Sweet Dreams

After a long battle, Rook and Ben escorted Fistina back to a jail cell in Plumber's Headquarters prison level.

"I knew if I stole many pretty things for myself you would show up soon to try and catch me, little Rook," said Fistina until she stepped into the cell.

"It is my job as a Plumber, Fistina. There is no other meaning behind it, trust me," Rook said. He viewed the door closing to separate Fistina from himself. He sighed with relief.

Rook was startled when Fistina knocked on the door. She waved at him.

"I will have many sweet dreams about you tonight, little Rook. You can chase me through my dreams," she said.

Rook cringed and turned to face Ben. Ben tried not to laugh.

"Time to retire for the evening," Ben said before he yawned. "You sure picked a late time to start a crime spree, Fistina."

"Crime has no curfew, Ben Tennyson," said Fistina. "Neither does love."

Rook walked away faster. "Come, Ben! Let us leave. The prison is going on lock down for the evening. Everything is secure here."

"Yeah, sure," Ben said until he followed Rook to the elevator. He grinned the entire time.

Zorian came by doing a role call to make certain all prisoners were in their cells. He called off their names one by one. It took several minutes since the prison was full of captured villains. He passed by Fistina's cell and called her name. She waved.

"Nighty-night again, Plumber," she said.

She pulled up her cozy blanket. She had obtained it for previous good behavior. They let her keep it though she went back to crime and got recaptured multiple times.

Fistina shut her eyes while she slipped into dreamland. In her dream, Rook flirted with her when she committed crimes and got caught. Eventually Rook tried to reform her.

"Will you use the power of love to persuade me to be good, little Rook?" she asked him.

Rook blushed. He looked at her while trying to be as handsome as possible. He flexed his arm muscles. "Oh, Fistina. Love can change a person, you know. It's true."

"I know this more than anyone," Fistina said before she winked. "I want to be good, deep down. I will be good for you, little Rook."

Rook leaned forward. Fistina imitated him. Their lips drew closer and closer. Suddenly, a commotion tore Fistina away from her sweet dream.

"Wha?" Fistina woke groggily and looked around. "No, where is my little Rook? My dream has been broken!"

She groaned. She stared out the green tinted clear window of her cell. She listened intently. Someone was ranting outside. It was a familiar and annoying voice. They were very loud. Zorian and two other Plumbers dragged Doctor Animo to his usual cell in the A names block. They went past Fistina's cell where Fistina was standing at the cell door. She knocked loudly to get their attention.

The Plumbers all paused. Doctor Animo stared at the strange looking Acrosian woman. He viewed her yellow eyes and angry glare.

"You! You are the one who woke me from my sweetest dream! Little crazy doctor-man. If ever again you destroy my perfect dream, I will make your worst nightmares come true," she threatened as she waved her fist.

Doctor Animo shrugged while he frowned. "My schemes don't have a curfew."

Fistina stuck out her tongue at him. He snarled until he was pushed by a Plumber.

"Flash your teeth at me for too long, and I will mash you like potato, little man!" Fistina threatened. "Do not challenge me."

"Keep moving, Animo," one of the Plumbers ordered while trying to shove Doctor Animo along his intended path. "No harassing the other prisoners."

"That's DOCTOR Animo to you! And I wasn't the one who started it!"

"Go to bed, Fistina," Zorian said until he and the other Plumbers continued dragging Doctor Animo away.

Fistina went back to sleep. She frowned until she dreamed of beating up Doctor Animo. She smiled in her sleep.

The End