Disclaimer: I do not own anything from DC Comics or Marvel Comics. The only thing I own is my OC Iros.




-Alpha New God-

For time immeasurable there has been death and conflict between the people of New Genesis and Apokolips lead by their respected rulers Highfather and Darkseid. A cycle that seemed to be unbroken; rise of war would bring peace, and with peace a sense of dread of the war over the horizon. This blood thirsty cycle continued on for countless ages until the intervention of the Asgardians and their king Odin Borson. In a vain attempt by Darkseid to rid of this insolent pest, Odin displayed his raw power to the Dark God, sending him tumbling across the battlefield in sheer vanity. Unexpecting this type of power to thrown at him, Darkseid realized that he needed to take this fight seriously against this unnamed assailant, this pitiful fool wasting his final breath against the Dark God.

War ravaged across the battlefield, waves of blood rising from each fallen warrior; crimson stained on their very skin, neigh to be easily washed off. An unspoken alliance was forged between Highfather and Odin as they focused their efforts against Darkseid, the personification of torment and misery. Powerful blows and magic were casted side by side on their respected foe, ripping apart miles of landscape in the process. Odin was impressed with might of Darkseid, a foe in which the All-Father hadn't fully used his own powers against in an eons time since the Frost Giants. Such were his younger days.

Bloodied, broken, and more importantly humiliated, Darkseid eventually yielded in defeat to the Asgardian; prompting Odin to act as a mediator for the warring factions.

A deal was struck between the three rulers that Highfather and Darkseid would each exchange a child for peace. That neither side would risk the sake of war for their people in conquest for power. As the Highfather and Darkseid walked away from their massive armies and towards each other on the battlefield with their child, Odin sat on his hovering throne waiting for the two. In a act of pained sadness and regret, Highfather handed his child Scott Free to Granny Goodness, whereas Darkseid handed his child Orion to Highfather.

"Let this day be known across the Nine Realms that peace has prospered amongst the universe." announced Odin. "And Darkseid, if I even sense during my morning meal or in my personal chambers with my beautiful wife that you are planning anything vile, be aware I will do more than simply humiliate you, boy."

Crimson eyes stared deceivingly at the Asgardian All-Father, his cunning mind calculated his plans to serve the demise of Odin eventually. For the meantime, the Dark God would bide his time. "Of course, All-Father."

-Alpha New God-

Apokolips; Five years later...

Towering over the satanic world of Apokolips stood the inquisitor of Death itself; Darkseid. The shrieks of anguish relieved the tyrannical New God, a phantom of a smile etched on his lips. Its surface stank of death and despair, along with the ashes that covered the sky, constantly setting a gloomy tone to the atmosphere. The fire-pits populating the ground where the only sources of light to be seen.

Everything here begged for the sweet release of death, but even that was too much to ask from their leader. The thunderous sound of a Boom Tube brought the Dark God out of his musing of tortured screams to face a titanic being standing behind him, grinning at the Dark God. The unknown being dressed in blue spandex and golden armor walked towards Darkseid till they stood face to face. Reaching out to each other, they grabbed the others forearm and formed a brotherly hug.

"Thanos, it's been a while hasn't it?" inquired Darkseid.

Thanos nodded in agreement. "A long while it has been, brother. Though I heard about your defeat at the hands at the Asgardian All-Father roughly a year ago, rather humiliatingly if I recall."

Darkseid narrowed his eyes at the Titan. Thanos chuckling at the Dark God's apparent pouting. "Relax Darkseid. In fact I may know a way of seeking the retribution you deserve."

Peaked by the Titan's offer, Darkseid rose an non-existent eyebrow. "And this would be compromised of what essentially?"

Walking past Darkseid, Thanos stood over the balcony observing the hellish landscape before him. "There have been many things I've seen when we last saw each other. Many forms of knowledge I have sought after. But all in the end it meant nothing, nothing really matters. Everything we desire is just a means of an end to someone else."

"And your point being?" asked Darkseid, his patience growing thinner.

The Titan's grin grew wider at the response. "That's always been your problem Darkseid. You want too much."

"And this becoming from a self-proclaimed Nihilist who wants to destroy the universe for the sake of a lover who rejected you before." countered Darkseid cruelly. The Dark God noticed the Titan's shoulders tense for a second before he was knocked clean through a wall of his palace. Brushing the debris off him, Darkseid wiped the blood from his lip, smirking as he did. "You've grown stronger since the last time, now I might actually have a fight worthy of using my full powers."

-Alpha New Gods-

New Genesis

Highfather looked over the beauty of his kingdom from high in his tower, watching his people go about their lives with a blissful demeanor. Hearing the swoons of the children brought great ease to the New God's heart. Especially to Orion, ironically given the last five years. A small part of Highfather always feared that Orion would display certain qualities of the Dark God, but so far none had been seen. That didn't mean that it wouldn't manifest itself later. But for now the ruler of New Genesis laid with ease those troublesome worries.

"New Genesis is one of my more favorite places in all the Nine Realms." stated Odin, surveying the land next to Highfather. Having grown accustomed to the All-Father's random and sudden appearances in his domain, Highfather nodded towards Odin.

"Aye, though to say which would capture the eye more would be an act of war." Odin laughed heartily at Highfather, wrapping his arm around the New God's shoulders.

"Too true old friend, too true. But alas let us enjoy the fruits of prosperity and drink heartily!" proclaimed Odin, snatching the finest bottle of wine that stood on a nearby table.

"Judging by your breath, I say you already started without me." Highfather stated mildly amused at the High-Father's antics. Odin roared with laughter as he guzzled the bottle down within a few gulps. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, Odin placed the emptied bottle on the table.

" 'Tis to be expected of the All-Father." explained Odin. "Protecting the Nine Realms drains a man of more, shall we say, simple pleasures."

"I understand completely, however I think we should embark onto the throne room. Invite our kingdoms together for a lavish party, how say you?" offer Highfather.

"By my beard! I say onto thee, AYE! A lavish party that the Gods of Old shall weep from their graves from Vallaha!" Odin slapped the Highfather's back with glorious fervor, cackling almost madly as he did.

"It'll be good to see your child and mine play with each other, I think this will be their first time meeting each other, correct?" said Highfather as the two rulers walked through the spacious halls of his kingdom.

"Aye, I reckon so." answered Odin. "Many memories started here years ago, and new ones to begin soon."

Making their way to the lavishly decorated throne of the New God, Highfather sat comfortably in his throne with Odin creating a seat next to him. Odin observed the white orb of light gently floating in a glass container high above him, he felt the essence of its power; the raw power of it felt similar to Darkseid's own Omega Effect.

"The Alpha Effect." stated Highfather, knowing Odin's confused expression. "The antithesis of Darkseid's power."

"Why is it here?" demanded Odin.

"I've been asking myself that same question for a year now." Highfather stated, closely observing the white orb. "It just appeared one day in my throne room, just floating there; as if looking for something or someone."

Odin mused over this new information. Granted when he first met Darkseid on the battlefield, he didn't seem anything of great value to the All-Father, but over these last few years he knew his days were coming. Ragnarok, an event even Odin himself was powerless to prevent. And on that very day, Odin witnessed the calculating look of Darkseid when he surrendered, the Dark God was lying. He was planning something, but it would be safe to assume that the Dark God knew nothing of Ragnarok, which would remain that way; same with Highfather.

"And what do you plan to do once the Alpha Effect discovers the person to wield its power?" inquired Odin. A sudden explosion of light blinded the King of the Gods, and as soon as their eyes adjusted the white orb had vanished. A split second later another, less powerful, explosion of light reached the throne, and much like the first time, it was silent; making the current situation induced with subtle warnings of concern. Standing immediately from his seat, Odin placed his hand on his friend's shoulder and the two vanished from the throne room, following the new source of power on New Genesis.

Appearing in a room surrounded by New Gods, the screeching of a newborn child caught their attention. Odin and Highfather waltzed over to the child and his mother, ignoring the murmurs of the shocked New Gods. The mother closely held her child to her bosom, her motherly instincts of protecting her child kicking in. The All-Father observed the child closely with his one eye, taking notice of the child's snow white hair, almost similar to the Asgardian's own.

"Such a lovely child, much like his mother." comforted Highfather. The woman gave a weathered smile, her face drenched with sweat after the many tortuous hours of pain-staking labor. Highfather reached his hand to softly rub the child's hair, the screeching of said child quickly died down as he nuzzled closer to his mother.

"What is happening Highfather? I had finally gave birth to my child then suddenly a blinding light appeared in our room then these tendrils lashed out and bore into him, causing him to cry." explained the mother.

Highfather shushed the woman and placed his hand on her forehead. "You child has been blessed my dear, however he will have be to trained once he is older. But I'm afraid his destiny is tied with Darkseid's."

"No!" screamed the woman clenching the child even deeper to her, fear clearly evident in her eyes. "I will not let my son become some lamb for you to sacrifice to the slaughter. We have our peace with Darkseid, and that is the end of it."

"If that is what you wish, we shall honor it." Odin proclaimed, nodding his head once in respect. "However we know Darkseid better than anyone here, and he is planning something. Something dire for the Nine Realms."

The woman narrowed her eyes towards the All-Father. "Leave now, with all due respect." Keeping a careful eye on Highfather and the All-Father leave her chambers, the mother's face softened upon looking at her child. She smiled lovingly and kissed her child on the forehead, stroking his cheek with her thumb. "My sweet Iros, my pride and joy."

Hearing the soft coos of his mother, Iros opened his eyes to reveal glowing, pupiless sky blue eyes. The mother leaned her head back in shock, however she eased at the playful laughter of her son.

A/N: Hope my fellow readers enjoyed this chapter and new story! Another Marvel/DC story to be told lol, this time detailing of Iros, the New God with the powers of the Alpha Effect. For those that don't know, and to put it simply, the powers of the Alpha Effect are almost identical to that of the Omega Effect... I guess you can say a good Darkseid? But without the rocky skin for Iros lol.



New Gods: Big Barda, Little Barda, Beautiful Dreamer, Fury (Earth 2), Bekka, Gilotina, Lashina, Grail, Intri, Metra, Big Breeda, Miss Miracle.

Heroines: Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, Black Canary, Vixen, Element Woman, Raven, Starfire, Terra, Supergirl, Powergirl, Wondergirl (Cassie Sandsmark), Donna Troy, Huntress (Wayne, Earth Two), Zatanna, Fire, Ice, Atlanna, Mera, Mary Marvel, Stargirl, Zealot, Starfire, The Wanderer, Miss Martian, Atlanna.

Villainess: Tala, Blackfire, Faora Hu-Ul, Circe, Cheetah, Jinx, Cheshire, Silver Banshee, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Lady Shiva, Rose Wilson, Power Ring, Atomica, Superwoman, Sheba, Adara of Heart's Desire, Encantadora, Nemesis, Voodoo, Anguish, Rose Wilson/Ravager, Iris, Locus.

Normal Beings: Lois Lane, Shay Veritas, Vicki Vale, Wendy Harris and Zola.

Green Lantern Girls: Aya, Soranik Natu, Iolande, Arisia, Laira Omoto, Boodikka, Brik, Bruun, Cary Wren, Donna Parker, Droxelle, Feska, Horoq Nnot, Jade, Jeryll, K'ryssma, Katma Tui, Kaylark, Kraken, Krista X, KT21, Lashorr, Liana, Lysandra, Maria Contranetti, Qanda, Qurina Vint, R'amey Holl, Salice, Sendrina, Sheriff Mardin, Shilandra Thane, Tomy-Fai, and Venizz.

Sinestro Corps: Feena Sik, Kari-Sil, Kiriazis, Lyssa Drak, Bekka, Malia, Seer Ruggle, and Sinestra

Red Lantern Corps: Bleez, Skorch, Antipathy, and Aviva Metula.

Blue Lantern Corps: Sister Sercy.

Indigo Tribe: Iroque/Indigo-1.

Star Sapphire: Ghia'ta, Aga'po, Miss Bloss, Carol Ferris, Dela Pharon, Fatality, Jillian Pearlman, Krystal, Miri Riam, Nol Anj, Race, and Raycharr.

Orange Lantern Corps: Clypta.


Asgardians: Torunn, Sif, Enchantress, Valkeryie, Angela, Idunn, Hela

Greek Gods: Hera Argeia, Aphrodite Ourania, Gaea, Artemis, Athena Parthenos, Hebe Panhellenios, Persephone

Heroines: She-Hulk, Red-She Hulk, Thundra, Sersi, Carol Danvers/Ms. Marvel, Black Widow, Sharon Carter, Maria Hill, Tigra, Namorita, Gamora, Saturnyne, Wasp, Invisible Woman, Crystal, Power Princess, Talisman, Roma, Spider-Woman, Namora, Black Cat, Silver Sable, Moonstalker (Kiana), Sea Witch,

Mutants: Emma Frost, Jean Grey, Storm, Kitty Pryde, Mystique, Psylocke, Scarlet Witch, Polaris, Rogue, Husk, Stepford Cuckoos, Sage, Domino, Ruby Summers, Frenzy, Dazzler, M, Jubilee, Siryn, Moonstar, Mach 2, Karma, Majik, Cecilia Reyes, Boom-Boom, Rachel Grey, Selene, Pixie, Blink, Nocturne, Magma, Lifeguard, Skids, Layla Miller, Meggan, Amelia Vought, Cipher, Ariel, Miss Sinister, Lady Mastermind, Martinique Jason, Surge, Angel Salvadore, Armor, X-23, Hope Summers, Transonic, Stacy X, Stinger, Mercury, Loa, Dust, Wolfsbane, Lila Cheney, Lorelei Travis, Aurora, Megan Summers, Aliyah Bishop, Candra, Tarot, Kirika, Vertigo, Fatale, Adrienne Frost, Feral, Thornn, Hollow, Roulette, Murmur, Kiden Nixon, Namora, Darkstar (Petrovna), Astra, Arclight, Cordelia Frost, Tithe, Eimin, Cluster, Sprite

Eternals: Azura, Aurelle, Chi-Demon, Elysius, Phyla-Vell, Moondragon, Sersi, Sui-San, Thena, Titanis

Inhumans: Aladi Ko Eke, Alecto, Alice Kedzierski, Ambur, Auran, Avia, Chynae, Crystal, Elejea, Fulmina, Iron Cross, Iso, Kalikya, Kamala Khan, Luna, Marista, Medusa, Minxi, Nahrees, Naja, Nightfall, Onomi Whitemane, Oola Udonta, Panacea, Quake, Quickfire, Red Raven (Dania), Ren Kimura, Rhonda Fleming, Sarah Garza, Tally, Tonaja

Here's the power scale for this story-

Multiverse to Multiverse+:


Mister Mxyzptlk

The Spectre (at his strongest)

Emperor Joker


The Monitor




Chaos King (Supposedly destroyed 98.76% of the 616 Marvel multiverse, including higher-dimensional realms, such as that of Nightmare)

Godhead Darkseid



Superman Prime One Million

Universe to Universe+:

Darkseid (Orion has stated that the regular DC universes are very small compared to the New Gods)

Orion (Shown as much larger than a universe at his true size)




Pre-Crisis Superman

Superman Prime (Adult Superboy Prime)

The Time Trapper




Firestorm (had enough power to initiate a Big Bang)


Jean Grey (Phoenix of the White Crown)

Dormammu (outside and within the Dark Dimension)

Apocalypse (after absorbing the power from The Twelve)

Odin (Embodiment of the Odin Force; full power)


Tyrant (Destroyed galaxies across the universe as a mere side effect of his fight with Galactus)

Uatu The Watcher

Galaxy to Galaxy+:



Solar System to Solar System+:


Silver Surfer

Darkseid (Avatars)

Jean Grey (Dark Phoenix)

Black Bolt (His voice could power the T-Bomb. Once made a Galaxy collector blink with his scream)

Ms. Marvel (as Binary; Blew up a Brood homeworld, Converted at least 81% of a black hole into energy and kept going)

Star to Star+:

Superman (Post-Crisis)

Wonder Woman (Post-Crisis)

Hulk (Dwarf Star; Star when enraged)

Red Hulk (Same as Hulk)

She-Hulk (Same as Hulk)

Red She-Hulk (Same as Hulk)

Captain Marvel/Shazam

Black Adam

Supergirl (Post-Crisis)

Power Girl (Post-Crisis)

Martian Manhunter


Zod (Post-Crisis)

Faora (Post-Crisis)

Green Lanterns (Kyle Rayner, Hal Jordan, John Smith)





Gladiator (Dwarf Star level)

Thor (with his force blasts)

Beta Ray Bill (designed to match Thor)

Cable (Said to be able to extinguish stars with little effort)

Apocalypse (Dwarf Star)

Hercules (Marvel; Dwarf Star)

Nova (Dwarf Star)

Planet to Planet+:

Iron Man


The Thing


Colossus (Roughly as powerful as the Thing)

War Machine


Life Wiper (capable of destroying life on Earth without destroying the planet):

Professor X

Emma Frost

Jean Grey

Gambit (Was able to destroy all life on the surface of the planet Earth)

Poison Ivy


Continent to Continent+:

Human Torch (via Supernova)

Country to Country+:

Island to Island+:

Invisible Woman

Mountain to Mountain+:


City to City+:

Ms. Marvel (Stated to be able to display discharges up to nuclear weapon level)

Town to Town+:

Human Torch

City Block to City Block+:

Building to Building+:

Iron Fist

Luke Cage






Green Goblin


Street to Street+:

Red Hood

Harley Quinn






Green Arrow

Red Arrow

Captain America

Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier



Black Panther

