A small crowd had gathered in the break room, standing around the tiny table.

The man was older, dressed in a tweed suit, large, fish-eyed eyes staring out of thick glasses down at them. He was in the middle of a long pause, taking the time to consider what he was going to say.

"We just finished that big garden clock out there for one reason: Eterna City is a city about the forest. It's what makes it a great city— a great Sinnoh city. The forest is nice, but the part where Eterna City has such a great history— a great culture, featuring the forest, a great, long history of mythos and nature and all of that. We put that big clock out there because that history with the forest and nature is what makes this city great," said the old man, clearing his throat with a loud, gristly sound.

As the man took another long pause, the whole room watched with the same lazed interest in the meeting.

"So every time you see that clock— and believe me, it's hard to miss," continued the old man, "go remind yourself what we're here to do. We're here to remind people— just like that clock— about what makes this city great. Tell them about it. Give them a good battle too. Give them the Eterna difference."

The low, light clapping noise of the entire dozen trainers present echoed in the tiny linoleum-lined break room. It died off shortly.

The old man gestured to the far edge of the room. "See that lady there?" he asked, eyeing every single member of the crowd.

Leaning against the sink counter, arms and legs crossed in boredom, Gardenia tilted her head up, reddish bangs parting as her head rose.

The old man continued. "That's your Gym Leader. Make her proud. If you can't make her proud, then you can't make this city proud."

Gardenia smiled awkwardly.

"That's all I've got. I'll let this lady over here say a few things, but other than that, I'm very pleased whenever I hear about this group. You've got it down," he finished with a smile.

He nodded briefly, taking a step back, then walking slowly to the door.

The space in front of the table was empty for a long moment after the old man had left. The whole group of trainers stared ahead for the whole moment, still waiting.

Gardenia walked to the front of the table, taking a long moment to reach the table. She stared, lost in thought. She leaned forward and hunched over the table. She tilted her head up, staring up at the group.

"You're all doing great!" Gardenia smiled. "Just… Just don't change. Everything you were doing before was great, keep up the work."

She hadn't even finished the sentence. The whole group was opening up into the donut boxes, then breaking away from the table into their own separate conversations.