Category: Gen
Pre-series to end of season 1
Johnston Green, Jake Green
Johnston's relationship with Jake as it grew from his eldest's birth to the first time he ran away to the day he finally said he was proud of him.

Note: I'm really excited about this little series. I love the relationship between Jake and Johnston and have wanted to explore it ever since finishing the show. So this collection will explore the relationship between Jake and Johnston through the years. All will be from Johnston's point of view and his thoughts. Not all of the pieces will be this short, but they will differ in length. I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: Neither Jericho nor its characters belong to me.

Through the Years


Johnston Green had been through moments in his life that left him frozen. He had seen war and had felt that paralyzing fear that kept him in that moment between life and death. He had fought with his beloved wife to the point that he was paralyzed in fear that she might truly be gone. But nothing—nothing—compared to the fear that froze him to the core and nailed his feet to the ground as the nurse held the blanket wrapped bundle toward him. Gail lay on the hospital bed, exhausted and in pain, but beaming up at him.

"Say hello to your son, Mr. Green."

The nurse didn't give him time to prepare before she was transferring the little baby into his arms. He nearly leapt at the touch of the blankets against his skin, but he caught himself at the last moment and fumbled with the nurse's help to correctly support the newborn in his arms. The paralyzing fear spun into overdrive. What did he know about children? He couldn't be a father! A baby is so tiny, so fragile, what if he dropped him? Oh God, what if he broke him?

The baby in his arms yawned, dark eyes blinking open to stare up into the terrified face of his father. Satisfied with who was holding him, the infant's eyes slid shut and he fell asleep. The tension left Johnston as the paralyzing fear melted and he rocked back and forth gently, mesmerized by the tiny being in his arms. He smiled, running a finger along the child's face.

"Hello, Jake. I'm your father."