Sorry this is so late. Life's been a bit crazy. Hope you enjoy. Leave comments to your heart's content- it'll for sure encourage the writer to get past the writer's block ;).

Killian's cheek felt tingly from where Emma had kissed it. He slowly brought his hand to his face, brushing his cheek where Emma's beautiful lips had just been. The warm sensation lingered and he watched her walk away, his coat around her shoulders.

He probably would've stood there all day, just reliving the sensation of her head on his chest, her body tucked against his, her lips on his scarred cheek. Her closeness. Their mingling breaths.

Smee nudged his knee, shaking him abruptly from his stupor. He was smiling, just remembering her.

They walked back home and Killian already wanted to see her again. Of course, he knew it was too much, too fast, but he couldn't help but want to meet her again. He resolved to go to Granny's for lunch to try and see her.

He left Smee at home and grabbed his dark gray pea coat, since his other black one was currently with Emma. He walked out swiftly.

His walk to Granny's seemed short because of all of the things that were on his mind while he walked. Well, it was really only one thing: Emma. She was absolutely breathtaking, and he couldn't get Sheriff Swan out of his head.

He walked into Granny's and was immediately disappointed to find that Swan wasn't there. He sat down at the counter regardless, ordering a stack of pancakes, sunny-side up eggs (his favorite), hashbrowns, and the holy grail: bacon. Granny's bacon was soggy and greasy: just how his mother had made it. It reminded him of a better time- when he had Liam and his mother and his father wasn't a drunken bastard.

He grinned at Ruby, who appeared to deliver his food.

"Here you go," Ruby said matter-of-factly, sliding his platter of food over to him.

"Thanks, love," he said, offering a smile. "Is, erm…"

"No, Emma's not here, Killian," Ruby said, answering his question before he could even finish it.

Killian sighed, resting his face on his hand.

"Is there any way I could buy her lunch?" Killian asked.

"Killian," Ruby said, meeting his eyes. "I don't know if that's such a good idea…"

"Ruby." Killian caught her attention. Ruby peered down at him from behind the counter.


"Are we taking it too fast?" he asked, asking it before he had the chance to question himself.

"Yes, Killian. You are." she replied, turning away immediately after to fill a customer's coffee.

Out of all the scenarios that had crossed his pessimistic mind, this one was the worst.

Emma buzzed happily. She practically skipped to the station after leaving Killian. Whatever this situation was, it couldn't disrupt the good mood Killian had put her in.

She strode into the station to find David in the interrogation room with Regina. She sighed. She was loathe to take off Killian's warm coat and step into the interrogation room, but she knew she had to. She snuggled into the coat one last time before hanging it up and stepping into the room.

"Hey," she said to David and Regina. She was practically oozing happiness.

"You look happy," David noticed, cracking a smile and pulling out the chair beside him for her to sit in.

"I am," Emma said, barely containing her smile.

"Is it him?" David asked.

"Can you two talk about boys later? We don't exactly have the luxury of time," Regina said, arms crossed over her chest.

The mayor was a good friend of Emma's, but she wasn't exactly the sentimental type, so Emma rarely went to her with matters of the heart.

"What's wrong, Regina?" Emma asked, genuinely concerned for her friend.

"It's Roland and Robin. They went out into the woods yesterday, like they always do, but they never came back to the house this morning," the mayor replied, an array of emotions displayed on her face.

"We'll get them back, Regina. I promise." Emma said gently.

"What could've happened to them?" Regina said. "Robin knows the woods like no one else."

"I don't know. But, like Emma said- Regina, we will find them."

Just then, Regina's phone rang. Emma and David shared a concerned look before turning to watch her answer the call.

"Hello?" Regina asked, her tone shaky.

"Yes, this is her."

"What?!" Emma shot up from her chair at Regina's words, looking at David, who looked equally as shocked.

"I'll be over as soon as I can." Regina hung up, scooping up her coat.

"We've got to go. They're a quarter mile west of the town line." Regina said, opening the door.

"Wait, who was that? Regina are they okay?" Emma asked, putting a hand on Regina's arm.

"We haven't got time, Miss Swan! I'll fill you in on the way. Now let's go."

They rushed to the yellow bug.

"Not an ideal car to get there with speed, Miss Swan, now is it?" Regina asked, leaning toward her own vintage Mercedes.

"It's faster than your clunky old Mercedes and it's certainly faster than David's pickup. Now let's go," Emma said, not willing to argue further. Regina sighed and climbed in shotgun while David put up no quarrel to riding in the back.

Emma backed out of the parking spot fast, turning so fast she made the tires screech. She pressed down hard on the pedal and raced toward the town line.

"Who was that? What happened?" Emma asked, still focused on the road.

"That was Killian, one of Robin's best friends," Regina said. Emma's ears perked up at the mention of Killian.

"And?" Emma asked, prompting her to continue.

"Robin's leg is pinned under a massive tree. It fell on him a couple hours ago. Roland found Robin's cell phone in the car and called the last person who Robin called, which happened to be Will Scarlet. Will called Killian like ten minutes ago, and they tracked the phone to Roland and Robin. They're waiting for us there now, and apparently the log's too heavy to even move by themselves." Regina said, finishing her explanation with a sigh and locking her door handle in a vice grip.

"Oh my god, Regina I'm so sorry. We'll get to them soon, I promise," Emma said gently.

4 minutes later they arrived at the town line. They climbed from the bug and ran toward where Robin and Roland awaited them. Sure enough, Robin was lying face down against the snow-covered ground, left leg pinned beneath a massive log of at least 3 feet in diameter.

"Robin!" Regina rushed toward the man's limp figure beneath the tree and knelt before him. He looked up at her, straining his neck.

"Regina," he said, obviously relieved. Her took her hand in one of his own and held it gently.

"Where's Roland?" Regina asked, concerned for their son's well-being. As if on cue, a soft crunching sounded from behind them, where Roland stood hand-in-hand with Killian, whose eyes brightened when he saw Emma, who was still wearing his coat.

Roland let go of Killian, running toward his father and step-mother.

"Wegina!" Roland said, burying his face in Regina's coat. Regina put her arms around him and wrapped her coat around them both.

"Can you help my papa?" he asked, more to Emma and David then to Regina.

"Of course, Roland," Emma said.

"Alright, everyone. Line up on opposite sides of the log and get ready to lift on my count," David said. With Regina in the middle, David ended up across from Will, to their mutual displeasure, but Emma ended up across from Killian, who grinned at her. She rolled her eyes at him before smiling back.

David noticed and winked at her before counting down.

"Now lift and push toward me on my count. One, two, three!" All of the adults lifted as much as they could, only managing to lift the log a few inches off of Robin, who promptly winced and grunted in pain.

"Alright, toward me in one, two, three!" They all pushed toward David's side, walking the log one, two, three steps before letting it down with a thump. Robin was free, but he didn't move.

"I… I can't feel my leg," Robin said softly, almost unbelievingly. It was a sickening sight- a sharp branch had impaled his leg, and when they'd moved the log, it only moved to damage more of his flesh. There was a load of blood coming from the wound. Emma and Regina rushed over.

Regina was speechless, cradling Roland in her arms. Emma took immediate action, tearing Robin's ripped, bloody jeans away to expose his bare calf.

"Cloth. I need cloth," Emma said, keeping her calm. Killian threw off his coat, leaving him on only short sleeves in the negative degree weather. He ripped his shirt upward, hearing a band off of the shirt from around himself. He placed the black band of concert t-shirt cloth in her hands and put his coat back on.

Emma tied the cloth tight around Robin's calf, stopping his circulation and thusly the flow of blood. The wound still needed to be covered.

"I need more," Emma said, looking at Killian. He didn't hesitate to shuck off his coat again. This time, he stripped shirtless, taking the shirt off entirely and exposing his bare chest. Emma resisted the urge to lick her lips. He was insanely hairy. She never knew chest hair could look good on a guy, or that she was even into that before she saw him shirtless in the snow.

Focus, Emma. Focus, she thought to herself. But damn, Killian was making it hard. The man was chiseled. She guessed that he didn't work hauling fish around for nothing, as his arms were incredibly muscular. He had the body of someone truly strong, not with insane abs. His body was clearly meant more for function than form.

She took the shirt and tied it around Robin's injured calf. She stood gingerly. Everyone was watching her.

"That's about all I can do for now. We need to get him over to Dr. Whale at the hospital," Emma said, her statement more toward Regina than anyone. Killian had put on his coat again, but it was open, revealing his muscled, hairy chest. Emma knew that Killian would certainly be appearing in her fantasies later tonight when she was alone in bed.

Regina nodded her thanks. Will and Killian hauled Robin up together, who was grunting and cursing angrily. They walked him over to Killian's car and sat him in the back. The tension in the cold, bitter winter air was dense. Everyone was definitely thinking the same thing: What if he never walked again?