*I do not own Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir

Midnight Visits

BY Alimackatjac.

Chapter 20 What creeps in the shadows.


Plagg's POV


"Adrien!" Shouting, as my burning harlequin eyes narrow towards the spaced-out blond. Except for the kid just anxiously stares off towards the closed-door…..So rudely ignoring my calls. Thoroughly ticked off, my paw swats away the neon orange warning tag, attached to the large silver pull lever. At this point, I'm just hoping the nauseating love-struck model will catch on and snap the heck out of it.

I wasn't done ….Not after what he did. Correction, what he's DOING.


"Adrien!" Steamed, I just shake my frustrated head, refusing to let go of the blonde's unmitigated cruelty! And to a higher being, no less! It closely surmounted to pure evil, in my eyes. One I have never really witnessed before, from the usual well-mannered kid. "Hey, Cheeese hater, you might want to-" I begrudgingly unfold my arms and motion in his direction. Well, a bit lower, then his ACTUAL direction.


The part that actually needs his immediate attention.

Finally! The kid's eyes flutter, blinking away from the door, forcing them to "again," slide down to what he had been doing… Or, at least what he's been TRYING to do. A 100 member brass marching band could have gone off, in celebration once, I noticed I made it through his worried haze. His eyes quickly exploded into green flying saucers, noticing escalating swirls of charcoaled plumes clouding around the brightly lit room. "Damn it!" The kid curses under his breath.


Terrified of omnibus impending events my eyes warily flash to the refrigerator, and then back, as my paws cautiously twitched at the lever. Ready to pull it. Watching the kid bravely reach through the blacken swirls until he finds his fingers just a little too close. Causing him to quickly swing his singed fingers into his mouth. "Awe, not again!" Adrien hisses around his knuckle. Using the other hand, he clumsily wedges a piece of tin under a charred circle. Practically disgusted with his failure, Adrien lifts two scorched pancakes from the smoky skillet.


"Yep, again. " I begin to chuckle as, yet ANOTHER, indistinguishable breakfast saucer flings into the trash bin. Smacking against a mountain of previous blackened circles. "I tried to tell you, cheese hater." Speaking in a matter of fact tone as I safely stay behind the oversized fire thingy.

The kid's fingers tensely tighten around a glass handle. "Plagg, put that thing away! His green eyes quickly flash to the closed kitchen door before consciously hissing out in a hushed tone. "Why do you even have it out, in the first place?!"

With a dead look, I purposely drop my eyes, to the STILL smoking bin. "Gee, I wonder…cheese hater."

Adrien snaps his attention away from the tilted pitcher. "Plagg, will you quit calling me that! This time, I'm not giving in. So you might as well accept it. " The blonde continues to admonish a higher being while oozing batter begins to spew over the side.

My bright green eyes roll and close at his rant before I sharply motion to the waterfall of bubbling beige. Now, glopping off the counter and on to the floor. Barely missing his bare feet. Noticing for the first time, he had "forgotten" his favorite ladybug-like fuzzy slippers. "Seriously kid, with your track record is it any wonder?" Following my hands, his eyes finally drop once more, seeing the ever flooding Lake Pancake begin to overtake the kitchen floor. Panicked he jerks the almost empty container out of the way, clumsily setting it down on the slopped counter.

Plagg, a little help, please?! Grabbing an already goo-fifed dish towel, the blond hastily constructs a makeshift fabric dam, attempting to stop the ever-increasing breakfast mishap.

Not budging, I continue. "How many times have I tried to tell you? Pick one or the other. You obviously can't do both. Face it, kid, you can't even remotely do the one, so why do it blindly?! "

"Plagg a little support!"

Momentarily dropping my fingers from the fire extinguisher, throwing up both paws in the air, I motion to, the still standing, besides the ever-expanding pool of beige, in the practically new kitchen. "I mean not counting the presumable fate of this one, how many kitchens have you actually destroyed?"

"Plagg now's not the time!" The kid's feet practically fly out from under him, after slipping on the slathered, pancake battered floor. With only his sheer will, he manages to balance a long silver spatula while hoisting himself up from the counter's edge. Barely rescuing his Pj's from the goo covered floor.

Ignoring the cheese haters struggles, "By my count, it's what? At least five, right?" Holding out a teasing hand, counting each finger.

The blonde's stark green eyes practically radiate toxic beams towards the motion, while he struggles to get back on his feet. "Not a single one! And you should know that!"

"Really?" Raising a knowing eyebrow, watching as he clumsily begins to carrel the gooey puddle over the edge and into a held out bowl.

"I would think so." Frustrated he slams down the sopping wet towel, causing spouts of batter to splatter and speckle the fuming model's face. Trying to hold it together, he blindly rips off a paper towel before blotting his face. "Fine." He awkwardly clears his throat. "Maybe there was just the ONE, close call. The blond crumples the paper, tossing it over the smoking circles. "But that was quickly dealt with!"

"Just the one time, really?" Chuckling. "Yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that." I dramatically lift my paw, affectionately patting the bright red cheese saver. "IF it was REALLY only the ONE time, this wouldn't have a permanent home, on the counter."

"It doesn't! Plagg you're the one who took it out of the closet!"

"So your willing to tempt fate again, I really thought you were smarter than that."

He lets out a frustrated huff "Fine, Plagg do what you will. I don't have the time, nor the patience to argue with you! "

"Besides, I'm so literally weak from the LACK of adequate nutrition I probably, barely have enough strength to pull this trigger, the one time." With no reply, I quickly continue. "Staying ever vigilant, even though endless bouts of hunger. But again, why would you care, you're just the hater of the ooey-gooey perfection of my dreams." My eyes purposely narrow in disgusted slits. "Cheeeese Hater."

"Knock it off, Plagg, I am not a cheese hater!"

"Says you." Making my point, I quickly swoop off the fire thingy down to a large blue plate, before waving a thinly plastic-wrapped, slice of unpeeling orange.

something he's forcing me to eat.

"This would prove otherwise, see, it even says CRAP right on it." I adamantly point.

"Where!?" The model boy tries to get a better look before shaking his head. "No, it doesn't! Plagg, it isn't even close! That's an F ."

"Fine, believe what you want! " Utter disgust falls from my lips, under bright green glaring eyes. "Cheese hater."

"Plagg this IS cheese, it's just not YOUR smelly tringles!"


The kid sharply points to the unnatural orange square flopping lifelessly in my paw. "Listen, after that stunt you pulled, you're just lucky-" Still angry, he clenches his jaw, trying to reign in his next destructive words. "You're supposed to obey my commands, not use them as some kind of suggestive guideline!" Irritated, the kid begins to snap down a dishtowel before roughly rubbing in circles. "But by now, I really shouldn't be surprised, I mean my BROKEN CDs." Naming off in a knowing tone.

"Old tech, you never use them, anyway. I did you favor." Shrugging my shoulders.

"Oh yeah, what about my brand new Cheese covered comforter?"

"A lovely snack shared among friends."

"My USUAL dead phone?"

"You don't hear from your father much. Now do you?"

"Plagg, are you seriously going to defend yourself with that?! Do you have any idea how pissed off my father gets when that happens?! Frustrated he just rolls his eyes, while dumping flour into his latest batch. Realizing his voice was just a tad bit louder than usual, his eyes cautiously flash to the unmoving kitchen door. "He endlessly lectures about responsibly, and how adults rarely allow their phones to go dead!"

"Well," I sharply point my finger. "If YOU didn't charge your phone, that man would NEVER be able to chew you out!"



"Fine, what about my RECENT lack of socks, shirts? And should I even mention my underwear?" Acting like he arrogantly proved his point, he starts to measure another cup of flour. "You know, my clothes in general?"

Hearing his words I quickly zip over to him, shaking my palms in front of the kid's face. "Ewww, no!" I couldn't help but violently shiver in disgust, "There is absolutely no way I'd dare lay a single finger on your perfectly folded tighty whities!"

"Plagg, they're not tighty whities!"


"Why am I even-" The kid trails off, blowing out a frustrated sigh. "OK, Fine." He knowingly raises an eyebrow as he holds up a glass measuring cup. "Video Games."

My wide eyes anxiously slide away from the kid, while awkwardly twiddling my fingers. "Well yeah" I begrudgingly agree. "But, I uh mean, where else would you have me keep them? "

"Uh, I don't know, how about your room?" Dumping the measuring cup into a bowl.

"Well yeah, but then that' becomes inconvenient. All that going back and forth from the kitchen it's such a hassle, I mean actually who needs it?"

"Except, I seem to recall a rule."

I knowingly start counting on my fingers. "Yeah, yeah, there's always a rule. Your room, the kitchen, OH and how can I forget the bathroom?"

"Plagg, most people don't fly into someone else's shower." The kid's eyes dull into a deadpan look

"That wasn't my fault, you should have warned me!" Shivering. "Remember I'm an immortal, those images don't EVER go away ….Oh, I could tell you stories. Ugh, Caesar's little house parties ….disturbing."


" ANYWAYS!" Forcing the dark images back into the far corners of my mind. "There are rules for the car, the refrigerator and the -" With a single thought my heart suddenly feels a sharp pain, as my head drifts to my spotted rule-loving friend. Causing me to trail off. "You're just like-"

"Don't you DARE compare me to him?!" The kid's smoldering eyes quickly explode with a newly discovered defiance. One that I'm pretty sure resonated from his aloof father. At that moment my eyes scanned the room. Waiting for the impending gilded angels to start belting out miraculous choruses, for the long-awaited sediment.

For once, I didn't say a word.

Adrien noticed my silence causing him to let out a frustrated sigh. "Ahh Plagg, is it really too much to ask?"

"No, you can ask." Shrugging my shoulder while speaking in a sarcastic tone.

"Plagg, you're just lucky your stunt didn't blow my cover!" Irritated, the kid's eyes flash to the door, before lowering his voice. "I mean Marinette could have-"

Well duh, and what if she had? Inwardly rolling my eyes.

"You should know better than that, by now, I'm anything but lucky." My words quickly turn gloomy, as I sadly plop back down, right next to the red cheese saver.

"Awe Plagg."

I quickly push the thought away, purposely darting my eyes towards the kid. "And now that the cheeeese hater is quite literally testing fate," Allowing the harsh reality, to dance in the air I once more give the fire hydrant a knowing pat and trail off.

"I actually didn't mean you," While blindly speaking, the kid meticulously flips his bubbling creation. "It's just an expression." He seems quite pleased with himself that his new pancakes haven't suffered the same fate as the countless ones before them.

"Depends on who's perspective," I grumble to myself.

"Plagg, what are you talking about? I was just saying, no thanks to YOU, I was just LUCKY to hide Chat's real form! I mean, Thank goodness for that location shoot I went to."

"Yeah, that's when I found out, not ALL island shoots mean sunny tropical beaches. "Wrapping my arms around my shoulders, while purposely shivering. "I just about froze my tail off."

"I mean it, Plagg! We were just lucky to have it right where I could get to it." The kid so rudely ignores my feelings.

"There goes that word, again." Irritated, I cross my arms.


Realizing I had the perfect opportunity, I raise a knowing eyebrow. "It's almost like Lady Luck, herself was behind your door," I Grumble to myself just a bit too loud. Hoping that maybe the kid would catch my poorly veiled clue.

"Well, I don't usually keep overstuffed ski parkas around the penthouse, orange or otherwise….So yeah, I guess you might say that it was. I just didn't know what to do with it, after they gave it to me, so it was just lying around the apartment."

Letting out a frustrated sigh as the blonde, doesn't ACTUALLY listen, once again? Knowing my words could have zipped over and slapped him in his model face, and the oblivious kid still wouldn't get it. For more of a teasing effect, I squish my face between my hands, acting it out. "It was hilarious, you looked like one of those prissy house cats, with that faux fur lined hood, strangled around your face." I chuckled, "and then that-that water-filled sleep mask covering your face ...hysterical!"

"Plagg, it wasn't strangled nor was it remotely funny! I had a heck of a time explaining it, and now Marinette thinks I'm some kind of crazy popsicle sleeper! "

Failing miserably at stifling my laughter as I continue to snicker. "Well then, I don't know, just tell her it's a model thing."

"A model thing, really Plagg? That explains why I answered the door in my pajamas, and a bright orange ski parka!" The kid hisses.

"If you were smart, you should've pretended part of the cat suit were your pajamas ."

"One, Marinette is pretty observant, she's seen "Chat" more than not, and would probably put two and two together. Besides- "

"Why….you haven't figured it out yet, I will never know," I grumble, but only so, I could understand it.

"Did you say something?"

"What...nah." I quickly prompt "You should continue ….besides?"

"Oh, Yeah." The kid shakes his head. "Besides the suit is leather-like, how is that any kind of normal sleepwear?"

"Why not, you're a supermodel, call it an elite trend. Besides, it would have earned more points than your boring boxers. I mean she HAS already seen those. "The kid's cheeks immediately flush.

"Ahh, Plagg do you really have to bring that up, AGAIN?!" The kid snaps.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?! Your face is just hilarious every time I-"

"Shhh!" His eyes cautiously scan around the kitchen, before consciously lowering his voice. "I'm just glad I had a pair of pants big enough to fit over the Chat's suit."

"Oh, those PJ's are sooo silky. I sometimes drag them into my room, and slowly lower them into a circle and Oohh man- ." Just the alluring thought makes me want to pop into the kid's room and snatch them, out of his drawer.


With a dreamy look. "I would just curl up in them for days at a time. A big bowl of ooey-gooey goodness an arm's length away. "

"Uhg is that why I always smelled like cheese?! I thought your smelly triangles were infectious!" With a disgusted look. "Well, now that I know that, you can … just keep them."

"What's the use, it won't be the same," Letting out an exaggerated sigh "No thanks to the CHEEEESE HATER." My eyes narrow back at the kid as all kinds of red hot feelings bubble from my twisting gut …or maybe that was just hunger?

"Plagg, just because I refuse to supply your smelly addiction doesn't mean I'm a cheese hater!"

Nope, it wasn't hunger. "Adrien."

"Plagg, its cheddar, and it's only for a week." The model boy begins to go on a tangent. Ignoring the clear signs of trouble ahead.

"Hey, kid you might want to-" I begin to move towards dark puffs hovering around the kid's' oblivious head.

"After all, I did warn you."

Clearing my Throat, I purposely drop my eyes.

The kid finally takes a hint, dropping his eyes. "Oh damn it, not again?!" He starts clumsily fumbling with the smoking discs.

"I tried to warn you, but NO-, I guess the cheeeese hater, can't be helped." Folding my arms.

"Cheese what…Plagg, if you wouldn't keep distracting me! Id augh-, just never mind …I need to get this done, before-" In a hurry he trails off, hastily filling the trash bin with TWO more scorched experiments.

Ignoring his sudden defeated tone, I shrug my shoulders. "What, before you have to make another batch or empty out the trash bin? Because at this point, I think one is blatantly obvious, and the other." My knowing eyes flash to an overflowing bin.

"Hilarious, Plagg."

"Well, you really never knew when it's time to throw in the towel…Unless it has to do pancake floods, then I would have to say, yeah, sure, you've perfected your technique.

"Funny Plagg." However, his eyes soon after naturally fall to the kitchen door, while nervously chewing his bottom lip, "The first one. But, that's not what I was going to say." He begins to pour two more potential flaming disks of breakfast, on the searing hot skillet.

Seeing this, my fingers tighten around the fire thingy. "Then go ahead, cheese hater, enlighten the maliciously starved and yet all-knowing."


"Fine, go ahead." Of course, as soon as I say it, my eyes are not so content saying on the nervous kid, beginning to wander, and arriving at something, rather befuddling.

"Well, I mean, I need to get this done, before…before um Marinette wakes up." The model boy rubs the back of his neck with his free hand while concentrating on the grill below. His echoed blathers suddenly stop. "Plagg, what are you doing?!"

However, I blindly start replying, as my eyes never once leave. "I'm uh just wondering-" Unfolding my arms, coolly swinging a knowing thumb towards a white wrapped box, plainly sitting on the counter. "Why didn't you just use those, I mean isn't a croissant what most people eat? I mean those people who aren't pretty boys, like someone in this room." Pointing to a half dozen of the kitchen's ONLY salvation. "I uh, just don't see why you're tempting fate like this …I mean aren't they quite literally from her family's bakery?"

"Plagg, I can't use those! I just snuck them on my way home, hoping to uh, yeah um-" He quickly trails off while stubbornly shaking his head. "Besides, Th-that was a couple of days ago, they're too old to serve, now."

With one knowing look, I quickly throw out two hands around the batter covered counters, the hazy swirls of fading smoke. "Old or not, they're better then what you've got going on here!"

"Shhh Plagg, I WILL get this right."

Letting out a sigh. "Well, then I won't be the only one weak from hunger."

"Hey, I 'm just trying to make it a little-".

"Awkward? Starring across a romantic table for two, of hospital food, after suffering a brutal bout of food poisoning will definitely make at least that happen. But to even achieve that, you would have to make something close to edible." Once more I pat the fire hydrant. "And we both know you're miles and miles away from that, I mean where taking maybe across the ocean kind of distance. "

"Plagg!" His features burned in my direction.

"What, it's just an idea on how far you have to go, still. I mean you've sort of decided you want her around, right? So it wouldn't be very wise of you if you cut everything short by serving this era's version of Pandora's Box to her. Humans are fleeting as is. "

Letting out a frustrated sigh. "Special, alright! If you must know, I just want to make it special for her. If it's awkward, it's because of you, Plagg!"

"Yeah sure, that's the reason, it can't possibly be the sudden bout of food poisoning she undoubtingly going suffer."

"Look Plagg, she's been through enough …when I saw her standing at the door, and I-I couldn't comfort her as I wanted …Ahgg! My arms were practically burning …All they wanted was to be around her, Plagg." His defeated green eyes sadly drop. "I uh, couldn't even do that."

"Ah, Adrien, I was there, you uh, kind of did."

"Yeah, sure I did, but not without being some kind of bright orange, Mr. Pillow!" The kid swings his head in my direction, hissing his words.

"With heatstroke no less." Touching my finger to my chin. "Yeah, now that I think about it, I probably shouldn't have turned up the heat?" Shrugging my shoulders. "Oh Well, it doesn't change anything, so why sweat it?" Being sure to purposely tease him with my obvious choice of words.

"It's not funny, Plagg! I wasn't there for her, Marinette really needed someone, and because of YOUR games… Well, it was just sadly... awkward."

"So you're usual, then." My eyes suddenly flash to the door feeling HER presence coming closer, I quickly zip behind a cupboard door.

Mooned eyed, the kid just continues to rattle on in the middle of a battered covered warzone, namely our kitchen. "I don't know, when you first see those cheerful bluebells, that sweet smile of hers she seems so delicate. More delicate than the most beautiful butterfly."

"So she an akuma?" Calling from the closed cupboard.

Knock it off Plagg! I can't help but want to throw your arms around her, and shield her." With a thin line of light illuminating, my smirking lips I watch the kitchen door swing behind the oblivious kid. "But then once I started to really see her, I realized what Marinette has always been showing me."

"Oh, w-what was that?" A voice comes from the swinging door, right behind the kid.

"Marinette!?" Startled, he abruptly jolts his arm upward, accidentally flinging the latest half-baked creation through the air. His searching eyes quickly turn horrified, catching sight of the half-burnt pancake plastered to the ceiling, just missing the ceiling fan.

"Uh, good morning Adrien." The bluenette giggles.

His round eyes flash to the door while nervously laughing to himself. "Uh, when did you get up?" He awkwardly swallows, the brand new site of her likely wiping away any thought of the sticky flying saucer, overhead. A blush blazed across the model's cheeks as his eyes tear away from the first sight of HIS oversized t-shirt and boxers. As they were the only thing covering his sleepy partner.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the dumbstruck expression on the blond model's face. It seems no matter how much he tries,

The kid just can't keep his undies out of her line of sight.

At the moment, seeing the bluenette sleepily stepping in the smoky kitchen, dressed in HIS things, is effecting him hell a lot more, then when he had his little moment of embarrassment.

….but again, it's just a hunch.

She shyly giggles "Oh, uh, just now." She awkwardly swings a thumb behind her, while nervously dropping her eyes to the floor. "By the way, uh thanks, I uh, mean for the clothes." Clumsily wrapping the bottom of the black t-shirt, around her fingers, as she talks.

"Oh, uh, no problem. I uh, wouldn't want you to go to bed with clothes." Realizing what the kid was saying he sheepishly finished, with roasting cheeks. "I -I mean wait, that didn't come out right! I meant you just shouldn't sleep in clothes. YOUR clothes! I meant your clothes." He lifts his eyes, giving the silent bluenette a remorseful look.

I couldn't help but laugh at how much these two were alike. If they didn't get some kind of help, and in a hurry, they would NEVER see what's been there this ENTIRE time.

"Oh, I uh, understand what you meant, I don't like sleeping in clothes, either." She blushes while chuckling. "I uh meant." Her eyes trail off. "Well, I uh, think we both know what I meant."

He nods and chuckles too.

Her blushing face points to her feet for an awkward moment. "Um Adrien, I'm sure you've noticed by now, that sometimes I can get a little tongue-tied, my-uh, self."

"Actually, I uh-," Not sure what to say to that he awkwardly trails off, sinking the two in a long unbearable silence. Both finding the kitchen floor more appealing, while wracking their heads for ANYTHING to say. "Oh, Marinette, I uh made breakfast for us."

"Oh, you did?"

Sheepishly holding the last surviving, half-burnt pancake up in the air, with a spatula. "Well, I uh, tried to, anyway." His green eyes slide over to the pathetic looking smoking saucer, causing him to toss it back down, in frustration. "I mean, well with last night events, I uh, didn't know if you would be up to going out. Sooo, I decided…" well, why not pancakes?"

"Ah, that uh, was very nice of you, but you really shouldn't have troubled yourself." She forces a wide awkward smile. "I'm uh, FINE, really."


I could tell the kid wasn't fooled as he chewed on his lip for a minute, sinking in his own thoughts before continuing, not pressing the issue. "Well, once my uh, father was gone for a particular extended time…nothing new right?" He awkwardly clears his throat. "I don't remember why he was gone, I think it might have been for a supplier, that time. When I was younger they were both often gone, with no warning. I'd just woke up and they would be gone. They never really explained, only saying it was just business, as usual. I remember this particular time he was off searching for something. That why I think it was a supplier. I uh missed him terribly. Well, my mom noticed and she um tried cheering me up, by making these."


Seeing the utter loneliness burning in his melancholy eyes, the girl moves hesitantly at first but then manages to take a step closer. "Adrien."

"As you can see they're not quite right yet…actually, their um, sort of like how I remember hers…I uh, guess it's a case of uh, mother," The kid forces a poorly veiled smile, his eyes on the brink of tearing up, as he cautiously peeks through his blonde strands. " and uh, son."

Intense bluebell eyes watch every cautious step she takes until the designer is right next to the kid. "What a wonderful memory, I'm uh, sure she just wanted to see you smile, again."

"I'm uh, sure she did ….that's why I uh, wanted to make mine." This time the kid sheepishly motions to the overfilled trash bin of smoldering circles. "Can't say I didn't try." He lets out a self-deprecating chuckle, before rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, well, I uh guess you did." She chuckled but quickly dropped her eyes from the trash bin.


She softly speaks, her shaky eyes timidly crawling up the kid's pajama top, until their deeply reunited with a pair of equally cautious green ones perched over blushing cheeks. "Don't say that I uh, loved it."

The kid gets caught up in his own imagination, thinking she meant something entirely different. "You do, really, cause I kind of-"

"Um yeah, I do." She chuckles.

"But I could only manage to make one, which I wouldn't advise trying, not unless you wanted to spend a night at the hospital."

With his brutally honest words, I couldn't help but roll with laughter. For the sake of my beloved gooiness, I would never let the Cheese Hater forget his words.

"I'm sure it's not THAT bad."

"Trust me, I wouldn't. And I made them. So I don't really know what we're going to eat."

The bluenette's attentive hand glides over his shoulder, down his strained forearm. "Hey Adrien, listen I'm afraid I don't know much about pancakes." She gives a small thoughtful smile while her hand snakes around the kid's hand, holding the spatula. To only freeze around the mutually needed cooking utensil. "But my uh, dad showed me a thing or two about crepes. So if you would like I could -"

Caught in her bluebells the dumfounded model just nods his head.

"Ok, then, this should of be uh, fun." With blushing cheeks, she carefully goes to slide it out of his hand, except the kid's fingers tighten. With a friendly smile, she tries once more, never looking away from his intense green eyes. "Uh, Adrien? If you don't want my um, help? Just say so, I uh, wouldn't be offended." She blinks with confusion, her grip faltering.

Only the silent kid purposely stops her, sliding his fingers over hers.

As if caught up in some kind of spell the superhero can barely utter a single word. "A-Adrien?"

Caught in the same, the model nervously swallows hard, before speaking. "Marinette, are you um, ok? I mean, honestly ok?"

"Oh." She breaks the moment with a nervous giggle, with a forced smile. "I'm fine.

Realizing it was just a show the kid's lips turn south, in doubt. "Are you sure, Marinette?" Concern evident on his face, he tugs her a bit closer, peering deeply into her eyes. "I mean to walk in on something like that, would freak anyone out. Are you, uh, sure, you're not just putting on a brave face for everyone else's benefit?"

Hearing the kids' obvious concern causes the designer's eyes to cast down.

It was clear she hiding something.

Not willing to let it go, the blonde presses further, raising a knowing eyebrow. "Like my father? Or uh, maybe even myself?"

"No, don't be silly A-Adrien I uh-"Her words kind of trail off, when she sees the blonde raise a knowing eyebrow.

"Come on Marinette, no one expects you to be "fine, after something like that, not even my father. You would have to be some kind of-" The blond obscurely bites his bottom lip realizing he was speaking about a topic, a little too close to his own secret identity. "Uh, superhero. I mean I've uh noticed that seems to be a habit of yours?"

Her nervous voice stumbles out, "Uh what, being a superhero? A-Adrien that's just crazy, I mean you've witnessed my little clumsily moments. How could I leap around on rooftops?"

If they keep slipping like this I won't have to break Foo's rules. Then the kid will have to realize his, "one and only partner," has always been incoherently stuttering RIGHT in front of him, this entire time. Then maybe the cheese-hater will lighten up. I considered while chuckling.

"I meant you never want to trouble anyone, even to your own detriment. Not your friends, family, not even me. "

"No, not really, there's uh plenty of people I can-"

The blond shakes his head, interrupting her. "Really Marinette? Not, from where I'm standing. I can literally see it on your face. spaced-out you, yet your acting like it was just another day. Either because you don't want to burden my father or me…Marinette, You don't have to push yourself."

"Well, maybe I'm uh, little shaken," Her head drops down. "But other than that, I'm fine, A-Adrien."


"Yeah Adrien, I'm ok."

"Good." At that moment, utter relief lowers his shoulders as he tugs on his hand, pulling her closer, and in his arms.

"Oh! Adrien what are you-"Her Bluebells widen in surprise, over warm cheeks.

"That's good to hear." The kid firmly raises his voice, before his tone turns raw and vulnerable. "Because, if I'm being completely honest …I'm scared Marinette." He softly speaks into her silky stands, avoiding her eyes.

"What, why would you be-" Her head leans against his chest.

Unable to hold back the kid quickly cuts her off before bearing himself. "I'm uh …just not sure… how I would have reacted if anything-" He trails off, his hold tenderly tightens.

As if his arms were the only barrier from keeping her from drifting out of existence.

She sighs, with a secret content smile emerging on her lips. "I'm ok, Adrien, you don't have to worry about me." She tilts her head up. "I really am. I'm right here with you …safe." She lightly squeezes his arm.

Looking down he smiles at her response. "Yes, you are." Losing himself, his face begins to linger closer. "And I'm happy you are."

Knowing what is about to happen my fists are about to rocket up in the air, in absolute triumph. Maybe, just maybe, the two oblivious kids can figure out the rest on their own? Then I won't be in too much trouble with the others. Namely, a certain spotted Kwami. With a thought, my paw protects my squeezing chest.

She begins to wobble, lifting up on her toes. To help steady her balance, the completely lost kid tightens his arms, raising her closer. "Me too."

Her voice barely makes it past her pursed lips, when something goes "SPLAT!" between the two…Well, to be perfectly clear, a half-baked pancake finally came down from the ceiling, and smacked its creator, just before the actual "magic" was about to happen. The "almost" smooching kid just stands there in silence, while the slimy circle slowly slithers down the puckering model's face. Trailing uncooked goo down his forehead, face and finally his shirt.

However, to my surprise, a muffled giggle breaks the stunned silence, with a familiar chuckle following.

My eyes quickly catch two awkward kids standing apart, but not enough to entirely leave their "friendly" bubble. Unmasked heroes with blushing cheeks, chuckling at the unforeseeable fallen breakfast circle. The would-be designer's wide and enamored eyes curiously flutter towards the red-faced model. Tempted, she holds out a shaky FINGER, causing the blonde to immediately stifle his chuckles. Unable to look away from the blushing kid only utters. "M-Marinette?"

"H-here, Ad-Adrien allow me-" With her eyes burning with a poorly obscured feeling, the bluenette ignores the blonde, playfully dabbing her finger on his smudge shirt. With a smirk, she quickly takes a taste, causing a rather intense unreadable expression. Seeing the definite sparks of attraction I was about to fly off to my spotted friend, knowing she should know. "I uh, think you nailed it, Adrien!"

The kid forces his captured eyes away from her occupied lips, before shaking his head from the sight. "Really, Marinette?!

She pops her finger from her lips, nodding her head. "Yeah, it uh, has a sweetness to it. "

The kid awkwardly rubs the back of his head, while his emerald eyes linger to the side, avoiding hers. "So- that means it's uh- a lot like you." Once said, the kid nervously slides his eyes to the side, obscurely watching for his friend's reaction.

"Oh," Her hand instantly hides her blazing cheeks. "I uh, might say the uh-same, about you." The bluenette's eyes awkwardly slide away as she mumbles.

With the superheroes' eyes, anxiously measuring the floor, the room quickly is swallowed by a vast chasm of awkwardness. Shaking my head as it's clear the ex-school chums don't have a clue on how to continue. Silence escalates with every thought withering on their tongue-tied tongues.

The would-be fashion designer's bluebells discreetly scan around the kitchen, trying to find, "Anything" that will budge the cringe-worthy room. "So I-uh guess, I'll-"The bluenette trails off swinging a thumb behind her, not really knowing what to say. "g-go get dressed. I'm sure you have a full day planned. I mean, I seem to remember that anyway… If I don't see you before, I uh leave for the police station, thanks again, for letting me stay."

"Police station, why do you need to go there?"

The designer just shrugs her shoulders. "Oh, I said I would check-in before I go back."

"Go back!? But you can't, it's too dangerous, Marinette! At least that's what my father said! Sure, this might be a robbery, but it could also be because of me."

"Because of you?"

"My family and this press mess. For all we know, it could have been some crazed fan. Yours, mine ….Chloe's. Who knows? People create their own narrative when it comes to "so-called" news. I think its best if you just sleep here with me."

"AAdri-"Seeing the designer's shocked, round eyes caused me to instantly heave over with uncontrollable bursts of laughter.

Her expression causes him to realize what he actually said. "Wait, wait, that didn't come out right!" His entire face blazes into an embarrassing blush. "I uh, mean, you should be my guest. Staying in one of the uh, OTHER rooms!" Trying his best to paste an innocent, reassuring smile on his runway features. "Alone!"

She teases. "Without you?"

"Of COURSE, without me...At least, until I know you're safe" The kids' words stumble out of his mouth. "I mean until the POLICE know that you're safe!" The kid anxiously fans his shirt, while glancing around the kitchen. "Wow, is it hot in here" His face burning. "Uh maybe I uh, left the stove on? "

She cranes her neck. "It doesn't look like you did."

"No? Huh, I uh, guess you're right? Maybe the air needs to be adjusted?" The blushing kid charges toward the thermostat, while still awkwardly fanning his collar.

She watches as the fashion model fumbles with the controls on the wall. "Thanks, for the offer, Adrien, but I uh wouldn't want to take advantage of our uh… friendship." I could tell that wasn't the word, she really wanted to use. "I can take care of myself. Plus, I wouldn't want to impose on your work. I'm uh, pretty sure, my building manager has already changed the locks. Besides, Nate's right across the hall–"

As if he was under one of my friends' superpowers, the kid was right in front of the designer, in lighting speed. His hands firmly curled around her arms ."No Marinette, it-it's not safe! Where was PAINTER Boy, last night?"

"Adrien?" Her eyes blink to his hands.

He quickly realizes his rather intense reaction, immediately dropping his hands. "Sorry Marinette, I uh shouldn't have –"Hiding his awkward blush he turns his head away while rubbing the back of his neck.

"No, you shouldn't ." Her eyes soften, as she lets out a sigh. "Look, Adrien, thanks for your concern but I'm pretty sure I'll be fine."

His mouth sets in a firm line before he speaks. "It's not safe…And before you say, you'll stay with your parents. A friend of mine, once told me, "When a-uh, PERSON knows who you are, I mean, "WHERE you live, they can easily hurt our loved ones." I chuckled once more as the Cheese Hater stumbles with his substitute words.

Her eyes went wide for a second. "Wha-"

"What?!" Surprised at the kid's noticeable slip, I was practically hanging on the back of the kitchen cabinet door, waiting for that elusive lightbulb moment.

But before the hero could make sense of what the kid said, she was soon lost in his pleading eyes. "Please Marinette? I know you can take care of yourself. Hell, most of France knows this, by now, with what happened with that pushy reporter."

Chuckling to myself, recalling the reporter being sprawled out on the sidewalk. "Yeah, she did."

"No, I won't do that to you, Adrien." She shakes her head, ready to turn around.

He anxiously lifts his eyes, throwing out a hand to stop her. "Listen Marinate, at least allow me to go with you, so I can hear it for myself. If you're worried about my work, my uh, FATHER," The kid roughly clears his throat, "has actually cleared my entire schedule."

"Why would he do that, I'm just an intern."

Model boy turns his head, his jaw tenses. "I'm sure my father has his OWN reasons." Taking a moment, he pushes the anger away, from his features. Nervously swallowing, while his eyes intently crawl up, to honestly reflect his feelings. "But I'm guilty as well."

"Ad-Adrien what could you possibly-"

He quickly talks over her. "Listen. If you say yes, then I can be there for you like I should….like a friend! Marinette, if you were to ask Nino, it's something I honestly haven't done much of." The kid blows out a depressing sigh. "However, I would like to."

"Adrien, you don't have to-?"

"Please? Otherwise, you'll make me worry. I won't be able to sleep, which means I won't be able to work. Which won't make my father too happy. Then the company will-"

"Alright, I get it! I guess it wouldn't hurt for you to come with." She holds up a warning finger. "As long as you promise, you'll let this go, once you hear, it's safe."

"I promise." The kid enthusiastically nods, before raising an eyebrow. "Once, I hear that it's safe for you, I'll let it go."

My cat-like eyes sparkle with mischief as I can tell the kid is obviously up to something.

"G-great, since that's settled, I better go get ready." She's about to go through the kitchen door.

"IF, as long, as you promise to stay with me, UNTIL, the POLICE say, it's safe?"

"What?! Listen, that's sweet of you to offer, but I uh, don't want to put you out. I can go-"

"You won't." The kid swings out his arms. "Look around, there's uh, actually too much room!" He shrugs. " Besides, having a roommate might be fun, I've always wanted one ."

After a long pause for internal debate, her anxious eyes lift to mine. "Are you sure about this?"

Noticing her lip nervously slide under her teeth causes the kid to mindlessly nod his head. "You know how overprotective my father can be, and he sent you here, that means something.

"Yeah, It means his icy father ships the two of them." I chuckle to myself.

Marinette It's guarded, and to be honest you'll find it a little too out of the way. No one will know you're here. It's a perfect place."

"Fine." She begrudgingly agrees.

He raises a knowing brow. "Fine, what?"

"Fine, I promise." She begrudgingly agrees once more. "But only till the Police say it's 'safe, which I'm pretty sure will happen, once we get there. I mean what else would they say ?"

"Then we will both, rest easy, tonight, if that's true …but if not, you promised and I've never known you to break one of those ." He lifts his arms over his head with a stretch. "Well, I guess we should both get ready, then. I'll call Gorilla. We can also grab something to eat, on the way."

"If you don't mind I can show you this place that uses my father's bread. I really think you'll like it." I watch through the swinging kitchen door as the two heroes stroll down the hallway, toward their separate rooms.

"Oh really, that sounds delicious. I've always gone to great lengths to get a taste of your dad's baking." The kid happily chuckles.

"Well then it's your lucky day, I'll meet you back here." The bluenette stops at her door, with her hand resting on the polished knob.

"Ok, can't wait." Standing in his bedroom's threshold, the kid anxiously rubs the back of his neck, watching his partner softly shut the door. His nervous laugh is slightly infectious as I too chuckle with a single thought. The massive whirlwind of designer duds flying from the model's closet. All in efforts for the perfect, supportive, boyfriend outfit.

Even though it wasn't true, there was always hope.

"What did you think you were doing!?" A sharp voice echoes off my back.

I quickly turn around, forcing an awkward smile while wiggling my fingers. "Oh, hey Tikki, I uh, was wondering when you would be zipping by?"

"Don't hey me, you darn ally cat! You purposefully disobeyed a direct order, from your handler! You almost blew his cover, with not only Marinette but his driver, as well. What were you even thinking?!"

"Hey, I'd offer you something to eat but trust me, you don't want what the Cheese Hater has to offer. Unless-" My wide smile starts to water," Unless you happened to bring a little cheesy goodness with you?" My tone can't help but feel hopeful.

With a frustrated sigh, she tenderly rubs the side of her head. "No Plagg. I'm afraid Marinette left it in her other purse. Are you EVER serious?! "

"Darn, it would have been nice." My depressed eyes drop, watching my paw comfort my empty tummy. However, Tikki was NOT amused, as usual. Causing me to let out a sigh. "Relax, nothing happened, she still doesn't know who he actually is."

"But she could have."

"Well, she didn't …and I already told you, I'm done with the games …I'm going to help the Cheese Hater, find his bug, with or without your help. Tikki, you should want this, don't think I haven't noticed your GIRL is head-over-heels for my BOY.

"Ok, you may be right. However, that doesn't change the fact, that it's wrong. Do you have any idea what Master Foo would do if he found out we are under the same roof?!"

"Yeah, I do …Tikki, I didn't plan this."

Her head falls, as a long sigh flows out. "Well, it's sure working in your favor, even if you didn't."

"I didn't, how could I? " Seeing she wouldn't look at me, I tilt my head. "Tikki?"

Her shaky eyes slowly crawl up, motioning down the hall. "Plagg, you heard those two, didn't you?

"Yeah, so?"

"I'm afraid, it isn't going to be safe…And most likely-."

"What the heck, are you talking about, we're both, well, you know… magic.

"I know, Plagg it's hard for me to understand, too."

"It's not possible …Tikki …what happened last night?"

"Oh, Plagg, it happened so fast." Her eyes drop down at her wringing paws. "Marinette's was just walking to her apartment door ….her head preoccupied with OTHER things."

"Other things?"

My friend snaps, wagging a finger in my face. "You know exactly what I'm suggesting! "My clueless bright green eyes just blink at her. "Fine, you darn Ally cat, we were just talking about it."

"Oh, THAT other."

"Marinette's head was in the clouds, swooning over your kid, and that pet hamster of hers." Tikki crosses her arms while grumbling.


She unfurls her arms with a huff. "Yes, a hamster! Pay attention you darn Ally cat, this is no time to be distracted!" Tikki sinks back into thought, with her finger resting on her chin. "Now then, where was I?"

"Don't ask me, I'm already lost."

"Oh, right, we entered the apartment. Everything was fine, she hung up her bag and coat. She even cleaned up some designs she had left out. Everything was routine just like the day before. Everything was fine until we decided to put away the papers on Marinette's desk…In her bedroom…That's where they were waiting."


Tikki's voice turns tense, even scared while forcing her head to replay last night. "I zipped ahead, thinking she was right behind me. Before I knew it, I heard her gasping." Her eyes narrow "A grungy hand over her mouth…there was nothing I could do."

"So with her mouth covered, you couldn't transform…Tikki was it someone who knew…about us? I mean, it's a pretty big clue when they cover her mouth. "

"I can't say. I do know it wasn't a robbery."

My eyes leap from my starving stomach. "Huh, really? What makes you think that?"

"Well, for starters, Marinette has been savings for her own line since before I knew her. During the struggle, the cookie jar holding it fell to the ground and, shattered. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of Marinette's hard-earned savings scattered all over her bedroom floor….Not one of them, bothered to pick any of it up."

"Then that means we're back to-"

"Hawkmoth, I'm not sure." My spotted friend lets out a heavy sigh. "It could have been an akumaized victim… If it was, then maybe we shouldn't be here either…he may know Marinette's identity."

"Stop, I don't care! Even if Hawkmoth knows, you'd be safer with me, I-I mean-" My heart leaped in my throat. "I MEAN you would BOTH be safer, here!" Anxiously rubbing the back of my neck.

"Plagg, that would expose-"

Swinging my arms across my chest, "I don't care Tikki! I know my kid. He'd risk anything, even his own identity to keep that girl safe!" Motioning to the kitchen door, or rather the hallway leading to the two obvious college students.

"You can't just decide that you darn Ally cat!"

"Why not?" My green eyes sparked as I began to argue. "You know, Tikki, I'm just trying to keep the one that means the most, to me, safe!"

"Don't. You KNOW what happened when we both …. Damn it Alley cat, as much as I would love to go back to - As much as it hurts- " My uncomfortable spotted friend trails off before clearing her throat, and pulling back her shoulders- " Listen people died, Plagg! What we once were, that, that can never happen again!" Undaunted my depressed eyes pressed the bug a little too far, causing her to back away throwing her hands in the air." You know what, this isn't right. Its obvious being here, under the same roof, is a huge temptation. Marinette and I should just- It's clear you can't handle us being here!"

"Fine," I quickly reach out, catching her hand. "Just stay here …please?"

Tikki eyes flash to our hands, before jerking hers away. "Fine, but no more talk about-" With sharp eyes, she waves a hand, motioning between the two of us. "Well, you know…about this!"

I purposely fold my arms in front of my chest after feeling a solitaire breeze blow around my empty hand. "Fine, if that's what I need to do …then so be it." Roughly nodding my head.

Her eyes drop to the floor, before nodding. "Well then good …I'm uh, glad to uh, finally get that straight."

My green eyes obscurely roll, secretly glancing over my shoulder. "So- about the kids, are you going to help me out, then?"


"What!? We already know both of our handlers have the hots for-. "

"Feelings for each other?" Her wide eyes narrow for an instant before shrugging her shoulders. ."The jury is still out."

"Fine, then what about Foo?"


End of Plagg's POV.



Adrien's POV.


Later that day.


Sitting in the freshly cleaned kitchen, as my fingers clenched around my fork, keeping my hands from trembling. Ignoring my sicken stomach as I force myself to take another bite. So I wouldn't do the one thing my everything wanted. When we left the station, in the car, even silently scrubbing the polished floor in front of the brightly lit window, together.

All I wanted to do...All I could even think about…

was wearing a certain suit .

"So-" Sitting at the island, not really having much of appetite my fork shoves the airy cake through the sticky golden puddle. "The uh, pancakes are great Marinette. Thanks for um, making them. " Quickly scooping up another bite, while forcing an enthusiastic smile…I wasn't hungry. I just ate them because she wanted to make them… and making them seemed to keep her mind occupied…well somewhat, anyway.

Except I was forcing another bite for ONLY my benefit, as she just stood there with wide, hazed over eyes staring at the skillet. Nudging the pancakes with a brand new spatula.

Lost in her thoughts.

Noticing her eyes becoming glossy, I cleared my throat to try and gain her attention. A small clank from setting down my fork could be heard in the still kitchen "You know Mariette, I'm uh sure they'll know more… I mean given time."

As if on autopilot, her eyes never leave. "Indefinite." A single word falls from her glossed lips.

That one word causes me to anxiously shift in my seat. Not because I didn't want to play host to my uh-. Oh, no. I felt like a lovestruck teenager, winning his first kiss. "I uh, really hope you'll be comfortable here." I force a supportive smile.

It's the reason behind the ONE word, for my …uh everything.

Her stunned eyes pull away from her finished pancakes, before turning off the grill. She forces a reassuring smile. "Thanks, Adrien, but I'll be fine, really. No one should play host for an indefinite amount of time."

"Ok." I quickly reach for my napkin, my eyes slide up, over the napkin, giving me a minute to compose my thoughts. "Ok, then what? They said you could move, but there's uh, no guarantee-" Unable to completely wrap my head around what she was facing, I just sort of trailed off, keeping the rest locked inside.

"Well then, I'll just take my chances. I have school, my job, and uh, other things." Strangely, her eyes slide to the floor. "I can't stay here." She lifts her bluebells, locking them with mine. "Not for some vague amount of time." She adamantly swings her arms across her chest. "I'm not putting you in that kind of danger."

My arm lashes out, catching one of her hands. "Yes, you can. And yes, you will." With a meaningful look, I firmly, but gently cup her hand, with mine. "You promised, Marinette. And though this may seem a bit heavy-handed, for the time, I think its best I hold you to it.

Her bluebell eyes flash down at our hands, attempting to pull them away.

Without even thinking, I lace her fingers with mine. "Look, Marinette this is not the time to be taking chances." I tilt my head to the side, peeking through the curtain of blue obscuring her truly worried expression. Her eyes were seeped with concern, and if I was betting man, it isn't for herself.

No, it's for me, her friends and family and every other person she ever bumped into.

"Marinette, I don't know why this happening, and it completely pisses me off, but for some reason, judging by the evidence they found at your apartment, they believe WE are dealing with a freaking serial killer…."

"Then what can I do?!" She jerks away from his hand.

Concealing the heartache from the ripped away touch, I lift my hand, and awkwardly rub the back of my head. "I'm not sure …maybe the only thing you can do."

"Which is?" Her scared eyes, just make me want to scream for my kwami. My palm twitches with the imagery power I could be wielding at that very second. Permanently alleviating the current issue from ever existing.

Realizing these dark powerful feelings, I quickly drop my head, before closing my eyes. That's when something emerges from the cold darkness.

Another pair of eyes, disappointed ones, behind a red and black mask.

Trying to push back the image, I force myself to take a deep breath. Slowly inhaling through my nose before exhaling through my mouth. One after the other. Until the image was gone and my shoulders fell. Pushing back what that dark feeling meant, I quickly focus my eyes on the woman I wanted to protect. The incredible women I had fallen for. It was time.

I wasn't sure how I was going to deal with my controlling father. However, I was certain I didn't care that he was constructing a legacy around her, in the slightest. If we actually agreed on something, for once, then so be it. In the end, it would be up to Marinette. With my resolve firm, my shaky hand tilts her chin, lifting her eyes to mine. "Stay out of sight. " My eyes purposely dance around her stunned lips, while my head freefalls towards hers

making my intentions absolutely clear.

And to my heart's desire, it worked. The woman of my dreams' lips begins to shadow mine.

Wavering green eyes forcibly peel away from her glossed lips, just a whisper length apart. Purposely capturing her eyes with mine, as I feel her searing exhale against my desperate lips. "M-Marinette, stay out of sight ….with me?" And as if to silently accept my offer, her satin lips pressed the final distance.

Unable to hear the rattling of a handle we fall into each other's kiss. My arms blindly reach out, around her shoulders, pulling her close to almost passionately share a chair. Feeling her searching fingers spread along my back I silently revel in the fact that I finally made my feeling known…and judging by our shared unleashed kiss,

it seems hers echo my own.

No more bratty blondes. No more strikes of lightning, No more falling pancakes. No more interruptions. It's just her and I, effortlessly getting lost in the moment.

And it's better than I EVER imagined.

A pair of tossed keys, slide across the kitchen island while a throat purposely clears.

That simple sound crumbles all hopes and heartfelt wishes. A heavy sigh falls from my begrudgingly dropped lips.

The light from an overhead fixture causes a pair of familiar devious eyes, to sparkle and shine with calculated schemes, I'm sure I have yet to discover.

"Well, well, it doesn't seem I had to rush back after all. For once, it looks like,

My son has everything going according to plan."


End Adrien's POV.


End of Chapter 20.

Thanks, I'll post soon.

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