Chapter 3

Sam's POV

'Man, what are we going to do? I never put into thought on what we- the pack- would do if we ever met her; I mean it was pretty much a one in a million chance of happening, but it still happened. How are the girls going to take this?'

I was lost in my thoughts on the way home; I had just dropped off Bella after telling her to meet me and the pack at my house tomorrow. I have no idea how the pack is going to take this or the girls. I don't even know if I want to tell the girls, they already know the secret. Who's to say that they won't go telling people about the pack and legends, just for revenge? Honestly, I'm scared, if not worried. Looks like we're going to need to go to the council tomorrow also; see if they can shed any light on this thing that just happened not too long ago.

Finally, home.

I stepped into the house to the sight of Emily cooking. The sight just caused me to imagine what it would be like if that was Bella. 'Dammit. Bad Sam!'

"Oh, hey baby. How were your rounds?" Emily asked me in her too high voice that has always irritated me from the beginning, now I know why.

"Uhh, they were good. Got a new wolf, but we're going to have to talk to the tribal council about that tomorrow; a girl too." I responded. Might as well tell part of what's going on now, until tomorrow, so she doesn't go in fully blind.

"Another one?! Who is it? Why do we have to go to the council about her? Is the situation bad?" she asked.

"Umm, it's Bella actually. We- the pack, girls, and us- have to go to the council; she's in one of the legends that we thought would never happen in our lifetime. Furthermore, no I don't necessarily think that it's a bad thing. But that's just me; I don't know how you and everyone else will take it." I said in cryptic kind of way.

"What do you mean how the girls and I would take it; you make sound like it is a bad thing." she snapped with narrowed eyes. 'Man, why does she have to hear everything I say. Why not just let it go in one ear, and out the next?'

"Sorry, but I really can't say right now. You'll just have to wait until tomorrow."

"Fine." she grumbled. "Here, dinner's ready." she said handing me 2 plates of food. A man-wolfs got to eat, and I eat a lot.

Bella's POV

Sam just dropped me off at home; he wouldn't leave until I was inside with all the doors and windows locked. He doesn't know it, but before he left I found out what had him so spooked and secretive.

Apparently, I'm in some legend that has to do with me being an imprint to all the guys in the pack- however many there might be- and I have some elemental powers. 'Which is the only part that I think is cool right now.' So the reason that Emily came into this is because she along with any other imprint that is with the pack were only temporary, but before he left he was coming to terms with the fact that I am now his permanent mate to him and the rest of the boys.

I have no problem with this; the only thing that concerns me is how are we going to have sex. But I'll have to see how many of us there are. 'Hey, I wonder if I can talk to my inner wolf or something for some answers.'

'Hello. Is anybody there?' I called in my head because that would be so weird calling out to someone that isn't there.

'Yea, I'm here. My name is Izzy. What are your questions?' Was the response.

'Oh, hi. I was just wondering, what are we going to do about the first imprinted girls? I mean if they become mad and jealous, they might go around telling everybody everything that they know.' I explained my worries to my inner wolf.

'That is why the Quileute ancestors gave us the power to wipe out any and all memories they have that can threaten us. Even if they have anything on them physically that pertains to us, we can heal it, so that no questions will come up to how they got it. Also, anyone who saw them together- never saw them together; except for the pack and council. No relationships have ever happened. They do what they would have done if they never found out about the pack and imprinting.' she responded. My wolf literally sounds like she knows everything there is to know.

I thought out all that she said about the imprinting and came up with one last question.

'Why did the pack guys imprint on them in the first place?'

'The ones who did imprint, only imprinted because at that moment the imprints were the person they needed, till you could come and fill up the rest of their soul.' she answered matter of factly.

'So while I wasn't there, the girls that were there, were like a small temporary comfort pillow, till their favorite comfort pillow came. Am I right?' I questioned, just to be sure.


'Oh, well. Thanks for that. I have no idea if the guys would've told me all this out of fear or whatever. Anyways night.'


I got off my bed that I was laying on during the whole conversation, and went to change into my pj's. After that, I went to my bed and got under the covers trying to get comfortable. I reached out and turned off the lamp. Then went straight to sleep; energizing myself for the next day.

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