This is not a chapter update this is a message that I need to say to everyone

I usually don't do these because I usually don't care and I try not to snoop to this kind of level but this needs to be said

To everyone who keeps calling me a fag and who keeps telling me to go kill myself it doesn't offend me but it needs to stop

Let me tell you a little something of who I am

My name is Jonathan Dunne and I'm 17 years old.

First off I'm not even gay, I'm actually 100% straight and I have a girlfriend who I love so damn much. I'm also a Christian so I've read that line in bible verses where it says stuff like "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them"

So am I against homosexuality? I'm in between because it is true that the bible does say it's a sin but guess what to me it doesn't matter if your gay because I have friends who are gay and just because their gay doesn't change who they are in they are as a person or in their heart. I do not hate anybody who is gay even if my religion says it is a sin I would never hate someone I don't even know just because their gay or insult them by calling them a fag or a queer, because that's not right

Also if your telling people to go kill themselves then you honestly don't have a fucking heart. People over the internet don't seem to get how serious ending your own life is. There are so many people who go through depression and want to kill themselves everyday, and I'm not just talking about the typical High School drama I wanna kill myself, there are adults who go through serious struggles and want to kill themselves. Anyone remember Robin Williams? He committed suicide

I have also wanted to kill myself before. I use to be really fat as a kid and I got called 'fatty' and 'tubby' and it hurt me deep. My dad died when I was 11 and he was the only person who understood me at the time and I didn't have any friends. I also have life threatening seizures that could kill me at any moment, I could die right now while typing this. There's a whole fucking list but I've made so many friends and I've also found God and they tell me every day, especially on days where I feel like shit that life is worth living.

So to my 2 favorite reviewers on this story Hanmac giselleavellaneda09 thank you for being so supportive, I'm so happy you like my story and I'm happy for all the happy vibes you two send out on this story

As for the haters, you're probably not even going to see this because you'll just read the first chapter and call me a fag and tell me to go kill myself, you all need to think about how your words can effect somebody deep inside and you need to grow a heart and stop telling people to go kill themselves. Life is valuable and it shouldn't be wasted

That's all I have to say, I hope that if anybody needed this message I hope it helped you and I hope this message got you haters thinking.

I will post the next chapter as fast as I can but until then thanks for reading.