carlisle?"

He looked shocked for a moment before nodding and then he spoke and his voice was smooth and deep almost making me shiver "yeah I am but most people don't see the resemblance."

Raising an eyebrow I said "really they don't notice the eyes and the skin and the grace and the expression,"


"yeah like this kind of wise look like you've seen more than your years" he looked really weirded out now.

okay so this is my second story which I just started I hope to write about 3000 words per chapter give or take some as this seems like a good length which doesn't take me to long to write so I hope you enjoy this is my first twilight fanfic read and review please. xx