AN:Hello reader! My name is DovahCourier. In a nutshell, I'm just a nerd in high school who reads a lot of fanfiction, watches a likely unsafe amount of Anime, plays too many video games, and has been recently experimenting in writing. I was browsing the RWBY/Fallout crossovers a few days ago and noticed something strange; Most of the pieces involved a Fallout character (mostly the Courier or Lone Wanderer, sometimes not) being thrown into the world of Remnant, and there were almost none where team RWBY is thrown into the wasteland. As a nerd, gamer, and HS sophomore with WAY to much time on my hands, I have decided to do this myself. This story starts between volumes 2 and 3 of RWBY (a couple weeks before the tournament starts), so none of the game-changing things from volume 3's ending have happened (On a side note, OMFG THE END OF VOLUME 3 WAS EPIC! LET'S GIVE A ROUND OF APPLAUSE TO ROOSTERTEETH FOR MAKING SUCH AN AMAZ… Yang, why aren't you clapping?) . This is my first attempt at writing a fanfiction, and writing casually in general, so any constructive criticism is EXTREMELY HELPFUL! I already have the first few chapters planned out (Arrival in the Mojave, early adaptation into the wasteland lifestyle, and integration into the game's plot) but, after this, I want you guys as readers to help aim what direction this ship will sail. I will try to develop the plot as it goes along based on reader input, so faction/quest choices, character interactions, and overall wasteland life will be what the readers want to see. Pairings, on the other hand, will either wait until later or be nonexistent, as the most romantic thing I have ever written was for a random assignment in Lit, and made my teacher cringe hard enough to pull a muscle. I will try to update weekly, but school may get in the way (college classes integrated into curriculum + normal HS classes = brain melting over homework every night) Well, that's enough of my freakishly long AN (The rest will be much shorter, unless Q/A gets in the way), Lets get started, shall we?

I do not own RWBY or Fallout: New Vegas. If I did, I would immediately die of joy, squealing like Ruby at a weapons convention. RWBY belongs to Roosterteeth, and New Vegas belongs to Obsidian Entertainment (Or is it Bethesda? I'll just say both, reduce risk)

The Tale of Dust and Sand

A RWBY/New Vegas Crossover

Chapter One: Prologue

It was a warm, early-springmorning in the city of Vale. The snow was starting to melt, plants were starting to bloom, and Huntsmen/Huntresses in training were beginning to return to Beacon Academy from winter break. Among these students was one Ruby Rose, the enthusiastic young leader of team RWBY.

While saddened by the idea of winter break ending, Ruby was also excited. She, with help of her sister, Yang, had convinced their other two teammates to meet up in one of the cities' parks to discuss their winter break's events, and plan a final team outing before classes started back up. She had just left her dorm at Beacon, having dropped off her and Yang's equipment and school supplies. She had changed from her normal skirt and corset into a more casual shirt and jeans, still wearing her cloak over the casual outfit.

As she was walking towards the park, Ruby felt her scroll vibrate in her pocket. She pulled it out to see what it was. It was a message from Yang. All it contained was a selfie of Yang and Blake, one of their other teammates, both wearing aviator headphones, with what looked like Weiss (their remaining teammate) facing away from the camera, sitting in some kind of chair surrounded by what looked like flight controls. Ruby was contemplating what in the name of Dust was going on, when suddenly another text from Yang appeared: 'Weiss borrowed her family's Bullhead for the day. GET THE HELL OVER HERE NOW!111'

Realizing what this meant, Ruby immediately pocketed her scroll, knelt down in a sprinter's position, and kicked her semblance of extreme speed into maximum. Within the span of a few seconds, Ruby had arrived in the park, doing what seemed to be a combination of jumping out of joy and excitement and hopping on one leg to try to eliminate the extreme leg cramp she had bought herself for skipping stretches before sprinting faster than the average car.

After regaining her breath (and the feeling in her legs), Ruby looked up to see two of her teammates; Yang sipping a cup of coffee, leaning against a medium-sized aircraft while Blake slept in a ball on the soft grass. Yang was wearing a fur lined, bomber-style version of her normal jacket with a yellow t-shirt and pair of black jeans underneath, along with a pair of tinted aviators. Blake was wearing what looked to be a white t-shirt and set of deep purple leggings, with a black and purple bow tied over her Faunus cat ears. Yang heard her sister arrive, and immediately scooped Ruby up into a hug that would leave Ruby sore fore the rest of the day.

"How's my little sis doing?" Yang asked.

"Can't… Breathe…" Was the only thing ruby could choke out in response.

"Whoops, sorry about that Rubes!" Yang apologized, releasing her sister from the death grip of a hug.

"It's good to see you too Yang. Anyway, what the heck is this? I thought Weiss' father never let anyone take the Bullhead out unless for business meetings."

"He doesn't. This is still a business flight. We are going to oversee the activation of Schnee Dust Companies' first ever fully automated Dust reactors a few miles north of the city. I invited you all along so we could at least have one outing as a team that doesn't involve blowing anything up before school starts up again." This time it was Weiss Schnee, heiress of Remnant's largest Dust manufacturer, and Ruby's combat partner/teammate at Beacon, whom spoke up. Weiss was wearing a slightly baggy flight suit, staying with her normal white/light grey color scheme with red highlights around the collar, and wrists, and her snowflake crest covering the back.

"Oh, ok. As long as your dad is ok with it…" Ruby said hesitantly.

"All we need to do now is wake up Blake." Weiss said, glaring sarcastically at their sleeping feline teammate.

"I have an idea on how to do that…" Yang stated, an evil smirk appearing on her face. Yang proceeded to take out her scroll, pull up an audio bit she had recorded of her and Ruby's dog, Zwei, barking at a delivery drone. She then placed her headphones on Blake's head, turned the volume up to maximum and jumped backwards as she hit the play button.

Apparently, Yang had not jumped back quickly enough, as within a second of the barking beginning, Blake had already woken up, panicked, and tackled the nearest living thing, which just so happened to be Yang.

A short scramble, a few punches, and a string of profanity strong enough to make a nun faint later, Blake and Yang had untangled themselves from each other. Yang was now on her back, laughing herself nearly to death while Blake stared at her, a mix of shock, fear, and irritation on her face. "WHAT THE DUST WAS THAT!" She exclaimed, throwing an icy glare at Ruby and Yang, who were now also laughing hysterically.

"Don't look at us! The blonde is the one with a deathwish!" Stuttered Weiss, realizing her best bet to avoid a moody Blake's fury would be to redirect it towards Yang. Blake gave Yang one look before leaping at her, halfheartedly punching her teammate more out of irritation than actual anger.

After the entire situation was sorted out, team RWBY boarded the stark white bullhead. Ruby glimpsed into the cockpit, and a sudden realization dawned upon her. "Weiss, where is the pilot?" she asked as she turned towards the teammate in question.

"You're looking right at her." Weiss responded, an obviously proud tone on her voice. The rest of the team looked at her with a combination of disbelief, confusion, and utter terror.

"Why do you not have a professional flying for us?" questioned Blake.

"Ha-ha, nice joke, Ice Queen. Now seriously, where is the pilot?" Yang said, her feelings of confidence and excitement dipping ever so slightly.

"Yay, go Weiss!" Ruby said shakily, despite her conscience screaming BAD IDEA BAD IDEA BAD IDEA about the idea of her partner flying the large craft.

"Hey! I got the bird here in one piece all the way from Atlas, didn't I? What's a few dozen miles north compared to that!" Weiss said defensively. "And besides, if I loose control, father installed a backup pilot AI to get us to a safe landing spot."

"Well, at least there is a backup plan." Ruby said, her mind slowly calming itself back down. "I see no harm coming from this situation, and it will be nice to have at least one team outing before break ends. Let's go, team RWBY!" she exclaimed, confidence and joy showing at their fullest.

"Alright, but if we crash and die, I get to kill Weiss." Yang said sarcastically, an excited grin returning to her face.

"Do you have coffee onboard?" Blake asked as her adrenaline shock from waking up now dying out, releasing a near zombie-like trance of being halfway awake.

"Yes, along with a few tuna sandwiches for later." Weiss responded in a deadpan tone.

"Than I don't care if Yang and Ruby's dog is flying the damn thing, as long as I get some coffee. I'm in." Blake said, a slight tone of relief entering her voice.

Ruby then jumped into the Bullhead's passenger compartment. "Then it's settled. Let's go flying!"

The whole team boarded the bullhead; Weiss in the pilot's seat, the others in the passenger compartment. Weiss went through the pre-flight checklist, sarcastically told her teammates to put their chairs and tray tables into their upright positions, and slowly revved the engines up. Before long, the Bullhead was far above the ground, zooming through the sky towards its destination.

After about a half hour in flight, Weiss opened up a comm. channel to the rest of the team's headsets. "We are beginning our decent. Be ready to get off quickly, we are already about ten minutes behind schedule." She said before cutting the team out of her channel and switching to the radio signal for the refinery's landing tower. "This is Snowstorm one, inbound for inspection of operation overcharge, clearance to land is requested, over."

A crackle came from Weiss' headset, and suddenly she heard a calm, female voice enter her ears. "Snowstorm one, this is tower one, request granted. Welcome, Ms. Schnee."

As the request was confirmed, the Bullhead broke free from the lowest cloud layer, bringing the refinery into view. The facility was massive, sticking out of the side of a large mountain. There were dozens of machines and buildings; all taking Dust from its highly volatile raw form and refining it into either powder or solid crystals. Towards the center of the facility was a large landing pad, lights already blinking to show where Weiss needed to put the Bulkhead down.

As she was lining up the aircraft with the landing pad's markings, a sudden radio signal came in from the woman operating the tower, this one sounding much more stressed out than before. "Snowstorm one, this is tower one. There seems to be a problem with the prototype dust reactor. There is a massive amount of commotion going on from the central research building, and the scientists working on the reactor are not respo…"

The worried tower operator's statement was suddenly cut of by a massive explosion from one of the larger buildings on the upper tiers of the facility. The research building had just detonated with the force of a large bomb. Weiss stared at the mangled building, horrified by the Flame Dust colored smoke emanating from the wreckage, when her radio crackled back into existence. This time, it was a male voice, panicked and rushed. "Snowstorm One, this is Doctor Scott Roberts, lead researcher on the Overcharge project. The experimental reactor has overheated from the amount of raw fire dust being used to fuel it. The reactor has melted down, and will likely blow the entire face of the mountain apart. Get out of here now while I issue an evacuation order."

"We are huntresses in training. We can land and help lead the evacu…" Weiss began, but was immediately cut off by the same voice.

"NO! The reactor will go off, which will set off the hundreds of thousands of tons of dust we have stored in the storage silos, let alone the unrefined material that fills hundreds of veins under the mountain. If you leave now, you may still be able to get clea…"

The warning was cut off by another massive explosion, throwing Yang, Ruby, and Blake all over the passenger compartment. Weiss looked out the cockpit window to see what must have been one of the most terrifying sights of her life. The entire mountain was igniting. The Dust on the conveyors, in the silos, even underground, was being violently activated. The mix of the Fire, Water, Earth, and Electrical forms of the propellant detonating together led to a massive wave of pure energy traveling outwards from the center of the facility, consuming all in its path. Weiss negated switching her headset comm. to talk with her team, and merely screamed at the top of her lungs "STRAP IN AND HOLD ON!" into the compartment behind her. As she did this, she pulled back hard on the control stick, pulling the Bullhead into a rough flip about before maxing out the engines, hoping with all of her being that she could outrun the wave of nature's wrath that was quickly advancing behind her.

In the passenger compartment, the rest of the team was screaming unintelligibly. Yang and Blake were holding on to each other for dear life, while Ruby pulled herself towards the cockpit. She had realized they were going to die, there and then, and decided to try and do one last thing before that happened. Ruby pulled herself next to Weiss' seat, looking at her teammate. Weiss' blue-grey eyes met the warm silver ones of her team leader, both of whom were trying to hold back tears. As the wave of heat and pressure overwhelmed the Bullhead, Ruby pulled her teammate, her partner, her friend, into one final hug. Weiss reciprocated the hug, breaking into tears as she did so. She managed to put her mouth to Ruby's ear, and choked out a single word before being dragged by the G forces into unconsciousness.


Ruby looked into the passenger compartment and saw that Blake and Yang had too fallen into unconsciousness, still holding onto each other for dear life. As she felt her grip on reality start to slip away, Ruby heard the most peculiar thing start sputtering out of Weiss' headset, which had been knocked off of Weiss' head during the panicked hug. One would expect, in the current situation, to hear a mayday signal, or word from help on the way, or even just pure static. Ruby heard none of these. In the haze of pure pressure forcing her to pass out, Ruby heard the last thing she would have expected to play out of the Bullhead's radio at that time.

It was music.

Yippee Yay… There'll be no wedding bells for today…

Ruby's world then faded away to black.

AN: Well, any thoughts? Did I do the characters right? Was anything missing, or screwed up? Was it ok for the first piece of fiction I've written in years? Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated, so don't feel afraid to leave a review or throw me a PM. I will do my best to post a new chapter every weekend, but schoolwork (and Fallout 4 DLC) could possibly get in the way of that. Thanks for using your time to read the first chapter of my first attempt at a Fanfic, and I'll see you guys n' gals again in chapter 2!
