After dropping Kanae and Yashiro at their homes, it was only Kyoko and Ren in the car as they drove off in complete silence. She was turning very red as she stared at her hands folded in her lap.

Ren was very curious to ask what she might be thinking but stopped himself; he did not want to further embarrass her. Stopping in front of the draumya he turned off the engine and looked at her.

"Kyoko?" he verily called her.

"Y-yes Tsuruga-san."

Great back with the formalities, are we? Ren thought and started speaking, "Whatever happened tonight in the bar…." He trailed off.

"I- I know Tsuruga-san you just got pulled in by Natsu or else why would you want to kiss a girl such as myself." She said as she tried to control her tears from falling.

That kiss meant nothing Kyoko, Ren only did that because of Natsu's seduction so don't think it meant anything.

Ren was a little dumbfounded by everything she had just said to him. "How can you think like that."

Kyoko just stared at him eyes wide open.

Shit! I never meant to say that out loud. Ren thought anxiously.

"What do you mean Tsuruga-san." Kyoko asked her eyes shinning with unshed tears.

Tell her Ren.. Don't back out now. Kuon shouted inside his head.

'But I'm not ready to reveal to her everything about me.'

Damn all of that. You know you want her.

"-ga-san, Ren?" He heard Kyoko call him. He blinked and cleared his thoughts.

"Are you okay?" She asked tilting her head.

Ren hug his head down and sighed. "Even if I lie, you will know and if I tell you the truth you would run away." He told her, his hair covering his face and emotions.

"I w-would never d-do that to you Tsuruga-san." She stuttered making him chuckle.

"See just because of what happened in the bar, you stopped calling me Ren so what would happen if I said something else." He said in a calm and composed voice, not letting his inner turmoil show.

Understanding finally dawned on her and se nodded, "Sorry Ren...!" She whispered. Looking up at him she asked. "What do you mean I would run away?"

Finally Ren looked up at gazed at her for a moment, gently wiping her tears he smiled at told her. "Why do you that what happened in the bar- the kiss was because of Natsu? Not because of you."

"Why would someone let alone you- the top actor of Japan feel anything for me at all, I'm just a plain unsexy-"

"I love you, I have been for the last 2 years." He said cutting her off, looking straight into her eyes and felt her freeze but still continued, "You're perfect Kyoko and anyone would be lucky to have you beside him."

"What are you saying?" She uttered in complete disbelief.

"I love you and that kiss..." He trailed off but taking a deep breath continued, "I was only thinking about you at that time and no one else."

Kyoko said nothing in response and just sat there completely still, making Ren lose his composure. She's not moving but she isn't running away either so its a good thing right?

After a long silence Kyoko questioned. "Do you mean it Ren.?"

"I would never lie to you Kyoko!" He said gently rubbing the back of her hand. Suddenly she started crying, washing off any thoughts Ren might be having.

Seeing her tears clicked something in him and without really thinking he had her in his arms, keeping close to his heart as he whispered soothing words in her ear.

"Hush! Why are you crying? I'm sorry for scaring you Kyoko." He anxiously uttered.

She shook her head, still in his arms her head resting on his chest. "I'm n-not crying because of you, I'm h-happy."

"What?" Now it was his turn to be dumbfounded. Wiping her tears and looking up at him she whispered, "I never thought my feelings would be returned."

She felt Ren freeze in his spot, backing away a little she shook him and called out. "Ren? REN!"

"What did you just say?" He asked her. Blushing she looked away, "Please Kyoko, tell me."

Folding her hands in her lap, closing her eyes she whispered. "I-I love you too." Without wasting a single moment Ren kissed her. It was a gentle kiss but full of passion and love, he felt more confident when instead of rejecting him, Kyoko responded.

They broke apart, breathless as he rested his forehead on top of hers. "This feels so much like a dream." He breathed out making her smile but it soon disappeared.

Panic kicked in when he saw her frown and cautiously asked, "what's the matter Kyoko.?"

"If you're in love with me then what about that high school girl you talked about to Bo!" She questioned frowning.

Ren sighed and muttered, "That good for nothing chicken." Looking up he saw that Kyoko was again on the verge of tears, not wanting this misunderstanding to continue he truthfully told her.

"How many high schoolers do you think I know of due to my line of work?"

"Me." She answered in an instant and saw Ren smirk and her eyes widened with realization finally hitting her. "Oh my Goodness!"

"I have loved you for a long time Kyoko, but before you decide anything I want you to know that I have a lot of secrets which I cannot reveal yet but I love you more than anything." He said softly caressing her cheek. "But you will be the first one I tell everything to when the time comes."

Kyoko smiled in response and told him. "I understand Ren. Don't worry!"

For a moment they just looked into each others eyes and not being able to take it anymore Kyoko blushed and looked away making him grin. "It's getting late, I should go." She told him.

"Do you really have to?" Ren asked giving her his puppy look to the max. Kyoko laughed at his antics and said, "Stop being childish Ren."

He pouted in return. Kyoko smiled and told him, "I have to go Ren." Ren sighed and nodded.

"Can I at least have a goodnight kiss?" He tease making her instantly blush.

"You don't have to ask every single time." She whispered looking away from him. Ren blinked at her words and smiled.

He kissed her cheek softly and whispered in her ear, "I love you Kyoko." The way her blush intensified at his words made him extremely happy.

She got off the car and said her goodbye to Ren, making her way inside the Draumya with a soft smile.

Ren saw her get inside and then sighed and chuckled. Things sure turned out to amazing, I cant believe Kyoko loves me. He thought and starting the car drove off.