Currently hooked with Nijiiro Days. And totally shipping Mattsun and Mari-chan~~~

The fic takes place after chapter 42(a week hahaha) where good things for my babies are about to happen. If you don't want any spoilers, please don't read this :)

Matsunaga Tomoya stood on the entrance of their school by the shoe lockers, waiting for a certain raven-haired spit woman who was currently changing her shoes. He glanced at her direction the moment she finished wearing her shoes and was walking towards him. She gave him her bag and he instinctively grabbed hold of it and the two walked out of the school together. The moment they stepped out of the school's vicinity, Tomoya reached for Tsutsui Mari's hand and intertwined it with his. Mari looked up at him with a slight blush across her face. Tomoya glanced back with a smirk as she rolled her eyes nonchalantly.

They reached the train station in humble silence without throwing insults at one another, which would be quite peculiar given their personalities. And one would wonder why on earth Matsunaga Tomoya would ride a train opposite to where he lives. The answer was simple; he has to make sure his girlfriend goes home safely.

His girlfriend, who goes by the nickname spit woman, held his hand tightly as they went board the station. It was pretty crowded today, he thought, and the number of people inside the train was probably freaking her out. He pulled her closer to him, so that he could place an arm around her securely. At first, Mari was completely stiff until she slowly relaxed in his embrace.

Tomoya smiled to himself. Two weeks ago, Mari would slap his arm away and tell him that they were in public and PDA is very much embarrassing.

On the first week that they began dating, a week after Mari opened up to Anna and finally realized her true feelings for Tomoya, he would walk her home after forcefully following her until she reached her apartment. And when he reaches for her hand, she would automatically pull her hand back. As frustrating as it was for him, he stayed patient and decided to just wait for her to get comfortable with him. He was a patient guy, after all. And he didn't really mind waiting. If he wanted this relationship to actually last for as long as it could, he would have to wait for Mari to soften up on him.

The second week was as good as he hoped it would be. To hold her hand, he asked for her permission and fortunately for him, Mari would reluctantly nod and let Tomoya hold her hand. That was a good start, he would usually think. She would still throw in some insults aimed at him but it wasn't as bad as when they first met. She would still talk about Anna occasionally, but he could feel that her feelings for her meek friend was already turning into genuine friendship. And that made him kinda happy because that's one less rival to worry about.

And now, was their third week of being officially a couple. Tomoya wouldn't ask if he could hold her hand. He would simply reach for hers and she would leave it at that. Now that made him extremely happy, and that was only Tuesday. And today was Friday, the last day of the week. Things would absolutely get better.

The train finally stopped at Mari's station and the two boarded off the train.

"Do you want to stop by somewhere?" Tomoya asked Mari, to which she answered with a nod.


"Where do you wanna eat?"

"The café by the convenience store."


The two walked towards their destination, hand in hand. As they reached the café, Mari's eyes beamed at the different cakes and pastries, making Tomoya smile. She's so damn cute, he thought as he stared at her.

"Quit staring at me, you look creepy. I said wanted the éclair and the strawberry shortcake." she said, as he snapped out of his thoughts.

"You'll get fat with all those cakes, y'know." he replied jokingly, earning a glare from his girlfriend.

"Who the hell are you calling fat?"

"Jeez, I was joking!" he instantly defended himself with his hands raised.

"It wasn't even funny."

"I get it, I'm sorry."

"You're paying for my cake."

"I always do."

"That's 'cause you're my boyfriend." Mari finally said with her arms crossed as she stared blankly at the cakes displayed near the cashier.

Tomoya stopped in his tracks. This was the first time Mari ever referred to him as her boyfriend. Another stepping stone in week three, he mentally noted. He almost cried tears of joy. 'Dammit, Mari. You're doing it to me again.' he thought as his face went even redder.

After paying for their order, Tomoya sat beside Mari in their chosen table. With a smile, he placed an arm around her casually. In return, Mari scooted away from him a bit. With a dissatisfied grunt, he gave her a stare that distracted her.


"Oh come on, Mari. We've been dating for three weeks now. Surely this wouldn't bother you."

"I'm not like the other girls that you're used to dating okay? I'm still not comfortable with it."

He internalized what she just said. It was true. She wasn't like the other, easy-to-get girls. This girl, Tsutsui Mari, was the only girl he truly fell in love with. And as corny as it sounds, he was sure of it. He agreed with her and retrieved his arm and waited for their order. Seeing the cake and pastry in front of her, Mari couldn't help but beam and release tons of sparkles all around her.

'Ah, she's so cute.' Tomoya thought as he stared at Mari sincerely, admiring her small details.

"Ugh, you're staring again! You're creeping me out!" she almost screamed at his face with a dessert spoon in hand. Tomoya chuckled at her usual reaction before grabbing his own dessert spoon and scooping a small bite of Mari's cake. She could only glare at him in annoyance.

"Eat your own cake!" she said as she grabbed her plate of strawberry shortcake away from him.

"Well yours just looked more delicious than mine." he said, his voice sounding a bit seductive, making Mari push him away slightly. "You're gross." she muttered.

Just like the usual, Tomoya walked Mari home. And literally, he walked her until the door to her apartment. As they reached her home, Tomoya peered at her door, as if asking for an invitation inside. As Mari opened her door, he noticed the curiosity and interest in her boyfriend's eyes. She already knew what would come out from his mouth.

"Hey, can I-"


"I wasn't even finished-"

"No, you can't enter my house."

Tomoya sighed as he gave up. "Fine."

"See you on Monday." Mari muttered as she closed the door. Tomoya smiled to himself. Today wasn't that bad. For starters, she didn't complain when he placed an arm around her on the train and, the most important development of all, she called him 'boyfriend'. That was the highlight of his week. As he turned around to leave, he heard the door from her apartment open, making Tomoya turn around. Not much to his surprise, Mari was peeking out her door. Grinning to himself, he walked back a few steps and smiled at her.

"You forgot something?" he asked.

Mari stared at him with eyebrows crossed and her cheeks slightly red. What has gotten into her, he asked himself. As he was about to ask another question, Mari pushed herself up and placed a quick kiss on his cheek, catching the great Matsunaga Tomoya in surprise. He took a step back and placed a hand on his cheek that Mari kissed, his face completely red in surprise and flush.

Mari was almost as red as him.

"T-t-th-thanks… for the cake. And for… walking me home every day." she muttered timidly.

"You're welcome." he replied sincerely as he patted her head gently, making her blush even more. He really had the urge to kiss her, but in their situation right now, he didn't want to break her trust. Mari may seem strong and violent on the outside, but Tomoya knows that she's just like any other girl who's fragile and could break easily. Things for him are going smoothly, and he didn't want to blow that.

"See you." she said with a small smile before closing her door. He stood in front of the door for a few seconds before walking away with a huge grin plastered on his face.

The kiss was definitely the highlight of his week. A kiss that Mari herself initiated. Yep, the kiss was definitely the best thing ever.

In his mind, Tomoya counted from 8 until 1. The moment he said the number 1, his phone rang. He opened his phone and saw a message. It was from Mari.

To: Matsunaga Tomoya

From: Mari-chan

Have a safe trip home, Tomoya.

'Holy shit she just texted me with my name. My first name. Dammit, she really is going to be the death of me.' Tomoya thought as he could feel his heart about to explode from his chest.

Oh, the effects she had on him.

And at that point, Tomoya knew that this girl is going to stick with for a very long time. And he's pretty happy with that.

If anybody has the chapter 43 raws, ohmygod I will cherish you forever. Please pm me the link huhuhu.