[Partners in Crime]

I know guys. I know. I'm a total bitch for leaving you hanging. I'm sorry. I had a piano exam that I was TOTALLY unprepared for and procrastinated on. So I had to practice everyday from 5-9 PM. LOL. Guys don't procrastinate! The chapters should be back to normal until finals come in, which is at around the middle or end of may, which is normally when I start studying.

Thank you guys for the 10 REVIEWS!? OMFG thanks so much! I read every single one. They were so heartwarming and they made my day 10000x better! Thank you guys so much. Also, thank you to the people who voted. I asked this because there are so many characters that are suitable for the spots of Olympus and Tartarus that I didn't know who to add! However, I need more votes because no one voted on who was going to be in Tartarus. LOL I wouldn't blame you guys though.

Also tbh I had a writer's block. My words normally flow but for a while I just… didn't know how to start. But it's hopefully all better now.

Enjoy this chapter guys! The beginning is kind of boring I had to admit-I'm still practicing the action scenes. But there's a excellent Percabeth moment in the end, so bear with it :)

Thank you!

In case you didn't know what happened in the last chapter…

Suddenly a blast of glass roared in Percy's ears. He felt glass shards against his back.

"Freeze, put your weapons down, or else that ugly forehead will have a hole in it," a voice boomed. It was Poseidon.

"Aw, finally a little more action!" The man said.

"Angelo, Grace, now!" Poseidon yelled.

Bullets fired.

Chapter 4

Okay. Rewind. What the fuck is happening?

The next thing Annabeth knew was that she was diving behind a couch in the waiting room with nothing but her hospital gown that barely when to her knees. She had to admit: not the best attire when someone is firing bullets at you.

Let's back up a bit, shall we?

Simply a few moments ago…

"What's taking them so long? It's already been 15 minutes." Piper said for the 15th time. Annabeth rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help but be a little curious too. The check-out time would be no more than 4-5 minutes, why was it suddenly extended to 15?

She pulled off her covers and got off the bed, opening the door and entering the hallway. Piper followed her as they entered the elevator. She didn't know if it was just her, but Annabeth could hear slight pounding sounds and sounds of glass cracking. She put it in the back of her mind because she noticed that Piper didn't seem to be reacting.

As they lowered, the crack sounds got louder and louder, and then Annabeth knew that it wasn't just her imagination anymore. When the elevator stopped and slid open, bullets and glass flew everywhere as both of the girls suddenly huddled back, their eyes wide with shock and miscomprehension.

"Wha-" Piper managed to squeak out. Annabeth's brain suddenly focused. Where was Percy? Annabeth pushed herself off the wall and ran against the millions of bullets. Some managed to whiz past her, giving her mini-heart attacks that she'll never forget.

Annabeth then saw a glimpse of Percy, with a gun against his forehead. She scowled. He wasn't going to die today.

"PERCY!" she yelled. Percy turned his head and they locked eyes, which wildly confused her. One eye of his showed nervousness, and anxiety. However, the other eye was filled adrenaline, and power, like he was born to do this. Before she could react, Percy quickly dodged his head to the side, pulling the man's arm over his shoulder, and kicked him in the bicep. Before his leg reached his arm, the man caught Percy's leg and twisted it. Using that momentum, Percy used his other leg to kick him across the cheek, the man's blood staining his shoe. Percy grabbed the gun and blocked a punch from the man. Percy knocked him over and kicked him underneath the chin, making the man fall.

Annabeth dove behind a couch, when cascades of bullets started to ricochet, burning her slightly. Her heart was pounding immensely, and she felt like she couldn't get enough oxygen into her lungs. Her mind was racing as her sweaty palms clung on to the couch. She was currently in a mafia battle, and her best friend, Percy Jackson, doesn't seem too bothered by that. Annabeth looked over the couch and got a sight of Percy again. He was panting, his blue collar shirt stained with dirt and blood, and his hair was oily and stuck up. His face was covered with cuts and bruises.

"RETREAT!" the man yelled, rising from the ground. His coat was still midnight black and his hoodie was still covering his face.

"TARTARUS! YOU SHALL NOT WIN!" a voice yelled. Annabeth turned to the right and saw Poseidon, with two young people beside them. She assumed the ones who crashed this hospital down was Olympus. Olympus cheered as they stepped forward, cocking their guns and aiming at the rest of the people in Tartarus who couldn't run fast enough.

One last person fell as he tried to break into a run. Percy stood over him, twirling his gun. She could tell that he was debating about the most savage question of all.

Don't do it Percy. Annabeth begged.

She saw Poseidon stand next to him. "Percy, you know what to do. He now knows what we look like, and who we are. Do it." he urged Percy. Percy stopped twirling his gun.

"No.." Annabeth whispered. She took a deep breath and was about to yell. "PER-" her voice was cut off when a hand covered her mouth.

She quickly looked up and saw Jason, his hand over her mouth as he pulled her back down.

"No matter what you say, Annabeth, the choice will be up to him." he said. Annabeth scowled and bit his hand, pushing herself back up. She then stopped for a moment, and froze in shock. Percy's eyes were glassy, and hollow. They didn't express the emotion of excitement and eagerness like they used to. They were a dark green color, like the stormy sea that could kill hundreds in one gulp of a wave.

Annabeth could hear him swallow thickly. His finger lingered over the trigger button.

"Please… let me go! I'll give you information! Anything! Let me live!" the person begged.

"We all know that's bullshit." A boy said, standing behind Percy. "Percy, hurry up. We don't have much time before the police come."

Annabeth could hear him breath in shakily. His eyes lingered over to hers. Annabeth's heart broke slowly as his feelings crashed on to her. She could feel his stress and his conflict, and his dark dark past that she never could figure out. Annabeth didn't realize his other side until now, and she let it slip past her fingers. Whether Percy reaches the family expectation or not depended on this moment right now, whether he will pull the trigger, or let him free.

His hand wavered a little, "I can't."

"You must." Poseidon said impatiently, "Do you want information about this mafia to spread?"

Percy said, "No."

"Then press the fucking trigger."


"Perseus Jackson-" Annabeth could tell that Percy flinched a little at that name, "You trained all your life for this. Do. It."

No one said anything. All that was heard was Poseidon's heavy breathing and the glass that was crunched on the ground from the people standing on top of it.

"DO IT!" Poseidon yelled at him, "YOU HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE!"

"Well I didn't have a choice when I had to join Olympus did I?" Percy shot back. His hand was shaking vigorously, the gun shaking back and forth as the person kneeling on the ground's sweat dripped on the floor.

"Do not argue with me! Pull the trigger. This is for your family. Your family will die if you do not do this right now. Do it."

"Shut the fuck up." Percy said, his voice cracked a little, "You were never there for me."

"No one will be there for you if you do not exterminate the person who has this information. Do it. Right now."

"SHUT UP!" Percy yelled.

"YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS WILL NO LONGER EXIST. YOUR LIFE WILL BE OVER. PULL THE FUCKING-" A gunshot sounded in the silent air. The person fell, as blood oozed out of the perfect circular hole that was on his forehead.

"I will never be like you. Fuck. You." Percy growled, shoving the gun in Poseidon's hands. Percy then ducked his head and ran out of the scene.

Another moment of silence. Annabeth's breath started to grow shallow. She didn't know who was at fault: Percy, who voluntarily pulled the trigger, or Poseidon, who pressured him to do so. Her palms were clammy. She tried to call out his name again, but no voice came out. Her hair was standing at its end.

This was Percy. This was the Percy that she never saw, and she never experienced as. When they were little, he wouldn't even hurt a fly. He was bold, yes, but he would always show mercy. Where was he? Did it get locked up inside and thrown into a dark hole that people never dared to pull out? Was it eroded by the sea, leaving no mark other than a whisper?

Annabeth was frustrated. Was this the Percy she wanted to be with now?

No, Annabeth argued to herself. He stood by me. I will stand by him. But, why does he all of a sudden seem so much more dangerous? Of course, he killed a man who at that time didn't do anything wrong.

Her debate was interrupted when Poseidon sighed. "Thalia and Nico, make sure the police gets here. Get everyone out of here safely. I will return to my office." He left the scene, shoving his knives and guns in the respectable pouch and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Two people remained, whom Annabeth assumed was Thalia and Nico. Their eyes had a great contrast-one being a bright piercing blue, and the other being the dark glassy black.

"Couldn't get enough father-son conflict in this mafia, don't we?" Thalia said, with exasperation in her voice.

"Let's just finish the job," Nico spoke with a blunt and calm voice, giving Annabeth the chills down her spine.

Thalia bobbed her head. "Yeah, I could already sense the people behind the couch. They're probably scared out their minds."

"From the father-son yelling spree, or the shooting?" Nico asked. Annabeth could tell it was in a joking way, but Thalia eyed him seriously.

"Probably the yelling spree." Thalia said. They walked towards her, and she started to get into her defense stance.

When they saw her, they raised their eyebrows.

"Well, I appreciate how she takes us seriously." Nico commented, and Thalia snorted. Annabeth could now closely see her piercings and her tattoos that was on her arm. One of the tattoos was a trident. Thalia turned towards her.

"Hey girly. You're Annabeth right?" Thalia asked. It took Annabeth a moment to realize that she was asking her a question. She nodded her head. "Percy told us a lot about you,"

"Who are you?" Annabeth asked, keeping it low.

Thalia extended her hand. "I'm Thalia, also known as Grace. Call me Grace if we ever meet in public. Names are dangerous now-a-days." Annabeth remembered Percy talking about her. Grace. Annabeth naturally accepted the hand for a firm handshake.

"This is Nico." Thalia jabbed her finger at Nico, which Nico in response nodded his head at Annabeth.

"Percy told a little about you guys." Annabeth said, and Thalia's lip twitched upward.

"Oh yeah, like how we totally kicked his butt when we were little?" Thalia chucked at her own comment. "Good times." This then made Annabeth smile a little.

"I think everyone evacuated already. But Jason-" she turned around, realizing that Jason was nowhere to be seen. "Uh, I guess only Piper now, who is in the elevator. We should go check on her." Nico and Thalia bobbed their heads in agreement and they all traveled down the hallway.

"You know, you seem to be reacting well to people who are mass murders and is part of SF's most dangerous mafia," Thalia commented, and Annabeth laughed.

"Percy seems to be fine with you guys. So, I'll trust you guys. I guess it's what best friends should do, you know?" she responded. Thalia grinned at her.

"I can see why he talks that way about you." Thalia said, and Annabeth looked at her.


Thalia changed the subject, "Anyway," she banged on the elevator door, which resulted in a surprised sound that was from the inside. "Hey, open up. It's safe."

"Piper, it's really safe. Don't worry." Annabeth added in, and a moment later, the elevator dinged open. Piper was in the elevator with a terrified expression on her face, but a few seconds later soon gained her composure back.

"Is anyone hurt?" Piper asked, stepping out of the elevator with the help of Nico.

Sirens suddenly blared at behind them, and all of them froze.

"Yeah, I guess the police will find out. Let's go, we shouldn't be here." Nico said. They all started to continue moving down the hallway when suddenly Piper gasped.

"Wait! Where's Jason?" Piper whispered. She turned around and looked across the trashed waiting room.

"We don't have time to find Jason!" Thalia whispered loudly back.

"No! I need to find Jason."

"Hey! Girly-" Before Thalia could grab her, Piper scurried away to find her boyfriend. Annabeth looked outside, the police were already parked and discussing what happened. Caution tape started rolling in, giving a yellow shadow on the ground. The siren lights flickered around it.

Suddenly, they heard Piper sigh with relief. Piper and Jason appeared in sight: Jason with an arm around Piper's shoulder as they limped towards Annabeth, Thalia, and Nico. When Jason and Piper made it up to them. Annabeth heard Thalia gasp.

"Jason? You can't be…" Thalia whispered. Nico sighed.

"We don't have time to deal with this. Let's go!" Nico urged, and they all hurried down the hallway. Annabeth followed them, but a part of her seemed missing: where was Percy?

"Thank god we made it out in time!" Thalia exclaimed, "Or else Nico and I are fucked."

"So, who are you guys?" Jason asked, who was sitting down against the wall as Piper wrapped his shoulder up.

Nico's phone rang. Nico looked at us. "That's another story for later. Grace, we need to go."

Thalia nodded. She looked at Annabeth, and scribbled a number on the piece of paper.. "Annabeth, if you need to call us. Here's my number. Do not share this with anyone. Say my real name so I know it's you. I also want to say is that you're getting yourself into a whole lot of shit. The mafia is something a person you do not want to get involved in. You also might want to find Percy. You'll probably know where." Thalia handed the piece of paper to Annabeth. She then looked at Jason.

"Stay safe Jason. You'll be seeing me very soon. Just know that I'll always be there for you." Thalia said, and before Jason could respond, she dashed off with Nico.

"Do you know her?" Piper asked Jason, and he shrugged.

"She looks so familiar though," Jason said, and Piper nodded.

"Maybe she helped you in someway." Piper suggested and Jason shrugged again.


Annabeth ignored the conversation that went on between the couple. Instead, she knew exactly where to go.


10-year old Annabeth peered through the bushes and saw her best friend sitting by the creek, skipping stones by himself. Flat and smooth rocks piled up on the dirt ground, as she heard his grunts every time he tossed a rock across the horizon. She could also hear his sniffles between tosses.

"Percy?" She called out, slightly worried. Percy sighed and sat down on the ground. Annabeth slowly walked up to him and sat next to him, her hands playing with the small strands of grass that was buried in the dirt.

"It's not fair. I didn't deserve this!" Percy cried out. He sniffled. "Only you and my mom gets me. Gabe, and my other dad doesn't get what it's like to be abandoned,"

Annabeth didn't respond. Instead, she placed a hand on his shoulder.

It was silent, and Annabeth guessed that it was what he wanted. A friend to stand next to him this whole time and not judge him, and not bash him with anything at all.

"I knew you would be here," Annabeth finally said. "You're always here when you're upset."

Percy laughed for the first time, "Yeah, the water calms me. It reminds me that the world isn't so bad after all, even though it's just going to make me feel better for a while."

"It's better than nothing right?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right. You're always right,"

"Shut up Percy, don't blame me for being smarter than you."

"Hey!" Percy exclaimed, but a grin was plastered on his face.

"Seaweed Brain," She scoffed and continued looking out at the horizon.

"Do you promise that we'll stay best friends?" Percy asked for the 100th time this week. Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"Yes Percy, of course."

"It's. Not. Fair." Percy grunted, smacking a stick against the tree trunk besides the creek side. Annabeth rolled her eyes. They were both 15 years old, and high-school was a wild run. Percy paced back and forth, stepping on the flowers that he never got the chance to give to anyone.

"After everything I've done for her. Even when she's complaining her head off, I didn't care, because I thought we were going to hit it off. But no! She likes this other guy, who's so much taller and hotter than me! I stood by her for so many years, and she wouldn't even go to one shitty little prom with me? Couldn't she see all these years that I actually want to be with her?" he ranted to Annabeth. Annabeth bit her lip.

"Okay, Seaweed Brain, calm down. She's just a girl. It's just a prom. You still have next year." Annabeth said for the 20th time.

Percy sighed and plopped down next to her, his sea salt smell filled her nose. He stabbed the stick into the ground, like a sword.

"What's the point of prom, if people are just going to reject you?" Percy complained.

Annabeth smirked, "Well Percy, maybe it's just you."

"Ha Ha Wise Girl, very funny," Percy turned to look at her. He smirked that cocky smirk that would always make her melt and leaned into her. "It's not like you're having any luck with Luke,"

Annabeth blushed furiously. "Shut up!" Percy leaned back and laughed.

"Prom is stupid anyway," Annabeth declared, covering her cheeks with her hands.

"Sour grapes," Percy teased.

"Percy, I will warn you on who taught you that term in the first place," Annabeth poked a finger against his chest. Her finger vibrated from the rumble that sounded in his chest. He grinned.

"Getting salty, are we?" he flicked a finger against her forehead.

"Percy Jackson! I swear I will end your life one day!" She charged forward, bursting into a dash as she ran after him, which ended up her winning and knocking him off his feet. Annabeth didn't seem to be angry, because her face was filled with a smile that could brighten Percy's day anytime.

Once they settled back down, they sat back down at the creek. Percy plucked a flower that was trampled on earlier.

"You know, those flowers were expensive," Annabeth commented and Percy scoffed. He twirled the flower in his fingers.

"I shouldn't make waste of them," Percy agreed.

"You just wasted hella money," Annabeth said, but was surprised when he offered the flower to her. He tucked it over her ear. He asked one question that made her lips twitch upward. One word that even Luke couldn't make her smile that much.


End of Flashback

It was almost night time. The sky was a blast of orange, red, and yellow as the clouds wisped over the horizon. Annabeth locked her car and started down the dirt path that was created by Percy and her years ago. The reeds and bushes brushed past her like feathers, and the moths danced over her head. The trees were still growing proud and strong and the rope that hung on one of the branches still was tightly bound like it was decades ago. She slightly smiled at that.

The dirt grew moist and Annabeth could hear the river crashing against the rocks, and the soft wind made the leaves dance.

However the one thing that she couldn't hear anymore was the plop plish plop of the rocks that would skip over the river. Annabeth frowned, was Percy even here?

No, he has to be. It was always their area. He wouldn't change that much… would he?

Because of this thought, she walked a little faster. When she made it to the end, she pushed past the final layer of reeds and saw Percy sitting there, wearing the same clothes as in the morning. He didn't move, and he didn't show any expression. This made Annabeth frown again.

"Percy?" she called out, worried. Only a sigh responded. She sat down at her usual spot in the dirt patch that was dryer than usual.

It was silence. Annabeth looked at his eyes, and they were overwhelmed with emotion. Bags under his eyes were enhanced at his dim and stone cold green orbs. Annabeth sighed.

"The creek is unusually dry today." Annabeth tried to start a conversation, but no sassy response returned. She signed again. "Percy… where's your it's not fair speech?"

"I'm a monster," he blurted out.

"What makes you think that?"

Percy turned to her, his eyes showed terror. "Look at me Annabeth! You saw me back there! I killed an innocent person. I killed him." he whispered.

"Percy you were under pressure-"

"I will never forgive myself. I killed him because I was mad at Poseidon. I-I just blacked out, Annabeth." he pressed his hands to his forehead.

She didn't respond. She didn't know how. For once, she didn't know how.

His voice started to crack, "I pu-pulled the trigger! I FUCKING PULLED IT! And at that moment, I didn't-" he gasped for air. She saw a tear roll down his cheek. When he realized what she saw, he broke. He cried. His eyes shed tears as his shoulders shook vigorously.

Annabeth placed a head on his shoulder as he let it out.

"You know, it's been a long time since you cried this hard. In fact you never cried this hard. I guess you bottled up too much at once," Annabeth said softly as he covered his face with his hands, as he sobbed.

"Why do you still think of me as Percy? Why haven't you run away yet?" Percy looked at her for the second time.

"I kept a promise Percy. Didn't you remember?" Annabeth responded, as if it was the easiest question asked.

When he calmed down, he finally said, "Thank you Wise Girl."

"I know."

Yes. Percabeth. Me likey. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. It made me smile all the way :)

Okay guys! Normal stuff: Review PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW, Favorite and Follow this story! Don't just leave without doing these things!

I normally don't do review responses on the chapter because it takes ALOT of space. But this one just made me grin so much and makes me so moved!

Average Canadian: Thank you so much! Oh my days your review literally made me so much happier and brighter! Your compliments warm my heart, omfg. And tbh, I'm not expecting this fanfiction to be famous, but I always keep a little hope LOL. So thank you for helping me hope and dream high with this fanfiction. Thank you so much. :)

I would also like to thank: awesomegirl390, LegitMistress123, Muse45, ChobeeBoy, Mystery gurl 21, Sora Loves Rain, percabethbooklion, Guest, and PTXLover015 for reviewing!

Thank you to those who favorited: ChobeeBoy, CurrentlyJustReading, Keeper55, LibbySlaysTheUniverse, Mystery gurl 21, Sora Loves Rain, awesomegirl390, kiarikameta, , percabethbooklion, and softballplayer363

Thank you to those who followed: Average Canadian, Bolle Accidentali, CheesyBlueberry, Dianthus2241, Mystery gurl 21, PTXLover015, Percabeth-ftw-is-already-taken (LOL I love your user), Robertthekingslayer, Sljbabam, WritingCats, amo925, as13119, awesomegirl390, codename linos, cooldog692, kiarikameta, percabethbooklion, thelightniingthief, thesoldiersdaughter

And thank you to everyone who viewed and appreciated this fanfiction! Thank you!

Don't be afraid to review long reviews guys!

I'm also planning to write a Solangelo fanfiction, what do you guys think about it?

Cause I ship me and my pillow
