Wildest Dreams

By: Mew Ami

Beta Reader: Miakemi

Chapter Eighteen: Compromises

Year: 1994

In a blink of an eye, January flew by and it was now February. Iris had mostly recovered from her falling out with her parents. Everyday she was getting better. Gabriel was a great support and Iris couldn't be more grateful. She could tell they were growing closer everyday.

One day after work, Iris was out shopping with Lori. As they were walking down the street a shop caught Iris's attention. It was a chocolate shop. She stopped in front of the windows and gazed inside. The shop was decorated for Valentine's Day. There were pink and red hearts everywhere. It then dawned on her Valentine's Day was next Saturday.

"Hey," said Lori.

Iris turned her saw her friend standing there.

"I was talking to you."

"Sorry, Lori," said Iris. "I was looking at this shop."

Lori walked up to the window and looked inside. "Ah, Valentine's Day. What a stupid holiday."

"Hey! Valentine's Day is not stupid. It celebrates love and friendship." Iris turned to look at her friend.

Lori made a sound with her tongue and waved her hand. "Yeah right. All it does is paint a target on single people's backs."

Iris frowned. "Hmph."

"Well it does!"

"Whatever you say, Lori," said Iris and walked off.

Lori caught up to her. "Well, sorry. Some of us don't have boyfriends." Things didn't go well with Hugo. He just wanted to be friends.

Iris rolled her eyes. "But you have friends!"

"Eh, the holiday isn't marketed like that. So," said Lori trying to moved the conversation away from her. "What do you and Gabriel have planned for Valentine's Day?"

"Uh," Iris replied. "Nothing."

"What! Have you guys talked about it?"


Lori gave her a smug smile. "I'm in shock, Iris. I thought you would be on top of it seeing how you were defending the holiday."

"I forgot about it..." Iris looked embarrassed.

"Ha! I guess it really doesn't matter after all."

"No it matters. I want to do something special. I just forgot."

"Well you better get a move on it. I'm sure restaurants are booked solid by now."

"Ugh, you're right."

"Unless Gabriel is planning something."

Iris went quiet. Gabriel could be planning a surprise date. He hadn't brought up Valentine's Day and he could be sneaky. He made a dress for her without her knowing. She smiled to herself. She would need to investigate. Just to make sure he was planning something.

"Why are you smiling?" Lori asked her.

"No reason."

The next day Iris went to work. It was a Wednesday which meant she would be going over to Gabriel's after work. She decided to conduct her investigation tonight. She rode the elevator up to her floor and got off. Iris walked down the hallway and went into the dressing room. When she entered, she was greeted by some of the other models. Iris walked over to her locker and unlocked it. She opened it up and placed her purse inside.

"So," said a model nearby who was talking to another model. "Last night I was talking to Bruce. I brought up Valentine's Day and asked him what he wanted to do. I threw out some suggestions, but he shot them all down and told me he was planning a surprise!"

"Aw!" said the other model. "That's so sweet!"

"I know, and we just started dating!"

Iris tuned out rest of their chattering. She took off her coat and hung it up in her locker. She smiled to herself. After listening to those girls, Iris was becoming more optimistic about Gabriel planning a surprise. He was always sweet and charming (well, to her). So why wouldn't he have planned something? Iris closed her locker door and locked it. She then walked away and got ready for her photo shoots.

The rest of the day dragged on. Iris had a double shoot today. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. During breaks she heard the other models talking about the upcoming holiday as well. She couldn't get Valentine's Day out of her mind. Throughout the day, she tried to think about how Gabriel could surprise her. What could he do to make it truly special? Tickets to a play? A boat ride down the river? Dancing? She laughed at that thought. He would never take her dancing.

When her last photo shoot ended, Iris went upstairs to Gabriel's office. When the elevator door opened, she waved at the secretary and walked over to Gabriel's office door. She opened it and went inside. She saw him sitting at his desk reading a document inside of a binder. He didn't notice her. She walked over to him and went behind the desk. Iris stood beside him and leaned against his chair. "What ya reading?"

Gabriel looked startled by her sudden appearance. "A portfolio."

"A portfolio?"

"One of my designers quit last week. I'm trying to find a replacement as soon as possible."

"Sounds fun."

"It's not. I hate the whole hiring process."

She started to play with his hair. "It can't be all bad. You got to meet me."

He looked up with her a smile. "Yes I did."

She returned his smile. "So are you going to meet with this person?"

"Yes. I like the look of both their resume and portfolio." He glanced back at the binder and closed it. "Hopefully, they're not sensitive."

Iris pretended to look offended. "You say that like it's a bad thing."

He eyed her. Gabriel wasn't sure if she was messing with him. "It is when you're a designer. I need designers who can take criticism and not break down crying."

She stared at him. "You make your designers cry?"


"Gabriel, you shouldn't be so harsh."

"I have to be if I want to stay at the top in the fashion industry."

She sighed and shook her head.


"Nothing. Are you ready?"

"Yes," he said and stood up. Iris backed away slightly. He pulled his coat off his desk chair and put it on. He then gather his belongings and put them in his brief case. "Let's go."

They left his office and stopped at the elevator. Gabriel pressed the button and they stood there waiting for the elevator. Iris decided to start her investigation while they were waiting. She didn't have to worry about him being suspicious. He had gotten use to her random questions. She looked at him. "So Gabriel, do you like plays?"

"Hmm, I don't mind them as long as the plot is interesting. I don't like musicals."

Iris frowned. "You don't? Why not? I love them."

"All that singing is unnecessary."

"But that's the point of a musical, Gabe. Conveying emotions through songs."


"Alright then," said Iris. "I'll be sure to never take you to one." She paused. "It's been so long since I've been to the theatre. I wonder if there are any good plays to see."

Gabriel just shrugged. The elevator dinged and the door opened. They walked inside and Gabriel hit the ground floor button. The door then closed.

Iris held back a frowned. His shrug was a good indicator that he wasn't taking her to a play next Saturday. He didn't seem interested in them at all in general. Unless he was playing dumb. Time for the next question. "Do you like boat rides?"

"Not sure. I've never been on one. Do you?"

"Yes. They can be a lot of fun and romantic," she said and brushed up against him.

Gabriel chuckled. "I suppose, but being stuck on a boat doesn't seem romantic to me."

Iris just smiled at him. She was frustrated. Another dead end. The elevator stopped on the ground floor and the door opened. They got off and left the building. When they got to his car, Gabriel opened the passenger door for her and Iris got inside.

She buckled up her seat belt. The next question was dancing, but she already knew that answer. She had a feeling they would only dance at the mayor's balls. So what else could they do? Something he would enjoy as well. She wondered if he liked going to the movies.

"You're quiet," said Gabriel.

Iris nearly jumped at the sound of his voice. She was so deep in thought that she didn't notice the car was moving. She just looked at him. "Oh I'm just thinking."


"Friday night," she blurted out. "Lori wants to hang out."

"So I guess that means we aren't working on my spring and summer collection?"

"Uh, of course we are! I'm meeting her afterward. Sorry, I thought I told you." Iris was mentally kicking herself.

"It's fine."

Iris leaned back in her seat. She was relieved that he believed her. Now she had to ask Lori if she wanted to hang out Friday.

During the rest of the ride Iris and Gabriel chatted. She decided stop thinking about next Saturday for the moment. She didn't want him to get suspicious. When they got to his house, they got out of his car and went inside.

"I'll go make us some coffee," Gabriel said when they got inside.

"Alright," said Iris. "I'll be in your designing room." She then went up the stairs and headed to the room.

When she entered his designing room, Iris went over to the couch and sat down. She tapped her foot on the ground. She wanted ask him about going to the movies, but she didn't know what was currently playing. Iris sighed. She should just quit her investigation and allow herself to be completely surprised.

Then a thought crossed her mind. What if he had nothing planned? He could have forgotten about Valentine's Day like her. Iris stood up and walked around the room. She could just ask him, but she was worried about the outcome. He may have Lori's outlook on the holiday. Iris passed his drafting board and noticed a red sketchbook. She stopped and stared at it. She had never seen it before. Iris walked up to it and picked up the sketch book. She was about to open it, when Gabriel came into the room.

"Don't look through that," he said. Gabriel walked over to her and set two coffee mugs down on the drafting board. He then held out his hand.

Iris gave it to him. "Sorry."

"It's fine," he said and went over to a bookshelf to put the sketch book away.

"Why can't I look at it?"

"They're personal designs."


"As in, I don't want anyone to see them," Gabriel replied and walked back over to her.

Iris was curious. "So you never bring them to life?"

"Yes and no."

He only went through with these designs once in awhile? Now she was more curious. "Are they special?"

"Perhaps," he replied and grabbed his mug. He took a sip of his coffee as he reached for spring and summer collection sketch book.

Iris looked away. They had to be special! Why else wouldn't he show her? The gears in her mind slowly began to move. What if he was making something for her? He did make her a dress for Christmas. Maybe he was doing the same for Valentine's Day? It would explain why he had it out and why he gave her vague answers. She just smiled to herself.

"Iris," said Gabriel.

She looked back at him. "Yes?"

"Shall we get started?"

She nodded her head.

"I have an outfit ready for you to try on. It's in the bathroom."

"Alright," she said and made her way to the bathroom.

She closed the door behind her. Iris saw an outfit hanging on the back of the door. It was a skirt and flowy shirt outfit. She got undressed and put it on. Iris stared at herself in the mirror for a moment. She wondered if she was hyping herself up. It was possible Gabriel had nothing planned. But him not letting her look through that sketch book was a red flag. Why else would be it be personal? He had no one else to design personally for.

Iris glanced back at the door. It was probably best to wait and see. That way she wouldn't set herself up for disappointment. Iris walked over to the door and opened it. She then walked out of the bathroom.

The next morning, Iris woke up in her bed to the sound of a police siren. She sat up and glanced over at her alarm clock. She let out a gasp. She forgot the set the alarm last night and was now late for work. She threw back the covers and got out of bed. Iris ran into the bathroom and quickly got ready for the day.

Once she was dressed, Iris ran out of her apartment. She didn't bother to grab anything for breakfast. When she left the apartment building, Iris continued to run. She made it to the subway and ran down the steps. Iris weaved her way through people and made it to her train. Luckily it was there. She got on and grabbed a pole since the seats were all taken. The doors then closed and the train took off.

When the train arrived at her destination, Iris got off and ran toward the stairs. She glanced at her wrist watch. The photo shoot was about to start in 15 minutes. When Iris got up the stairs, she kept on running. Eventually she made it to work. She went through the front doors and slowed down her pace as she approached the stairwell door. She didn't want to get yelled at by security for running in the lobby. She opened the door and ran all the way up to her floor. She quickly opened the door and heard a noise. Iris stepped out into the hallway and saw she had smacked Gabriel in the face.

"Gabe!" She walked over to him. "I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine," he said as he rubbed his face. He quickly adjusted his glasses. "Everything alright? I was looking for you and one of you're co-workers told me you hadn't shown up yet."

"I uh forgot to set my alarm last night." Iris felt embarrassed.

Gabriel just shook his head and patted her on the head. "You're lucky we're together because I don't tolerate tardiness."

Iris smirked. "What about keeping things professional?"

He returned her smirk with his own. "I can make exceptions."

"Oh? Good to know. I may start pushing my boundaries then."

"Be reasonable." He gave her playful look.

Iris laughed. "So, why were you looking for me?"

"Oh," said Gabriel. He cleared his throat. "I wanted to tell you that I won't be able to go out Saturday."


"Something came up. Sorry."

"It's fine. Don't worry about it."

He smiled at her. Gabriel then kissed her on the forehead. "Well, get to work."

She nodded her head. "See ya." Iris then walked past him. As she walked to the dressing room, she thought about him canceling their Saturday plans. They normally go out every Saturday. The last time he cancelled on her was in December. Iris turned a corner. He did that because he was secretly making a dress for her.

Wait a minute! She stopped walking. The idea of him making her a dress for Valentine's Day reentered her mind. First there was the personal sketch book and now then this! He gave her such a lame excuse. Iris laughed. He needed to get better at hiding things from her. She continued to walk to the dressing room. Iris was confident she was right about everything. She entered the dressing room and apologized to her makeup artist for being late. She quickly put away her purse before changing into her clothes.

The following Friday, Iris finished a photo shoot. She grabbed her purse out of her locker. She was in a good mood since tomorrow was Valentine's Day. She was still positive that Gabriel was making her a dress. She closed her locker door and then left the dressing room. Iris walked down the hallway, heading toward the elevator. When she approached it, Iris hit the up button and took a step back.

Would he give it to her today? That way she would get wear it tomorrow. Iris just smiled at the thought. The elevator arrived and the door opened. Iris got on and hit a button. The door closed and it made its way up. Iris leaned against the wall. He probably would give it to her at his house. There was no reason to bring it here. She was feeling excited. The elevator stopped and the door opened. Iris got off and headed over to Gabriel's office.

She opened the door and saw Gabriel sitting at his desk. He was on the phone. She walked over to his desk and sat down in a chair across from him. She just smiled at him and he returned her smiled.

He moved his chair to the right and tapped his fingers on the desk. "It's fine the way it is."

Iris started to play with her hair.

"But you're missing the point." He paused allowing the person to talk. "Fine I'll come over tomorrow. What time?" He paused again. "Six? Fine. I'll see you then."

Iris frowned. She was not happy about this.

Gabriel hung up the phone and looked frustrated. "After tomorrow, I am not designing for this woman anymore. Every time I give her the final product she whines about something being wrong with it." He took a deep breath. "Sorry for the rant. How was your day, Iris?"

"Alright," she said quietly.

He nodded his head and started to gather his things. "I'll be ready to go shortly."

"Are you just picking up this woman's clothes tomorrow?"

"Yes and no. First I'll have to stay over there and go over the design with her. Then I'll take it home and work on it overnight. I just want to be done with it." He then looked down at his briefcase and started to put his things inside of it. "We'll just have to go out next week."

Iris frowned again. "Gabe, don't you know what tomorrow is?"

"Saturday," he replied without looking up at her.

Iris made a face. "No."

"...Your birthday?" He said slowly.

"No, and my birthday is March 1st by the way."

"Then, what is it?" He looked up at her.

"Valentine's Day!"

"Oh," he said nonchalantly and returned his attention to his belongings.



"I thought you would have something planned!"

He sighed as he zipped up his briefcase. He propped it up and placed his hands on it. Gabriel then looked at her. "Well, you thought wrong."

"Why not? Valentine's Day is an important holiday!"

Gabriel snorted. "No, it's a pointless holiday."

She rolled her eyes at him. Men. "No it's not."

"Yes it is."

"It's a special day to show your loved ones how much they mean to you."

"Iris," he said and walked around his desk. He positioned himself between her and the desk. Gabriel then leaned his back against it. "I don't need a specific day to show you how much you mean to me. And I shouldn't have to buy you anything either. If I'm going to buy you flowers I'll do it any old time." He crossed his arms.

Iris pouted. "But Gabe, it still celebrates the idea of love."

"You don't need a holiday to celebrate love."

"Forget it," she said angrily. "Go see that woman and fix her stupid clothes."

Gabriel rolled his eyes at her. "You're over reacting."

"I am not," said Iris defensively. "I was looking forward to spending time with you on a special day." She stood up.

"Sorry, I didn't realize you cared about a pointless holiday."

"It's not pointless," said Iris and then made her way to the door. "I'm going home. I'll see you Monday."

"Wait, you're not coming over?" He stood up straight and brought his arms to his side.

She stopped at the door and looked back at him. "No. I'm mad at you."

"Over something stupid."

"It's not stupid," Iris snapped at him. "Goodbye, Gabriel." She then left the room, almost slamming the door behind her.

Iris stopped at the elevator and hit the down button. She took a deep breath. Not only was she mad at Gabriel, but she was mad at herself. She knew shouldn't have gotten hyped up over the holiday. She knew Gabriel well enough to know he wouldn't care about Valentine's Day. The elevator wasn't coming fast enough and out of frustration she tapped her finger repeatedly on the button.

As she tapped the button, Iris was slowly realizing their fight was her fault. She had no reason to lash out at Gabriel. He was right. She was overreacting. But there was still the fact he could have asked her if she wanted to do something. Even if he did think the holiday was pointless. They could have gone out tomorrow before fixing that woman's clothes. She tapped on the button harder. She was mad again.

"Hello, Iris," said a voice.

She jumped and turned her head. Nathalie was standing there. "Hey."

"Is there reason you keep hitting that button?"

"I'm mad at Gabriel," Iris replied. She wasn't going to admit she was mad at herself. Since the fight was her fault, Nathalie would probably suggest she talk things out with Gabriel. She didn't want to apologize just yet.

Nathalie let out a sigh. "What did he do?"

"He doesn't want to celebrate Valentine's Day. He says it's pointless and he scheduled an appointment with a client tomorrow."

She just shook her head.

"All I wanted was to do something special." Then there was a ding. Iris brought her attention back to the elevator. The door was opening. Iris got on and pressed the ground floor button. She noticed Nathalie didn't follow her. "You coming?"

"Um, no," Nathalie said slowly. She glanced back toward Gabriel's office. "Let me go talk to him." She was now walking toward his office.

"What!" Iris said alarmed. "Nathalie don.." But it was too late. The elevator door closed and was now moving downward. Iris pulled on her hair out of frustration. She didn't want Nathalie to get involved. The elevator was slowly making its way down. It made a stop on the fifth floor and a few people got on. Iris could get off here and go back upstairs, but it was pointless now. Nathalie was probably talking to him. The door closed and the elevator continued its path to the ground floor.

When the elevator arrived on the ground floor, Iris got off and made her way outside. She should have told Nathalie the whole truth. She left the building and headed toward the subway. Iris hoped Nathalie wasn't yelling at Gabriel. She walked down the stairs to the underground. Iris came across her train's platform. She stopped walking and waited for her train to arrive.

Iris folded her arms. Should she call Gabriel later tonight? Or should she wait to see if Nathalie changed his mind about the holiday? It would be nice if she could change his mind. Iris really wanted them to spend time together tomorrow. The train arrived and Iris got on. She spotted a free seat by a window and sat down. Eventually, the train's doors closed and it took off.

When Iris got home, she went over to her phone to see if he tried calling her. She glanced at the answering machine. The light that indicated a new message wasn't glowing. Iris just walked away and went into the living room. She sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.

As she was flipping through the TV channels, her phone rang. It must be Gabriel! Iris jumped from her seat and dropped the remote on the floor. Iris nearly ran to the phone and picked it up without looking at the caller I.D. "Hello?"

"Hey, Iris," said the caller.

Iris felt disappointed. It was Nathalie. "Oh, hello Nathalie."

"I talked with Gabriel."

"How did that go?"

"Eh, he was being stubborn."

"Of course he was. Did he still call Valentine's Day pointless?"

"Yep. He went on a rant about it actually. I tried to convince him to see it from your side. But it failed."

Iris twisted her finger in her hair. "Well thanks for your help." Iris paused. Might as well tell her. "I.. I wasn't very nice to him about it. I snapped at him because, well, I was expecting he had a surprise for me.."

"Why would you think that?"

Iris then broke out in detail about her investigation. As she explaining the details Iris was starting to feel childish about the whole thing.

Nathalie chuckled after Iris finished her explanation. "Iris, you are Gabriel's first girlfriend. He's going to be slow with some things."

Iris could feel her cheeks turning red. She never thought of that. "Now I feel like a jerk."

"Don't. He'll get over it."

"I guess. Well, thanks again."

"You're welcome. I'll see you later."

"Bye." Iris then hung up the phone. She stood there for a few minutes before going back to the couch. She bent down and picked up the remote. Iris then sat down and stared at the TV. Now what? She let out a sigh. She should call him. Iris got up from the couch and went back over to the phone.

Iris dialed his number and waited for him to answer the phone. It rang seven times before going to the answering machine. Iris hung up the phone. Maybe he was mad at her. It was probably best to leave him alone. She would just have to try again tomorrow.

The next day, Iris sat around her apartment waiting to call Gabriel. She didn't want call him early in the morning. She was still giving him some space. It was around two pm when she decided to call him. Unfortunately his answering machine picked up the call again. As the recorded message spoke, Iris debated about leaving a message. There was a beep and Iris hung up. She wasn't sure what to say to him. Sorry for overreacting? It was stupid of her to expect surprises from him? Maybe it was better to talk about this in person. Iris decided to try to call him again tomorrow seeing how he was busy for the rest of the day.

So, Iris just piddled around her apartment for the rest of the day. She decided to stay in her pajamas since she wasn't going anywhere. Iris reorganized both her closets and kitchen cabinets. In the background, she was playing movies. Once she was finished organizing, Iris pulled out her crates of yarn and her sewing supplies. She was on a roll. Might as well organize her crafting supplies. As she was going through her yarn balls there was a knock at the door. Iris froze before turning her head at the door. Who could that be?

She stood up and walked over to the door. Before opening the door she remembered she was her in pajamas. She hoped the person didn't mind. Iris opened the door and let out a gasp. It was Gabriel and in one of his hands was a large shopping bag. And in the other was a bouquet of roses.

"What are you doing here?" She stuttered. Iris was still in complete shock.

"It's Valentine's Day isn't it?" He replied. You could tell he looked awkward.

Iris stared at him for a moment before breaking out in laughter.

"What's so funny?"

"Everything," she replied once she calmed down. Iris then let him in and closed the door behind them. She turned around to face him and leaned her back against the door.

"I still don't get it," he said and faced her.

"I was a complete jerk to you and then you showed up on my doorstep unannounced with roses! I thought Valentine's Day was pointless."

"I guess you could say I had a change of heart," he said and handed her the roses.

Iris grabbed it and gave him a grin. She loved his corny jokes. "Thank you they're beautiful." She smelled the roses.

Gabriel just smiled at her. He then walked over the breakfast bar and sat the shopping bag down on it.

"What's in the bag?" she asked him as she walked into the kitchen to get a vase for the flowers.


She stopped and turned to look at Gabriel. "Dinner?"

"I spent the whole day trying to find a nice place for us to eat, but everything was booked. Luckily, I found a place that did carry out."

Iris felt her heart melt. "You didn't have to do that."

"I know, but Nathalie called me last night and told me you were hoping I would surprise you."

She blinked. Nathalie tried talking to him again? She just smiled. "Well you did!"

Gabriel returned her smile. He then opened the bag and started to get food containers out.

Iris turned around and walked over to the cabinet by the sink. She opened it and pulled out a vase. She then filled it with water and set it aside on the counter. Iris fussed with the roses before putting them in the vase. Iris then grabbed the vase and turned around. She set the vase down in the center of the breakfast bar. She admired them before returning her attention to Gabriel. He was opening up the food containers. "Wow! This look great. Let me get out the plates."

"No, I will."

"Aw, thank you," said Iris. She was grinning again. "You're so sweet." She walked over to him and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you," he said after their kiss.

"I love you too." She then watched him get out the plates and silverware.

"By the way, cute pajamas," he said as he was setting the table.

Iris glanced down at her body. She forgot what she was wearing. "Uh, thanks." She then looked up at him. "Do you mind if I freshen up?"

"No, but I don't care what you wear."

"Well, tonight is special," Iris then left the room and went into her bedroom. She walked over to her closet and pulled out the dress he made her. She laid it out on her bed and started to get undressed. Iris then put the dress on and walked over to her dresser. She fixed up her hair and put on a little bit of make up. Iris glanced at herself in the mirror before returning to the kitchen. Iris took her seat beside Gabriel who was already sitting at the breakfast bar.

"What a lovely dress," said Gabriel. He turned his head to look at her. "Where did you get it from?" He gave her a teasing smile.

Iris smirk. "From a famous fashion designer. He gave it to me personally."

"Hmm interesting. Who was it?"


"Pfft. He isn't competent enough to pull off that design." Both of them laughed.

Iris looked at the dinner for a moment. She noticed he already put food on their plates. She then looked back at him. "Thank you for doing this. And I'm sorry for overreacting. I.." Iris felt embarrassed to admit it to him. "I was convinced you had a surprise for me."

"What made you think that?"

"That personal sketch book. I thought you were making a dress for me. Then, you calling off our plans last Saturday with a lame excuse. You did that last time when you made this dress." She motioned to the dress she was wearing.

Gabriel chuckled. "Iris, that sketch book is filled with designs for myself." He then turned his attention to the food. Gabriel grabbed his knife and fork. "And I guess I should have been clearer about last Saturday. I was busy with a client. Sometimes my clients call me up and want me to design something right away. I can't say no to some of them because I don't want to lose their business." He then took a bite out of his food.

"I guess we both we need to get better at communicating. I should have told you I wanted to do something special for Valentine's Day."

He nodded his head.

Iris then turned to her food. She smiled at it before digging in.

"Oh, and by the way," he said. "I have a special sketchbook for you."

She looked at him. Excitement filled her eyes. "You do!?"

"Yes. And now that I know your birthday I may be working on something."

"I can't wait to see it!"

He smiled at her.

"Speaking of birthdays when is yours?"

"May 20th."

"Then I'll have to make you something." Iris took a bite out of her food. "Oh, and I will make you a lemon cake too!"

"I'll look forward to that."

Iris gave him a grin.

They spent the rest of dinner talking away and enjoying their meal. Gabriel even brought Iris a dessert. A piece of chocolate cake! After dinner Iris and Gabriel stretched out on her couch. She convinced him not clean up the kitchen. She would take care of the dishes in the morning. Iris got close to him and he ended up wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his chest. He leaned back against the arm rest.

"This is the best Valentine's Day ever," Iris said softly.

"You think so? We stayed inside." Gabriel had the remote in his right hand and turned on the TV.

"But it was the effort you put into it."

"I suppose."

"So what happened to that client you were talking to yesterday?"

"I went over to her place yesterday after talking to Nathalie. I stayed up almost all night fixing her clothes."

Iris smiled. He wasn't mad at her after all. He was just busy with work. "Well, that clearly shows the effort you put in to make this night special!"

"Eh. I still think this whole holiday is pointless, but I'll celebrate it with you."

She laughed. "I love your enthusiasm."

He chuckled.

Then a light bulb went off in her head. "Oh! How about this? Each year we take turns to surprise each other. So next year I'll plan something special and surprise you."

"Seems fair. But I will warn you, I don't like surprises."

"Well, you'll like mine."

"We'll see."

"Oh lighten up!" Iris then took the remote out of his hand. She started to flip through the channels until they came across a show they were both interested in.

As they watched TV together Iris snuggled up closer to Gabriel. The warmth from his body felt good. It made her drowsy and eventually Iris fell asleep.

Hours passed and Iris's eyes fluttered opened, and she found herself awake. She glanced up and saw Gabriel staring in the direction toward the TV. She jolted up which startled him and he looked her.

"I fell asleep. Why didn't you wake me up?" she asked him.

He just shrugged.

"What time is it?"

"Midnight. I should get going." They both shifted their bodies so they were both sitting up on the couch.

"No stay."

"But I don't have a change of clothes."

"Sleep in your underwear. I don't care."


She pouted. "Please, Gabe."

"Alright." He stood up.

"So you're going to bed then?"

"Yeah." He then headed to her bedroom.

Iris wasn't feeling tired at all, but she decided to join him anyway. They could cuddle until he fell asleep. Iris followed him into her bedroom and grabbed a nightgown from her dresser. She then went to the bathroom to get dressed. When she closed the bathroom door behind her, Iris flung her nightgown over the bathtub. She put her hand behind her back and tried to unzip her dress. Iris frowned. The zipper got caught up in the fabric.

"Hey, Gabe," she called for him behind the door. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah," he replied back.

Iris opened the door and reentered her room. She saw Gabriel standing there in boxers with his shirt still on.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked noticing she was still her dress.

"I can't unzip my dress. Can you help me? I think the zipper got caught up in the fabric."

"Sure," he replied and walked over to her.

Iris turned around. A grin appeared on her face. She should mess with him. "You know I might sleep in my underwear tonight. What do you think?" He was probably flustered! Then suddenly he brought her close to him and kissed her neck and as he unzipped her dress. Iris's felt her knees weaken and her heart racing.

"If you want to keep playing this game. You're going to have to try harder, my love," he whispered into her ear.

She turned around and saw a smug look on his face. She glared at him. Oh she was going to show him! Iris took off her dress right in front of him. She then pushed him onto the bed and sat on his lap. Iris started to unbutton his shirt. She could see he was flustered in his eyes. "I win." Iris returned his smug smile with a bigger one.

Gabriel just gave her a playful smile. He grabbed her by the waist and flipped them down on the bed. Gabriel was now on top of her. He then kissed her shoulder and slowly moved to her neck.

Iris clenched her fingers on the bed sheets. Her heart was going wild. She didn't want to lose this battle. But what else could she do? She let out a frustrated noise. Gabriel stopped kissing her and he laughed.

"I hate you," she said.

"No you don't," he said and propped himself up on his elbow. "Does mean you admit defeat?"

"No," she said coolly. There one more thing she could do. Iris sat up and took off her bra. She then tossed it to the side. "Would you like me to model for you, Mr. Agreste?" She untied her hair from its ponytail.

Gabriel looked stunned and covered his mouth with his hand. He then sat up and looked away. His whole face was bright red.

Iris laughed in triumph. "I win!"

He just shook his head. Gabriel was left speechless.

She grinned. Iris crawled over to him and kissed him on his chest.

"Iris!" he finally said. You could tell he was trying to compose himself.

"Sorry," she chuckled. "I can't resist."

He just rolled his eyes.

"Admit it. I won. Now what's my prize?"

He looked away for a moment to think. Gabriel then looked back her and wrapped his arms around her. He then pulled her closer to him. "Me."

"You!?" she stuttered. Her cheeks were a bright pink.

"Yes me," he said and then kissed her shoulder again.

"God damn it, Gabe." She felt flustered again. "I was joking!" She covered her face with her hands. Iris could feel her face growing hot.

"But Iris you won the battle," he said with a very amused look in his eyes.

Iris took a deep breath. She didn't mean for things to go this far. But she couldn't deny that she wanted him. It was another step in their relationship. She moved her hands and placed them on his cheeks. She then brought his face close to hers so should could kiss him.

The next morning Iris woke up and found herself laying against Gabriel. She looked over at him and saw his back was turned to her. A soft smile appeared on her face. She then sat up and looked out the window. There was a gentle snowfall. She just sat there quietly admiring it.

Then suddenly she felt Gabriel's arms wrap around her and pull her up against his chest. He felt so warm. She leaned into him and closed her eyes, and his lips brushed up against her shoulder.

"Morning," he mumbled.

"Morning," she said as she opened her eyes. "Did I wake you?"

"No." He then kissed her shoulder again.

She laughed. "Can't take your hands off me?"

"Never," he replied. Once again he kissed her shoulder, then slowly moved to her neck.

Iris didn't say a word. She just closed her eyes again. She could hear her heart pounding in her ears. She was enjoying every second of this.

Then his lips let go of her neck and he gently squeezed her. "Come live with me."

Iris's eyes suddenly snapped wide opened. She was startled by his request. She looked back at him. "What...?"

Gabriel looked startled by her reaction. "You heard me.."

"But we're not married."

"So? It didn't stop us from having sex."

"That's different."

Gabriel looked annoyed. He let go of her and got out of bed. He bent down and picked up his boxers. Gabriel put them back on.

Iris frowned. She turned around and saw him getting dressed. "Gabe."


"Please don't be mad."

"I'm not," he said. Gabriel was now putting on his shirt and buttoning it up. He had his back turned to her.

"Yes you are."

"Iris," he said irritated. He stopped buttoning his shirt and faced her. "How is it different?"

"Because we love each other enough to have sex."

Gabriel looked offended. "So we don't love each other enough to live together?"

"I didn't say that!"

"Well it's implied," he snapped and turned his back to her. Gabriel continued to button his shirt.

"No it's not. I meant we're serious enough to have sex."

"But not serious enough to live together?" Gabriel turned around again. "Iris, you're making no sense."

Iris let out a groan. "Gabe, I'm comfortable with the idea of having sex before marriage, but not living together."


"I just am okay? If I'm going to live with you I want it to be permanent."

He snorted. "You don't need marriage to make things permanent. I have no intentions of leaving you."

"And I don't either."

"Then come live with me."

"I will when we get married."

"Iris, I don't want to get married."

Iris looked hurt. "Why? Do you have something against marriage?"

"No." Gabriel wasn't looking at her anymore. He kept his gaze on the wall.

She crossed her arms. "Sounds like it."

"Well I don't. I'll talk to you later, Iris." He then reached down for his pants, but Iris leaped off the bed and grabbed of them. He looked at her. "Let go of my pants."

"No. You're not leaving mad."

"You did Friday."

"And that was childish of me. From now on we're talking things out. Now sit."

"I don't want to talk things out. Just forget I even asked you to come live with me."

"But Gabe, we need to talk about this. I want to get married and you don't. This is a problem that won't go away on its own."

He let out a sigh and sat back down on the bed.

Iris tossed his pants to the side and joined him on the bed. "Now clearly you have a problem with marriage."

"I don't."

"Then you would want to marry me."

Gabriel looked away and didn't say anything.

Iris just grabbed his chin gently and moved his head toward her. "Gabe, please be honest with me. You can tell me anything. There's no need to be afraid."


She let go of his chin.

"I'm worried if we get married we'll fall apart."

Iris cocked her head. "Why do you think that? I could never stop loving you."

"I know and I'll never stop loving you either."

"Then why are you worried?"

"Because it happened to my parents," he said quietly. Gabriel looked ashamed.

Iris stared at him for a moment before wrapping her arm around his waist. She then pulled him toward her. Iris rest her head on his shoulder. "Gabriel, it's okay. You have every right to feel that way."

He rest his head on hers. "It was terrible to watch their relationship fall apart."

"I bet it was."

"I know we would never become like them, but I can't help but worry. Anything can happen."

Iris was quiet. She needed a solution that would ease his mind. But what? What could ensure him that marriage would never tear them apart? That they were compatible enough to get married and make it last. Then it hit her. She moved her head and sat up to look at him. "Then let's compromise."

"Compromise?" Gabriel looked at her.

She nodded her head. "I'll move in and we can see if we're truly compatible. If we are then we can sit down and talk about marriage."

"I like the sound of that."

Iris smiled. "Then it's settled! I'll move in next month."

He smiled at her as he was leaning toward her lips. Gabriel then gently kissed her on the lips. "Thank you for being understanding."

She placed her hand on top of his. "And there's no rush. We'll talk about marriage when you're ready." Iris was confident that they were compatible with each other.

Gabriel kissed her again before standing up. "Do you want to get breakfast?"

"Sure! Let me get dressed." She then got out of bed and headed toward her bathroom.