Author's notes

For this fic Peter is 18 years old just in case this get sexual and someone freaks out in the comments. Other than that I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1

The sound of gunshot had taken are friendly neighborhood Spiderman form his normal portal route. It was a rainy day in New York, dark clouds loomed above the city ready to pour rain down on the ground below. The web slinger was just on his way back to his apartment hoping he would beat the rain home, but duty calls. Thankfully it wasn't hard to fine the source of the noise. As he surveyed the scene for the roof top he counted five armed men. Each of them was looking around as if they didn't know what was going on.

"What the hell?" Peter said standing up and getting ready to swing down to the street and start webbing up some bad guy. As he was about to do this he saw a blur of red and heard one of the thugs scream,

"There he is, shot the fucker!" This was followed by a barrage of ammo fly throw the air in all different directions trying to hit something. Peter had really had enough of this was swung to the city streets. He wasted no time webbing up the first two goons and just as he was about to web the third a bullet passed throw the center of his forehead and out the other end. Just as Peter turned to see were this came from he heard two more shots right behind him. To his dismay the men that he had tied up now had matching wounds similar to their friend only this time a man in red spandex was stranding over the bodies. At this point Peter felt stupid for not thinking about it early of course this had to be a Deadpool thing, what else could it have been. The masked man then turned around and acknowledged the young hero.

"What up Petey!" He said wavering the gun at the web slinger.

"I told you not to call me that in public." Peter said regretting even telling the older man his name.

"Oh come one, no hello for you favorite Deadpool?" he said sending off a shot that went wising by Peter head and into the fourth thug that was trying to run away. Peter turned around to see the man fall to the ground and spun on he's heels to face the merc.

"What the hell's going on Wilson." Peter said angrily

"Hey this one wasn't my fault ok, I knocked over some slime balls about a week ago and now there boss has been sending these dip shits after me ever since." He said clearly annoyed.

"Alright fine you're off the hook this time, but dude was all this really necessary." The red and blue hero said gesturing to the chaos. Deadpool only nodded happily, with a huge smile behind his mask. "Fine." Peter said angrily.

"Aww you can't stay mad at me spidey." Deadpool said walking over to the younger hero. "You love me too much." He said with a wink. This made Peter blush a bit, thank god his mask was covering it well. Before Peter could make a smart ass comment he started to tingle all over. His Spidey senses were going into overdrive. Before he could even turn around, before wade could tell him to move the fifth low life criminal got off a shot, hitting the web slinger in the left shoulder. The bullet then exited. He then feel to his knees feeling the pain rush throw him. Deadpool ran over to the young man trying to survey the damage, and just was he got close another shot rang out piercing wade in the middle of his forehead to match those of his resent victims. This made Peter fall back in shock, his eyes locked on wade who was face down on the street. Before Peter could even get a word out the thug was over top of him. He then delivered a swift kick to the man's abdomen causing him to double over in pain and just was he was walking away to return is focus to the man in red he placed his large foot on Peter's ankle and push down with all this weight. A spine tingling snap could be heard and another shot of pain ran throw him. The thug now happy with his work now loomed over the merc and give his head a solid kick to the head to make sure the job was done. But to be one the safe side he pulled out his gun and was ready to take aim for a final shot when a web held the hard that was griping the gun in place. The thug turn around annoyed.

"Oh, you're so next bitch. He said flashing Peter an evil grin. But as he turned back to deal with wade he was no longer on the ground but was face to face with the low life.

"Later jackass." He said thrusting his sward into the man's gut. He let out a gasp and that was the end of it. Peter watched in horror as Deadpool pulled out his sword and the thug fell to the ground. Wade then came right next to the boy and took a knee so he was at eye level. "What hurts." He said in a worried voice. Peter was taken aback by this, he had never seen this side of the older man before. After snapping back to the real world he gestured to his shoulder blood was already coming throw his suit. Wade quickly went over to the thug that had shoot Peter and ripped off a strip of his shirt. He then returned to the fallen hero and raped it around the wound. "You need to keep presser on this." He said not breaking eye contact (or whatever you did with a mask on). "Can you walk?"

"Yeah I'm fine." Peter said trying to push himself off the ground, but as he tried to put weight on his right leg he went right back down. Thankful Wade grabbed him before he could hit the pavement.

"There's no way you could make it a block with that leg." The merc said.

"Well what am I suposs?" Peter was cut off as wade picked him up and was now carrying him like a bride. "Deadpool?!" he said.

"Don't worry baby I'll give you a lift." The man said winking. Holding Peter tight to his chest. Peter's heart rate was going throw the roof as he could feel the rise and fall of wades chest push on his side, his blush burning agent his cheeks. Peter was jolted from his thoughts when sirens could be heard for the distance. "Shit!" Wade said breaking into a sprint down a dark alley, leave the grim scene behind them. Deadpool kept going down alley after alley, Peter didn't know where the hell they were going and he was a bit nervous to say the least. "Don't worry babe, worry almost there." The older man would reassure this companion as they counted to duck down alleys to avoid being seen. They finally stopped behind and old building, he then bent over and picked up a fake rock which had a key inside of it.

"Really?" Peter said looking up at the man

"What, you think I have pockets." He said walking inside the old building.

End chapter 1

Author's notes

Alright so that chapter 1 and set and done. I'm hoping to get into more of the smut in the next chapter and hopefully end it there, but I have had a few ideas to make this fic a lot longer than I thought and really make a strong relationship between Wade and Peter. Or I could just make different fic's for each story and just have them in the same universe. Tell me what you guys think, and also if you see anything wrong with my writing, like my spelling off or whatever you think please tell me it will only make me stronger. Also if you have any ideas for a fic let me know I'm willing to do anything! Have a great day and I hope to post the next chapter by 3/14/2016.
