AN: Hey everyone! As I was searching for something to end my writing block I found this great prompt and here we are. A new story! Please give it a shot and review. When I don't get any reviews I don't know if anyone likes it and I usually stop with story, so please if you want more, just let me know and let me know even if you don't like it and please explain yourself so I know what you think is wrong :) sorry it is too short. Okay, that's all, thanks. I don't own everything. Most of it belongs to one and only- Marvel.

Character's thoughts are in italics.

It said: "Run!"

Few hours earlier…

After a long day full of tedious lectures, she was finally home. It was Friday already so she had nothing to do. She decided to visit her favourite ice cream shop rather then lying on couch and watching Netflix. She would be searching through hundreds of movies and tv shows and end up watching nothing.

She was still wearing the same clothes she had in school. Jeans, white tank top and light blue jacket over it. Of course you couldn't forget about her favourite converse shoes. Classic black.

While she was having the best vanilla ice cream in town, she hoped to meet someone and she did. Few friends of hers. Well, not really friends. She didn't go out with people often, mostly because of her secret powers. They chatted for a while and walked together to park. They spent few hours just laughing and having fun in general as you would expect. They were mostly talking about themselves but she didn't really mind. She had never been very open person. Don't get me wrong, she wasn't secretive or something. She just didn't have all those experiences and things to talk about. She spent most of her time in her small home, watching tv shows or movies due to her abilities. But occasionally, when she was bored beyond imagination, she invented this character and pretended to be someone else on online chatting websites. It was hilarious, at least from her point of the view.

Her life was quite normal even with her abilities. She was able to control them pretty well and she was always careful. She had never been drunk because of that. She was afraid it would slip her when she was not capable of proper thinking. So her life was normal as 25 year's old could be.

It was already dark outside when they exchanged goodbyes and went home.

Inside her house, she threw her jacket at sofa but it fell down, too lazy to pick it up, she let it lay there. She made her way to kitchen and opened the fridge. She was incredibly hungry. As she was reaching for a milk, the whole house went dark. She immediately dropped the milk and closed the fridge. 'Amazing. That's what I needed on Friday night,' she thought. Just as she was about to go find some candles, the house was light again. She almost wouldn't had noticed the opened window if not for the slight breeze in room. She took the biggest knife she could find and slowly approached it. No one was there. Only one small note was stuck to the window. It said: "Run!"

She didn't know what to do. Should she run? Or stay? She always thought she was safe in her house. A lot of people were murdered or robbed in theirs but it never happened to her or anyone close to her. She never imagined that anything would pose a threat to her in her own house. Okay, it might have crossed her mind few times, but she was too careful. She hardly ever used her powers and never publically. Only her parents and brother Jonah knew about them. But what to do now? Maybe she should run. Someone got inside of her house few seconds ago, he could do it again. And she had no idea who. She really hoped it was just some regular stupid robber and not someone who wanted to experiment on her.

She kept the knife and run for her jacket. It must be colder now outside. And she still had some money there that could be useful later.

She was pretty close to the doors when the lights turned off again. She was frozen. She couldn't move. The fear took over her. All bad words she knew where running in her mind and in several languages. She knew she screwed up. She managed not to drop the knife at least. She was petrified and scared of what she would see, of what would happen next and to her. And then the lights turned back on.

There was a man. He was standing there. Unmoving. Just staring at her. She shouldn't have bother with that damn jacket. She would regret it for the rest of her life. No matter how long it was gonna be.

"You missed your chance," was all he said. Well, she wouldn't regret for long, as it seemed.

She finally got back to her senses and started thinking. What now? She must fight. This was her home, her only advantage. And of course the knife. But that man was just standing there, not afraid of her at all. She couldn't see any weapons. 'What if he has powers too?' the thought crossed her mind. Well, in that case she was doomed. Wait! Her powers! She could use them and she would think of consequences when she was safe. Yeah. Sounded like a plan.

She lifted her hand to cause some distraction but man just grinned and something hit her head. 'What the… ? How fair was that!' was the last think she reckoned before she passed out.

Next chapter: The Fellow prisoner

Please review :) and sorry for any grammar mistakes.