Hey, I just figured I should make a H/C one-shot series for LOT too...

Lots of hurt will come out of this...


He flailed as he flew through the air. He already knew the landing was going to be a painful one.

A loud crack sounded throughout the room as he tried to catch himself, and his right wrist flared up as if someone struck a match to a cloth dipped in gasoline.

He growled as the pain intensified, this was bad timing…

"Rory!" Rip's voice cut over the noise. "You alright?"

He let out another grunt before he scurried to his feet, careful not to put weight on his right arm as he pushed himself up.

"Ah… I'll live…"

He cast a glance down at his arm, thankful that it wasn't completely covered with blood or standing out at an odd angle. The scrapes on his palms he could deal with…

He hissed in pain as he tried to move his hand. Bad timing indeed, this was probably more than just a sprain. Yeah, this was probably fractured…

He partially unzipped his jacket and stuck his injured arm inside, using the jacket as a makeshift sling. Then he headed out to join the others again. Hopefully the others would have the situation under control by now…

He picked up his flamethrower once he reached it. If the situation called for it, he was still able to fire his gun. Maybe not with the same accuracy, but good enough…

Of course he had no such look… The fight was still going strong when he returned, and the madman that had literally picked him up and thrown him into another room was ready to fight some more. Mick couldn't remember ever seeing a human beast of that size…

He pointed his gun and pulled the trigger, a blaze shooting towards the tower of a man. Mick smiled as the man's clothes caught on fire and he screamed in pain.

Just to be sure, he barbecued the man some more… Until he was guaranteed not to rise up and throw Mick around some more…

"Have a nice time in hell…" he said dryly as the man lost consciousness, and probably died too…

A blaze of pain shot through his arm, and he reminded himself not to move the limb again. Not even his shoulder… If that was possible…


The fight ended quickly after he got back in the game. His opponent had been the biggest and strongest, and the guy's fall had caught the attention of the others.

Sara was surprisingly enough the last one of them to knock out the person they were fighting. Maybe because she had fun, like a cat toying with a mouse… Mick wasn't one to judge…

His hand throbbed as they all gathered in the center of the room, his arm resting limply in the opening of his jacket.

"Everything good, big guy?" Sara's eyes were trained on his. He could feel her gaze burning its way into his mind.

He shrugged his safe shoulder, "Landed on m'arm… Broke it…"

In the corner of his eye, he could see Lenny wince in sympathy.

"We'll get Gideon to fix you up once we get back to the Waverider…" Rip tried to comfort him, not that he needed it…

"Yeah… Well… Are we done here?" Mick asked hopeful of a positive answer.

"Not really, but I guess I only need Sara, Jax, Stein and Kendra for the rest… The rest of you may go back to the ship…"

"Thanks man…"

Now, just wanted to let you know that I'll be taking requests for these ones... If there's an injury/character/situation combo you want, let me know and I'll see if I can cook something up. (I might not be able to please everybody, but I'll try...)