So this idea came to me and I just had to write it. :)

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters used.

A girl full of rage sat alone in the furthest corner of the cafeteria, as she did most days, just watching as everyone else around her had fun and enjoyed life. She wished she could be that girl again, the girl who used to have so much fun, the one who was always at the centre of everything. She used to be the one with the massive group of friends, she used to be the Emma Swan of high school, but not anymore, not now. Now she was alone, with no one, she watched as her old best friend joked with Mary Margaret. Emma was meant to have been there for her, but she wasn't, she took her place, rooted her out; when she had needed her the most, she had turned her back on her, what a friend she had turned out to be. It would be an understatement to say that Regina Mills was angry, she was hurt, betrayed and heartbroken, and nothing would ever be able to change that, nothing.

He was extremely nervous, he had just moved to America from Britain and this small town in Maine was a far cry from the bustling city of London. Everything was so different, the accent, concepts, way of life, he was completely new to all of it. He had protested profusely when his father had told him that they would be moving to Maine because of a new career opportunity; he recognised that he would have to leave behind everything he knew and loved, his friends and the rest of his family. Luckily he had been able to bring his best friend with him, his border collie whom he had named Little John, he had been the smallest in the litter, the runt and he felt that himself being called Robin, it was only fitting. His parents had after all named him after the infamous outlaw Robin Hood, he had been his idol as a child, running around with his friends pretending that they were his band of merry men. He had to leave them, Will, Harry and Liam, they had been together through everything, swore to always be best friends but now, he was the one to leave, move thousands of miles away; it wasn't as if he could see them every other weekend, he had a horrid feeling that he would never see them again.

Looking up at the large building, he began the ascent up the stone steps, he was starting in the middle of the day, why he didn't know, but he was the only one around; then he heard a bell from inside and masses of people flooded out into the corridor that had previously been abandoned. He had been instructed to report to the headmistress's office, wherever that was. He decided that instead of wandering around like a lost puppy he better ask someone. Somehow he found his way into the canteen that was packed to the brim, every table was taken and people were talking and laughing, it was exactly how he expected American school cafeterias to be. Walking over to a group of people he started "excuse me, but do you know where I can find the headmistress?"

A boy with dark brown hair and blue eyes with a faint scar across his cheek turned around. "Where you from mate?" He asked pulling out the only spare chair.

"London." Robin replied politely sitting down.

"Ooh a Brit, we don't have many Brits at this school."


"Killian, he wants to know where Mrs Mills office is not to speak to you." The blonde girl next to him stated "Excuse him, he's so nosey. I'll show you to Miss Mills's office." She offered standing up. "The names Emma, that's Killian, Mary Margaret, David, Belle and Ruby." Each waved not getting up from their seats before carrying on with eating their lunch.

"I'm Robin, Robin Locksley." He grinned awkwardly running his hand through his hair.

She laughed and pulled on her red jacket "Come on Robin, I'll show you."

He followed behind her taking one last look around the large room, thinking that as daunting as it seemed he would probably fit in rather well.

She watched as new meat approached the populars, poor guy she thought shaking her head, any decency that he might have had before he came here would probably disappear if he got mixed up with them, they were the worst of the worst. She was trying to work out what they were talking about, he was kinda cute, not that she'd admit that to anyone else.

She saw that darn pirate (as she called him) pull out a chair and he awkwardly sat down; he didn't belong with them, in that crowd that was blatantly obvious. But she knew Emma, she liked to make sure that the newbies were on side with her, but when she found out that they were below her she would drop them. Regina used to be that girl, she had adopted Emma when she had been in Robin's position, they soon became best friends inseparable, but that was before the incident that ruined her life and caused her heart to break. Before Emma betrayed her in the worst way possible.

Emma stood up and pulled her stupid jacket on, what was she up to? Regina squinted in attempt to see them better, then Emma turned around and began walking towards the door, the new guy following behind her, she seemed to be talking, but it was evident that he wasn't listening to her, he just kept looking around. Emma cast her a smirk and received the ultimate death stare in return as Regina felt her teeth grit together, she knew that it was just another way of shoving it in her face and flaunting that she was no longer top dog, she was a nobody.

"It's not too far to her office." Emma stated as they walked through the busy corridors. "Believe it or not, her daughter is one evil psycho."

Robin stared at her, rather uncomfortably "Is that so?" He replied not really interested, he knew from the moment the group had turned round, that they were not the type of people he usually hung around with and he hated idol gossip.

"Yep, she totally went nuts, Regina Mills, she used to be the most popular girl in school."

"Really." He really was not interested, after all why did he need to know this.

"Totally, she should have been put in a mental asylum."

Robin rolled his eyes, he really did not care about this Regina, so why did Emma feel the need to tell him all this about someone he didn't even know.

Emma carried on talking as he followed her, he had completely disengaged from the conversation, as he looked around the large halls.

"Here it is, well you can come meet us in the common room later if you'd like."

"Sure." He replied as she walked off back towards the canteen. Turning around he read the placard on to door 'Principle: Mrs Mills' knocking he waited, hearing a voice from inside telling him to come in, he cautiously opened the door.

"You must be Mr Robin Locksley." She stated gesturing for him to take a seat, a hint of a fake smile plastered across her face.

"Yes, I am."

"Welcome to Storybrooke High." She announced almost robotically, she was so fake he wouldn't be surprised if her daughter had gone crazy.

"Thank you Mrs Mills."

"Well as you probably know, it is lunchtime right now, lessons restart at 1.15, your first lesson will be chemistry with Mr Gold, that room is located in the west wing. I can assign someone to show you around if you would like."

"No I think I can manage."

"Well then, after Chemistry you will have English with Miss Nolan; that is located in the east wing. Here's a copy of your timetable and a map of the school, don't hesitate to come and let me know how you got on at the end of the day. Good luck Mr Locksley." She slid the papers across the table, the fake smile was still on her face.

Robin picked up the papers and thanked her before leaving the room. Shaking his head, he closed the door, he was about to head back the way her came towards the canteen, when he accidentally bumped shoulders with a girl, causing her to drop her papers which scattered all over the floor. "Hey, watch where you're going!" She yelled, not looking at him, but immediately bending down to pick up her pages.

"I am so sorry." He bent down next to her "I'm kind of new here and was looking at this map." He was picking them up too when their hands touched and she pulled away. Looking up she met his bright blue eyes, that almost took her breath away and his accent, it was amazing, wow. She could tell that he was handsome from a distance, but seeing him up close was another matter; despite this she quickly composed herself and cast him a rather cold glare.

As soon as he touched her hand, he looked up and met her deep brown eyes, her raven hair fell to just below her shoulder and her stare was intense, but she was without doubt the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life. Awkwardly looking away he continued to collect the pages, she rolled her eyes and did the same.

"Here." He handed them to her, she took them from him and stood up, looking down, she neatened her skirt before glancing back at him.

"Thanks." She mutter under her breath.

"It's fine, the names Robin" he stated extending his arm for a handshake, she looked down at his hand and then back up to him. Raising an eyebrow, without saying another word, swishing her hair she turned and carried on her way down the corridor, the small heels on her ankle boots clinking on the hard tiles. He watched her go, was there such thing as love at first sight? Because if there was, he felt that he had just fallen deeply in love with the mysterious, nameless girl. She hadn't so much as smiled at him, but that didn't matter, he knew that he would try to make her smile and wouldn't give up till he had succeeded.

She grinned as she pulled out her seat in the library, placing her papers down on the table, she sat down and took off her boots. She had thirty minutes till her next lesson and she needed to revise for a test that she had the lesson after, remembering dates of the Weimar Republic in Germany. She glanced at her flash cards but the numbers just whirled around on the page, she really could not concentrate, all she could think about was Robin, his voice was ringing through her ears and every time she closed her eyes she saw his. How had he managed to affect her, she was Regina Mills, she was never one for stupid crushes on people that she had only just met. But he was different, so different, she could tell just from looking at him, shaking her head she looked back down at the notes. Spartacist Uprising 1919, an attempt by the political left to create revolution within Germany. Kapp Putsch 1920, oh his eyes, "Regina concentrate." Attempt by the political Robin, Robin "argh." She buried her head in her hands, she knew this, she was top of the class; she could remember a few measly dates. The hyperinflation crisis 1923.

"Regina." She grinned as she continued to flick through her notes, still thinking about him "Regina!" She flinched and looked up, spotting her mother stood at the head of her table.


"What exactly are you grinning at?" She asked coldly, serving to wipe the smile of her face.

"Nothing, I think I might just ace this test."

"You better."

"I will."

"Good, well I'll see you later." She replied in an almost awkward fashion.

"Bye mother." Regina rolled her eyes, her mother always expected her to be the best and nothing less, god forbid her daughter be anything less than perfect. Regina knew that she would have to get Robin out of her head if she wanted to remember any of this.

Instead of trying to find the common room and Emma with her other friends, Robin followed her, ending up at the library; he waited a few minutes before opening the door and wandering behind a bookshelf. He could just about see her through the gap. She had taken off her shoes and looked busy going through some papers, then he saw a smile come across her face, looking round he saw no one else. When he looked back at her the smile had gone and she had her head in her hands, then no sooner had it gone it was back again. Her smile just made her even more intriguing, but he did wonder what she was smiling at.

Then he saw the door open and the headmistress walked towards her. "Mother." He heard her say. His eyes widened this was Regina Mills? The beautiful girl was Regina Mills the 'evil psycho'? From where he was stood she was the furthest thing from a psycho, so why did Emma seem to think that she was 'Totally nuts' and 'should have been put in a mental asylum.' Emma's words swam around his head, was she really insane? Maybe Emma was just being harsh, he couldn't tell. "What exactly are you grinning at?" Robin's eyes widened as he heard her statement, was she not allowed to smile, was she supposed to be miserable all the time?

"I might just ace this test."

"You better."

"I will"

Woah, Mrs Mills was definitely a pressuring parent, insisting that her daughter be the best, clearly she wanted to impress her mother, but at what cost. As soon as the older woman disappeared she packed her bag and left. He came out from behind the shelf and sat in the seat she had just vacated. He had been spying on her, that was highly inappropriate, he had clearly whiteness a private moment between mother and daughter, looking down at the table in front of him, he found a silver pen, picking it up he noticed it was inscribed with swirly writing. 'Regina Mills' it was hers, she had left her pen and from the look of it, it was probably expensive.

"So you're not just clumsy, you're a thief as well." An ice cold voice stated as the pen was pulled out of his hand.

"I was... It was... You left it on the table."

"I know." She struggled not to smirk as she saw the panic run across his face.

"Then why did you accuse me?" He asked confused.

"You could have been stealing it right now for all I know."

"I wasn't."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes and walked towards the door.

"Regina wait."

She stopped in her tracks, her smile fading, whipping round she narrowed her eyes "How do you know my name?"

He panicked, oh no, how was he going to explain this to her, that he'd eavesdropped in a private conversation? Then it came to him and a dimpled smile appeared upon his face "The pen." He shrugged, picking up his bag and passing her. He thought himself lucky that she had her name engraved upon that pen, otherwise he knew that he would have been in big trouble.

Oh those dimples, what was that about? That was unfair, they were enough to make any woman go weak at the knees. She was trying so hard to keep up her rough exterior but it was proving rather difficult, especially when he smiled at her that way. She had known him less than an hour, but he was really affecting her.

He wandered back down the hall, he had been at school little over forty five minutes and had already fallen for a girl, that had never happened before, the only girl he'd ever had any feelings for was Marian French and that had been when he was thirteen years old, English schooling was rather different. Technically he'd already been through high school, back in England he would be in college, so that alone was confusing. Marian had been pretty, but she had nothing on Regina, Regina was another level of stunning.

Observing the map he tried to figure out where he was, he had Chemistry in five minutes and something was telling him that he wasn't going to make it on time. He had just come from the library and that was there, this was great, just great. Then he saw Killian and Emma come out of a room on his right. "Where'd you get to mate? We thought you'd met Mrs Mills and bottled it." Killian joked.

Emma rolled her eyes "Where you heading?" She asked.

"I need to find the west wing." He stated.

"Right were heading that way, come on." He reluctantly followed her, as he walked side by side with Killian.

"Who've you got?" He asked.

"A Mr Gold."

"Gold, that's our class too."

"Oh." Robin wasn't exactly as happy as they were about the whole situation, but there was nothing that he could do about it so he knew that he would just have to go along with it anyhow.

"He's a right old grump." They walked through the door and took their sets while Robin stood at the teacher's desk waiting for Mr Gold's instructions.

"You must be Mr Locksley."

"Yes sir."

"Right, there is only one spare seat in this classroom. Miss Mills could you make some space for Mr Locksley here at your desk?"

"But sir I would prefer to work alone." Robin looked over at her and his heart sank, she clearly didn't want to work with him, what were the chances that she would be the only one without a lab partner?

"Miss Mills as much as you may prefer to work alone there is nowhere else for Mr Locksley to sit so if you wouldn't mind, unless you want him to sit on the floor."

"Is that an option?" She muttered under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing sir." She started to move her papers and grudgingly moved up so that she was occupying only one half.

Robin strutted over and flung his bag under the table, sitting down in the chair next to her, he glanced at her face, he could tell just from looking at her that she wasn't happy about this.

How was she going to be able to concentrate with him sat so close? The smell of his aftershave overwhelming her senses, he smelt like pine trees and nature, and it was intoxicating.

"So it seems we're going to be lab partners." He attempted to make light conversation.

"Seems that way, but just so you know, I don't need a lab partner, neither do I need you distracting me with your idol attempts to make small talk."

"Fine." He bent down to get his pen out of his bag, she was going to be hard to win over. If being mean was her thing then she was defiantly succeeding, she had made it blatantly obvious that she didn't want him there.

She watched him, darn why had she just said that? She didn't really mind him talking to her as long as she was able to listen to Gold at the same time. She guessed it was just instinct to constantly be on the defence. Her head seemed to be getting more and more messed up as the lesson went on, his leg had accidentally brushed against hers a couple of times and each time they would both awkwardly apologise, each time her train of thought would waver away from the lesson to him.

Boy was this going to be a difficult year, with her sitting so close, the smell of jasmine radiating from her. He felt conscious that all people would have to do would be to look at him and instantly recognise what he was thinking. Gold's lesson was going in one ear and back out of the other.

They were both pulled from their thoughts when Gold stated "So that's the experiment, let's see which table can conduct it the best shall we. Oh and Mr Locksley if you mess this up I think it's safe to say that Miss Mills will make your life hell for the rest of semester." The rest of the class burst into laughter as Regina looked down at the table, her cheeks had reddened slightly, had her demeanour slipped? Even if it was for just the briefest moment, he saw a flicker of hurt run across her features.

Why did she seem to always be the source of everyone else's entertainment? No one else got picked on in class, it was always her, her mother was going to know about this, she was sick of keeping it to herself, Gold thought it was hilarious. She looked up to her right, he was to only one that wasn't laughing, from the look of complete seriousness on Robin's face she saw that he, like her, didn't think that it was funny, that just made her like him more.

After the laughter had dissipated and everyone but the two of them had gone to get the equipment, Robin turned to look at her. "You alright?" He asked his voice laced with genuine concern that she had never heard from anyone else.

"Why wouldn't I be, I'm used to that sort of shit."

"I personally didn't find it at all funny."

"I'm glad I'm not the only one." She cast him a hint of a smirk, as she stood up to retrieve the equipment that she thought she needed.

They sat looking around at everyone else for a clue as to what they were supposed to be doing, the two of them had been otherwise distracted from Gold's instructions. "So." He started "Do you know what we're supposed to be doing?"

She shook her head "I'm going to be honest with you, I don't have a clue."

He laughed "Oh dear, then that makes two of us."

"Don't worry, I won't hold it against you if this goes wrong."

"Ok, but your hair might."

"What?" She asked the humour disappearing from her face, as her hands went consciously to her hair.

"How about we spice this experiment up a little." He suggested, it was his first day in a new school, how much trouble could he get into if an experiment went haywire?

Was he seriously suggesting sabotaging the experiment "You cannot be serious?"

"Well, I remember a certain experiment from my previous school."

"Is it dangerous?"

"No, not that I remember."

"That you remember? I think I'll take my chances doing this experiment." She rolled her eyes as she placed the beaker upon the gauze mat and tipped some sort of solution in.

"I can't believe Locksleys' stuck with queen bitch." Emma muttered to Killian as they glanced over at the pair, who seemed to be standing rather close together, even if they were meant to be partners.

"I know poor him." Killian didn't look up but was in deep concentration placing the correct elements in the beaker.

"Urgh, she's such a slut."

"Emma, stop obsessing over Regina and concentrate."

"But Kill he's meant to be our friend."

"Em please, just shut up love." Why did Emma care so much about the new guy anyway, she was his girlfriend, what did it matter if Robin was talking to Regina. He knew she was Emma's nemesis, but Robin was just one guy, so what if he liked her. Killian couldn't really remember what Regina had done that was so bad to warrant this treatment, he remembered when they were best friends and life was so much easier.

Emma huffed and looked at the experiment on the table in front of her, she wasn't about to let Regina be friends with the new guy.

Okay, was it magnesium chloride or magnesium oxide? It was one of the two, she sat contemplating what the two reactions would be, but she just couldn't think straight. Looking up at Robin she bit the inside of her cheek, never had she messed up in chemistry before.

She was staring at him, her hair was tied back in a ponytail and plastic goggles covered her eyes, they didn't prevent him from seeing the sparkle. What was she thinking, she seemed to be waiting for something, he gulped, how did she manage to make him feel this way with just one glance? Was she aware of this? Had she worked it out just by looking at him?

"Which one?" She asked out loud, Robin shook his head he really didn't know.

"Go for oxide. No chloride. Wait oxide."

She shook her head "Come on Locksley, which one?"


"Are you sure?"

"No." He chuckled at the look of bewilderment on her face, he could tell that we wasn't used to getting experiments wrong.

"What are you laughing at?" She asked her face unwavering from the look of utmost seriousness, a look that she had perfected over the years.

"Nothing, I just don't get why we don't ask someone else." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Why, you chicken?" She asked raising her eyebrows in challenge as she picked up the teaspoon and scooped a large amount of one of the types.

"Whoa, what are you doing?"

She shrugged her shoulders "Neither of us know which one it really is, so why not chance it." Before he could stop her she tipped the compound into the beaker. They both watched as the solution began to bubble, Robin realised before she did that they had chosen the wrong one. Quickly and without her expecting it he knocked her to the ground, this was followed by a large booming noise and the beaker exploding. She let out a faint scream as did everyone else in the room, but luckily the desks were positioned far enough apart for the shards of glass not to hit anyone. Her arms had automatically gone around Robin as he shielded her from the glass, picking his head up, he looked at her, she had her eyes shut and seemed to be trembling. He knew it had been a close call, she still clung to him, unaware that they had an audience. Regaining his composure Robin pulled himself up and sat on the floor next to her, she had opened her eyes and also made to sit up.

"Are you okay?" He asked unconsciously placing a hand on her leg, as she took off the protective goggles and rubbed her head.

"I think so." She uttered looking around the smoke filled classroom. Mr Gold was standing at their desk with a less than impressed look on his face.

"What just happened?" He asked addressing Regina not Robin.

"We used the wrong element by mistake." She stated casually, standing up, the initial shock beginning wear off.

"You used the wrong element?" He asked his voice raising somewhat as he stood looking at her menacingly. "You used the wrong element? Don't you know how dangerous that is, all because you weren't listening."

Robin jumped up and moved her slightly behind him "It was my fault sir, not Regina's."

"Is that so?"

"Yes it is."

"Right, both of you tidy up this mess, you will be excused from the next two experiments and if there is any repeat of an incident like this, you will swap lab partners, do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal." Regina stated as she began to sweep the glass off the table. After Gold had gone she turned to Robin "What'd you do that for?" She asked bitterly.

"What save you from being sliced apart by an exploding beaker?"

"No, take the blame."

"It's not a problem."

"Yes, it is, it was me who put it in, not you."

"So what."

"I should have been the one to get in trouble for it."

"You did." He grinned, until he spotted blood pouring down her hand, he grabbed her arm causing her to become rather alarmed and pull away. "Your hand, you've cut it." He stated taking her hand in his once more, it was so soft but it wasn't time to think about that.

"It's nothing." She uttered her hand tingling from both the cut and his hand that gently grasped hers.

"Sir, she's hurt." Robin yelled, she rolled her eyes, she hated people making a fuss about her. Sighing she narrowed her eyes at him, then she felt a sharp pain from the back of her head.

"Robin I, argh." She placed her good hand on the back of her head when she pulled it away it was covered in blood.

"Oh my god, you're really hurt."

"No Robin, it's nothing." She winced once again as he forced her to sit down.

"Mr Gold, she hit her head."

"And whose fault was that?" She snapped glaring at him, she knew that it hadn't really been his fault, but taking it out on him and being snappy was the way she could think off to take her mind of the headache that had suddenly occurred.

"I was saving you from being hit by that glass."

"Yeah and I hit my head instead."

"I'm sorry, I"

"Oh never mind."

She was hurt, really hurt and it was his fault like she said he had been the one that had knocked her to the ground, even if had intended to be her hero.

"Sir shall I go and get Mrs Mills?" Mary Margaret asked as Gold approached Regina.

"No please not her." Regina shook her head.

"Woah stay still." Robin stated as Gold handed him a cloth to hold onto her head.

"Mary Margaret, go and inform Mrs Mills and then after go and find Dr Whale."

Robin looked at her, wow she looked extremely angry, not in pain but angry, he could tell that she really did not want her mother.

Why did nobody ever listen to her, she had told them that she didn't want her mother, but did they pay a blind bit of attention to anything she said? Of course not.

A couple of minutes later the room went silent and the intimidating Mrs Mills entered the classroom. "What happened here?" He asked her voice booming.

Robin gulped, if Regina scared people, then what did they think of her mother? He for one was extremely nervous at that moment.

"Why is my daughter gushing with blood?" She questioned pushing Robin out of the way as snatching the cloth from his hands. "Mr Locksley I will not ask again!"

"Mother, please stop, it was my fault, I put the wrong type of magnesium compound in the solution, Robin protected me from being hit by the glass, but I hit my head."

"You stupid foolish girl! Do you know how dangerous this situation could have been?"

"Yes of course, but..."

"Regina come with me, right now." Regina rolled her eyes and picked up her bag, she knew better than to argue with her mother. Cora grabbed her arm and escorted her out of the room.

Robin watched after her, he was worried, would she be alright? Running his hand through his hair he shook his head, there were only ten minutes left before the end of lesson, he tapped his feet on the floor as he stared at the clock, waiting for time to pass by. He needed to make sure that she was alright, this was crazy, he was actually sat in a lesson and he didn't know if she was alright. Glancing down at the table, he picked up the pen that she had left behind, again, picking it up he ran his fingered over the letters. "Mr Locksley do you have somewhere to be?" Gold asked pulling Robin's gaze away from the pen and back to Gold.

"Urm, no sir, it's just Regina..."

"Will be fine."

"Yeah, I know."

"Mr Locksley, pack up your things I'll see you tomorrow." Robin grinned and grabbed his stuff, with Regina's pen in his hand, he rushed out of the door.

Emma scoffed as Mary Margaret gushed to Ruby about the way Robin had saved Regina. "He protected her from the glass and shielded her with his body."

"He's kinda cute."

"He's positively dreamy. That was if I hadn't already got a boyfriend." She quickly added as David cast her a rather annoyed glance.

"So Gold let him out of class to go find her?"

"Yeah, weird huh."

"Do you think he likes her?"

"No, of course he doesn't like her, what's to like about that sour puss?" Emma muttered grumpily.

"Emma stop it with the negativity already, you're really ruining my chi." Belle stated as she blew out the incense stick she had lit in her locker.

"Belle I can't believe that you actually think that stuff works."

"Hey, it does work."

"Whatever." She slammed Belle's locker and stormed off down the corridor.

"What's wrong with her?" Belle asked turning to Killian.

"She's just annoyed that someone likes Regina."

"That's a bit harsh."

"Tell me about it, I don't understand her half the time."

"Can anyone remember what happened between them?"

"Daniel, that's what happened." David rolled his eyes as he placed his arm around Mary Margaret and they walked to class.

Robin sped down the halls stopping at Mrs Mills', office he knocked on the door there was no answer. First aid, he needed to find where that was, staring at the crumpled up map once again, he began down the hall, bumping into a tall man with glasses. "Sorry." He stated carrying on.

"Wait a minute young man, where are you speeding off to?"

"I need to find first aid, a friend of mine bumped her head."

"Wait, Miss Mills?"

"Regina, yeah."

"Right, follow me."

"Thank you sir."

"It's Dr Hoper."

"Robin Locksley."

"Mother I'm fine." Regina sat on the bed in the first aid room as her mother paced.

"Regina you have to have stitches."

"I know." She hated this, her mother was defiantly one for holding a grudge and she had a feeling that she would hold this against Robin.

"How could you have been so careless?"

"Mother please stop, I will be fine." Cora flung her hands in the air and stormed out of the room, Regina put her head in her hands and waited for Dr Whale to return, he had left to retrieve a fresh set of needles, which she had always been terrified of.

The door hadn't completely closed and one of her best teachers popped his head around the door. "Miss Mills, it seems a young man is rather worried about you." Her heart skipped a beat, had he left class to make sure she was alright?

Opening the door further, Robin was stood next to him and she struggled not to smile, or to let him know how much it meant to her that he came.

"I'll leave you to it." Archie left and Robin strolled into the room, sitting down in the chair next to her bed.

"How's the head?" He asked taking into account the scowl on her face, which didn't match the glimmer in her eyes. He was glad to see her even if she didn't look impressed to see him.

"I have to have stitches." She stated bluntly.

"Ooh bummer." They sat in an awkward silence, very aware of each other. "Sorry." He eventually whispered.

"It's fine, I just really hate needles, just the fact that it had to be embedded into my skin." She shuddered just at the thought.

"Tell me about it."

"What a great first day for you." She stated.

"It's not been too bad."

"What so me getting hurt isn't bad?" She raised her eyebrows.

"That's not what I meant."


"Yes, I don't enjoy your pain or anything." He chuckled, his attempts to make her laugh not really succeeding.

'I don't enjoy your pain or anything' he thought he was being so funny and she found him, adorable. "I should hope not." She frowned, causing him to sigh.

The first impression he had made on her was clearly not a good one, the room went silent again as they waited for the rather crazy doctor to return.

"Right then Miss Mills let's see if we can't patch you up."

She shared a horrified look with Robin, he could tell only from her eyes that she was scared. Whale turned and glanced at the boy sat in the corner. "Oh, and you are?"


"He's here with me, can we just get on with this please." Robin stood up to leave, before she called out to him. "Please, stay." She whispered, so he could barely hear her.

Was he hearing her correctly, had she just asked him to stay, she wanted him to stay with her? Shrugging his shoulder he wasn't going to turn her down, pulling up a chair that was closer to her, he glanced at her again. Yes it was definitely fear he saw in her eyes, it was his fault she was scared if he hadn't knocked her to the ground, she wouldn't be having to have these stitches. Then she took him even more by surprise, as she grasped his hand in hers, he automatically opened his mouth in shock, no sooner had he done this he closed it again hoping that she hadn't seen, she was looking down at her other hand which was fidgeting with a loose thread on her tights, that had been caused by a shard of glass.

Where had that come from? She'd asked him to stay with her and then without even thinking grabbed his hand. She knew this was breaking her mean demeanour, she could always blame it on her dislike of needles, she knew that was partially the truth. But it was more the fact that she wanted him to be with her, near her, she knew it was strange but she felt that she needed someone to stay with her, maybe it was the creepy doctor that freaked her out a little.

"Right are you ready?" Whale asked needle in hand.

"Just do it." She squeezed his hand tighter as she felt the needle go through. He reassuringly squeezed back, knowing that she was in pain, there was nothing more he could do to remedy that.

"Has anybody seen the new boy who should be starting in this class today?" Miss Nolan asked, looking around at her current occupants, according to the register, he had been in attendance for the chemistry class the lesson before.

"Locksley, he ran out of chemistry miss after he blew up the lab and sent Regina Mills flying to the ground."

"That's not what happened, Emma he stopped her from being hit by glass and left class to make sure that she was alright." Killian amended

"Regina Mills? Oh dear."

"Yeah, you should have seen Mrs Mills face miss, it was priceless, she didn't half yell at Regina."

"Okay, well I'm sure he'll be along shortly, I wouldn't have thought Mrs Mills nor Regina for that matter would want him to stick around."

"Where's Regina?" The grumpy history teacher who insisted they call him either Leroy or sir asked, glancing at the empty seat, she wasn't usually one to bunk off class.

"She had a slight accident sir." Mary Margaret provided.

"What do you mean by slight accident?" He asked narrowing his eyes as the pixie haired girl shared glances with her boyfriend.

"Her beaker blew up in chemistry, I think she's in first aid."

"That darn chemistry lesson, how many more times do I have to have students missing from my lessons because of something Gold caused."

"Sir because Regina's not here, can we have the test another day?" Eric asked chuckling as David cast him a humoured grin.

"I don't think so, she'll just have to do it at lunch tomorrow."

"Awe sir."

"That's not fair."

"Shut up, we are having the test and not one of you is to mention the questions to Miss Mills, is that understood?"

"Why would any of us want to talk to her anyway?" Eric continued, receiving a glare from a boy sat alone at the front of the room.

"Whatever Mr, we are having this test, now." Leroy picked up the papers from his desk and distributed them.

Robin and Regina walked down the corridor, a good meter of empty space between them. "Wasn't too bad, huh?" He stated.

"You are not to mention what happened in there to anyone, do you hear me?" She pointed back towards the room, stopping outside Robin's English classroom which she had walked him to.

"What that you held my hand?" He grinned stroking the back of his hair. She had her back to the door and was looking at the floor.

"Yes that."

"Don't worry, your secrets safe with me."

"It better be, because you have no idea what I'm capable of."

This just made him laugh, the look of absolute seriousness on her face as she threatened him was to him adorable. There was no way he could take her seriously after what had gone on in that room, she had proved to him that she was indeed a big softy.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Your reputation for being hard really means that much to you doesn't it."

"I am hard!"

"No, I don't think so. But don't worry Regina I'll keep your secret." Smirking he passed her turning around before he opened the door he stated "See you around."

"Yes, I'm sure you will." She wandered off down the corridor and he watched her go, god that girl.

She took a deep breath in attempt to quell the butterflies that were flying around in her stomach. Placing her hand on the back of her head she couldn't help but grin. Oh Robin, why do you have to be so nice? It makes it really hard to hate you. Although she didn't want to hate him, no quite the opposite, but this didn't change the fact that she was scared, she had never fallen for someone so quickly, not even Daniel.

Emma looked at the door, she could see Robin he was grinning talking to who she only assumed was Regina. He wasn't just talking it was clear that he was flirting with her, the way he was looking at her made it clearly obvious. Elbowing Killian she gestured outside "Look." He directed his gaze to the door and smirked.

"He likes her."


"Oh Emma, what happened to you?"

"What are you talking about Kill?"

"Why did you become so obsessed with Regina?"

"I am not."

"Hate to break it to you love, but you are."

"Miss Swan and Mr Jones, would you like to enlighten the class on your conversation?" Mrs Nolan asked looking up from the pile of marking on her desk.

"We were just saying that Robin's at the door miss." Killian stated, causing everyone to turn and look through the glass.

"If you've finished looking at Mr Locksley maybe you would like to get back to your assignments?"

Robin pushed the door open "I'm sorry I'm late miss, I was..."

"Mr Locksley its fine, take a seat."

"Thank you miss." He sat down at the desk she had pointed to.

"Hey." The boy who was already at the table stated, in what Robin recognised to be an Irish accent.

"Hey." He replied.

"You must be the new Brit that everyone's talking about, is it true you nearly blew up Mills?" He asked quietly.

"She nearly blew herself up."

"Sounds like Regina."

"You know her?"

"Everyone knows her and if they don't know her they know of her. Graham." He introduced himself.

"Robin." He replied.

"You don't want to listen to any of the rumours about her though, she may look mean, but her bark's worse than her bite."

"Oh, I know."

"Is that right?" Graham chuckled

"Yeah." Now this guy was more like the people that he hung out with back home, he figured that if he were to get away from Emma Swan and her group of followers, he would have to find a new group.


Regina opened the door "Miss Mills you are late." Leroy announced causing everyone to briefly look up from their papers. "That wasn't an invitation to stop working." He scolded.

"I bumped my head."

"Right, would you like to do the paper now or tomorrow."

"Now's as good a time as any." She stated confidently.

"Okay then, here."

She took the paper from him and sat down. "Shit Mills you look horrendous."

"Jefferson shut up would you?"


"I'll talk to you later." She whispered opening the paper and reading the questions. 'How far was the effectiveness of government from 1919 to 1933 handicapped by the Weimar constitution itself?' Okay tricky wording but otherwise it was okay. Writing the question onto her lined paper, she made a brief plan and got right to it. Although she was still thinking about Robin, she knew that she would have to put him to the back of her mind to be able to concentrate on this exam, she couldn't afford to get anything less than an A, not with her mother on her case 24/7.

Robin knocked on the door of the headmistress's office, she had told him to come and see her at the end of the day. Why did he think he was going to be in massive trouble for what had happened to her daughter? "Come in." She stated, shaking his head he opened the door and sat back down the chair opposite her. "So Mr Locksley it seems that you've had a rather eventful first day here."

"Yes it seems so."

"I don't know why but it seems that my daughter was struck on defending you, she was adamant that it was her and not you that made the mistake. So please enlighten me."

"I don't know what to tell you, one of us put the wrong element in the beaker and I knocked her to the ground."

"Yes she told me that you saved her, I suppose a thank you may be in order." He looked at her wide eyed was she actually thanking him? Where was the telling off he'd expected. "But if you ever do anything that puts my daughter's life in danger ever again, I swear you will be out of this school so fast." Okay there it was.

Her warning was interrupted by someone barging through the door "Mother!"

"Regina! I am in the middle of something."

Regina scoffed and glanced at Robin "Fine, I'll just walk home."

"That's a good idea."

She slammed the door shut and stormed off, she had wanted to tell her about how she didn't like the way that Mr Gold treat her while she was in his class.

"Robin you may go." He nodded and was just about to leave when she stated "Oh and Robin."

"Yes Miss?"

"Don't forget what I said."

"I won't."

Regina forcefully closed her locker door as she pulled of her coat, tying it in a neat bow at her waist. Why was he in her office? She hoped to god that her mother hadn't said something to him; she knew how annoyingly protective her mother could be. Swinging the large door open, she wondered outside, then someone jumped out from behind the door, she automatically struck out and thumped him. "JEFFERSON! What the hell!"

"Whoa Gina chill."

"You're such a creep." She stated as they began to walk in tow down the sidewalk. "Didn't anyone ever teach you not to jump out on a girl?"

"Are you a girl? I hadn't noticed"

She scoffed and playfully hit his arm "shut up." She rolled her eyes "where were you at lunch?"

"You know I have that music group."

"Oh yeah, how's that going?"

"It's good, but I think you have better gossip." He winked at her as she joined arms with him. "Come on, who is he?"

She couldn't help but smile, but she wasn't giving anything away that easily so just shook her head.

"Gina, spill."

"J it's not gonna happen." She smirked.

"So did it have something to do with him rescuing you from flying shards of glass?"


"Gina how long have we been friends?"

"That's not the point."

"It's totally the point. We are supposed to tell each other everything."

"Regina." A voice came from behind interrupting their conversation.

He walked out of the door wondering which way her house was, she couldn't have got that far. He shook his head and began off in the direction of his house, he wanted to get home in time to Skype with his friends back home, this was something he just had to tell them, but with the time difference he didn't want it to get too late. Speeding up a bit he noticed two people in front of him with linked arms, he would recognise her anywhere, who was she with? He thought that she was friendless, it was certainly implied that way by everyone he talked to. Deciding he couldn't just awkwardly walk behind her like a stalker, he called her name "Regina."

She turned around and spotted him, immediately disengaging her arm from Jefferson's. "Robin." She nodded she wasn't smiling, but Jefferson knew his best friend well enough to notice that look in her eye, she was smitten. Grinning he walked up to the man, who was really good looking "Hi, I'm Jefferson."


"So I hear you saved Regina here from being minced meat."

"She told you that?"

"Well no, but everyone in school is talking about you."

"Jefferson." She warned giving him a wary look.

"Anyway this is me." He stated opening the gate to a random house, resulting in her mouth to drop open, what on earth was he doing? "Regina, call me later, see you round Robin." Jefferson slowly walked up the stranger's doorway turning round and winking at her.

She was still, staring at him in complete shock when Robin pulled her back to reality "So how far do you have to go?"

"Just a couple of blocks." She stated pushing her hair behind her ear as they began to walk together, looking back to see Jefferson winking at her.

"Really me too." They went quiet again, it wasn't exactly awkward but it wasn't comfortable either.

Deciding that she had to say something she stated "I hope my mother didn't say something totally embarrassing."

"She just threatened to bring down the Mills wrath if I ever put you in danger again."

She rolled her eyes, great of course he mother wouldn't pass up the opportunity to threaten someone.

"That's twice I've been threatened today, let's just say I enjoyed the first time a lot more than the second." She couldn't help but grin, people called David Nolan charming, but he wasn't even close to achieving the charm of Robin.

"Is that so?"

"Yep." Silence again, think Robin, think. "So Jefferson."

She smiled "What about him?"

"Are you two a couple?" He asked crossing his figures and real hoping that she hadn't got a boyfriend.

She burst into fits of uncontrollable laughter, which told Robin that he'd just asked a really stupid question. She wiped her eyes as tears of laughter formed.

"What's so funny?" He asked grinning himself and thinking how adorable she was when she laughed.

"It's just that idea, Jefferson is my GBF."


She rolled her eyes as her more serious facade returned once more "Gay best friend." She stated, still laughing inside as she remembered the look on his face when he asked her that question, it had been evident that he really wanted her to say that she was single, but she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that yet.

"Oh." He looked down, did that mean she was single? She was clearly withholding anything that might give him the slightest clue as to the answer.

After a couple more minutes of walking, in what had turned into a comfortable silence. He looked at the houses and pointed at one in particular "Wow that is huge, who do you suppose lives there?" He asked staring at a massive house which had a balcony over the large front door, the whole building had been painted white and looked pristine.

She followed his gaze but didn't say anything in return, when reaching that house he looked up and shook his head "sheesh."

"See you later Robin." She stated opening the gate, his mouth dropped open it was her house, she lived in the mansion, what he assumed was the largest house in Storybrooke.

"Bye Regina." She didn't turn to look at him, but just opened the door calmly and closed it, causing the knocker to thud. As soon as she was in the house, she pulled off her shoes as quickly as she could, knowing how her mother would go bazar if she trailed footprints through the house. Flinging them down she raced up the stairs and into her bedroom that was located at the front of the house, launching her bag onto the bed she hurried to the window and hid behind the curtain, watching him through the window. He was walking back the way they came, had he walked her home? When he looked up at her window, she quickly ducked down out of view, closing her eyes and sitting down below the windowsill, putting her head in her hands; she had allowed herself to become infatuated with him, she hoped that he hadn't seen her staring at him that, would have been totally embarrassing, she didn't want him knowing what he did to her, or about the feelings he caused to rise up inside her.

Turning back he began the walk to his own house which they had passed a couple of blocks ago. He couldn't resist taking one last look at her house, knowing that she was in there. He noticed the curtains ruffle in one of the bedrooms upstairs, she had been watching him, he knew it, he also knew that she would deny any accusation of the sort. He picked up the pace wanting to get home and tell Will, Liam and Harry.

So I had a new idea, I just had to write this otherwise it would have flooded my brain.

Don't forget to review I love to hear what people think! Also I am open to prompts and will consider them.

P.S. Don't worry about Emma, I'm not planning on leaving her as the villain, all will become clear. But if you like her as the villain I can do that too, as I said I'm open to suggestions. :)