Hi Folks I know it's been a while since I've posted but I've not liked anything I've written enough to finish it until now. This grew arms legs and kind of kidnapped me until I'd finished it. So here it is, please enjoy. and as usual bare in mind I am not a professional author, editor, or publisher so there will be mistakes, kindly don't point them out, I have done my best. Phoenix xx

Loving Madam Snape


A Hard Decision

Albus Dumbledore, sighed as he ran a hand across his face. How was he supposed to fix this? He wondered. He drew his eyes across the three pages that lay before him on his desk. One, a letter from the Minister of magic, informing him of the upcoming Marriage law, he had been so sure would not be passed. The other a Marriage Certificate with a Forged Signature on it, The slanted loops of the name made his stomach turn but what else was he to do? The Third sheet of paper was a Letter written to him buy the Grangers. Begging him to save their child from the Marriage law, and pair their daughter with a nice normal boy.

Normally he wouldn't have bothered but he knew Miss Granger would be the most wanted witch in Britain, particularly to the Death Eaters who would love nothing more than to hand the girl over to their Lord and Master. Yes, he knew The Grangers fears were more tangible than most muggle-born's and that he convinced himself was the only reason he was doing this. There would be no hope for Harry Potter's Muggle-Born otherwise.

The Issue he had was that The Granger's had Specifically ordered that their daughter not be placed with either of her best friends. Harry he could understand, that would place the girl in as much danger as being the wife of a Death Eater would. Mr Weasley however he could not find fault with. He cursed as he ran through all the eligible males in the order. There were only three and two of them were Weasley's.

His eyes flicked over the letter from the two muggles once more, he understood their dislike of the boy and knew where they were coming from when they stated they wanted someone with more ambition for their daughter if she were being forced to wed, and someone who would understand the world form which she came from. Dumbledore understood that the Granger's were a particular couple with very set ideas on their daughter's future, but his hands were very much tied.

The Grangers truly despised the Youngest Weasley boy and had every hope of her being off the market before he had a chance to propose under the new law. And that was where he was supposed to come in. Just how he was supposed to do that he had no idea. He had a feeling pairing the girl with the eldest Weasley boy however accomplished he maybe would only serve to anger the Pair of Muggles further. His only hope was the man who had just knocked on his door.

'Enter' The Headmaster said with a weary sigh. This was not going to be pleasant.

"You wished to see me Headmaster?" The man said, his tone clipped and guarded. Great he already knew he would be asked something he didn't like. This was really not going to be pleasant, the old man thought to himself.

"Yes Severus, please sit down" Albus said, staring at the boy; no he thought; it had been a long time since Severus Snape could be considered a boy; the man before him, dreading what he was about to ask of him.

"What I am about to ask, is outrageous, and you will most likely find it insane and repulsive, but I have no other choice" Albus said gently, staring into the deep blue almost black eyes of the man he had watched grow from boy to man for so many years. Silently praying the younger man would hear him out.

"Do get on with it then, I have no doubt I'll say no, as I'm sure you already know Albus" Severus said his arms crossed at his chest, he had better things he could be doing right now.

"No doubt" Albus said gravely, "Still it must be asked" he continued, at this the other man rolled his eyes. "I have received word That a marriage law is two be passed in two months' time"

"And?" Severus said with a raised eyebrow, he didn't care either way, he was a half-blood he knew he would have the luxury of marrying either muggle or pure.

"Miss Granger's parents have owled asking for my assistance in the matter" Albus said and Severs growled internally, he really wished the man would just get to the point. "They wish me to pair Miss Granger with a suitable Husband before the law is passed"

"So owl Molly Weasley, I'm sure she would love the idea of Miss Granger and her youngest Son" Severus said, he really didn't see why he needed to be here. He could feel his limited patience wearing thin. Just what was the old man playing at this time?

"I'm afraid not, The Granger's have a distaste for the boy"

"Potter then" Severus snapped.

"Miss Granger would never agree, plus I feel that Harry would put her in just as much if not more danger, than the loyal Death Eaters who will no doubt be vying for her hand" Albus said shaking his head sadly.

Severus Glared at the man, surely he couldn't be thinking what Severus thought he was. "I won't do it Albus! Hell the girl was in my potions class merely five hours ago!"

"Severus, Please, you will protect her, without taking advantage of her" Albus tried.

"Damn right I won't, she's a child!" Severus hissed. "I won't do it!"

"Severus, she needn't know, when the law comes out her parents will say she is exempt due to religious reasons, and she can find a match suited to her at her own pace, then we can dissolve the marriage and she's none the wiser" Albus said praying the other man would agree. He had to agree. There was no other option, he could not let Hermione Granger into the hands of Loyal blood supremacists, she would be eaten alive, or worse.

"And if she does find out?" Severus said a scowl on his face.

Albus smiled slightly, he was considering it. "She won't, they will only monitor marriages forged within the time scale of the law, you and Miss Granger will not be subject to it." Albus explained. He watched the man's face and nearly burst into tears when Severus sighed and took up the quill, signing his name with a flourish.