In retrospect, Law shouldn't have ever agreed to go to the Flamingo Hotel and Casino with his crew. Penguin and Bepo weren't exactly trustworthy when it came to money, and if it wasn't bad enough- they were absolute shit at gambling. It had been Bepos Idea to come as a celebratory trip over Laws Newly garnered position as head of Surgery. Once the News reached his friends ears, they immediately made reservations to one of the more... Underground Type Casinos. Law had only agreed to it because he didn't exactly want his friends efforts to go to waste (Although they pretty much used celebrating Laws Position as an excuse to go out gambling). Law merely went along with his friends whims, in fact, all he did was pack and got into Penguins car- Not knowing the name of the Casino, or how long they'd be staying there.

Anyways, law had thought he'd hang out in the hotel room for most of the trip. He had been very, very wrong because the moment they settled their bags down in the room, they dragged him down to the Flamingo Casino. Just watching his friends' amount of cash dwindle as they played games made him uncomfortable. Bepos odds seemed ever against his favor in all the games that Law saw him play. He couldn't stand to watch as it reminded him of himself in his former years. He shuddered at the thought and looked around at the amount of Smokers and gamblers about the vicinity. Tsk. Smoking: yet another addictive symbol that reminded him of his former years. It annoyed him- he needed to get out. Agreeing to this trip was with out a doubt, a bad idea.

He decided to hang out with Shachi instead. Shachi wasn't as particularly interested as the others were in regards to gambling, and stuck to drinking (albeit heavily). Law made his way past the array of slot machines and over to a neon lit bar. Images of Flamingos and employees sporting flashy sunglasses behind the island table working away and serving shit faced clients. One of those shit faced clients being: Shachi. "Hey head of chief." The older slurred. "How'd'ya feel?" A goofy ass Smile formed on his face as he offered Law a shot, which he declined- he wasn't exactly sure what it was he was offering, and wasn't in the mood to be drinking mid-day. Things come in all due time. Or so he thought to himself.

"It's head of Surgery." He said pointedly and eyed the shot in the others hands. Disgusting. Straight up Vodka. Not even Orange Vodka. "How many of those have you had?" Law rested his head on his hands and watched as Shachi downed another in amusement and annoyance.

"Six, soon to be seven... which will inevitably be eight-" he paused and looked at the other pensively. "What comes after eight?" They had been at the hotel for no more than 3 hours and Shachi already seemed to be hitting the shitter. As much as he loved his friends, he wasn't exactly a fan of alcoholics. And he really really wasn't a fan of taking care of them. Hanging out with Shachi was a no go at the moment, so he decided to head up to their room and actually unpack the shit that they'd haphazardly left on floor from the brief moment they had spent in their room.

The raven haired man rode the main elevator to the lobby, and another to the floor their room was actually on. His absent minded staring at the patterns on elevator wall broke as it halted to a stop. He strode down the hallway until he reached their room and let out a sigh. He enjoyed how quiet it was and smiled at the thought of unpacking and having time to read a book- or perhaps discuss things with his new subordinates now that he was head of Surgery. He hummed happily and took out the room key. His wonderful thought however, was sadly interrupted by a call from Penguin.

He groaned. He had just gotten up here. What was it now?

"Yes what is it?" He hissed. Irritation clearly audible and dripping from the punctuation of each word that came out.

"Hey Law- I just- listen man." His Voice was low and serious, desperate and quick. A tone he hadn't heard very often from Penguin. "I don't know where you are, but you need to get down here quick- Bepos in trouble."

Laws brows furrowed "what? What happened I was just there a while ago what happened?"

"Listen- this Casino doesn't allow Devil fruit powers being used within the Casino."

"Yeah and? Bepo doesn't even have devil fruit powers, what's the deal?"

"Well see, that is the problem they think he's a zoan type user- I tried explaining to them that he's a mink, but it seems that most people here don't even know what minks are so-"

Just great. He knew something like this would come up.

"Ok whatever, but what happened to Bepo? Where is he now?"

Penguin was silent for a moment and finally answered. "Seeing as we're staying in an underworld Casino they've taken him into custody and.. Uh"

Law raised his voice a bit "And what? Hurry up and tell me so we can fix this."

"They want us to pay a 500,000 berri fine..." He croaked. Law could tell he was on the verge of tears. Shit why did this have to happen.

"No- no that's way too much penguin. In fact I'm not even sure that's god damn legal."

"LAW." The other choked out. "We're in. The god damn. Underworld. This is Jokers turf he can do whatever the hell he wants- we just. I know you aren't exactly fond of... Doing things you've left behind in the past but if we really want to bail him out then... You know we... Well you actually have to..." He paused. "Can you-"

"I got it." Law hung up and put the room key back in his pocket. Looks like a hell of a shit storm was about to take place.

Law surveyed the casino floor and looked for an easy target. His eyes Scanned the scene until he saw one of the Casino player employees leave his table and wandered near the hall away from the Casino floor that led to customer services and the restrooms. Perfect.

He walked close behind him and bumped into him intentionally.

"Oh man- I'm so sorry." He said innocently. The Casino player gave him a weird look and bowed to him and turned to walk away before Law absent mindedly grabbed at the air and then for the Employees arms. "Ah- actually now that I've bumped into you, could you please direct me to the bathrooms?"

"I'm sorry to say sir, I'm just picking up some chips- I've got a full table waiting for me; they're actually right down this hall to the left." He was trying to get away but law wouldn't have it. Not now that his target was right within his grasp. Not a chance. He grabbed for the others arm once more.

"I can't... See" he said meekly. Law can't even count how many times he's used this charade. He felt dirty. He felt disgusted with himself remembering the times he's done it before and for what reasons. Even though his reason now was extremely urgent he couldn't help feeling like a lowly scumbag. "Oh- oh my apologies sir I'll show you right this way. I'm really sorry about that." He gripped the mans shirt and followed him down the ivory hallway outside the Casino. Just as they approached the men's room, law looked around to make sure no one was near and stopped. The employee realized he had stopped. "Uh... Sir?"

He hesitated and held up his hand and ever so quietly breathed,


In an instant, he had switched clothes with the employee and stolen his Brain- instantly knocking him out. Before the brain dead body hit the floor, he rushed him into the bathroom (which was conveniently empty) and locked him in one of the stalls. He was sure no one would really lurk around long enough to notice some random guys limp body in a stall- and if they did, they'd assume this guy was black out drunk. Law removed the Name tag from his shirt and sighed, making his way to the table that the knocked out employee was in charge of. A full table. Law was familiar with almost every single game and it's rules, he had too. He cheated and scammed his way through medical school tuition- he couldn't have ever dreamed to have afforded it on his own, and taking on loans wasn't a road he wanted to take either.

He sat at the table, and let the swindling begin.