DHMB: So a Frieza story. I can't believe I did it. Wait...yes I can. As always, the OC is nameless. Warnings include but not limited to, dubious consent/ dub-con, violence, blood, nudity and lots of swearing. Don't like? Hit the back button. Butthurt bitching will be laughed at.

I scowled as the strange alien creature behind me gripped my hair tightly, forcing my to kneel on the cold, hard ground. My eyes roamed the room, finding several male beings staring in awe at a single petite creature before them. I was startled by the fear I saw written on so many of their faces, unsure as to why they would be afraid. It didn't appearing intimidating to me in the slightest. It was short in stature, not even reaching five feet in height and bore a lizard like appearance. It seemed to be male, it's skin colored white, purple and pink with a long tail snaking behind it, reptilian feet and two black horns protruding from it's head.

My eyes fell to the mess of glass and green fluid on the floor near it, then to the large hole in the window it stood beside. Apparently something interesting had gone on before I was taken here from the ships holding cell.

"I never trained a day in my life," it said in a cultured voice. "There was never any need. Imagine what could happen if I unlock my latent potential." An aura began glowing around the male, making me fraw back as far as the vice like grip in my locks allowed. The ground shook and my clothes began fluttering around my body in an unseen wind. I reached behind me, gripping the hand in my hair and tugging at it, trying to pry it from the strands so I could escape whatever was happening here.

"Stop fighting!" the man who held me barked.

"Fuck off!" I spat. My defiance was rewarded with a painful tug to my scalp, making me arch my neck to relieve the pressure. The wind died down, my clothes falling back to rest against my body.

"And what do we have here?" I opened my eyes and saw the creature walking towards me, a smirk on his face. Behind it, the little blue dwarf I knew to be named Sorbet, followed, wringing his hands.

"She is a gift, my lord," Sorbet said nervously. "We found her on earth. She gave our men quite a bit of trouble getting a Dragon ball she possessed and we thought that, given her spirit, you could have some fun with her." I sneered as I recalled the event he spoke of, remembering the creatures that had snuck into my home to steal the strange jewel I had found. I had taken my sword to them, causing them to scurry around me. One had pressed a button on the device he wore on his ear, asking what he should do about me. A voice on the other end insisted I not be killed as this would alert someone they were there. If need be, they could subdue me. When I had killed one of them, they quickly ambushed me, managing to knock me unconscious, thus beginning the whole chain of events that led me to being here, kneeling before this creature.

"So, a measly earthling gave you trouble and you thought to gift her to me," the 'Lord' laughed. The long tail came around his feet and moved under my chin, lifting my face up more as he bent forward and examined me.

"Yes, Lord Frieza," Sorbet said.

"It's quite ugly, isn't it?" the one called Frieza, sneered.

"Look who's talking!" I bit out. Frieza leered, a chuckling falling from his dark lips.

"And it's mouthy," he said with a drawl.

"I'm not and 'it'!" I snapped. "I'm a woman!"

"Yes, I figured from the breast," he droned, reaching one clawed hand down and cupping one of my breast in his hand.

"Pervert!" I cried, slapping his hand away. The soldiers around me tensed while Frieza looked down at me in amused surprise. The man holding my hair released me and I fell forward, rubbing my aching scalp.

"Well, well," he purred. "You're wearing pretty big britches, aren't you?"

"Are you saying I'm fat?" I asked with a slight pout. "That's very rude."

Frieza blinked at me then let out another laugh.

"My, she is amusing," he said, his tail cupping my chin. "Yes. Let's take her with us. She will be entertaining if nothing else." He pulled back from me, looking at the man who stood behind me.

"Get her cleaned up and changed," he said before turning to Sorbet. "Set a coarse for homeworld." The man behind me grabbed my arm, pulling me towards the door.

"Fuck you!" I shrieked, kicking my legs.

"Stop fighting!" the man barked as I slid along the floor.

"I don't want a change of clothes! I like my clothes!" I yelled. "You're probably gonna put me in something skanky!"

"Something skanky? What a wonderful idea!" Frieza cried with sadistic glee as he watched me be drug across the floor. I gave him the dirtiest look I could muster, but he only laughed.

DHMB: Reviews mean I update faster!