I woke up to see my parents and Farkle standing over me. Well, my parents were standing over me. I was in Farkle's lap so his head was the only thing dangling over me.

"Thank God you're okay," I heard my dad say.

"What happened…?" I asked groggily.

"You passed out, Riley." I turned to look at my mom. "You've been out for about 20 minutes."

I stood up abruptly and held my hand to my forehead when I started to feel dizzy. Both my parents and Farkle reached out to steady me. I pulled back from all three of them.

"I'm okay guys. Really."

. "Riles you're not-"

"I'm fine." I interrupted. "Please just everybody leave." I walked over to the head of my bed and sat down, my back against the headboard. "I just want to be left alone." I pulled my knees up to my chest and closed my eyes. I heard my parents muttering to each other, then footsteps, and then I heard my door close.

I opened my eyes to still see Farkle standing in the same place he was before.

I sighed and rubbed my face with my hands. "What are you still doing here, Farkle?"

He moved over to the side of my bed and sat down.

"I'm worried about you, Riles." He tried to take my hand but I snatched it away. I looked up to see a hurt expression briefly cross his face. "Riley I...I understand why you don't want me here but-"

"Please Farkle," I paused to look at him, really look at him. To get him to understand. "It's not that I don't want to see you, it's that I just want to be left alone. Please. Please."

He nodded but the pain on his face was clear - he didn't believe me.

"I'll leave you be, Riley. Really. But can you at least tell me one thing?" His voice was shaky as he asked.

"Sure," I responded, my voice hoarse.

"Why are all of the pictures of me gone?" I looked down at my lap, too embarrassed to answer. "Did you think I wouldn't notice?" His voice became hoarse like mine. He wasn't angry, he was just sad.

"I'm sorry, Farkle. I'm sorry."

I heard a sniffle and felt the weight on my bed leave. I glanced up to see Farkle staring at me with tears silently falling down his face.

"Me too."

We haven't talked in weeks, Farkle and I. He's spent all of his free time with Smackle and I've spent all of my free time trying not to fall apart.

I was sitting at Topanga's with Maya and Zay, they were both trying to cheer me up, when Smackle ran in looking devastated. She sat down on the ottoman next to Zay and stared at the coffee table, unblinking.

"Uhh, Izzy. Are you okay?" asked Zay.

She looked up, startled, at the sound of his voice. She wiped her eyes, straightened her skirt and looked at all of us.

"I would like to speak to Isaiah alone please," Smackle said, her voice only wavering slightly from her usual tone.

Maya and I glanced at each other. "Okay, that's fine. If you need anything, let us know," Maya said.

We walked out of Topanga's, glancing back occasionally. We made it outside and paused by one of the tables.

"What do you think that was about?" Maya asked.

"I don't know, Maya. Smackle seemed really upset. Like, more upset than I've ever seen her."

"You don't think…?" Maya trailed off.

I stared at her questioningly as Maya stared through the glass door at Zay and Smackle. "What?" I asked.

She turned back towards me. "You don't think her and Farkle broke up, do you?"

I froze. "I...I don't know. It would make sense but...I hope not. For Farkle's sake. He was, is, happy with her." I trailed off.

We both looked up as we heard the door open. Zay walked out with a weary expression on his face. He put his hands behind his head, linked his fingers together and let out a long, exasperated sigh.

"I probably shouldn't tell y'all this, but Farkle and Smackle broke up. It just happened."

Maya didn't looked shocked. "Who broke up with who?" she asked.

"Surprisingly, it was Izzy that broke it off. She…" Zay looked over at me briefly "she saw how upsetting it was for Farkle to not talk to or be near Riley. She couldn't handle it anymore. So she broke up with him." He broke off and turned around when Smackle tapped on the door behind him.

"Will you walk me home, Isaiah?" Smackle asked in a quiet voice.

"Of course." He offered her his arm. "M'lady." Smackle giggled slightly. "And that was the goal. Adios Maya and Riley."

"Bye Zay," Maya and I said in unison. We watched the pair walk up the stairs and out of sight before we started talking.

"What are you going to do, Riles?" Maya asked me.

I turned to face her. "Nothing. I can't. It wouldn't be fair to Smackle, Farkle, or me if I did do anything. Besides Farkle probably doesn't want to do anything with me anyways." I muttered, halfway to myself.

Maya snorted.

"What?" I snapped.

"Nothing, Riles. Nothing." Maya turned her head, but I caught a glimpse of her smile before she did so. "You need to talk to him though. Soon. It's obviously killing you both."

"I know I do, Peaches. I just don't know how." I sounded whiny, even to myself.

"Just like you have for the past 9 years, Riley. You don't have to do anything different." She stood in front of me to make me look her in the eye. "You're Riley and Farkle. You two can get through anything. And if you can't get through this...there's no hope for the rest of us."