



Once upon a time, not too long ago, there lived a frog and a princess.

The frog was once a handsome young man, gifted with good looks and abilities, but far too interested in women to care for anything significant. He voyaged through life; careless and carefree, until he met a witch (a very evil witch) who was angered by his behaviour and turned him into a small, pitiful little toad. And he would forever stay a toad, unless he fell in true, blissful love with a woman and have his love returned.

At first the frog didn't try to reverse the curse, didn't try looking for a woman to love. He didn't bother. He was already in love. Back when he was human, he knew a certain girl. He knew a princess. Together they used to do everything; they learned, they played – together they grew. But soon, time took it's turn and they were adults, each turning to their own path. But he never forgot her. No, how could he forget her?

One never forgets their first love.

Especially if it wasn't returned...

He tried winning her over, countless times, when he was human. But nothing worked. Because she too was in love. In love with a prince.

Another man...

So he moved out of the way, because he wanted her to be happy. He wasn't a part of her world, he knew. He was too reckless and careless.

So each went their own way; the princess stayed with her prince, helping him become king and rule the kingdom and the (then human) frog traveled the world and tried to forget with the help of alcohol and other nameless women.

And here he was.

A frog. A small, pitiful little toad.

He'll stay a frog, he decided. He won't go looking for another woman to love. He won't bother the princess either. He knew she wouldn't love him. If she hadn't before, she won't now.

So he'll just stay a frog and let her have her fairytale.



