Thank you reviews! I love all of you! Okay here are the children's names, ages, the parents and where they come from.

Nijimura + Haizaki = Kiyomine (11 yrs.), Tomoharu (9 yrs.)

Murasakibara + Himuro = Youichi (10 yrs.), Gakupo (4 yrs.)

Takao + Midorima = Aki (8 yrs.), Gumi (6 yrs.)

Aomine + Kise = Motoharu (11 yrs.), Towa (9 yrs.)

Kagami + Kuroko = Kaito (9 yrs.), Shouta and Akira (-twins- 7 yrs.)

Akashi + Furihata = Mikado (10 yrs.) Takara (8 yrs.), Luka (2 yrs.)

Now, here is their original looks and where they belong. xD

-Komatta Toki ni wa Hosi ni Kike! characters are Kiyomine and Takara. (These two are so cute! They are always fighting each other. xD)

-Honto Yajuu character's are Tomoharu and Aki! (Yakuza and cops...mmm *drools*)

-Vocaloid singers are Kaito, Gakupo, Gumi and Luka. (Dunno, but I love these two couples.)

-Hana no Mizo Shiru characters are, Youichi, Shouta and Motoharu (T^T). (It's just so beautiful!)


-I Want To Be Naughty characters are Mikado and Towa (hehe... you might like these two! xD FYI, I might not be a perv! ;D title says all. LOL)

Magic! 11

After Black team won, everyone decided that it was getting late, Kuroko looked to see a pair of emotionless red eyes looking back at her, it nerved her how her youngest would have her emotions. Akira seemed to be calm and collective and Kaito was more like his father, nice and outgoing he didn't forgive his father's temper either. She smiled and walked inside, but stopped when Furihata was cooing at Luka. Giggling out loud Luka grabbed her mother's cheeks and giggle louder making Furihata smile more, when she turned she blushed.

"I thought I was by myself." Furihata said flustered and Luka giggled some more.

"I just came in. Sorry to have startled you Furi." Kuroko said gently poking Luka's pudgy cheeks.

"It's all right, I just decided to come in and see if she walks." Furihata said putting the baby on the floor.

Luka looked as her mother went on the other side of the room, she made motions for Luka to walk towards her. Akashi and Midorima walked inside the room with Gumi and Takara, Luka looked up and giggled as she stood up and walked to Akashi. She hugged him and looked up at him with equal crimson eyes, Akashi picked her up and smiled gently when Luka hugged him bringing both cheeks together. Furihata smiled as Takara hugged her, she automatically put her hand over his shoulder feeling it natural. Kiyomine walked in and held Takara's hand in his own, he hissed at him.

"Papa, wove you!" Luka said and kissed him on the cheek, Akashi would have smiled and kiss her back, but he held it in and hugged her closer. Yup, no way in hell would he give his daughter away to a bastard.

Never in her life would she place Akashi as being the affection father, but then Furihata might have changed him for the better. Still, Midorima was shocked to see this tender moment with Akashi Seijuurou and his future daughter. She smiled inside and Gumi was looking up at her.

"Okay sleeping arrangements?" Aomine came in killing the mood.

Everyone gathered in the living room, Kagami was a bit further from Kuroko feeling himself blush harder. Kise was hugging Towa and he rested his head on her strong stomach, while Motoharu sat on Aomine's lap. Said teen felt slight discomfort, but somehow it felt natural to have the child there without a problem. Aki tried to sit next to Tomoharu since said child was sitting next to Nijimura, but was held back by a scowling Midorima. Gumi bounced towards Kaito's direction whom was sitting next to Akira and Kuroko, but Takao got in the way and hugged her to his chest with a smile. Kiyomine noticed Mikado was sitting next to Takara and sat next to his mother with a pout. Gakupo sat on Himuro's lap, Youichi sat next to Shouta and the teen kept looking straight from his father's side. Furihata sat next to Kuroko, Riko and Momoi followed her to play with the baby, Kiyoshi and Hyuuga sat next to Murasakibara as Izuki made his way towards Luka. Akashi stood in front of them with his neutral expression and looked at the children.

"How many of you can sleep alone?" he asked and saw Mikado, Motoharu, Kaito, Tomoharu and Youichi raise their hands up.

"How many of you need a roommate?" Momoi asked looking. They saw Takara, Towa, Aki, Kiyomine, Akira and Shouta.

"I'm guessing the last ones still sleep with their parents." Kiyoshi said seeing Gakupo nod off and Gumi gently hugged Takao.

"I pick Takara to be my roommate." Kiyomine said and Takara glared.

"If you need a roommate, I'll gladly be yours." Mikado said in a sickly-sweet voice.

"Don't you know how to sleep by yourself!" Takara glared.

"How about this, let the children decide where they want to sleep." Izuki said making a few nod.

"It can only be with their parents or siblings." Nijimura said sending a glare to Haizaki whom snorted.

"I want to sleep with both mama and papa! Don't you want to sleep with mama and papa Aki?" Gumi smiled making both mama and papa blush.

"The beds are small and─"

"Please papa, the beds are huge and can fit all four of us. Let's sleep together!" Aki said and their blush darkened.

"I'm sleeping with Takara since no one can be trusted." Mikado sent a glare towards Kiyomine.

"Akira, Shouta and I will be sleeping together." Kaito said smiling.

"I want to sleep with my mom!" Towa said hugging the blonde making her squeal and hugged him back, for a strange reason there were rainbow flowers blooming around them in the background.

"I'll sleep with pops then," Motoharu said standing up and dusting his bottom.

"I guess Gakupo can sleep with us, do you want to come too Youichi?" Himuro asked looking at her son.

"Yeah!" he smiled and Murasakibara picked him up with a huge yawn.

"Kiyomine and I will sleep together," Tomoharu said making Kiyomine sigh then nod.

"Akashi, Luka can sleep with you. I'll sleep with her tomorrow." Furihata said giving Luka to him and Akashi nodded feeling a bit dread.

"Whaa!" Luka began to wail making everyone wince at her healthy lungs.

"Uh-oh. I forgot to mention that Luka sleeps with both of you." Mikado said with a sweat-drop on the side of his face.

"EH!" Furihata blushed beet read, Luka slept with the both of them in the future. But that would mean, she turns around to look at Akashi cutely and paled seeing him smirk trying to calm a wailing Luka.

"It seems to me that you and I will be sharing a bed." Akashi said in a sensual voice.

"I─I can't." Furihata said feeling her whole face heating up, but Luka was crying with the most saddest emotion ever that it broke her already fragile heart.

"I won't do anything, beside what kind of thoughts are running in that head of your's Kouki?" Akashi's smirked widened making her neck turn red.

"Nothing like that!" Furihata said in a low voice.

"Let's all pray for Furihata." Izuki said and all of them mentally agreed seeing that Furihata would give out at any moment.

"Mommy if you and daddy don't sleep with Luka, then she will not sleep and will cry louder. Trust me, in the future you can hear her all the way to my room and trust me, mine's the furthest." Takara said as Luka was sniffling.

"Papa if you don't seep with us, then I will cry too." Gumi had big fat tears running down her cherubic cheeks.

"If Shin say yes, then we'll all sleep together." Takao scratched the back of his neck and Midorima looked away with a light blush on her pal cheeks.

"You stay in one side, and I'll stay on the other." Midorima said still not looking at them, but everyone could see her ears are red.

"Let's go to sleep Muro-chin." Murasakibara held a nodding Youichi and Himuro nodded seeing Gakupo asleep in her arms.

"Goodnight everyone." Himuro smiled and both left hearing 'goodnight' back.

"Us too, night." Aomine said giving Motoharu a piggyback ride and Kise had Towa bridal style.

"Night-night!" she smiled and they were off.

"Can you take us to our room, but help me carry one of the twins." Kaito said with Akira on his back and Kagami held Shouta whom snuggled up to the teen.

"Night everyone." Kuroko said as Kagami nodded and went to find an empty room close to theirs.

"Can we go to your room Mikado, it's closer to mommy's and daddy's room." Takara yawned and Mikado nodded.

"We'll be off, goodnight everyone, father and mother." Mikado bowed and took Takara by the hand walking off.

"I wish I could sleep with Luka." Momoi said pouting.

"Me too." Riko sighed and both waved goodnight before they left to their room.

"Night everyone," Kiyoshi said as he, Izuki and Hyuuga went to their rooms.

"Goodnight Akashi, Furihata." Midorima said and power walked towards Takao's room with a flustered face.

"Night, wait Shin-Shin!" Takao said following her with a nodding off Gumi.

"Things will be interesting from here on out. Goodnight brats, don't do something while you have a child." Nijimura said going to his room.

"Bastard get your ass over here!" Haizaki shouted after him.

"Shall we go to our room." AKashi said making Furihata blush.

"Our room?" she questioned and Akashi nodded putting his hand on her waist and leading her towards his room.

Kuroko entered the room and closed the door gently behind her, she walked toward the beds taking the comforters off and helped the boys settle the twins on the bed. She took off their shoes and socks leaving their pants on, Kaito took of his scarf and coat putting it at the foot of the bed. Kagami waited for the oldest child to settle down and covered them up to their chins, Kuroko smiled walking right besides him and gazes down at the children. Kagami stood up grabbing Kuroko by the hand and lead her out the door, she smiled and brought her delicate body to his loving the warmth he gave off.

"Looks like our future will be a happy one." she said walking towards her room and Kagami nodded.

"Yeah, I wonder how old we are in the future right now." he said and Kuroko smiled leaning her head on his bicep.

"Who knows, just as long as we are not too old." she said standing in front of her room looking up at him.

"Yeah," he said and leaned down to kiss her cheek, but she moved and captured his lips making the taller teen blush.

"Goodnight Taiga." Kuroko said closing her door with a smirk.

"Goodnight Tetsuya," Kagami whispered to himself with a blush and headed towards his room.

"I thought we would have trouble fitting in the bed, but this is good." Himuro said putting on one of her white shirts on Gakupo making it look like a dress. Youichi had one too and it reached down to his knees.

"Muro-chin let's go to bed." Muraskibara whined and Himuro smiled at him.

"All right, Youichi where do you sleep?" she asked.

"With dad." Youichi mumbled as he scooted closer towards Murasakibara.

"I sleep with mommy." Gakupo yawned and curled up to Himura, both children slept in the middle as the older teens slept on each end of the bed.

Kise was telling Towa about her days in Teiko as Aomine kept telling them his victories. Motoharu and Towa were both amazed and excited to hear stories when they were younger. Aomine glanced at the clock and deemed it bed time, he laid down on one side of the bed, Motoharu crawled next to him and smiled closing his eyes.

"Come Towa, you can sleep with mommy. Tomorrow we can go clothes shopping and then to the park." Kise said as Towa cuddled with her.

"Sounds good," Towa said and began to drift into a deep slumber.

"You know Daicchi, I can so look forward to the future." Kise smiled hugging cute little Towa to her.

"Same here babe, same here." Aomine yawned and too went to bed.

"We used to sleep together with our whole basketball team in one room. You are now choosing to be shy Shin?" Takao asked looking at the flustered green-haired teen as Gumi and Aki bounced on the bed.

"I was a boy back then, I feel so violated right now." Midorima said under the sheets, she pulled Gumi close to her as Aki snuggled up to Takao.

"But still, Shin will always be Shin, nobody else." Takao said in a serious voice and Midorima looked at him with wonder, her heart was beating loudly and hard. For some strange reason she wanted to kiss the idiot right now, but held it in because the children were there.

Furihata wanted to die, she really did while walking behind Akashi with Luka in her arms. Luka was mumbling, or was she trying to sing? Who knows, but she sure looks happy to be with both of her parents. Akashi opened the door and Furihata wondered if she will have a permanent blush on her face for the rest of her life, Luka wanted to be put down and Furihata put her down. She wobbled towards the bed and giggled as she turned to look at both her parents.

"Dada, mama!" she tried to get on the bed, but the bed was bigger than her and she pouted.

After the shower, Furihata walked out with her nightgown that Riko had given her. Luka on her hip with wet hair and in one of Furihata's shirts, both walked towards the bed and Akashi was reading over some papers. Furihata brushed Luka's hair and let it air dry, her hazel eyes glanced at the red-head and he looked back at her with an intense gaze, she squeaked and looked at Luka whom was nodding off.

"I'll kill him,"

"EH?" Furihata's eyes widened after she heard Akashi say that.

"Whomever wants Luka's hand in marriage, then I will not hesitate to kill them." Akashi said with a monotone voice as he was on his desk.

"You do realize she will either elope or fight back. She is an Akashi after all." Furihata whispered the last sentence as Luka's hair dried and placed her in bed.

"We shall see about that." Akashi gave a dark look at his papers and stood up.

Furihata squeaked when his figure was right behind her, Furiahata was on her back on the bed looking back at Akashi with wide eyes and a lovely blush decorating her cheeks. Akashi smirked and leaned forwards kissing the corner of her lips and her blush darkened as she closed her eyes facing another way. He got off and went to Luka's right side as Furihata stayed there frozen. After a while, she quickly went under the blankets and pulled them over her head making sure Luka's head was still out and closed her eyes pretending to still be asleep.

"Goodnight Kouki," Akashi said in a sensual voice making Furihata flinch.

"Goodnight Akashi," she squeaked out.

Once sometime passed, she truned around and cuddle Luka to her body feeling the warmth of her future daughter, soon she was falling asleep not knowing if an arm snaked around her hips. She was already asleep when her and Luka were pulled to a protective hug from a certain emperor. Akashi looked at Kouki and Luka, he didn't know what to do or say when it comes to Kouki, she's definitely inexperience in romance, but he will be happy to be her first and only love. He brought them closer making sure Kouki's head was underneath his chin and Luka still had enough space.

Thank you for reading and please review. I also recommend for you all to read the mangas! *nose starts to bleed a bit* you'll love it. xD