I decided to instead of writing a sequel to my vampire fix, I would just write a whole different one. A longer one. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter One.

It was a perfect night. The air was clear and the sky filled with stars, no lights for miles to block out their light. There was a cool breeze but it wasn't enough to chill the skin. Tyki lay comfortably on the hood of his car, smoking a cigarette and admiring the night sky. He searched the night sky trying to remember the names and positions of the constellations. In years passed he use to know all their names and could could navigate by them. These days he only remembered a handful of them. But he still enjoyed their beauty. Closing his eyes he enjoyed the last puff of his cigarette, throwing it away, a cool breeze ruffling his hair and tickling his forehead.

The sounds of the car doors screeching open pulled him from his thoughts, along with the sound of boots crunching on dirt and the smell of blood. He sat up, considered lighting another cigarette, but instead turned to face his partners. To his left there stood a pair of twins, one with long blond hair and a dreamy expression on his face, the other had short black hair and was more focused than the other. The blonde one had his arm slung around his brother, his head nestled in his shoulder.

"He's still alive, Tyki," the dark haired one said.

"We saved him for you," the other said, his eyes seeming to close in dreamy content.

Pushing himself up he slid off the bonnet and stretched slightly.

"Why don't you two rest up, I wont be long and then we'll start moving."

They both nodded in unison before moving over to lay on the bonnet themselves. They curled up against each other and seemed to instantly go to sleep. Tyki couldn't blame them, they got themselves into a bit of trouble three states over, nothing too major, but it was still best for them to avoid the area for awhile. They had spent the last few days driving non-stop and hadn't fed the whole time. Being older Tyki could hold out longer than the two of them. The meal they had picked up was just for them, but Tyki was delighted that they decided to save the last of it for him.

He slid into the back seat through the still open door, but closed it behind him. The young man in the back seat glazed eyes slid over to him, a slow trickle of blood seeping from his nose, his body no longer able to move. He was near death and would be gone in a matter of minutes, and that was what Tyki was waiting for, because to take that moment of death into oneself was the strongest and most powerful feeling. It was a drug high unlike any other that hung around for hours, leaving the taker energised.

Moving closer Tyki pulled the man closer to him until his head was resting on his shoulder. Tyki took some time to looked into the mans eyes and saw exactly what he saw earlier when he picked the man up. This man wanted to die and he was simply waiting for Tyki to finish the job. He struggled at first, they always do, it was part of the fun. But he quickly gave up, letting them slowly drain him of his life.

And now Tyki was to end his life.

"Such a waste," Tyki said, running his thumb under the mans nose, gathering his blood.

He sucked his thumb, pulling it out and looking at it as if he had just sampled something sweet.

"You can rest now," he said soothingly, although he felt no sympathy for the man, he hadn't felt such an emotion for centuries. He kept his eyes focused on the mans eyes as he leant down and sank his teeth into the mans already punctured neck. The position was awkward but Tyki always liked that last moment of life, seeing the life leave their eyes. His blood was thin and there was hardly any left. With one last hard pull, he took the last of it and watched the eyes carefully, the high hit him hard, and it was so strong that he almost at the last second, missed the mans eyes turn from dark brown to a bright cloud like grey.

He pulled away from the dead body and sat for a moment revealing in the high. When his mind was clear again he got out of the car, dragging the body with him. He dumped it on the ground and walked towards the twins still curled up on the bonnet.

"Wake up you two."

The twins stirred, slowing sliding off the hood.

"Where to now, Tyki?" the dark haired one asked, his twin still hanging off his shoulder.

"A seer just saw me," he said.

He could feel the other two tense, seers could be trouble. They could follow you and watch you in your dreams, they could take a vampire down if they so wanted.

"What're we gonna do? Are we gonna keep moving?"

"No, I'm going to let them see me, and then I'm going to look right back at them. Then we'll find them, and kill them."

The other two grinned and Tyki laughed, then they got back in the car.

The didn't worry about the body, he would never be found, no one would miss him.


Kanda woke and was instantly alert the moment he heard his door open. He threw his sheets back and sat up looking towards the door. His room mate, Allen, stood in the door way and he could tell immediately that he was dreaming. From past experience Kanda knew it was best not to wake him and just to let the dream end on its own. And when it did it was usually best that Kanda was there to catch him.

Getting up from the bed he stretched briefly before making his way towards Allen. Taking hold of his upper arms he looking into glazed half-lidded eyes.

"This pain of death, is nothing to the pain of life," Allen mumbled, voice thick with sleep.

"What do you see?" Kanda asked, he learnt that the dream ended faster if Kanda lead him through it with questions.

"The sky is bright with stars, there are worse sights to die too. They took their time, but i've waited this long."

He blinked in his sleep and took a deep shuddering breath.

"This pain, of death, is nothing, to the pain of life," he said again, his voice shuddering.

"Who are you?"

"No one, I died so long again, a walking shell, this pain…"

He stopped abruptly and Kanda peered into his face waiting for him to continue speaking. He watched with mild surprise as Allen's nose began to drip with blood, and then a steady trickle began running over his lip and dripping off of his chin. With a growl Kanda leapt towards the tissues next to his bed grabbing a handful before turning back to Allen. He shoved the tissues under his nose with one hand and used the other to grab his upper arm again.

And then Allen's whole countenance changed, he straightened up and his hand moved to his nose, pushing the tissues from his face.

"Such a waste," he said, running his thumb through the blood of his nose and then licking the blood away.

"You can rest now."

He gasped and his head flew back, his eyes fluttering and his breathing seemed to halt. Then he fell, or would have if Kanda had not been there to catch him. As carefully as possible in his current mood, which was highly annoyed, he lowered Allen to the ground. He kept him sitting upright and the tissues pressed to his nose, though the blood had started to slow. Whilst sitting on the ground with a dazed and bleeding Allen resting against him, Kanda wondered exactly when this all became normal for him. At what point in his life, did it become common place for him to wake up to his house mate, and long time friend, coming into his room and recounting peoples deaths, and mumbling facts about the future that no one should have knowledge of.

"He saw me," Allen said, his voice thick from the bloody nose.

Kanda removed the tissues and noticed the blood had stopped.

"What? Who?" he snapped, bundling the tissues in a ball and throwing them easily into the bin across the room.

But he never received an answer as Allen had slumped against completely, the fatigue of his dream and interrupted sleep being too much.

"Let me stay here," he slurred.

"Fuck no, get back to your own room."


"No, you hog the sheets and cling to me."

Kanda looked down when her felt something hot and wet seep through his bed shirt. Allen was silently crying against his chest, shuddering slightly.

"Fine," he spat, standing and pulling Allen up with him.

He practically threw Allen onto one side of the double bed, then lay on the other side, sliding as far away as he could without falling off.

He had just closed his eyes and was approaching sleep when he felt the bed shift and a hand curl itself into his shirt.

"Don't even think about it," he said, not opening his eyes.

The hand was removed but Allen stayed closed.

"Every night I die," he whispered.

"You're alive, Sprout and here to irritate me now go to sleep."

There was silence for awhile and Kanda thought he had finally given up.

"I just need to know that you're real, and that I'm really here."

A sound somewhere between a growl and a sigh escaped his mouth and he rolled over. Allen immediately scooted forward and curled himself against his chest, his hand once again clutching at Kanda's shirt. Throwing his arm around him and pulling him closer, Kanda let his chin rest on top his head, the tension immediately leaving his body. Shortly after he fell asleep. Kanda let out one more tired sigh before following him into sleep, hoping as he always did, that this would be the last time this happened.


The next time Kanda woke was to Allen shuffling out of bed as the days first light slipped through the curtains. Kanda stayed still, feigning sleep, hoping to catch a few more minutes of sleep on his own. But in trying to continue sleep, he found himself acutely aware of every noise Allen made. He heard the shower start up and Allen's quiet singing. Then he found himself focusing on the singing trying to figure out the words and what exactly it was he was singing. It was mostly garble to Kanda. For a moment he did manage to slip under again to the sounds of the singing. It wasn't long before he was awoken again, this time to the sounds of Allen's music starting up, and the sharp smell of cigarette smoke. After that he gave up and headed to the shower himself.

He found only a moments peace because thoughts of the night before interrupted.

"This pain of death, is nothing to the pain of life."

Shuddering thoughts, and the nose bleed, that was new. The way Allen licked the blood off of his thumb, and seemed to savour it was disturbing. And that last thing he said, 'He saw me', Kanda would have to remember to ask him about that. His peaceful shower time now unpleasant, Kanda turned the water off and gently wrung out his soaking hair. After drying himself off he gently combed out his hair, patting it with the towel to get rid of excess water. After repeating the process a few times until his hair would no longer drip, he tied it up into a high ponytail, sweeping the loose strands behind his ears. Dressing quickly he exited the bathroom, his senses once again overwhelmed by the sound of loud music and cigarette smoke.

Frowning, he made his way to Allen's room with the intention of, once again, telling him to keep the music down, and not-so-politely suggest that he not smoke in the house. The knock was just a pleasantry as he had no intention of waiting for an answer before barging through the door. Allen was hunched over his desk, a fresh drawing in front of him, glasses dangling from his nose.

"The sun's barely up and you're already blaring this crap!" Kanda said, slamming the door shut behind him.

Stalking over to Allen, he placed his hand on his shoulder and used the offices chairs swivel ability to force Allen to face him.

"Can't you hear me over the sound of your pathetic taste in music?" Kanda said, raising his voice above the music.

It wasn't until he looked into Allen's eyes that he realised he couldn't hear him. With another sigh her rubbed at his eyes in frustration. He stalked over the the speakers connected to Allen's laptop and yanked the cord out. The music continued to play through the laptop, but noticeable quieter. Returning to Allen he looked him up and down, plucking the burnt down cigarette from his hand, his left hand held a small stub of a chalk pastel, the colour staining his fingers. He removed this too and placed it gently back on his desk, then not so gently jammed the cigarette butt into the near over flowing ashtray. Then he took the dangling glasses and folded then up, placing them gently on the desk next to the chalk.

He was having a flash back. It happened from time to time when Allen had a more intense dream. He would relive it the next day, but usually not this soon after waking. All Kanda could think was that it must have been a particularly vivid dream to cause this kind of reaction. Fortunately it was safe to wake Allen back from his recollections.

"Oi,' Kanda said, tapping his face lightly, yet still with more force than necessary.

When that didn't work, Kanda went for the full open palm slap.

"Wake up dumb ass!"

That worked, as Allen took in a deep breath, focused and then glared up at Kanda.

"You could have been gentler," Allen said, rubbing his cheek.

Kanda noticed that all he managed to do was smear the pastel over his cheek, and no, he wasn't going to tell him.

"I tried, but you were all bleary eyed and drooling."

"I do not drool."

"I think there is some on my hand," Kanda said, wiping his hand down the front of Allen's shirt.

"Get off!"

"It's your drool."

"It's probably some of your brains leaking out of your head!"

"That makes no sense at all. Just admit that you're a drooler."

Allen gave up on arguing and instead turned back to his drawing. When looked at what he had drawn however, his anger dissipated. He shuddered and his eyes became vacant.

"On no you don't," Kanda said, shaking his shoulders, trying to stop Allen reliving the dream once again.

He shrugged Kanda's hand off and reached for his pouch of tobacco. It took him only seconds to roll and light a cigarette. In that time, Kanda had grabbed a milk crate for across the room and used it to sit down next to Allen. He tried to ignore the offensive smell, he really wished Allen would quit.

"Are you gonna talk about it?"

Allen puffed away looking distant, but still in the present.

"I was murdered," he said at last, "And it was by someone like me, three of them actually."

"Like you? A whiny little bitch that can't sleep alone after a bad dream."

Allen shot him a glare, and as revenge, blew the smoke from his cigarette right into Kanda's face.

"Up yours. No, they can't see things like me, but, they're from the other side of the spectrum. I don't know what to call them, because if I told you the first thing that came to mind you would laugh at me. But they killed me, well, not me, his name was Suman, he wanted death. But they killed him, not because of some sadistic need, but, they needed his life, to live themselves."

"Yeah, 'cause that made sense," Kanda scoffed.

"Stop it, just listen. They killed a man, and no one will find him, no one knew he existed. Not anymore, he lost everything."

Kanda finally kept his mouth shut and sat back to listen.

"The worst thing of all, is that when I tried to see them in the future, I saw nothing."

Kanda raised an eyebrow.

"Look, if I can 'see' someones future, it usually means time is fluctuation and it can change. If I can't see anything, it means it is set in stone, something that can't be changed. and worst of all… I think it involves me, and you."

"Me? I'm actually normal."

Allen looked at him sadly, and placed his hands gently on either side of Kanda's face.

"I knew the first moment I saw you that one day you would be like me. One day your life would shift to the other side of the spectrum. I can only see so far into you're future, and then nothing. I just dearly hope it has nothing to do with this dream."

Allen turned away, picking up his latest drawing and a glaring at it.

"These people, no, monsters. They're dangerous. They're faces shifted constantly."

He passed the picture onto Kanda, who looked at in mild disgusted. The face was ragged and torn apart, chunks of flesh were either missing or hanging off in grotesque bloody strips. There was a hint of a normal face here and there, with healthy looking tanned skin. But most of the portrait was bloody. A row of what appeared to be seven crosses were carved across the forehead.

"If you see someone like that. Run away."

Kanda handed the picture back, standing up with a stretch.

"I don't see things like that."

Allen squinted at the picture.

"I see both faces at once, I guess i couldn't transfer it to paper."

Kanda snatched the picture back and placed it back on the desk.

"Enough for now, focus on that," he said, nodding towards the half finished canvas, "It's due in a week and we need the money."

Allen sighed but nodded in agreement.

"It's just hard to focus right now."

"Spend a few hours on the stuff that brings us money. Then you can focus on the monsters."

Kanda stood, shoving the milk crate back to where he had grabbed it from.

"And when you're done with that you can clean the blood out of my carpet. I'm off to work."

As he left the room and closed the door behind him, Kanda pretended he didn't hear Allen say,

"It's not my blood."


Hey guys, my usual deal goes here, no reviews no updates. I don't wanna continue to write a story that no one is reading.