The tsunami of truth. A transformers prime/beast wars fan fiction

Running, that's all she could think about right now. Her day had gone from amazing to terrifying all in the space of fifteen minutes. It was a Friday, but she got it off, the school was on a two week midterm break and she returned to her home in japan for that time period on a last minute flight.

Her Mother was the reactor core manager at the fukishimi nuclear power plant and her parents decided to take her on a tour of the nuclear facility. What no one other than the Nakadia family and the Japanese government knew was that she the youngest qualified nuclear physicist in japan, and the world, a little something she never told the Autobots about and Jack, and Rafael, encase M.E.C.H or any other terrorist group in the U.S kidnapped her and forced her to activate a nuclear bomb. Although just to take some extra precautions Miko was trained in 3 forms martial arts, kendo, ninjitsu and karate and was world champion in three extreme sports, roller derby, free running and paintball hunger game. All of which was her dads idea, she knew he wasn't of Japanese origin because he kept telling her war stories about his homeland which was tragically destroyed and not safe enough to return as the fighting was still continuing, and that nobody was spared in the fighting not even the women and children. He told her it's better to know how to defend and protect the ones you love than watch helplessly as they die in front of you. Even still she loves her martial arts because she had something to focus her endless energy into.

Other than that the trip to see the largest and newest nuclear power plant in japan would have been so cool, but miko was now running for her life. The big question she was asking herself as she was running was "how did this happen?" then it hit her "Oh yeaa, the argument with the boys and bots." Boy she wished one of them would open a ground bridge and save her right now but there in the states probably asleep or in stasis by now, and no one would save her this time.


"Mikooo, miko there you are, what's up?" Cried a familiar voice, but who was it.

"Yea who's calling, oh Mikaela what's up?" miko replied

"Not much, everything's great and dandy, you?" she said cheerfully

"Oh same old same old Mikaela, so do anything fun lately, any concerts coming up?" she wondered

"No, but I was wondering if you want to come to come with, Alex , Carly and I to the Mall later after school?" she asked, to the shock of Miko "What, what's wrong Miko!?"

"Jasper, Has a mall, seriously since when!?" miko shouted in shock

"Whoa calm down miko, firstly please turn the volume down and secondly no Jasper has no mall." Mikaela started.

"Really then where's the Mall then if there is none in Jasper?" miko asked

"Oh silly, the mall is 10 miles away from here in Thornton, it's the closest town to Jasper but it's slightly bigger than Jasper. I thought your boyfriend Jack told you that already!" Mikaela teased, Miko was horrified when she said that

"Eeww Gross, jack and I aren't dating, were just friends, like he's my brother from another mother type of friendship, Jeesh what gave you the idea that we were dating." Miko said still a little shaken from that statement.

"But anyway" Mikaela started "Do you still want to come this evening?"

"Of course, but what time are we leaving and who's driving us their?" she replied joyfully "I'm not going to miss a shopping trip, plus I really need to update this outfit" then a thought hit her "Oh damn I'll have to ring my host parents and my ride too!"

"Okay you let them know and we'll see you at the gates at half two, and we'll make an evening out of this, see you later Miko" Mikaela told her while walking off "Oh and my mums driving us!"

'Kay who will I phone first host parents or Bulkhead? I think I'll call my host parents then I'll let bulkhead know.' she thought. After making her way to one of the schools many bathrooms she made her calls, her host parents agreed to let her go, which she was thankful for but then it was time to call bulkhead. Luckily she had him on speed dial.

"Hello, Bulkhead here, what's up?" a ruff but friendly voice said

"Hey Bulkhead, what's up?" she replied

"Miko what's up, wait aren't you supposed to be in school and if so why aren't you in class!?" Bulkhead half shouted at her over the phone

"Calm down buddy, yes I'm in school, no its lunch time and finally I have a favour to ask." she told him

"Yea what's the favour, want me to crush a con or is there a Slash Monkey concert you want me to take you and let me guess a friend too?" he guessed

"No I'm just wondering if it's alright if I go to the mall in Thornton with some friends after classes are dismissed for the day?" she was hoping he would say yes

"Let me think about that miko for a moment, No, sorry Miko but with so much recent deception activity in Nevada I won't allow you to go." Bulkhead stubbornly said

"Aww but bulkhead!" Miko wined

"Plus, Wheeljack's arriving back later and I'm sure he'll want to see you too and not just Me." bulkhead stated hoping to change her mind "And I don't want a con to kidnap you and me and him having to save your ass this time!

"Bulkhead, I'm pretty sure Buckethead had that walking duke box program those walking targets to at least have the decency to stay transformed and not blow their cover." Miko argued back, Bulkhead finally gave in to her demand

"Fine Miko you win, but on one condition." he sighed

"Name it, Bulky." she asked excitedly.

"You get me a, I can't believe I'm asking this but … Get me an inflatable wrench." he said embarrassment laced in his voice.

"Okay, why do you want to ... Never mind I don't want to know. But thanks bulky see you and the bots later." she said.

Present day march 11th 2011

Just over ten minutes ago had the shaking stopped but right after that she heard the sirens, those horrid screaming sirens which she never thought she would ever hear in her life, even though in school she had been trained monthly, sometimes even weekly to prepare herself for the day it would happen, but even with all that preparation she had been given and received she was panicking, this was scarier than being held hostage by megaton. Miko tried to locate her parents but couldn't, she had started to jog inland but that's when she heard the endless roar of water. She turned around slightly to be faced with a rising wall of water rushing towards the shoreline like a horde of angry bison, destroying everything in its path leaving nothing standing where it was only seconds before. At the sight of this she started to run, run like she'd never run before.

Even though she was running it was impossible to outrun that tidal wave. Second by second it edged closer to her meter by meter. Then it started to fling debris at her, concrete blocks, wooden planks, and cars and whatever parts remained of them. Her free running and ninjitsu skills took over as she leaped and flipped over cars, weaved and slid under huge chunks of wood and cartwheeled and flipped to avoid the rest of the deadly objects that could deal her some serious damage. Now would have been the perfect time for Wheeljack to repay her for saving his aft from Hard-shell but there was no familiar sound of the Jackhammer, or a whoosh of a ground bridge, 'Seriously, I would be so happy if even Ratchet turned up to save me right now.' droned in the back of her mind but no one and no bot would save her now.

"Oh my gods, please someone help me!" she screamed but she pray was not answered.

"Crash, bang" came from behind her but before she had the chance to see what it was, she was flung into a building by a boat.

"phew that was close!" she sighed, her relief was shattered when she heard a creak above her she looked up only to find one hundred tons of concrete debris and a 50 ton boat fall on top of her, trapping her and half crushed her. She felt a sharp pain in her abdomen, she was injured but how bad she did not no. But she felt woozy and getting weaker by the second.

She started to cry, cry for her family, crying for japan and crying for her friends in America, how she would miss dune bashing and rocking out with Bulkhead, hearing arcees vendetta story over again and how she overcame her anger and captured Arachnid instead, how fast Bumblebee could drive when they were racing, Optimus and his refusal to break his calm persona even in the worst situations, Smokescreen and his pranks, Wheeljack and his hilarious refusal to follow orders unless it involved blowing something up and her shouting matches with Ratchet, listening and racing Raf and Jack on the games console, the two boys she classified as brothers in her eyes. Oh how she would miss them all.

"I forgive you guys, I'll... Miss you ... Please" And with that she passes out from blood loss, but what she didn't know was that her blood was glowing an inhumane colour.

Outpost Omega One, Jasper present day 11th march 2011

The bots and the boys where all sitting in silence after receiving a call from Agent Fowler only moments after Bee and Arcee arrived back to base with Jack and Raf. They were all staring at the monitor after ratchet brought up various news channels all covering the Tsunami. But one channel caught their eyes as it was focused in on the fukishimi nuclear power plant as the tsunami made its way inland, but there was a girl visible with a familiar posture running from the wave and seemingly doing inhuman leaps, bounds, and stunts.

"Ratchet, pause the video and zoom in on that human out running the tidal wave." Optimus's voice boomed through the silence of the room.

"On it prime, but why, you don't think it's her do you? Ratchet questioned

"There is only one way to find out, old friend. But if it's not Miko then we still have hope that she made it out alive." the prime replied

"I hope it's not her, I don't know what I'd do without her." Bulkhead said with fear laced in his voice.

"Don't worry buddy." Wheeljack replied trying to calm Bulkhead down but failed as his voice was also laced with fear. "She's a wrecker she can handle anything, I hope."

"Well, there is only one way to find out, zoom in and we'll find out." Jack stated as calmly as Optimus but with his voice laced with concern.

As ratchet zoomed in, the teams hope was shattered as they found out that the human out running the Tsunami was, the black and pink haired, honey gold eyed Japanese student they knew and loved.

"Oh my primus..." Arcee whispered in shock.

"Ratchet, please continue the video." Optimus said with sad curiosity laced in his voice and on his faceplates wanting to know what the faith of their young friend was as Ratchet silently played it.

They were in complete shock at how athletic miko was, they were amazed that she was actually gaining ground against the Tsunami but that amazement was shattered when that boat was flung at her and that it forced a building to come down on top of her.

"No... Miko." was all that Bulkhead could say, while Bee started to comfort the now crying Raf. Arcee simply walked away down to her Berthroom with Jack following closely behind, Smokescreen left to go for a drive, while Optimus and Ratchet went down to the training room, this left the two wrecker by them self's in the main room.

The two wreckers just looked on in horror at how their young cadet, had died. They had witnessed some of the bloodiest battles and deaths during the war, but none was as horrifying as watching their youngest recruit being (supposedly) crushed to death. The two bots said nothing but stayed together to silently comfort each other.

Meanwhile the others where reflecting on how things had disintegrated so quickly.


"Miko, why did you go to the mall instead of coming straight to base!?"Ratchet shouted at her when she arrived.

"Jeesh take a chill pill docbot, no need to shout. So what I went to the mall, I wanted to update my outfit what's wrong with that!?" Miko half shouted back.

"Let's see Miko," Jack butted in "Firstly the amount of deceptions patrolling that part of Nevada have increased, and secondly the fact that you told none of us where you were going" "Nu, uh, I told Bulkhead and my host parents you can check up with them or my call history." Miko snarcked at Jack "Here check it, if you don't believe me."

Jack took her phone and checked her call history

"Fine, at least you let someone know but you, you need to tell all of us in advanced, in future!" Jack replied with a stubborn sigh,

"Jeesh do you all need to, to know what, Ung I'm going for a bit of fresh air we will continue this later!" she shouted at them in anger.

Miko left the room but was only out the door way when she heard a bot speak up, she was curious so hid just behind the doorway.

After she had supposedly left the room, Arcee spoke up, "Why, oh primus why does she insist on being so childish, she's going to get herself killed any day now by a con." the only femme said

"Yeah Arcee I know, Most days I wish she didn't see us that day, things would have been so much nicer and quieter without her around."

"Has she ever actually consider how dangerous some of the situation she gets into are," Smokescreen input

"No that girl hasn't, and I agree with you Jackson it would have been nicer if she hadn't found you or Arcee that day," Ratchet added in.

'Ouch' that stung miko so hard she didn't know what to say, her mask was slowly slipping.' Why do their words hurt so much' she thought, 'their my first friends I ever made, is it true that they want me to go.' and with that she decided to leave so she started to walk home with tears pooling out of her eyes as she neared Jasper. She was on the outskirts of Jasper when her phone went off

"Oh boy, who is it I wonder" she said as she pulled her phone out, 'Oh great.' she thought as she read the caller I.D 'Its Jack, you know what I'm not going to answer it, if he wants to apologise, he can say it to my face' and with that she dislocated the call,

Back at the base

"Any luck Jack, I just hope she didn't overhear us earlier." Arcee asked her young partner.

"No, nothing Cee, she just let it go on to voice mail." Jack replied with guilt filling his voice,

"Really, that's not usually what happens with miko is it?" Ratchet input "Are you sure you called the right number?" the medic asked.

"Yes ratchet, uh don't worry about it, sure were of for the next two weeks on spring break. Plenty of time to ask her what's wrong over the next week, if she comes to base." Jack replied only to hear the two wreckers enter the room and their conversation.

"Hey, were is our littlest wrecker." Wheeljack said once he entered the room "I got a surprise for her."

"Yea, hey wait were is Miko?" Bulkhead butted in after noticing that she wasn't around, then he noticed the guilty looks on, Jacks face and Arcee, Ratchet, and Smokescreen's face plates. "What did you do to her." he asked with a threating voice.

The Raf and Bee spoke up, "They had an argument with miko, and she hid around the corner, tricking them into believing she had left the room." Raf said with a tiny bit of fear laced in his voice. Then Bumblebee beeped in the rest of the story

("Basically they said she was more of a liability than an ally, and that they wished she hadn't found Jack and Arcee that day, and she overheard all of it and walked home. I don't know what emotional state she is in but I can say she it wasn't a good one.") Just as Bee had finished talking the Last of the Primes walked in on this and said "Whatever the reason Miko upset you about, it was not right to say that, even if she had left the room."

"Primes right, did you not consider how many times she has helped and saved us. I mean she brought me out of a comma with just her Guitar." Bulkhead said disgusted at what their friends thought and said about Miko.

"And the fact that she saved me from hard-shell, and snuffed his spark out. I mean seriously she took out the insecticon even old Buckethead couldn't. Heck she even had the guts to badmouth him and I don't know about you but I saw him flinch at that!" Wheeljack shouted, shocked that their friends would think that about her.

"You would be better be going and apologise before she does anything irrational." Optimus instructed them.

"Yea maybe we were a little harsh on miko, Arcee care to give me a ride." Jack asked her.

"Yea sure, partner." She replied. Then Bulkhead butted in,

"You better apologise." and then with that they took of out of the base towards Jasper

"Okay, jack which house is miko's?" The femme two wheeler asked, after riding in silence for the past twenty minutes since leaving the base.

"Um, there, there it is. Okay pull over now Cee. God I hope she's in." Jack told the femme

He got off her and knocked on the door, after fifteen seconds, the door opened but to his dismay it was Kara Jackson, Miko's host mother, "Oh hello Jack, what are you doing here? She asked him, Jack replied to her question

"I was wondering if Miko was in, I want to apologise to her for something I said earlier." he cringed at that.

"Oh I'm sorry jack you just missed her, Daniel is just after leaving to take her to the airport." Kara told him.

Now Jack was confused, "The airport were is she going, she never mentioned going any were to us?"

Mrs Jackson told him that she was away home to Japan for the holiday fortnight. "Oh, well thanks anyway Mrs Jackson." he told the woman

"Oh anytime. Bye." she returned.

"Well what she say Jack?" Arcee asked her partner.

"Not good, we just missed her, Miko's away to the airport on a plane to Japan, and that she won't be back for a fortnight." Jack replied. Guilt filled his voice, "let's return to Base ... God it's going to be a quiet fortnight."

"Kay." Arcee replied starting up her engine taking of in the direction of the base.

present day march 11th

"Oh Jack, I feel, Ung" Arcee said openly sobbing with Jack comforting her

"I know Cee, I know... God she didn't deserve to die like that without an apology from us, this is worse than the time my dad walked out on me and mum!" Jack said

"I feel so sorry for Bulkhead, Wheeljack and Miko's family. They're the ones with the greater loss." Arcee said, to which jack replied

"Come on, let's go, they need s shoulder to lean on right now. Don't want them going on a vendetta against the pacific ocean!" Jack sniggered,

"Yeah, your right, but even still it would be funny to see Wheeljack throw all his grenade's into the ocean trying to avenge her!" she sniggered despite the situation.

Meanwhile in the training room

"Oh, why did I start that argument with her last Friday?" Ratchet said as he remembered the last conversation he had with miko when she was alive. "I'm really going to miss her and those annoying little guitar solos, and that annoying band she constantly listened to."

"It is just in the servos of primus and still not even he can control when were are called to the well, old friend." The last Prime said monotonically, "But I can definitely say she is now in a better place than in the middle of a war. Now come ratchet we need to go and support the wreckers as they were the closest ones to Miko." he finished

"Yes, prime. Before they do something they'll regret." Ratchet replied. And they left for the main room

Meanwhile in the tunnel

Smokescreen had just returned from his drive to find Bee comforting Raf, he transformed and decided to help the scout calm raf down. "Come on now Raf I'm sure Miko wouldn't want to see you cry right now." Smokescreen told the young twelve year old human. Bumblebee also chimed in (" Yeah smokescreens right Raf, Miko wouldn't want to see you or even us cry over her loss, she'd want us to remember all the fun times we had.)

"Yeah, you're right Bee." Rafael sniffled, "but this is the first time I've... I've lost anyone so close to me... It's just... Just to." Raf couldn't speak, his words got caught in his throat. But Bee and Smokescreen finished for him "It's an experience you never want to have but you have no choice." Smokescreen said followed by Bee who continued by saying, ( "Come on now Raf, we have to be strong, we have to help Wheeljack and Bulkhead right now, as they were the closest to her.") And with that they left and headed towards the main room.