Chapter 4

Rey couldn't believe it. Friends, she and Kylo Ren used to be friends. If it hadn't been Poe who'd told her she wouldn't have believed it. As Rey sat on the edge of her bed she thought that this may be what was causing the link. Their friendship from so long ago. However, if that was the case, why hadn't she felt the link before when she was actually with Kylo?

Poe may have been right about needing to talk to Kylo Ren about who she was. At first she was reluctant and sceptical that it would even work, but she called out to him in her mind. She had no idea whether the link would allow them to communicate over a vast difference but she tried anyway. After what seemed like hours of calling out with her mind, she still had no response. Rey was about to give up when she suddenly felt a presence in her mind.

"Hello?" She thought.

"Hello, Rey." It was him. The link between them was there after all. Rey wasn't sure what to say.

"Could you hear me before?" Rey asked.

"Honestly, I thought I was imagining it. Wouldn't be the first time." Rey laughed to herself. "So, did you want something or have you missed me since the other night?" You wish, Rey thought.

"I was talking to Poe and he told me that." Rey stopped. Should she trust him? He was evil for all she knew. Would he remember her? Would he be willing to tell her who she was?


"He told me that-that you knew who I am. That we used to know each other." Kylo Ren was silent. It was obviously true then and he did remember her.

"Yes, yes we did."

"Why didn't you tell me? You knew that I wanted to know who I was."

"I- I didn't know if you wanted to know the truth."

"I honestly wouldn't care, and another question… was it you who left me on Jakku."

"Yes. I was going to come back for you one day but it wasn't safe." Rey finally knew who she had been waiting for, and she knew that he still cared, that someone was coming back for her. She was right all along.

"Rey, if you want to know everything, I will tell you. I need to tell you in person though." Did she hear that right? Kylo Ren wanted to see her, after all that had happened. She shouldn't want to accept but she did. Rey made up her mind. Going against her better judgement, she needed to know who she was.


"Meet me at the place you went in your dream. I'll explain why when we get there. It's on Naboo." It would be hard to get away, but it would be possible.

"I'll leave tomorrow."

"I'll see you there, Rey Kenobi."